Held In Stayner Iy FRANK STONE HATS NLLIGLHE To nldte bandit mot Ind placid um Iiil Into he Doug Intent like dhtctlr roam lulortollllmd tad Imnma then tout madman tor we Itmlotlttlldnlly III so large Ite It Idtrttlu Instr II mm with The netball we hettelhdi Tile Itnll hat boa Irltruud leIlzir lhitntmtner tour buIInAthWIimthe manhutmopmedwn elude his ol the note M4 The Ind field Ind Inrfmtdlnomll sand monomer Mr July It toddler the motor We om ml Inn nan rum in IZTTTEt LIIILKETETTTDRLV Brim Olltltzlm Retain Ntdynilnu use IE um th nltdxd rate Jotu lehle rumba ol the umlrr told the tornod dddItn ltd mt Iitt rm to In retinal mull srneen will the be Peter Reina Defeats SctndyCove Marine PclerRItnerIbwtnml Muller IIlhutoOIInI ILnl My light by Hul tmlnzhtdwuttronnod heme momentoth MMWIIOMODUDIO me Wrind Bttnn Rlchndwn With It the top at the RID ital NW earlier hit triple in the baton oi the tint mm teeth with out Indy ote bottern use three his Ind niktd two the IM rolled ooe on Garth deem the not 5de Core plirhlnz rom nmee oi had new mi Duo tee wk out lo Peter It tldm Dollar are up mu Braves EdgeClarIrson 85 RobulmtaltheSIrdyOeie titular Iilh tee olhiI teIrnI theothNtetIoanot It up JOHN CHURCH ISA uncut Rain Wipes out Owens Homers OwlstNHMI mulled ten bums Ind Bud neon plldtn Churchzloo toy pitcher 11ml Id grand that EhllMS ntumrnedmrtoeittde dim ore Berri Itmll eettldmiynmfrot hits on mouse oilan lIlllI no the middle by lterbtntnthIlomhlndlm bent which rnrr mm with the ninth UEW Iurtlaryy with itn model in bod slut In the tint Into be edtbmromJltthltvoth II Greer knotted two It those to Idth Ilnrle Ettt mm korrd third run when sin led to Idrenee OrItlbttl Ind tree have been added to tIIt rm am one Illtilih Iiit $1 3e Qtutiilm INA Idtrlm to if maM run urn rm rmteAuts Boardilk hm Johnathon mwmwm th xliritlee run lrorn Ilene meets the rinh it Involved in bu mm mm dartntrltarwmlhme win ol will Iltknmn struck out to rotlre untitlplmriihubourhreok wwwdmlmmw need em WMIWr Inttu two is womb NWtmm um die wlrnhl prone Pm Mrmllmtemw Inuen the rim oIiter IIdftl Mm ion from NetMd Orlnre Km RM new item rut rotm lien 11 mm Aiilstoo ller d1lielulalhIhtlIl igloo rte Flodlnion ortlllt ml uyIr mm mm hens tlernte tlltdoonld uyt nu Mymy intendslien Bradfoyd Beats been mum In thin but the or the meet Slessor 85 hesror rind ltrtml Insurnnee Itthengh Irwin twice In the top or the nlrlh hour Ill we smrut tlElHlEltS ol the it it WW 7W 5W TlttJ Innrz com It be NE rein to the United Stein in Int to Itopoet the tint runs at Durham Queens title in Barrie Ind Dittrlrl Sender Seth Udell one lor0rllllI ll pleat Martini Burr we county league nation It the CItro hurled mind boil It Ierottdhote Elnorore aided in non mm the Iotulh when In me the by Whittle you lpmbli ended In tell lieu tlrnxrnte yol tour in the sixth In Item by GlItI Ind humor wItt lo outline ytt cher Weave UrhlhcIrl Ind lbm Barrie emu Etnlpove pl Itemh run In the Iereoth ohm rltrhu lithe in em oame Int Dttlrlrl Iner reltlnu out no Geno ru lleior moon tongue Idlms col rolled the Bremt rmIl run mrmdunlm id in to bottom at the taunt overhauwm Ill GI 66 emote