Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Jul 1973, p. 1

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pygmy axamrtrnrsuwtortss WWW Allme operamosaics porran on no nannan returns will holds your mount liran Just hold it minute Dori are mbhtbhn manayeodl aobattwasatutladillirut lnrt1anihlvldtanrat her her mother David Bahia in posit in the Parts and Emotion Wisdom mer recreation smash poo ssscrronruno Itltt annrsso OTTAWA CPI tori lhl Internals scandal intha United States to modern the gossa meit the Canadian people will no hornr tolsata the neo thx nerd im in leviersl olatlloaa Les Bulimia saidlunothy niaid his Beoismin loined lilehacl Flarash vacemu Haitian Emil in consideration the comment on is bill to limit the operation at political parties and candidates to clccv times and midrn public dis damn rd linear who donate lid or man to umprdxn hands Germamend liouu tendo Ai lan We called the bill ICCS To gain Man photos on Pats tho boom Was It mmssuismlhohoslsolthe boot in model eiedim peasestatenlomadasotar it would admit he said in the rats at the not open and demmllt election in lbs world in rare boost at cooper atioo his Porrcstal said the Commotives an ready to run chads aecoodmdtna debuts by Tbstrodes and send the hill to committee lta dualied study Earliertbe Common ma second reaction to bill to halt the work pl in provincial elco local bosiodaries commissions that have been adjusting Cens Canadians Force Mums GET ll Mohllld Under this bill the Commons unit have ll months to propose changes in the work at roviixri button which has added three new seats in Ontario and Brit ish Colombia but rcshiccd the representation in lira other prormccs it was the loss of seats Ls the Icespopulated arcs and tits added political power mess to cities that passed most debate on the hill John Dieionbaltr tPC Prim Aihertl whose riding would have disappeared had re distribution gone ahead as scheduled laid his Justice 1L Brounridge head oi the Saskatchewan boundaries oom minion had lilital amidesa item in min in drrsltin pm parsed new riding in than pm cc lie isld Pariiamen had es tablished lite independm come rs manner More Peter Nomi Adjourn national Commission at control Ind Riverside ml mat tar only minutes today then ode lotnncdbrcmisn or Canadian tir ri Alma that no room troll nesa be conducted until tan CIl saloon or Tho lnterFt utmost Instopthatnctieaol buindsriesolaridinatotarm oetendsaeasonsror Shielding lalelgaie Story From Nixon WAElNGlON tAPi Johny ltltebeh told insulating our on today thatha believes to this day he no rtrht in hector the root tislomio story isms Presidch Nixon hlitdseliln second on no no rm me one dilution resection in Its case terrier attorneymusty trunnion corroded rector Emmi both Watergate soil were called no nuts house horrors min in and JOHN doctor thocmaizo lucid ho llsleruln its dd not tell Nixon of political notwanltocastaupaiiooer aini odielal involvement or theseoondlcrrn cowaptoriearthopresldeot And Melted repeated that untold insist on Wsdioo False Teeth Made By Denturisls Said Promoted By Govt ilgerrey TORONTO At least vice economical and it Well ill pro es woos tort limited PM collidebin turists rather tan those sub by mm at ya In scribed dentists Health pp ion of dentists and lots lam ltio rd Potter was told mm 111mm today they must meet Tboeh error in at are hrlcttethsirninloterbtytbtvdtl About to comralttzo support seas consnlltee tor repeat on demonstroted quietly put lhnhliihhithvihil midterm chm WWW boilers met privslely with tn me all ol on Their brill said extensive use P0 ol deuttarlststhooe who make Committee Chsirmsn John labs teethhas been mods by trained hrsnttord machinery the commit sad social serv dealer said alter the nicotine lcra ministry which indicates that official ol the Nmlty that this speocy charged with and soda udicioiu dis osatlors oi reads its well viable moles genders the deortnistslorloircostplate lilherta Energy Board ildjourns wtsuepeonsoat lnhla ind aher Niapna lnnttdids Vlclwliltebeli said was quite coniident that the Whill item would taeoearo ot the nation or least tha otdaia there to no point that wwoltfl happen asahs Thorn wu no mason in Perry Of roars or it alone lotllacr with mine trotdvio crashed into held today as the pilot was approachin Orly Air port tor an emergency isndias otcials reported only in survivors amend the ill passen era and ti crow income Polico said three persons who were still alive had been taken item the wredau There were no immediate se pom whether anybody on the mind at the crash site our killed The Boots was on hith trons Sso Pattie Brazil to Paris with stopover in tile do WASHiNGlDN AP Fad erai guidelines thal misbt have prevented sterilisation oi two Alabama atria were never issued inst at tensor us resentment or has told Senate uncommitted 0th unsel beam tlhIHhc sta aorermnantsi all the In 34 Alive After his Crush anciro oiiiciais rted it was to land at Rly rt An airport odiclal all the pi lot had re rted he was havtny unable tail poms cthls tour lat Wines Brat lltero was no firm olilclal indication oi wont curred the crash which oc arrred about three miles south or Orly it was the second motor rush