Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Jul 1973, p. 7

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TI Mull Imam MTLIDAV in ted BIBLE SemsonandDoiar mmMMoMoancmmordw MWMIMIQOAWWMWPWMQU Shodidhinrwtthfatravolhm untorum mmmmmmiorthemuyhtuot IWdeouumewm Mitwihatvhmhofrliinbvewlrhnherutiiulnoman mdndbehiehthoyunetohermdwomirod hmturnrnotn veriirhemideutlonhhnlntomudruthneemtnthie outmmbtliktmwdmtmtommmtoto rrurr Whimsilhmthuhlltdiohahutmllydi yoknddmhtapomnmatrunhnhrlrwhkhhndurverheen arLDIEhhbotd tbthirttntuhontherodwhilorhetctm anneleeMirtreadonIrerlrrreettrerrrlreventioreorrrrnhn wtdihhbrhenddmmhhmmmmnqnuumhy diamante whobomdhtmloiettmrndnilndodhim Jehovahs Witnesses Seem Headed For Showdown With African Patriots LACOS Nigerir AP Al nun pririotI uenv hurled Itth Jeho NEH Emir on In or al lny nIllonIt Ethanol rvUIlnuI IettI hetlote duh IhIrply with OM int milltill atrtdent eItional lrrvrot IdrlttrtunItIlee RbitIthIrttIImIUIt tar Alith politician trnm tlItrrvrl to NiaerlI rod item to CIanerooeIhern it mem ber hero been tanned WW Ntod or Witty IlliRtd it Lr mltrriy the return ot IbI WILMIRI to become tn voired in nItionII poliliut IUI tint bu provoked tlntbll The tort whore heiiet an on tho tiDdIIDI It the the rind Ionan ot min renrdr orernmeotr II III work at Palm Ind return In IIIuta In or ring nrtlonnl In In ldit In Melitta IItIr bu been eaestdenht rhrrper wrtoum TI tom below Cherie TIM RMIL who or uoited lbern CTIIHIRCN EXPIRED ten mentor III in Nirv rrn urnnest one tome In children we expelled trom echoel tor retrain to III III ortlonIl mm or IIIutI the iba ehurohItItI toniitd to other Atrteu eat our lotto hit our Ibort WM Jehovnhr ii eerie were re ported to here tied into TIrrr all from ilnlth Tho tlood oi returner Ir rordiny Io publier reportt Iotlovod Ittrciu mounted Ipiort tho not by the Yound PrnoeerI tho younu IIttl It the AIIIIII OonIrIu party Some rtv dented hy HIIIII II to Without were killed by thin preeideat Kerou ru tirade tnrt In permu tine hId tIten pin and Hit they tied br own they hId been minted by their limited Ind tron TIRL leederr Ibo Ind told their tollneero tint God III IDOIR to deriroy ltIlIwiII It ArrnI HonInd thIt In Imps Ii IvIth they mmt flee the Iountry TON lUNDTLALIING Prettdtnl Kemeth KIuodI nl lInrhII Ill reported to here um countryI mu vlty name to stop the udr horreotohnuu IppIItI tor dork In Cnmnroon lhI Witoeteea were blotted IlIer thouunde at them rhotelned to prettdeno Uri etedlooe in mi But despitd the opposition oi Prestdtet Abroodu Addie ttnvltrn the not allow to dpdilld mderyrouod to tilt Founded In the United The gr III pvtvlalrd country Il in me the JIhothI later Imlilqi Ilurry IdenlIlr In April they Item binned WICth Learns Virtues From Hrs Experience Ry DOROTHY KILIIURN titlid live Itlti RDI HE term APPRECIATION The Idtawinr II portion It the Toronto Tree LhItteoyI Nenntlntter which itrenrhi wu uonh rrpevtiel CULE lie term to be Still It child liver with Sillith lII inure to Irrl ttUtIJTY It child lived with TOLER II child the with Oltltv Ma ICISII ltv turn to CONDEIIN ll Itelrlld Ivu with HOS HINIIII In nnrrr III Item to be PATIENT it child itht Willi EN WUTLAGEIIFIVT HI Inll NNHDDICE it