Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Jul 1973, p. 19

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mill Pillow 1345i CA slam dimwwwbg ll WANTED YOUR EUTURE INI RETAILING anodeellslerimmhclholmuuwuwp entlnnltrlomlnousrloeonMhIedeator Iwnwlimehtmmmm voor Nolethellmhmhthonnlewi Apply in Irltlnn to more motilith interim AIR DAVE BLAH Bkl Enrol ltd Enrolled Qty Dun Dnmniu Dunno plumper Ind Lilli ndonhlsmeledmpoelllulernlwlmdin Ill DUETO OUR RECENT EXPANSION wENow REQUIRETHESERVICES OF THREE NEw STAFF MEMBERS AS lISTED DElOw WAREHOUSEMAN With mutton BOOIltIltEEIgtER nulyernntwmtrlulorlm SALES PERSON Retail rlnoiltne upertrntu not thus are Milime position Iilh excellent sterile Interior and rompn pIId heldlLu Telephone tor lpterrtew Berkley no BAtEIElD FURNITURE MART HWY 262 BAYFIELD ST NORTH BARRIE 11 PAPER ROUTES AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Do you live tn the tree or on one oi the rtreets titled heioot MIDHURST HOLLY ANGUS it yoollre to around III the Ippiicttlon below In return it tom nAlililE None Adrm Teitpha Ilrrrrmienoned Iron pleura lill Iut will REAL ESTATE SALESMAN would tinnitus mousnunts COW It In an rootllropemn with unbillon not drive triortuionnlohuioorwueuyou tor hotter IoIn Irenge IIIpin re we yoil have tottlo lollin experience you pull the Llilteidoal need tpeciIl trIlning we provide it hiypotutleikillnmilyouweuldlihiomIko Inllitlnteesreeri gt went loop wll it and ml to Net his 00 ob lot person with Inbitlon Ind initiative it you ilesi Bille JOIN THE PROFESSIONALS STEIN Real Estate Ltd IIO DUNLOP ST BARRIE to HELP WANTED SALES HELP 7263422 Wtl AGENTS AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY iS AVAILABLE FOR PERSON ABLE Ol HANDLING SALES MANAGEMENT POSITION ihie poellion should appeal to Aron Reoreemtetivee it you up IW yet to these you WWIIll tor roll paid position on Avon Dloirtot Slit lIIoIger lDo you lIIve my kind oi union experiencei zOo you like peoplet Do you eel you have the time and undon lenuo to loud others Monti mum cereer in roilingt sDo you live the desire to it your mutual tCIII you keep recordl Hie you tree to met In your connnuntt horde tllnplo EIEYIEII Meet AVON the worlda inrrtst nutter oi nullity loomedo to too Illntly growing and merit liI Iktlost like rlmoill the smily at lnlnrl IMW mtulon pile Ind Ine Alier WNW Avon training let Alli salary yeti tor IrIlnlogInl developing your out poop ot Avon sentIlilto wt be out to your wrunnltr and It the line Follion luldtdrlotnlois antique ureer wilnt leadox many to the miller iieid Ind tlshton new oulrlrt Inlet nllnegerl oi your on yet Inlyyion career position with meroul torn xtetieot eoroprrly paid benefit Fringe In rtenut Inlco repro In your own rhIlst dedton directly with people mortmlty to ltut oi osrmtlts It you believe onI quellly please ioroud resume ilrtoirrdiop your homo or News phone nmnhorl to illll mourn Division Sites Ilenayrr AVON PRODUCTS LTD PO Box 8000 POINTE CLAIRE DORVAL 700J PQ NAURU er lrtrprooe Tlqu or 71 at If Imp to HELP WANTED GROUNDSMANEPORTER tequila bi Royal Victoria Hospital My to perm to tilt PROM SALES AND SERVICE CAREER