two wars in inner tlctphte In Perla Ind Rudd lion minions mm detox held Il it out the city and at play mm Ind parts Mott Mill Wood tries to gain her bIIlncI an Monte brain with Ditto help lrorn Ctnle Scott one at the IMF visors tiELDtlj Steve liar it CNyHos Tried To Beat orator tilcox Torpedo mm In the Canadian Transport Osmosis rlmeriIIIytrInnportconnh tau treatinnitnrgr head he Ts my bitter so wdrchbemrsehtssnln to avoid nodding roam rail renlrc balm BIrrtI Ind Robert satiresde the rcrnmltlre Iblch isth hart In replication hunthrenmmim to orderCtiloluItltsle Diric Tmtomthathutxtcd in but its darn Ill Introdrnd Is evidenn hmrtantnlcrnsiCN hood rest lit employees Ihleh be vice rotor the Dried cosnnruter clients in en tahilsh erah smite small group oi vouidbe train rommutrn brimn Barrio Ind romeo hasnt given up It their charts to rel such Leer mittens bani broom said its you no dnibt null Ch Bradford Accepts Role The town oi Drudiord ti miles mthot itIrrie has accepted role or dormitory community tor lletropolitan manta Ind Iupprrts committee rILi ser illlll between Ernie end from Bradiord Deputy Reeve Ercd Cook drllvrrlh lultmlslntl Linen thyor Joseph Intent to theCnnadian Transportation ion Linrs up his arrow as he prepares er birth eye Helping him is Gerry Wor roii supervisor Both Icthu thus were tohtoz place It Queries itcihis school today tExamInrr tlniosi lCorrrrnssIonr rail transport evin rnlltro hearinr an rumour mil srnioe between Barrie and 1brrnio Ii Georrun College ltrerday uid that IpprosimIte iy in vehicles iron the town at Lotti commute daily in Toronto its trel II Ire domitory shah at Toronto and in some cases Dorrie llr poor we commuter system unions iter rla Ind Toronto to stop in iirodi is necrosis be edited litr Cooktnld the committee Ilradiordieeis In erperimentrt cmutrrrunhetwrcntlarrtr Ind Toronto Inst November and Deccabar was Incense Brut lord use not included as step on the run until it use aeerty om more is nee Iimdy have petition tI mt such mire Inn lose homey and that with er Gt our the Canadian tupsy er he exacted to tear the DII units curse the overrian erdm it the Mm said ltmahu you sender how the harm can MM is hilly it dcmsrnlr try they reruan do It minded The hoadnst which Is mil Ible to the public Ind Ct Im players throuth Toronto trte phone ittimhu In the rrsuh oi mnmhuslum on the part at rrpnr lloirerd lye Cit mm srl told the hrarin lir Pye had told poring earlier that Ciia puristn on the proposel Ientce is me at nettlth CN appears ml in whitish or in sins1t oi the application be me tettimater that cons miner service betttml the two rerdrrs could lose barren mo and dim annually dcpcndiny an the type oi trains Ihlihhlditltfv1 used end the masher pass area All Silicon ash is may at the Lsmmnher 60 North committee was one at nine Irishsues Ibo appear horns the first day I1 the hurinx total oi X7 hm indicated they 21th to mm So tart ll supported the prone rrr scrim LNIAIR CMme John Medea chairman oi railroad Eoonrrs told the cone nutter tN uses cost tormriss Didi are used to ethrste irrtgn horn on Im lunch lines to obtain its Barres Ind they are his true rtlltcti at the cost on Outt mainline brsn chrs Take the cost it mu KILD vein or IIittsI The Rsitmd Boosters the 60 North Committae and York Ccn tr Commuter Committee applied tor the hearing under Section 22 ot the Railway Act it is the tint time private groups hate eroded la die on tar herring Iheh could unsure rail service to instructed lit liedch laid Tannin rotriv molar IrI dlsnimloaled rain because the ratiqu pro side only six enrnrnner serviclt rr not including the prortnre rartdust CO trains Ihiis lion treat list in commerce mint lr ll ed II also challenged CN costpcrrrule times motionrust corrururtrr ser vice which ran brtwcen Barrie and Toronto tor sis Icelr last Norcmhrr at December Tint servrcc ear porosity luoittt by IMHO Iedcrst mil Cit charred the potent it our menxsr tor that it llt he said unite othrr pan sering stnlrt spent at coets bdrm rm oer rmcnzer Int Lido per passenger The tornnlnilrrne experimen tal run Iirrsprd in paisrngers harneorento narrmuirr rail eerslu Illh stop It lndhad summer Aurora Ind lupin Isuld initisiy draw am pay sergers day building is mutation at 60 to All lie also suggataet thi the Esme no could he initial to the ltiuhuh Ind Cni llrsgwood cm or the enchant to help Ihcrinte trellis