then unfairqu int alanru awnlea warm 1101 tr rm mot VPIIr ltfth avoid Bulud III pruned tats run It amIiire hurries crhicbylitim railed outlannyn to ban in 09 W9 more or overow tumieftahm Gm mum WA 01 MWVZ mitt Wlulllw claim rat rejected by Wm aw inoulr lbtotootiiou thairiho It In Hunter lid New hire Soiree It ham to Mittl boot into the for in alertilmtnml new All on one are ta arrerrt rm murmur usu mm log at live Ontario strident hour silver in thraeihtario swim Mite molt lmed lrbn June In corral electlou to Poorer Iiao raid int cooperatives Urban Main WWIWM booty ll the It rostrum chimed Neda tort rounc iii inter III to IpatatlooM named Ounrluipecudhhmwwotltmdtbuhtmmnmu WW The charm runes an some Corp Trrto mom is or held toxic toehrtbie darn camel can know funds to totem iiadIr our tracts Son in orth or pitta by tibilie mentor ditear motel misting the altered rider LhI matter to tho pullm which coutrortcr whirl organization Candidate All Penn Ittbmri insights returning otftorr Will Call Police li tiny Evidence rabbir onntr strontium quoulrrroyumilr Ill rrortot Art Mom cinnamon 2Ecraildobarrio Dolmen DDSALP IlerNMn Oil Price ililrer Said induced liy Export Prices arrows run mean prim humor by all our com not Diem iilrtittor torrid linoio nairi raid loreday tie told the Ivrii more rathtt than riarng taro rtoAiou rosin hm in hit onto iou boon lira thus irdor ho bled increasing trica tor pelro Iclll Midl ltru loo his bun tha more talent oi the New Dammit Part MVP illder David its cold trier it lot the first time lir hireboth tut lor thrive cm to strut it to the tiotne WP clergy critic Domini lNaoaimoCowrrhIn The island odd oil mopanlct Irt tailing ooranitgr oi higher United Stole priest to increase prim it this malty hlr liaudooaid conceded to irmttiooai pike mainly have been mouth Eli FILED la Harlot tie Itoie attorney general but tiled tuil ogaiotill5 nulor oil ammonia mutton thrrrt oi causing auctine Ihtrtrco by mplrxy to keep prim him and tom iodcpond cut denim on at hurlncar Clir midst raid impuriri the truest oil rener in Cun tda hot iadtod up ctsoilne prices tour timer titre Noternv bur 1hr government timid oci irruuedltiuy to ooiorco too price Iyslemone rate inr do nitrite prodrxte and higher rate tor export tries air tiredtrio arid iedcrIi ptovipcint negotiations that could lead in inoprlrc Irv tent have been undertaken tut tlo ogloerrtcnt hat bcru rcrtttel Claims Tenants in Public Housing Should Unite GUEbPiI Ont tLil Pub ilr housing lrnrntr hate curry resorts to bo lrurtralcd rand all times In uiih their return rnodation stand better chance oi hnving theirrorn plainit acted upon it their hand together In tenants nrsor atiunr the director oi the National At Ioclolion at Public Housing Teo unit said Tuesday Girls lirudshnw told dolor cater oi the man and richer housing cuntercuce being held ihlt week It the Unlvcrtity oi Guelph that iwrontoi houting leutott lib uttered no real choice in the style oi aurora trtodhiitm they prcier lie explained that oil it hous log units are mot either lite iooeltl or proilucltt we eminent ond adminlrtcrcd by iocnl hunting outoorltlcs Local nulrorttlot hove been known to odcpt mouttat smug atti tude bordering on unspoken thoughts titrll o1 lt you dont hie it move out ho raid All oliempts by public hour in tenants to improve their lot ihrough udrliliortai Jobs or in creased inromr are iroatrntud In tho tyhttm or It now orlrtr lir Brothhow told it penuilret icnnrda ior turning more money by determining rental at prr crntnzc oi gross lnuxne If youlo New In TOWN ooddontknpw which wsyio tum coll tho Who my Youll bu glad you old EXCELLENThSSdilTMENTSii mow tillHttills Enhancuyour tivlngroom Wm Marni dun or bedroom with little 55513ny Iddod iouchurl Cushions aulorci Lolhiiirlhtlh coupes colors prints suuurnvtttuest ounrrvnmrtrs Priced to eavo you money lrrrnoulraul later 50 Polyester50 Vttcoso blond hilttkolt to plot Wild Ilro chuck it cirtular designln ant assortment oi colours rerihiriostvritosi iiih iiiiliiSEiis theyrolowpyluddrnolust tho oanilo knock around itii Shi Forltul Poiyoaiur soliCutlonbl otltiNylh ouiiohtlsprJi td iotnshsltipetislret Millpond CODUEARGNNSi llttsswrti=rhurtts Nylorialytes lililh mhsh tin tngsrand drawstring tiurl Comoanriywhiloteieclions nrooomolototcoooroyoor iuvoritos trom many ooiort SerL om rNr1oltwrar mmmm outrun ttrtiitttitilltllttiltltiswtill famoustrits greatDiSCOUNT PRICES is going onesiep furtheri theyre having SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE whichjgives you bigger and better values WATCH FOR THE YELLOW Iv CLEARANCESIGNSI uuutonrerire lrcrttrnlbuyrl Mm Woshabil PotyastorlAaas unmwm ian dinner in peasant shirt haltar styles with theli ownmatch no bikini brtotti Gloal choice oi priolsSML EACH otosrvrnoer you cant have too mootl So stout up and revel Stretch Nytoowrthaharr britt seamless stockings hnudahoalrhaigeSpica Fri 05 to tbs tor lttrnrmurm on rrrotsrrs Kwtutlumt nursrzr Pltllltllli Knurllununvr Theyre yourguide to Ml tight loopsrt In clottureoltlrr thin that pro to rotunvnorsrr nutrients NylonToti euroImmer mil Willi mi otautnro to Goodtrtswllhtlpperironts alarilo title at elastic culls Assorted colors ShirLilLy Dont mitt bull cltuanealrtea mm om Averyhil lililii Silliiii Siiiiliis dib Muohlns washable Folyee currrrtpinntsrn tor Knilo on dual tor sum it Killi Summolr mum Clorrsnctrtca iwobackpuctaistartureol Solid rhodoI oi Navy BtownhTInJlresiJZ