OPPORTUNITY Wmntujonpqyurmnmm We ply you turn lip ptcrd trarel mdrrd itni btirtrtnmc to PM Nazism DON IL BAND EXAMINER inJ 10 HELP WANTED IAHIIUIAIYII and III mm not In It In WI my Mm IraIl Ir pummelmomma vim lI W71 Mom mm mm Nll II ma III lulu III urn rIA Dbl lull IO HELP WANTED AVON Al AVON murmur new open In the Barrie em Wendi pin are in poll on AVON am Ion Ihi NYIA tin Ollltn AVON 113 ED Run to lsrrle roll Jyll MANAGEMEN TRAINEES son background preferred Slinry Ind eomrnsdc APPLY lN PERSON MOSTYNS SIMCOE LTD BIytilld Noll Irv no DISK riul rolled Im Irq null Illlalhllm in Im Itemle iM ltarv IIIrleI rteI minim MI Itolluml MIMI venom It comm NM TIMI Median snot ltloofdm now let III annulment ill IXPIIIIIILID MW required I74 whim well trim Mn lulu MIMI Kmmlon team it mnru I1 helium nuntill lyar or outer whom or me lrxty to rte newt cuuml rm Ito terry UI Jr truer oIIvu MIG toy roto mun met iIrI limo IM one arm record Apply errorc Ill rem tvmi Ml IlttlIlLII wind lmdelotr mm In WWbl erlerurnr om do comerI lam lllfil More to murmur TIIIVWI 71 Ilr Jyll WAIIIIMESWAJI IRIS Imetllnud In divine mm ltd torle hit Interrule muted million tar mum Nil we time Tillman mom EMPLOYMENT WANTED WILL =qu you IIIroom In JyIt BAKER or Bakers Allistont reunited Apply Personnel Woolworth vevvvovnvo rrpr I3 AUCTION SALES it Inert manta use mu Inna am no will Ir Motown touted It Ilelolm lamurhrelmdnt while Imaiavuo hold Ind ml uvreilil wane upland desk Ployrr orpn II shtcls ol pnnciiire round Aoliuue hurling III AUCTION Sllz lira Indie mime AUSTIN NIWDIGILU In Odd Snturdzy July II It EL For it good oedioa Alarm imzr Ind their Oak extension table dull Ind Met will ml Colin hide Trdtrto turn Gotten dent WISW ml ttrtmr Duk We mutilation and pie pic table Len nnkeIlI and minimalmdinthmt 56 Ind linen Must smv EQUIPMENT AND TOOLS RUN mill electrie solders hand no lioorne Imtom rolls bulld itll pow slip motor Iml mulls In and to Note liter Ln helvy duty pelrIIIFlMwlrtrinme mad lool IeUIIure tilt ll prererren ml deep Ire ruining reelI module other hood lotto IL rlobetiioe Irrsczlnmaous Set oil timid tutu ordered Itth norm or mien mm Ind stunt Paper hrnyine hound Polllo dipper rine coupons Wooded Set oi hsrher rllpptrt Pittllrlr Ind nines Halion rtocll Small amnion Eirclrie rIr heater rum mote heutm AttliQiiES Pine tophomi hunt lood rhzin Sinnle plum II roblcti Antique rid tile Ind oirl notan use ever German hm ItchI on in owl oil him lutee um Antlnle radio Gramophone lrnnl lush No tenetIre tometuoidandlmlomov ttlr Suiting hy sets Bayold indium more work emu teed mom nut Int JyIl SALES HELP required rt Lndlu speetoity Ihop in new Geeryiro liIlL For interview out lire Bodily EVANGELINE SHOPS LIMITED moo OILS OFLANDS directed Inl Dainty DLItrlet oi York litterrln REM AUTO PARTS LII PWNI IndllGO W390 Is the Deiendtnl have tel end taken in extortion Ill die tong Wm will we 33 Uiirlriiiillhdiil W339 Ill and to the lotiome mind for onoripetrr outrun dumbed Wm may MW Au IND SINGULAR tinl gummygigs rummaging rertninm garnet or one lln pronnree In It trill ll Downtown II II llme RNA ITTIIMI Sim be mm pm of the Vrsi hull Dot Number Iii in