isms on area highways The hearts is hung hired by David Jones rbcirmaa at the rod tramport manure Other commisrieerr It the helm Ir llrscc Ind Arne it Carter Serrral b1rlr lua thrrie and area autos may bc heurd as the htarrngr mime Indus llrcarr Barrir Climber Commerce and the city have dilated they all appear The chamber bnrt set that it suit mnmulx seniu is iiIlilItVJ there he assurance Itcitrni Ind prouqu irmdihs tor the hull It Rutlth lIAl services Stevens SaysSOO In Riding Would Use Commuter Service total Hi In residrnls In the lorkhlnm ridinx hm tsdi ed they would use BarrieIbo onto commuter rIii service daily Sinclair Stevens liOYorir Slime laid the Canadian Transport Commlernns rellwsy transport commute barriers on that commuter senior It Georg tart Micro Tuesday hir Stevens said he conduct ed sung by mail linoox tba rrsldeats ridinr in April it tor tor mum thcv dspviyresve add the town err 1pecLs sin II lInithrnnd sn lstobe built within its bmhrtes this year sonny at them houslnt iImlties that till work to Termite Mr Cook laid the town has Ills tor IutloervicI commut er rlItion one that end supply cord Favors Greenhouses Specific Zones Only horticidunniists ml no to have private mom scs provided they or local in rhupioirrnliy dwelllnl ft or duplex Irers awnrot by premiums opormor neoplasm board Tues nitht decld to recom rid no charm to tho exist bylrtv which allows steeri as accessory bidiotnrs noted tor sinrloienrlly use nice the bylaw privelo crilrousrs would not be allow nr occrssory buildinrs at tments row hodstn trip corinrvmnicrtlnl dis trlill runes he decision ramo alter disv rion vobout private men ill in Colonist outed tortilla Street rcstdcnl The enhouse is in In area which been zoned commercial but building on it that is tiliiililtilll erIl uso mol letamiiy dwelling Neither nitows lrennhotise temptanother lrom city otiie indicricd they set there are tour mater reasons why yrcclrtmnes should not be allott cd in wars other than single tamlly The momentum said greenhouse is put somrtbing tenants can motto use oi in the some manner as lenunlsg pool or turrets and the use at private greenhouse by test Inr In multitcmitv dwelling would be transitory the build inr oi such In teary bulld tnz would also no on imposition on the use oi the land by other tenants The memorandum also point ed out tho owner at tho rech lwuse had ruiiieient room on his own lot to build smelter rrcco house Under the current bylaw the newborns run be located on tho persons own lat or on Flor he owns in property zoned um lie notd not live in tire houss on the property iitembers oi the ohaininr board diitercd in their condom about greenhouses Vhlio Emir Rot rnm raid in tceis greenhouses are arty and odd ntthin to tho nsihetlc appearance at lot David White pointed out mort homes which have crcenhouscs art Littoill the nestest in the area Mr Retmanorsued the crech tiooscs can let unto disuse should an owner move or die vrhlcb hr and odd an eyesore la the area TOMATOES BANANAS John Christie or itarkrt Stro nro iiit LJIII nillco Ncsiiev tomlioes and bananas were stol cn trust the store recently Poi lrn tonsil carton it bananas in shot on McDonald Street Monday DHLLCVRD ltllill Police have rent no hill believed counterieit to Ottawa tor study The American hill gassed Itthe iiaytleid ltIit arch oi the Toronto Domtn ion Bank hes serial number Blittldtd ll ndcqtrrne lie Idl thnt the TorontoCen tred Region plan put teeth by the provincial government tour rushcoon our ago anrinaIIy envisioned lintdirxd lLt havintl 99MB at 250 by the yrar 2000 That ilrure has subsequently been In creoscd he said but he does not know by how much Deacon Throws IIis Weight Behind TorontoBarrie Run Donald Dem tLYork Cen tre threw his newt behind Barrie Toronto commuter train srrvice lir Deacon tall the conrmit In 1969 GO TrIioslt study in dltritrrl that between 11500 and instill commuters could be ex peded to use In intended rnit tribes conunuter servite in the lies north Toronto That same study itr Deacon pointrd out use used Is part of the basis oi decision to tilt that extended Markham GUMTIKICM Iictm Toronto comutcr LTIIDIO Stoui lviiis That Stouihriiicltsranto run eluted with on pusrnrers daily and since has risen to opprer lmateiy it daily be said hir Deacon ptuitcitd IItIL BarrieToronto rust would loo passengers daily within llx months iie urged that