riIIll Ilrrr with PRAISE child liver with PAIR HESS III lIIrIu JUSTICE Tilt tit term IAITII it rhUd ith with room TANCE Ind FORGIVENBSS III lame to tint wvr In the world Along twin Air Burial Comes Picture Of Site PORTLAND Ore lAIl not beyond the torrhroudad Oregon roost tlitrn Todd but hlr Ileyloenytno Cesare their arm tht window and In trtrrIIt Irom Iodiorra II Ivtt to Air Ilnot rent tho Tnarrn eremoiory ether whip out at unburdioe unit thin the ion mildewhour wind ILTCUTTI end pelt ttra trueiare like hallrtoaev their drill down thrntr the brilliant marrhmet low wands to tho Paelite Toll vnapr color photo Iroalr ot the drop rite Ind be tnr tho domtlo Itldht inch to Portland Tire relative lilo to have pleture he told it at tier up In the loose eudv TAIde Iumrhlny complete try to do lr at More wolltnewn Iconic ontnt thrt theyll recnrnixe II they ever mat to tome but In vlrtt Todd Irattou human remain it too tor ill ThI price in Brazilinn Connection Alleged rludtt the color photo will eerd drtnlltnr the Lima Ind piece ol the drop Hnll talI lImILv member rtonr It In extrr noel hut doesnt like to bereuio oi the throne oi llt emotionel Ieeno in the tiny plane MINISTERS AVAILABLE And hell hruyldo In trtllirht reltrlnur eorvlte It It no cart Irmure know MM mirrliterv who love to Todd Irotltrv Irhee it to it time month uauelly over the lerltic but occasionally It the lntrIiyI reeurrt over ouch lerdmertu It Oreganv trill loot Mount Hood Tho low here romlderv armored body to ho to its lIan Itntnrurd thI Idmih tilt in whatever It went with the other Ieid Perry Etmrrerr executle mrclery oi the tire rlon Itineret Directou Atrocit tori Todd receiver Irner parrot In Lutheran Ddcirine Baillie port lrorrr morturrlu Ill ever th country Inmetlmu two or Him timer dry but em in never hIndIoa more thennne Ihiprnent We Itixht ronrld ot titnt Inr doinz hurirrere ext tlurive with one party It particurr tlrnr Thrtr thI way my vuatemerr worn II end thete the my do It Todd in Ive up on Arron rereer lour your ego Ind hofvn urninl living IirtI xirvy bodicr ltrr moriuarlov which Itlti rorrstttutor tnI bulk ni hir hurinesr lnI tnereavv to on volume hen been henonrmel Todd arid In tlrlr tr vomiting that rrrtrlrr peooII hero Ilwayv wnltttd to do but they were wor ried that II III wronr or ttrt they would be rrttlclrrd Prole ore marl Independent how airi Iro becuninx rvrurh tIIIh per Todd Ivid ho hum thnurhi murlt how hie our reunion will he handled Thou Iltor long prune ho eddod No mutt nay dont have In orrrnlrelmlnr desire to have my orlrer muttered Inywhero II ohihi then with sown in Karyn Iirerl they new handed Meters to read yoreruneot In lnno Gen ldt Arniee IovornmIrrt In tirade toured the Jebotrhr wrroru II In In othre religion rertn Ihleh nerI dIrerthd Ir bttru dInrernuI to our Iod order President tlnhutu Sm Soto et ZItrI tied in ethItely buried the ltinthI Whom ee truisilnI lhlt Ill Prnlry tent Itrurrlreo Ind urtr nor Ihlp under th umbretlr oi the QUTCII nt Christ in 7H lar nverht The Onnro ETATLSTICS AliETCHY stnlrttu do the number at Alrlrllt mention at the ml IvI mtchy Ono Irrbtttbed rt rt autv the lot ilyurI to rd AI YOU YOURS by Ellen Trimmer AvaliIbII Il CROSSROADS MIDIIUTLST