the connexion oi the said Two ship more plrlirulnrly rribtd or lotions IARIIII mil murle rut ovrlmu rum to denunciation urn ueulm lull mt rllvti orirrro one oustiiiyovowau Mm new or rrr only to OIillu Tm Imam siltI Harrie TF AllW DRIVlriN RESTAURANT our III III whine IIII Tee Inll pIIuIM enliven mllontr We Irill Int YIIIINM tor appoint merit mom in lioullxllrll mom tor mini mum mutiny Vent tum lt WWI SWORD inl wrist Innir oi the said in Nttlllher 30 tllEhCB Solitilrrly and along the Wrstrdr limit oi sat Lot 1012 let to point Time North in degrees 51 mlnill Dan distance limo lett to the point ol com maintainer oi the herein den 1de Linda rm egrnen 52 es rm We my me Arlen Tvm been pintnd in the centre ilnooltheloth concession IVIDIM IXFININCID onion mopping i1 Emil roulette to an iron hot nus mullet tor triatme gigg rolled tret to an iron bar THENCE 50m METERS 31 In neutlnul Geotpiarl MIA and Dummitr rninutu II mind tel tienditr ultimo ms Fitteru remit AMI or willing lent tell men it In Int om mt mo uITIoIIrtIIs unwind MI portelm srlur pills Dominion Meir Reine ol lellini it told Mill on iron bar THENCE Sottll minutes liost rhsterlce oi tom lrtt to In tron bar TillINCH South domes 37 or liii nnteo re mm the point oi mmmlncemepi ALL ol illitielt said right title littlest Ind eoIIly oi redemp tion oi lilo said UGO NUSSO mil otter tor rule by public MICNANIEI illl liedm tor hm MNIrIND Ill William telewor Willl Ail It loll Illvlllllclll hurtrm renuuo tor ell UIITI modern loan you my In Item IIoII III to lien qull om houra RIIIIII mutt will he them Item one MIMI View It Hill TF Etotllll writer Ml tlm to to DARWIN Willi Illttioo It Iny attire in the Doort liolne Borne Ontario Emilia ISWNASQE on lYldntsdny on tel day at In em error or your lox low At Mo It the hour Ml Imoo oclock In the Ming In WARN tiling It Mitt 111523 no day nutty AD Itll IIUGUB liililin on quw Norm TMIIUVII IronI2 loot oi We lylll I3 AUCTION SALES lt IIIlIlInII Mllilld mo e1 Ian III 33 Willi WWW oiriivn Ito petition Warm na Viol Nu AUCTION SALE Thursday evening July 12 Ill It oi lnrm llook implement and iurnlttnl tho WM oi JOIIN AND LIARllE CLARK Ilt lot it communion is West Grimm mills east oi Fennolls Comer Nu reocrle larnt sold FRANK opium Arrogant llLIAILI million ior ooiieli my in Unit loll new II Mi Drill IOWNMN vrman MIIWNIP new In Milan in lotto mirth Met lrt our I0A In IXIIXIINIID Illu WWI required tor Willi World LNyGIlOIIn MIII Writ MIMNIII Ill Ilrrly It IXHIIINCID rook Wild In IIIEMR Apply in WWI In MM lrooheil IM Worn Arm uttvtrrnlnor Writ oi Flori Perils to toe with Attornotmulorm Oou oi the MINI led hoIrd ileguhr ol more porter lilies liaple rd throme elite Pinnt and torn ol slow 0th dishes desa lrt Visitors Bloch boot BEGINNING II the Noni Qitt oi beard dialldtlitr Beers heed oi Iehio Unit chairs Frying para mindiunoeotmmtto Im interment VERNON Aunts Molten no Stroud and hmetnim FURNITURE underlie Illam by uponmun hrr lot full Tecumth Tun 1m yuan old crock bottles Ivrwl IIV III III In me one levyII Yi II rev on an Ulla Lorna are our umtrmet mutIvIaiuer numericrel child WI II In Imulyl Lm II Mi VII cute in It no on It