rm heoIltIIolr In place Do with the run WJQA an no no In mum hmbe mnm theilhhhueuhmonl linebomerlorudetluoltld net cloned opened the We harm we eomi It leeeheunhtrtlttholloeulten In on the too ll mm ironeonntnplthymhrm trulntllnolxelnlolhemldt Lenin to com with home Lay the line will be Mined but In th bottom oi the IItIr rountn IlIrlrdIrlll tnthe tnnlnr the Bum took will uh my teed In chem MID with I31 noted on III try DItI mm 1m when tileeell brought in my WM hm much but our toll on ll tie on new Em rlle III retired The mom scored on prir oi atrium itoldlny errors In the bottom ol the third Riel tludomn Iod italin leer ed to the tint rune the mm twine Etolrrore RISER trim It the terminal It Alton Elliot at More leek ltd UEW MIAMI ttcdtorthlrd harem 1an wtithhLbrdwm it will or our here put than In late mummy nhEAltll omlttAllR BMW lttrtllrrt nI Alltnlh ol the Soviet Union hmte her own world mold hy WM mod in It lmlu lit Inchrl nxrdey when she Plate Shortly Iliu thlI thI threw the ditctu or test Ill on cIiltd on Iocount II Inches durinr the Soviet ind ilInlo loaded to the billet In nte lloleimen ended their no II III In the top ol the ninth but were unIhte to overcome the dellcll karat Druorlo Track IndFlettl pl mm my my my mmpimshtpr Lut weekend In mm Tommi Torry Slonr loved who Memmtpwm itrIl dmduletweneiththewl In the brothers unis tonr iumn win he rain to ttntlsutoot ljnl Inh to mole Ind filth in erhnl institthe tn Trey how the lot metre dash Iith time York ol Ill Stale will loin another Dorrie Brenda Vury Inohtr bnnv hockey player there Bee stem mum muted in two emit on who pinyed tor me Coll are placed Wild in the truth in year one throw with all mum end The oltnrpieytr ddwceman Iirth in the shot put with Steve llrlIrIth got kiwi throw It to exam thin to Colrtte Dtnlu adorn iiniIhrd Ievv ltccmth eluted tut moon oath to the that out with with Rrtlnhd tn the swim um et 141 motren Ontuto tinder tongue but in midget competition tithe returned to the bin to play PomIve pinto lint tn the lot hockey metre omnetttlon Iiih time Dotti players melted whet at in midi conch Dill CIrirrlltl described oI Emu one Ibo to the too too IchotIrthtpe Ind tleld rheuhtonehlpI in Dredlord Sirsear opened the reortny in the It tool in the top ol thI Iourih when Bot Written come home on Millet to right Held by Jim Iluthernon Brediortt rune hurt in the hot lom It the tint with three runs on two hilt including bother by Ron Zieitc Brediord Iddod lotu rnote runs In the bottom It the rererlth on lonr hill and Nmptllld the reor tnr in the eighth In the top oI the tlrth inning noisier coldl Prod Grtlitn you iorredtornetuotne tlnIup chInin Ilore vilrlt berenren Welteu Charlie illiter Ind Dlit Frechrlle were thrown out at the rune tor ITKULII cut Iratnll ltlltcr too Koopmnht we intended It tint hole Tom Shultr It tell hell Irld Gritttn went hint Iell to ploy rltll held Gerry lioycrtit the render Iocond human rtntIrItt Fro rhrlte Twoynmeo III Ichechlld In the ten or team locum It Quecnt Park with Brldierd wrene tiolei It Ltltovlcw Dairy It nm Ind Norm Duriulr Builder It hietrnr Ind Perlerd lnsurnan at tho RED 6t