my Norrie Examiner Robb PublleltarWel Manager Willi Editor Interim Matthew Manaplnl Edllee man Will The Numbers Gef Help The City Or Corlnty that raid Barrie is to form nom diaouaar lament yor ermnent prodded it and are not oi th m1 ottipuntomd as the owniy modem Now that the has made its aim the point it more that the city known and ucddoy too moyhe and courtly will have to meet aonretime wilth out my my my rim The way the millcr will lilo do work can be Jone with regard to murd ttll appear to be In iavor of Ill Imll clde restructuring antsiion with Vespra rad lnnlritl town no Dom mm WM not told council it had ailcad autho no mm mm ed iorntalion oi rommitiel to meet mhhtgmgl agaim with Orlllla and the county iohrlcdontnnoinaltlnnm mode at be the Endeavor to mm be um mug ml may Wty aooumyapropoaiitor the meeting rytient is that it have member on the tony ainil oi propriety and mpert GI council tarry thla ml in county council Jotuoal The Abuta Noemi litre lrea Comhaleo het and to idotdra whether ialal rigour emotion in km When Barrie leii the county rystrro yr did berm it my ti mung oadder and Barrie and Orliila have two at or the cleaned liealth annhter Nail Orauiord told raw deal in the lam at your return instead oi playing the numberr game the irrelatun on the taxpayers dollar itisnnderriandahleltianotintertsi tilt two groups rhottld meet vdtli any oila ll mlullueuopild edin meeting that has natty goal the reasonable number rereniln the wlduandre parllea Hereamtcthinyinuw ll Nil 233 iomtalioa oi new mini mu lot this naturemll not get mmtzlltr11 mxxrmrrzmz HUIIm in EJIIYIAIEAWMW the nutrient rattled we County Council threw out motion by Ohm mm id Wlmlm Cam 0mm Own Parlr Bureau Alyson to riail Barrie under Wmnum It sponsored visit to Canada oi to relecied that it review in in ltm included Jack ardson at lids aldr up at For Late ea oi historical interest Womena mm was ivcn Centerrnlal iiayor as cilill ll il la not tlreedy at tbll T6 with lltlt owned while he Vila ea Write moat remember that we moire timed letter entry oi the the chi into the syaiem Council tired all counterproporal eliberdde anywhere QUEENS Pilltli Reeve Hugh Johnston that Orihiu have dim Ml hi top erat Electric were tihmd in at 2mm my mum mth Wu Bum 10mm um tloa thla riudy at their loorr ornment lrom many torn and evident aoawer yd errlhly Kelli Britlah pitta three came toiletrte area It in come train all dine an hyere Hank Pa lityor lame mm or mm Ohriaiiart Tempmm Union oi Ontario hiltuneaot 00 come eweerevte ed my Wm Room mm intern at the lloyal Alexandre no tom addma Indor mu nu prlce range you mentioned can be authorized to come it here pick up body add bury it in lWiiPtllle land The aoternlncnta ilrat priority must he to the living but lo the dud IayaDr Puma director el rredleal aervlooa tor the Alberta rot crameal gt Dr Pearroa elaborated nu hmrvlrwrdee riuiy will maladmilinl tabulcktieaelll bl Izod it It hlanl who must it fall allude rear and la ilew ol lhedamer tor ac Nth PM rm lit aima Therlnrldl ladlddnlyone xleldyvdidy es DOWNMEMORYLANE BARRIES CENTENNIAL YEAR nobleman Collin ood mayor on ousmg OStS SkYIOCkellIlg Barrie Examiner July it roar 5hr eruomlateeltdeadalenathniiaoc Ethate on grade lncrraaedirom 25lo Illlmlalnmnlgmn smondlltoweQC elected punter norm no ellduil Lloia out lirrl rcai druid mm tor coniercnce when Worla Manager 0n no oocailoa recently in attendance eponaur may my 1m it ellhrrterrtbiytn or howioraeonilderableiime Gilli arileld Wmwwmm Emmy yyfm glyyylamproiest old allieer Will trailer Why llllilmlaiudlodihem rlareholullawer 19523an lllrmmirhw into native who rosemary olnedalail all MINbled Willem lulle that aleiillrollaptdllc Marita oi at to it or no lib be mm may oi Bristol to tllllllilgudi it