nun runen Into III In 54 mu iI rem tulle ran on meiliumammmtw ow pm My nod oulrm tullvq one or mum Olliel Iillyn will In In Irmaretentive Innerow are hit or um rilu mmitnrl ermo no men vimmil um um Ion Ir wily Album IIIII lumimr hilt Not lrI only our minimum It won Moreen no Ila win our Mle mm I3 AUCTION SALES Holstein ml AUCTIONIKLE For JACK CULGIN AND 5055 mile the at William on Saturday July It It pun Complete dirpersll oi all hrole liq and Etude Chili Nrd liottuln Dolly Nerd inclulv to mum Ind tint rail hellen in Ill slur oi lec tattoo it open letter lrom lit to breedinr are The herd has been on DILLA Ind herd htIitlt program lor relon years Drill lrrmiua will he ptoymncy testtd DotWool rm LIT built roolor Deuvsi nltlktrn Dtlnlnl mil tt pump Surre llurtrleer Tlrrllu Cosh III of Inle Ateliertr Neither the owners pot the IIItloneer will or re ypeInlhie tor Itrldtntl or pro lose Podium Wriiato Cough CIlIioruu Day at tale or on request ERNIE SEVHIN Auctioned AUCTION SALE Sniurddynrlllgust ID 1913 SCI No it Jyvil ANTIQUE AUCTION Saturday July it It upoon Imp tor FRIINK lLLlllIL located miles north or Ban on liey 21 than mile west Oil mile mt oi Phelpslon LB includes NIm oak tide oak Ildlloonrd Mind table and lern mt pie itlldllxln oak round table Ildt enrle clans uptaln chin Mid oak cabinet Old pine dresser ltoe Ind hotter out Itth plan doorI dreser Viking rustling marlr Int most at driven None shoe OWN pile kindled odd chairs leis 51 piece and ti prm dinner lots 21 pltue hmtheoll it elitist Ronni parlor table on time lend tables Dro lerliold Ind choirs point log on rim Smoke linod oil painting piece suite Desk and rhIIr sewing roarhine Dustin Cahinttl ihiltt not Spool bed Dine not rlile pietelote real Ctdir chest Rockne Sump Imp ballot ruhloctl Doll oil intros Pine dud Oral and doom Antique urn Imentt Wu roueorlr Writer yokeg Future tram iioravinn tnllrhl lump Eire trio hunters Fire screens sets Iiundoum chills Solid wnlnnt bullet Gum drop Ieni Griddle Siller piotnril Ainsley linrrLt imtor old Ilo Wood rd dressers htdI chairs tin oil wltmttho PURPOSES 0LY yii rnr MIKE Alth mmer JULY il in II ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CASH rvI IIJffVray RATES may ML MUM II JIM Comte tut M1 Barrie FLORISTS liUlUELS FLOWERS Tl DIylield 8L mlttl motors FDOWEIIS it little or mean HARRIS FLOWERS on mnnp it Mei iN MEMORIAM All In I1le my ll Mont IIM Id UM NE um III MD pile Id Iva II It murmurwomurmo Mil hm lltl All YDNHNIWIMIHNIW ml lMIrlI IO In va remembered In my mind MW CARD OF THANKS Di Soul ILdtrd SEE El 53 mu Delid cutout porn eriIeebur Llr all tin luni Grltnlh Int Jronllrl hm tnlrrI up to Aim to WW oI Unity Iitti Lil mm It TimbuY Air and tin Chortle Core and Tummy ni 0m Sound upon the holiday mkrml Ill bet permit lire run Doll nod Lin noun nl Drediin rrrrniiy on to the lumlly oi llrr Andrew oi Nettitake DC III dkd July It hurt altock TIL mitittt sister lioily Emir en Harvey Ind Ind Iintrr iernI end her hirhsnd motored out tor the AuraII LII IIXI din Alsii Shiiin 11 Iprot the Itntu rennin in too Ariwnsl rard Irountntv Intro with original th 3rd line oi On July hurting oi the Wotnrna