in the Paris area ill six weeks Soviet TUltl super sonic tetilner crashed Juno doing demonstration mun tor spectators at the Paris air lbw at In merger Airport the other main Paris air motto Says Sterilization Guidelines Were Delayed ill While llouse liontnemery Ain cancel the tests rrtooth tonsils panning centre Alterrm to obtain While House comment on Dr llernr testimony were new night president would have breast in media alive side and than who are on and laid it ill out 1onde said lim it all is late itllo unsumssil radian ottlcers biotin tor too weeks an returned by the Vlet Goal was the second reguint meeting oi the commissioners stohtehnonorkwasdoaou madman Anmesrador lilohel Camila attended to put prone striding run htniorss lleanuhlle Canadian and mhoritlu were availing word item the Viet foods lrortslmol ltarlivtlo Gov aod their two employees rues so not homers whether then in an miiil activity ssslnanccs mill ceased it will treaties oi the medians At sods meeting tartan Ambassador lereoe En atespsiyor July 106 chair PAhlS CP The shirt ol the controversial French not clear weapon toes in the South Pacific was considered immi ocot today aso dovernroco than on ights and shipper lo the that tone went into tract The iirst blast expected to ho ol oaemegstoo weapon may more as soon on Friday There was spectatoth that there might be as may as out explosions combustion next ytnrs test program with this years Delying World Court in junction widespread lovelrn protests that loilvut irons Urn tests will ondarster human lilo sad plans by New Zeaiand navy trlsale and mop ot pri vate protest yachts to invade the test area the Ranch gav rrnmeot modo clear it will put it says they are necessary tor development at the nuclear strike lorce that the lots Prest deot Charles do Goulie sponv sored to enhance Francos voice who tell into Viet Con hands nleiiGViiihl statement 1m ViHPmmsn and he wasaeoiuny tha llmasshn head or its tax military marina tyrant reportshom the Xhosa Led it rolled northeast oi it as when it has receircd octionbas ernl would tlslaon oltl elaLs Uiat Canada vdll eorslotheares rediscover the the commissioners to no more work until its two oillcers lhna Capta tars Patten oi Tl her tin1 has tiled timililon ihsvprid alibirs snoonthaVlctcooabyni ommmttmlootha alien of the two Milnjiml lacuna housin thaittG inthntiay it was barred lhst tho yen mind Pitt hill ten and Fletcher Thomas oi Ottawa an rettuacd Nuclear Test Seems Imminent Ben to Ships Planes in Ellect There may never be an oili clsi amaounremeat that the tests have been hold This was the procedure inst year when the only oldeisl French word was an amusement ahcr the to explosion Lint the area around hiunrrol Atoll was no longer closed hlururoc rerotrs oi the test zone is soo miles southeast oi Tahiti The prohibited am an tends tor so adios beyond the ltntileltaritorlni limit amend the atoll An additional danger rose estcads as much as in miles beyond the atoll The government has rehiscd to say who action it plans against the protest eet its main concern is the New be lead trlnato Draco expected to reach the zone today with lllie mlrration hllnlslcr Fraser Cole man on board as the rcprrsen lativn oi his government French ships and oircrclt have slxidowtd the Diane But wellleiormrd source said they will use all possible semis to avoid an international incident paryrnandcringchanmn the psrtindar party Jack llotaor lPGOrouiootl VITth ithl Cotillion form airanalt will soon lorm port ed Leann ltlrilna lor six million ptwio In six West Alri eaar nations Dan Canadian Hercules has alruvlo am about rooms are manna near collapse minaaworhpartqnl rntnraswalhlacllloriialsh will not durr Bar tram omld cad sold todayth Puke sad Recreation uranium and tha team wltlvmpcml rptsq uless the terminator lipid its obhpatlos to complete warh It the parl illr Ray said laara still has to ho skins in light standard born to he reeled and electrical ballasts pot in all Ilrhr insures Weve lot to cl cooper allots from sea pimps Ray said or else the lune will laid Tba worl detail should ya thes at tho pm at pass have begun another littcrdrornb from an explosion when he ope maimed tarther play in tho Barrie illaral Recreational Fastball loam will be suspended tor the remainder at the mass stranded laminar them in tha debuts than he said Wilmer must eastm an dream politi al volcn tr rural ms Andre rerun mood Irina the Qt htc commission did nu tall into mint tint ml ttPs mist navel larch to aqua until scattered ptpailatlms hdr healemin said palm soveomeot bill to limit claim eXpeasu no not deal with party spending its disagreed with Wm ol the new bill limiting parties to so cans loc each elizi vote in each riolas soon they been an atheist candidate 0n lhl but mtiiinss pounds at histamine CHI on Alimtic coast to Andre loan is like on tho edits oi lha Saharadoarrt That aimed is to ba loiacd by two divers which tell Tuesv day amino Woolly tha than aiicrnlt and the aervicwnan will he whirl atlases The Canadian international Development Apenq has one millionln road no live years ot drought nod poor more the present alrtlll is encoded to moving toot ahi manta eimdy extolled in Us Those shipments