mlidrit all tilillldl yin mm he mm lordswere welcomed and drown plot Ilia 1y new mm rzlllunmhtmu Mm nd on iiudlo Station CKBB alaitmcnt about it 2W HUMAN Willar rhemncan setadociorio SW 6w 9151 Pmy it my my mtallywe hm melrrda lam amber nt letter to ll mugagld mm mch Hg itltlald QUESTION or rh vrra 1dDIhllihtdbilllmty were entry or me eater mm art mmer to wed 0mm 1M3 Ink Euthatlilhoteyernmcotlo pm my my my yn IloapllluFaudlkt would ar ll my lot to do to meet Illll problem the councllar rtmldtl wail Vrllrra nary remain uoayntooa via pen name Ylnl ltll WW mm mum Wilhelm biy tat nltlll to aliady and pullerlimobrienaacaaymenmurnaleumc Wilde Whittle tor era idol Some melodies rated were $13k then later you Whittlth roman on itll tudy who sum 5W 9W0 iii in hominid or comer IiOili Aberdeonl Junta Falfittltym we horn Simon and tick city alattu lrie mm mm mghm mm mu om tinmun home the Miller hit tor rxprurteau oi ytdtlc All ICOMIIIIIILAJL damnlih mutating 19 ilcll opened NBA Ground 0m0NwmngBUlMl oil idyllic zmgnyalmylm tiller centre on Duniop Dad liar la brslered with units from women mltaloiiiil by the onuril Eco lienMbkler election yrarandi Julian tyrannical oi Colllngwood mm nomlr Council oi provincial liberals oi oil to Iairi start by noml tinted Community candtdm of land it politiea Illnr lit Saritwve Ferric radio Slntcoe North Democracy at tar as myme Emmy elation owner as candidate for Storm ihaLlhcrair are concerned liaa rotted rt my on will crlt laighrlti Citynvgnllfm one held lliilcrert to exili ho asoenltd in speech at DC tut at it rorrrnmciit record Ema de gum wmm in dd And it made certain propolv aisamorip them that the we hm mm mu Im Part or RCMPs History mum to provide united laud tor hourlni nfxgwgoly1gyvmyugwn BIBLE THOUGHT mmri SCOTT UIIAWA OP Iliad then war the line we had to our doll Merl Paddy Hamilton it bounced irom chair to map to iolder oi ammonia alldbecktollie chalrezalnio pull Another reliymrremn eiyareila II he tilled oi the dept when he was an Milo oodllallld in the Canadian North lha plliol hated three matha re didnt eat all the den we had to have aerate iohrtnl ua tacit but we had to eat some Iilr Iiarrlllldn tit ll oi hit 71 em on iorre in the Ar lc lily northern rent in em in the lotion and tooth when to be liomiir lheio war mix at boredom and adventure Plddya lervice alarted in 1028 luat alx yuara alter the Mil heyan ertablirhlria rmadent rleiacbnrcnia on be northern arilllpclaio When he went on patrol raddy pooh load about ion or walrus meal or the do aleda and then hit out aoppliea on top that PART IlldltlltY Food tor the trip waa made in hip kettle Beam bolt beet aaun ea and what have were limped torelller to arm poulaah lltlr wu apretd on till lie to lrccrr and then dared in Iran tor the tourney Oil they would to lot daya or week and one time ior monthr lodry eonatnbht would liara loo lbaItiMF Mn ot ter and liy patrol that would com the some round in matter oi houra tallied the lore or the Prtlrler he arrived at the twin detachment on Eller ntcra Ialand The population oi the nortby ern rrroat Canadian laland then was two conataltler and cor Greenland laalmol cluttered on Dacha Pealaaula more the water irom Green land Our lob war to ily the Uo ion iacr he raid in an inter tiew And there they III to the printer mntha oi dafanm II had our howled WATCIIED DANE We built furniture they ynva lu doll and luridlei We Will detachment The only thing they gave ua were typewriter and two morria chalra When the run carat up wed make patrol Wed be tone lust at long pa it wanted to They wwld patrol in the court to make aura tllll Dance conierlliil Canadian sovereirnty in room areal had not created over irora Greenland Oneyuartherawasar it at lost German Mellow llltili Paddy waa ordered