institute will be held It the ham oi ilrs Jenn Anderson on Joly it It oclock Our Distritt president lire Roy Grey ntii he the maker it mil on mogolmd trend Inothcrl Tiny CRAIGIIUIIST or non moor Ilium Nana mocha Sitlll DCIATILIIOIIIIIIGISMOIN um mil rm Amie noel IN tum pm error Inn mo Im on LID tor the Dinette ol the ute 0E lllE LATE EDWARD WARNNA It ll WilliInl amt Dorrie go binds south nl its Road iniltsedloa on Burton Avenue mt on Willem Street opposite Dd Fcliows Nollie Sale oi hominid nishing IHJUJMG minimum dos mire old Ind antique pie res ALLEY HORNE Alldtonter 1W Watch lol list August 15th IyillJwZIAlldtilli1 AUCTION SALE Saturday July it 1913 II pun Nit RUSSELL AND JOYCE GALMUGILEII Giencotrll Onisrln lowing ol mnltv newer older household Articles includ ing higiduira tittirit dyer Largo eunnlity ol tools item but pi new tIi tell loop SDde oi minguny itnshtd panelling with trim pine nutty many other tittrn mini l1 Auctioneer Simcoe Ice RR ARLdon mac mm mm 14 PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICE No vehklcs tote Ford LID Ince No mono I130 196 Fly north licence HAUL will be sold week utter ubiltation olttttsnoueetlnotr Intd For thither information please eontrlct Utopia lilglmy Settle es moon roll or wtin not It III untold oration TI IIGI 84 Wk MI emu IInIInInA MID i7 mm till run It In nInlI inll mute up only no mind we Mel IAN II It Vliitudt Io not limit lrlmru rr mmtn Iiw curliousty Ittmvrieoon rm rim Ind Imam It Ito alumni noiI It rd VIIJ MIMI and eomrru are ml el mm rm ta an Inn molt COMING EVENTS FARMERS MARKET iiuioarter St Oppooilu mun th Em Pointers llaod iiniil Sewing llany Chrillms llohhlrs OPEN EVERY SATURDAY MORNING Wii BINGO EVERY THURSDAY RCA ASSOC it lllrJI St FREE EARLY BIRDS 730 In REGULAR GAMES pm Free Specie Game or will JACKWI given my every week WTF BINGO BAlltIIE ARENA nvnnv THURSDAY pm t1an Free and $225 Jackpot Spotsored 1h Dorrie Minor III PUBLIC NOTICES Illltiom Terms rush Home sold ARCHER comm Iurtionelr strum County LINN No Telephone TOEWWJ ANITOUE AUCTION ELLE SATURDAY JULY ittil It It nun sharp tar lIlo Estate oi the into liARY NONAGIIAN liormerly pl 55 Brtdl st Coil infooodi See to be hold at tiuroois rio Si Coilinyuood Silo trill include Iii Iettque house lluuiytllnp nothing to muted psrtlli list includes iInlmn Finite dlnlnp room suite lotion love not and lockers clocks oil lumps pm cupboardr units child into hourds crooks 3th enti nols III all contents lnrludipx silver Dim htd line china Pntrsia BaltriI Nippon ILL rinse including over to pieces at purple end orange central cut crystal depresdon 11 be eto loll line oi eltttrical oppi ores etc ilrttu cult No roslrlr GEORGE PIFIIER Ind JERRY DDllGlIIIN Iuttlooeerl Ttltpholw Liloll IllIidydiili in on NOTICE RE BUI eiltll be stopped until lending Ipprooul oi pl so tnlrslgntion in ct uplo penalty not one our doors trotting accessory and ingrotnld rwirnlllln miner lolorrruiloo rererdin by rouletttng III Pinnninr and Development Drptlttlttlll It or by Nliin mitts local 33 or IT lockey WS IT of II IlI LDING PERMITS City oi Barrie Bylaw 261i requires that ptrmiLI he own ed for tho melon