more Inte gratcd with but Ind other trans port ntrstu be initiated there is an existing need that needs to be looked attrr he told the commissioners LOCAL AND GENERAL CUIIIIIEIILAND MILDka Catherine Scott at Wellington Strret and Eduard Collins ot Weston were drivers at rars involved in mishap today at this IrrL at the corner oi Mbudend and liilhurn streets An estimate at thinly was not available lrorn city pui ice this morning ILLGIIIYAI Roy Aldasou oi liiiisdole Dena nls ODonnell oi St Vincent Strch and lithium iiorner st Colitngwood vcro drivers at cars which had 150 damage Tuesday mornln involved In an accident on ihphway as inside the city limits SINGLE VEHICLE Grorco liamcl at itothwcii street was the driver at cor duruort today in singlevehicle misth at hit an on tti wiry too near the Cmtirental inn lie uni not hurt FIRE ALARM Georgian College called the Barrie Fire Department iodry at 505 Met in correct iauit in the coilcgc theatres fire ili orrn system nucr srotnit llslk Quail oi ltllinaioh Street Ens told police his three spcrd rcd bicycle license num ber 7069 serial number initial was stolen nesday from the Lions Pool on Grave Street be tuocn and pm BICYCLE FOUND Jan Daron oi St Vincent Street told police Tuesday he touhd throesd bicycle rct trams hscir markings serial nurntscr 1173397 Dosage Beach Restaurant Tire Ones Estimated $3000 Damage hotels To The Enmlnrr VASAGA llEACit Danan has been estimated at between 33000 and 001 In tire The dsy nicht It iasazh tlcach restaurant the Dsruiclion Restaurant on lioslry SLIM east at tilphuey 91 was is tar brothers this morntn never lint sinned in washrooms It the northwest corner at the iIvi bulldog tiasspa Belch live men were able to contrin the tire to that portion at the build trp and the kitchen and main dinind morn were not claimed Although there were custom ers in the restaurant at the time ot the 1013 pm tire on one was injured no restaurant Is well knotvn eating pfare Ind eves tormcriy known as Rent and mens in sod commuter rail ser ice mired overwhelmiax mart Accordiox to the survey ltr Stavros IIid per or oi those who replied were in tainr 0t thins respomiinr ioS iadi cried they would use such service on daily basir the button it Iddcd hir Stevens spots durinl iha attemoon session at the heir ing lie lntrodoerd letters mm by Dr ansrd PCxSitre roe North nd Ellwood liedlli tPOPcels ertnslmcoei both at who were unable to attend yestndsya session rupporiint the proposed service ACNUMTNG PILOEDURES lir Stevens also called tor In elton oi OInndiIn Nation Ii monitor urea which he ssht more it dillan to Is eertstri the setusi cost at com muter service lie Ilso listed IrverIi other Irrrper rsier and calms lass SINCLAIR mm poUution than IuLoimhilts av ltr Seven rIIimcd has overestimated the rest at Bar ricioToronio nut and tenderer timatrd the suite he an oriental statement spokesman said BIrrleTaion to commuter service could lose as mush Mom year Md in on the type at train Bed and the number at passeaz in minute oestirn horn Jdin hidenl pie cut at Rall wIp Boosters one oi the three which leicd tor the ltr Statens raid shout tboerccolotihamvbo indi cated they world the the coni nnoer service were trons IhI Simcoo ares tba nine ropon tion Is in la la consonants run in tinnitu and Drum ot last year Itr Stevens told tire nerrtoe there are mono persons with tax in his riding moat ot whom reasons in support ot connnut lire urn oi dwleted rnrrey liltir In in the Inn tirat weld he er rIil service in we turn wiluttd sea by other trIrrsprr times that served til nt Ierden IIleI II er kltnhlelglvw empowerArea Tired OfBingfSeccndv Class Several organisations tr urn Grey and Drum cotmiirs and Dr Gus Alhch PC Crry Stmcoei usrd Tuesdays helrlngs into proper tor Barrie ioronto commuter rail service prob to pm tor the reinstatement at all service in thcir Itess Grey Ind hm caustics it been is hoist pursuizer ruil sor rnre 1m CIaIdlIn Trmporc Commission decision which allowed the railways to drop pnssenyer service in the area Or hiiises complained that Lite area is sick Ind tired oi betas calcrorizcd as sccond class citiroos by your autocro its and somewhst dictatorial putters repudiate rail phistlll or problems With thedeieiion oi rail pls unger service many oi our communities have no pub vicc and those that do Hist are hsiuitirirnt Irrl loudeduats it the viability and