look tor it their the petrol that took Illree monitor Na and two EI Itllllill hover ioimd lite ea pedllloll althotiih they came most evidence ol li Vhenlwa in the summer are out can ahlp had tell to no atoll There WIo Molly that we were lost The UUIWhroadeaal that the surmly rhip had got It held liarbor then an The Paddle nl Ulla Wild abandoned iwiil detachment ale port oi the history ol the llle which la ceehratint Ila iiilllrannlvmary thla year iii went to the lilrit Ar ctic at time when the main police dirty war to proicct retcreiriiiy ltlo yea alter the Veteran oi the Mill Constabulary to the truth and had ieii nacho Ierililla supplier thcre ilrey kept hmadcaailnl it Just to care we heard them The broadeulr were made over IIDKA Wetllnrlmrr alallori that hreadcaat raer rapes to the North each wee Paddy italcatd on earphone receive unto the etnier the port lived on atwllea loll orer iron the prevlbua yrlr IANANA new in the ppriarI they aledded down to Cra litter and toured their auppiina pllil ration of rum rillin in the middle at tub or medi cal mm only We declared eurreiyea right there and then Paddy who had never heard at the eartern Arctic when he ioiuriieered tor the North apent to year on F1 teamcre and Devon lalandl II you can to in Cray ada beam wonled to it med to the 1ranaaa belt on Baillo Illalld la the neirlivorhood oi the Iirrilc Circle and lludlen Bay alter he married women who our aiotnlti on atrp ly beat No tiled ilvinl iarlallua he aaid You werent tretrbled with Iiith ilme waa your Not in ever it red It me except tell in water eerrlctlmei You had to gel My Nellan included crime Aalred what ultra work ha lead to do he Wu hard pleated to Ilnd an armor and managed to remember an alienated murder and dipole cl ralcroi iatlure to rl iamilv lore earll he recalled db llverirtp and ailan tar gotornrmnt in lolltelll iamlly allowanch or ruvlda lay reilei lie would vllll ria tira camp to ice lbal the lie lrlmoa were not alarvlna ihera war no crime he said iirll exprrarlny anger end rappolntmnl lltai northern waya that have in vadctl the North hnra laioualit crime and made the Eritlrm uncommon rant anwrnohiit and aircratt have replaced the our aled not the chance or the Mil II reltltveiy recent Iloti God anointed Jeras ai Nazareth with the iinly tint and with pourri who went boot delay yard and trailer all that were eppreaard oi the derilt tor and war with him Iirta tart Thin was that death did till it that lie la allll dairy iar tie it the lame yertuday to dry and irrever ll you have need lust now in Jun nnrnt and tor Codi tiory pray ibr your deiiycrunca Amen thy iallh both made thee their mmmzl illyt thtlt Exterior 1e hayiitid Street liar Ontario Iclepliom 1250531 Second Clara ilell Iteziatrallun Iluthet NM Return portage uarlnlced Dolly durdtyr and statutory Iiolidtya excepted Subscription rates daily by earlier bio weekly ly ainle cooler tic ily mail llarrlr um yetrlvt Slrilcoa County iltilo yearly llallnce at Canada tarot ycarlyr All other counirtca ream yearly liotor throw oil ram yearly National Adrcrtlaihu Oiilceat oi queen tit Neat Toronto ldl lllDl stare year We Guaranieodi least 20 Minimum 40 Any Purchase Save on additional by bringing In your stilts slips did Callittrl Sh liontreaL lirmbrr ni the Canadltr Prera and Audit llurcau ei ilrcula item The Canadian Prcra la exelua lvrly entitled to the tire lot to pubiicatlnn ol all ncwa tllrpelch in thin paper credited to it or tile Artur Mrd Ircrt or llcuter end aim the local newa pubilah ed therein Ibo liarrle Examiner clairnr Copyright in all ililxltldl adveh hill or and editorial materiel cre eled by Na employecl Ind re produced in tbir awrpapir Copyrlrht lirriairniian Num per mill miller at BAYFIELD MALI 40 DUNLOP stirrer wast