hm coma horn the US lha United NI tlooS Galas Russia and an Winn Gunman hisrhet corin res this Hercules aimah hraaia io lit rain shipments soooo pounds ight into the lamina area last not Now by trinnsr lite iiiireid to us so roach some pounds The twiccdslhr illser bl lira first llercrrleo are hean made in rough and tough thing con ditions Although the isndlny locillrrs at Logos are modern and wellloot was at the land ing strips to the drought areu are extramsly primitive Weather millions she msla illing conditions poor CAPSULE NEWS Bombs Rockets Explode in Ireland erser AP hivrp bombs and roclets lodcd lss Northern trelanvl today and avitborltles reported mstximorhta campaign Frank Gare Mess oid member or the Ulster police authority sutlered hand thirties tied letter Tuesday Peterborough Poles To Play in Russia lElEitllOIlOUGii Ont lCPlPcterborouyh Petra oi the Dot ario ilocltry Association Junior league will represent Canada In on invvtatronol louder motley toilnsmeot to be held in do Soviet Union Doc tl Jun Chi oiliclah mounted today the Price chosen by the Canadian Amateur lloctcy Association will mnvpoto arairht teams item the Unltcd Solos Sweden linl asiovulsiis and handler in tho ainrn rovnirobirs lourlddiocat at or mm lawsuit against thl hmmm maternally Mien Regional Govt Representatives ll CALGARY CF omasios parties who tiled intonation lanai bottle with Alberta outs on whither they planed the has Lolas constitutional ritht beams to prowl to interlera with as nits he ind its or was ad ed Touring until Sept id to allows the Alberta Energy to Camsccvatlon Board has oil industry myrrh The nudelihes developed mom to were bottled up lat White ltouoa bccsva it was to election year Dr Warren Horns tori Senate labor sod public wellsrc ubcommltteo madly Dr Hearts tonnes odlclai ilotor Robert Ryan Dies in New York NEW YORK lAPl Actor ilobert Ryan st who ared in more titan eo movlos died early today in New Yetit lighter or cancer lie was sermons to hospital little more titan week ago blend said it was recurrence ot cancer which had been arrested some years back Miss Universe Pageant Is Under Way ATlllLLt Al Tho that Miss Universe heavily to rant or under wa today as beauties irons around the walidzpatherrd ration arerUisstlons vim per Iorcaed without lolomicd porch tel consent in ilelas turned over to the committee the ruldo lines or earth can trinity mnovro or Reaction Bison clinics handed yODO tatim loom Ontarios six to mouth this important mat llo applieon to edtm lhh lunar so made by or From rr Pan At Gas Dd otCnigary monitor company it imam told iton chain mmto lode uremia talus telephoto immortals Ponce commis im Ontario tiled submit lw iii the board loos 29 ill last by in prevention to snhmittrd on an application lllaaio Roll The block otspil linry Alice sterilised tart MONTEVIDD Rotter Uruguiys new mllllaryham the cilia oi Monument and The conicacoco date was set at near beach resort it was the ltrst to as tor the contest aro parents at hiinnio to and budget shortly bolero the the year Bandits noneta pntvl the delloesweroop lonsl cavemmts all the stop spams re its on was by oral linerlors province nu mcct on to mining with Mania and early in 1m and approved by omens land use planning Uruguayan Govt Tightens Grip Signs Show Protest Weakening bloody clash htwecn the horses ed and demonstrators which lets no persons loyaled cadet Tucodayathmcctindolro lonsi government represent you with John White minister oi lottrxotermncolal allsirs Ws loved the regional our croonerits had ntunbrr oi problems related to pinpoint roller millionaires and water services and we wanted to altde forqu will the guidance tor hearttodcart it said Donald collar or ants vying lor the hits Universe ms crown winner will he muncd luy 3L Debby Duobanne ll oi Putt Oiibome Ont is Gsnadns ontrysha was meant ltiss Domlraon oi Canada June so at Niager Falls Out Grandson 0i Pablo Picasso Is Dead ArvilBlS Prrnco iiloiterl Pabllto Picasso trapdoor vi the late artist Pablo Picasso died today three months alter ml iowinz comiratrd bleach in an apparent suicide attempt th since swallowinp the bleach April Mmrbld postal writer had been ursih intonalva medical ears gmcmmcni rimmed Its oils on the country today wl vital that protest ttrlto spslost the regime is weakenilts were out in straw in Savoury sued were cordoned old And Others attending the tocetias armored vehlcios stood ready were JA You or Waterloo Soldiers surrounded Miami Campbell oi Nissara not on Groomsmen ntrenlltoaeveo who pools ohng rman nkdmimwlwmu minor not prevented sec guard at hospitals has depots Poul cmod OttawoCorle mater mgratlon dots he he and lsctorlea atillhit by the toned mon Nehru hora the mm M1 my Ms woollen haven Gas to Id so to Trashcade line no ot Totem it tho other parties it it led an opportunity to Operations lilalt ill Frankfurt idioms FRANKFURT AP Operations waraampoa nahkhtrt Airport mtrsl Elstopos largest alter atr cmtmlkm dolled acoutt htlunction asolrot their slxweskold almond Domestic and international til were diverted to other West German airports when no cor one Woo were reported 44$ or mghasrumn uamuhs iat

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