prozress at our Iren is to rurriItp somewhat comparable with the more pros Simwbl EAL peroin eoidca horseshoe It more altiueot Imis to the south of us which vc liter ally moped trons the persecu lions oi yourraii transportation cots Dr titties urxod that Improv ed public transportation be im plemented with as math hosts is potable Robert Campbell spoiler tor the Oren Sound dumber oi Commerce Ontario cabinet min ister Eric wtuLIcr out several other Craysllruce group includ In the tinyBruce rail com mittee Is well Is to the and ieore wha based lrorn the Ires to the hearings urged that the committee consider resumption of rail smite in the counties of Grey and DION lie Itppotttd one at the nu gestions mode in In elriicr briet praseniet by John licdcoL tor weekend rust service to culture areas particularity htuskoha Collin Ind lleoiord tn relia iratiic congestion on highways north at Toronto Well Have To Have Rail County Warden Tells CTC Sham County has throun its support behind mmmuirr rail ertitc between Barrie and ior DIED County Warden Jurors Wales speakin at the Canadian Trans portrtien Commissions ti transport committee hearing Tuesday at Ceorxian College said the county support train in north with the grooih in the county and the way the highways Ire taming up well but to have rail system he Planning Bocrd Struggles WithCS Zoning Decision The Donia plnltnln board was given three Ilicrnaiivcs lucrday night on zoning commer cial corrosior small business es csmihvue it the wry it is or mud ordcicte it completely titling in hotness into olhcr commercial sonins or making them mncndornhr to gel uses Alter three hours at discus sion the board declan it could not make decision without turthcr Iniormotion Ln nitswcr to request trom planning board almost year cur Grorgc Orey city piarurcv trad devised In amendment to the zoning bylaw which would rcqrriro isrccr ict areas and Its int coverage In rcpan to the viide hoqrd htr Grey said the Cl sun In which it cntdtch rani log is both linprortlcsi tor up pticaiior to new sites and hizlilv mlslcocitnx to prospective devel opers or buyers retarding the potential oi the property its said it has been Ipwcnt tor some time that semen he uscs permitted in Cr limits which rruit with serious inronr polio with adjacent land uses EARRING PROBLEMS tie said its Impossible to Ip proach the maxim our lot cover age at to per cent now allowed withoyt ignoring minimum park ing rcquircmsnts and possibly misunium yards titr Grey said CLINT rsaivrlrir tion shows most at the uses to Cl roninx couid be included in CI CT or Cl commercial tones nicso are zoncsdesicnated isr trirtid commercial shopping centre commercial and service colnrncrclnl Ircus tic sugzcsitd the co ronind lic revamped to require standards uhich would be practical Under iitr Greys proposed itsistttl only small cunvcnivcic stores would wed under the C5 root mum lots would have in 120 square tcri conipareclin lb runcni htw sminre cot and lot routers would have to be so loci an in crease vi to text vvrr curran standards trnn yards would hate to be It iect rather than the present to loci and ride Joni adjoins log street wont have to to DJ ltd rather than 13 lust The recommendation cIiis tor ansstorey bniidlnrs only and tot covcrazr cl in ne rcnt rather than or on crri the reduced tot coverage nouid proddc tor bilechct pert inc and various other require meots ltsyor Douro Porter told the planning board sire feels the rug posted amendment to tho raring ddesl out the small bus an end starting out She suggested that somewhere in the current Ci roriins winch rovers se commercial tiltsi should be riycrare tor the enroll retell businessmen Aid Janice Latin IEKLd whv in Is usel at all since only businmscs tit into the eatrgrry and III could be accommodated Uirwrh nonoootormin trail use mutations would merely be creating legal nonconterminu businesses but hlr trey said Ihohtion oi the min coqu disconcert entail blisth on or Will It Cl Hos abolished the city would have only tour or two problems rather than is Gray dao tiicu raid since most oi the businesses could be hr eluded wrdcrothrr toning regu lotions George timer board rhrir man told the mother the hing board in its not bylaw did not open up any turtbcr C5 areas since it Iclt small businesses lizvl two areas In shlcb to locate deuwntown or the Aliandau own areas or in shopping plans