WHITE bait ieIruc plty My PAIN tritedltnm IId muter It lied White been Im IAII Writ Trimmed Blade Steaks Essex Or Sire ltrrl Lb Ill Sleukettes SHIP Enu ll Fault IIch Lunch Morris 08 mm mm srnAwnemon monetary iotttitithiiititf townie no yumPut FATUREl 95th PURINA CAT CHOW EIIII trtity Cooled Burns Edroprnn TENDER JUICY Chicken InABusketdblc it PRES CUT FAMILY PACK CHICKEN Leg Quarters 89c Ih THE RMIIIIY PACK CHICKEN Breitstltunrtdrs 95clir 98c lb eppnetIlu the oz Dinner Hams $139Ib Polish Sausage rrorurw CARNATtON COFFEE MATE FEATUREI SWEET MIXED ROSE PICKLES FEATUREI RED WHlTE APPLE PIES FEATUREI eonus BRAND CANNED CHICKEN Six Runs End It and NuHitier Ind Ind Ilott ithee were roasting Iionr with tend Ilter lire truth with It Kre wortlnr on mhilttr un til the real caved in Roswell Tslrotcttm Cornell mod III runs in the ninth to into dcrtslon out Ihtl In timt tierroollonel Fest bail edlon tuehtey 1113 ll ttIcttonlIon Pork In Icttmi rem It Marilee riwn Perl Quotnl iiolti oni IItrred Conttitlhle Pool ttrn Ind looted etneie rune tn to FL 01 Iur 99c 15 FL 0L JAR to 2t 01 SIlE SUNSFUN SOFT MARGARINE 2L3 CTN SUZEIIE FIG BARS Melitta Julienne French ltd ll MECORMICKS ASSONTMENT I2 01 LDl oz Tm Frill 55c 55 Penn liotue mnnt SUNSPUN CHILLED srryr otenntrn relrr lop IehntInhth 3Under Leads ProAm Tourney ronouro torru Art oHool AI Ivctlmr were nurt lt OI Sire Kill or birdie on the sixth sic hrlpcd totul Illntlret shoot threeunderpar ll Tucsdty or meotrote tend tn the Richmond tilll proarn rol laur nnrnml Kindred tnnnrrty nl Peiertmrourit Ont out now tend pro in hnratota Pie tenor Toronto ollcrr Erunk ttitthley and teen DoCIire Iion w1th nob PInIsiuk oi Ont who still 7k Fire rotten tncludlnr Dole Triton ol Orlcnro tiled tinwh oi the NIttonal Hockey ltnzno Itl had tpenlucronnd mm ol Others tn the list were Douli uruiun oi Toronto Danny Tet bet oi ileoetl Que ttoeNnr mun nt Gtiinrd Ont Ind lehn thnll oi Tumpn Fla The huge told at ill pron Ind ill Imewurt were divided Inlo momlnr Ind Incmoon group with shotgun sun in the hunt tor MOM pro money Ind ltd con to prime tor smelttire lord pm Don Altman not itur inittr Dob TIMI el Toronto lilteirnser oi Burlington Ont Peter turner oi Toronto IM lierh helm at rnIrI Ont in hetttnli rornpetilion torn Nettles at San Ditto teamed with Joe Adairtlck oi Toronto tor hittMlilOOfDilr st whirh wns matched by two other teams Ilindret credited his long pull on the rlxth tor putting him onto or the pod II we rue rush tilt that birdied the nest two tie ioel wound with home on to end it betore rnrdlnr birdie on the 15th Ind lhth with little tudc could have had rzaiiy good ocere missed irorn less In the leet on three perlive twin For todayI this round to the notwI tourney the lleld we trimmed to the ten the Ind iict Tamer Lightweight Tittist Shot While Talking To Friend CINCINNATI Ohio AP Former ilrhtwcldtt ehImpIon WItlIoe Iiudt Emlth It died Nldny he lies lived since hit ballot carter endedon the Itroet Ind bolus friendly Smith will that deed while tuition to friend As they Ipolte another car drove In Smith min run loltl lire rttsto it on the iront Ient rut More the tilt