Iileralion demolition ropnir or mov lngoi any hulldnla or mum Any work cornmenttd vithoid lilo honeiiin oi permit all requirements oi nus etc have been elllied out III In lilo ON ol Dania the Bylaw re mm moyhe charged 1n Idditlon ter Bylaw provides that person convicted not romping with tho Bylaw may he required to pay dammit Permits are requilod or work emoding Lite market more oi $10000 and stroll itlcllvie end Items Is shingling elati ptnliitnp moorinr partition mite tiling to new bulldogs Iod luia pooh nod Ioncdl Iko ore latter lint emit Ill Ln knight Pennii lees Ito hated It not per thornend dollars oI vaiuewlth mlotnvnn It too above tried this nouoe my be ohtnined member oi the Building Division oi the Collier Strut iyt$illi3li IA worm mt our uhnnnforrnexsudmtln hero here Ont Ii llr Ind Nit liliilIlll VIn Ruren oi Dominowelt the end It Intro and III Itth LII L0II Parade ll Om sand on Job Ind Lin II IIlion 3pm molt time on lishn trip Irolmd Gntlnnllay Coerrulnlatiml in litr AMI Mrs it Under trendportolx July pi new Dttddltlgh trrI Kristo Louise udortr oi lir nod tin Doll Bdtkne oi GILEORD ily RIBS SAW Air and tire Ptoi tunnel rt llrd tn ilotrlt Foren on Sunday with rvloliru 2le United hth held very tottede rate on July ti Nesbltlt Dost HIrbour They Will to tour In who now make It Am reminder lhst the Gillord tinted clutch Woolen hold Ioz abate sole to the new Barrie iiturcltrootnonluiyltrtt not summit sorrel The the held its strroherry aortnt It Ginnhiil crumb on oron evening nine ol hlrohIii was 11 ed on the lite pmlepd rhort pm pm loyAApoe lieil and Real er Cminhle led in Slilzillg and payed their guil Irs Emma gathered in the sturdy huemrct Ind the tilt served Iirnuoerrios role In it Ice morn CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 72M414 rlurvier amountIn are IIon in mm up mun II mind Nil llr Pran minute with In etitntlnn Killtitd oltelay ae mriumn Iiirn must be to or In um one In pupil IIItIII Inelaenalrrifm uIIIIIoer olItII norlrll Ieelrleguwdolldsn um turn at ruenxtrllrgldrwltn Indliloel won We eta our word In MIMOIIAM Itorlrla trI elm turn wIIn woe our mu oer iim Emilio Ivrirvr up our notion ll ItoIp MITIIMII culllnlb ADVIXIIIINOM III on no lmrtletutit Inf ImeontL IMO Wank Irrich or our more lrmten III III Six manila Ilwllolu 5W per word our nation tutu om Multiple lmieu may on ornene luoleet Io emulation when tenure mutt ntIIIIId NIth liming tower ltlll WE mm ll IIIIIr lie III or numbers ILL rtunl II will lllOlI till EDIIIEII All None Inwuerr horror IrreetII II MVIIIIIDII to in IMTIIWL Thornton on tauntn Admitting premium met an murmur to ninety room lrelv Iovtrtllimm immtdllioiy ItlIr llnI Insertion In order mat any emr olesidrlI one he pom were em Ill Iron mu um may he mIITIIa lalloITIo nay puolla ration it IIrvII Evlmlmt II Nulttll It only am mnw unite imrilnn try remitm em mu note to the merit o1 portion or In on inveMI the mount in tin milrh no no limit the tin oi Ill Invrttlumt ml llidlhll Ii tornttloru try out woos IInlI Eunllner IrlIryIa tr rlyu iIoLrlllely revise or tIort my not nirrwrit Arm tour paid llmln

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