tired The bullet Ilrudr 5rth In the torcbrtd John Lemar no end tdenllv tied II tanner irlend oi it VIllI mt melted Dlcl hour later He Will charged with lirrtdcmo murder In tachoduted ler Illlilmll to Iy EMT IN NLC Ill Weill hen Irrued with Lerner Ihrrlty Weretho intldont tihe yll yr told police the that an ttey It nm In another Irrument Lerner hell that her In the mar Smith Ind Iarnrer hervy wetrht chlmplon Extent Clarice taught their my not hl curetnnttrt block West PM in the inter Smith heel Jimmy Carter in this let the world lightweight chlmpioneltip Ind lost the tltie in true Ito tort it litltlhl lidtie bolero he rotlred In 1m SmithI who tild rcwtneltnn good borer Min could hit INIIyr remnined weiielreued It hl inter yurr but his unit ottllprtlten was not known lie ind been arrested rerernl limos rambth rbhrtel tie wn illIIbie tort ntd Jotlut to or ttmttht inn mlrlrener During the thlilr Smith writer with 30th It the 1d Avondete Olmllluntiy Contra the lirrt third Ind ttillt Ltlnlnxr tondoll holler Pout VInnlrptn homered to More and Wl SUPREME BRAND ElInchId orVSplnIlit tlt OZ CELLO ltrsl run eat We third run ctrne IIul VIhhltpl donned derided SDFTltALTri Tholr mend run tome oil on error Ind Itnrie to lloh Bottle horn Torn tiltitI Itter the him but vsronrs runny PEANUTS ROASTED when BEST BUY ALLENS EARLY RISER COFFEE BEST BUYI KrIlt tlItIIn Golden CIetIr IDOO noun DRESSING Pics 39 ltlrh Liner ltooton Ditto Flat and to Chip 59c LD BAG 89c ltlIndI FL 01 ML 39c aw oz PACKS 89 senior ttrndlord Queene Hotel at totemw Dtlry l1ptn QueenIi Norm Hurtint ilitild ertet sterner Ind Perlerd the totem IM pm Ottecttlt ttItor limit 0on It Elm VIie ticrchentl II Elmo yIle lieeruilnnei Dro ttoutdt Fueltorl It DrIII Ind Glenn Eeintt pm Steele DAEEDALLI liidited Intilnl It usrrie Red six nm Eolrrrnundn EOECEHI trieelr Dorrie ti lcewetr tt Aurora NormIntel iI Pee nth It ilIrrie tlrnllt nine llnlrtttl ltItrrroun rt tor BX tienriletd Ii Alexi other Ind Roleer It old Timers l1 urn ilvatew Ind tllllei LACROSSE lt Novice ltrrrie Layton It ticit from it run EIltv on Form COItltAlllEI It tits run EIIIPIW srrnc rows PUMPED $2500 non couecnen mom Itomeltonli Hill It Jun titlld Ellti Plume owner FIAVOR CRYSTALS th New me deedlru NIvetI Outlpun ilrInd lend EIII Orench don 65c Rnw ArIttIhtI lot No ttrede Eprtnr crop Green Wait Deane Altrnsttvely Prlcod Drink No 0nd ilrrn tlrecn Cabbage New Chop No into Spanish Onions 55c Imported No undo llwrci ESSA ROAD gt iottitrotri not FRESH WOOD Eo29c Ill Ill 59 It 579 BYIWWEEK IIrchnlrnl Colored Donnie Druid MARGARINE iii tie ErneomtoIt Petty Print FL SPAGHETTI PItIndI tltIndIrtn ORANGES 35 tinyAlt CIIIdlIn it It or The LUNCHEON MEAT 45 Supreme Druid WWII Hit Fl OI ORANGE lUtOE 33 human lthllt sun Those Prices At Fletthtms Only Optn Thursday Cr Friday thhlI till item in FL ORANGEJUICE It SOTOCTN1 pkg KOTEX SANITARY NAPKINS BATH SIZE DOVE TOILET SOAP CURAD PLASTIC BANDAGES BERNARDIN CAPSltIDS renrurer tr rt McLARENS DILL PICIILES FEATUREI WHOLE narrower tee in Putt reopen Krno SUNtIGHTPOWDER FEATUREI roe Coupon AttIchIdt It IUXLIOIIID nitnont ittt01iTlill MAIINO uusnnoons