Phonv moon IT MARYS CHURUT Romrrn Critlroite DUNDONALD AMELIA Ill 7mm SUNDAY MASS AIlurdIy Trbt Inn dIndIy LII mt ii In WEDNESDAY RVENTNGS me no ileu preerdrd by Puiah Drvrllenr rrvun vrrrnrvrr AIIIveI trli In hit Inn PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Corner ot Orrn and Henley Iitr JOINT WORSHIP WITH FIRST RAPTIST CIIURLH htlilairrr hlr ITllUInr NorvnII ItA Omelet htr CIII YIn llemert IBM Ile Puhilo Wonblp THE MIRACLE OF voucrt Come Wnnhtp iTtIh UI II sr ANDREWS NEW ORLEANS Le AV mid oi lrrterrrntlorrvt lo trirunlho melted Itrertllen ronncrtlanhar been IILOKOCL in trrotitnd rorrlrnvorly in ill truthrrIn deoornlnetlorr over doctrine and power The drink come In herd here In the ensuing reren data AIIIILIRK torriyhtI the btumlel Irrrrnlnr convention oi the to Union Chorrhhitnnurt Synod uhlrh her about three mlIUoo memberv Al Itnlrn initially in the ratio It wholhrr thealuyy rhouid bo itlittr or rrruioted lrorn the to III that In turn hinder mute on hottle over the churchr preritrhry Shortly helm the northern Int Inn converan hm unburied ot the Inornrheni orerhlent Ilevnr lrent raid on lyncltarr halt Irritated toe extrI rupaonlnl Utiymm Uretll chum dru trtct lltrint Itoriiyrur DIrlen Linn rlnlnyuto vald thurtlt rnrltdv trim the United State hut letrr tunnelled Into Ilrnrll iatltrtiinntruvei upemev lay an unprecedented roman It ttrotil deleretu corrvorvetlvely Itirntd with II RACII ll CLOSHIW Tirtv vhowl lust howtron titlttlfttlnn tor the prelldtltty it littllttn raid Several to nary provident trey Dr John patio rendidotor have been unmlnnted Ind uthttlrlld be nominated Irom the floor Ailtiildlt veto met while the Itrerii dittrlrt Ir iormrtty to titled in it deterrtol it fetter Illy ren Iltord to wed on two or three but lhle time Dr Prertav Iuorrorttrv harve Ii nancod exporter tor it or It at them Ila raid tiny trtd vrloctotl by Iron Elmer Iteirorrllr trmldnnt ol the limit dIrtrlrt urd iiitlitivaltltmiitd hacker nl Dr Prom Irorn amour tho it elected in move to detlvu hid vote to trim However there rvuv no to diretlon Ilr Irerre Irwaurrred any inch mm or win Iwere at it The ltrnvlllan vlluItlorr how ever we only nnarrlnol to tho main irvria iIclnr tho riturth uhcilror It will ltllibitt DI Irottl In trlI ottortr to exert itrmtr control over it into toglrIt teerhlnr Alter arr invettlnllerr ho ringed the rhoreha main arm lnIry Concordln In St Inuit with tenttitan trite tInTIIIMl chem liro tarolty Ind veni Tiatttn rail urtrve Several Ioropoulv It the non vuvtlen no tor tiring lhI entlrn CHRISTIAN SCIENCE the TRUTH SOCIETY ll Collier Street Church Service BuIdIy meet ll AIAI TeIIlnrnny Mretill Ind Iliad evrh month PAL ChriIIiur deteneI ItadtI denial CHOO In lltltrdly trIt pro driedy CHRISTIAN BUSINESS MENS COMMITTEE OP BARRII CBMC FAMILY PICNIC JULY WW II lnnlvlll CIntIrrnlIl Perk Inn 1th CeI Ittvt et llwy It lInlrllt lvpt tilt prnIIIII tuna YIunr leoplo tiradlnvd TnahLvI irony and Ollt el Levv Your TMlt Iii tIuta Avirllrrn Church Stroud IluIie Ito lrlnl hIItIt Lunch TeI NI Ilrtntrt IuypUtd Everybody Ioiwmo Your Old Itlea Ind Poor ItpeIIIttt liurh rruoourlil didtr Nl ran IIlhii rowan1 mood with Ihout MM in Common mm in hire HM in Tim noon to link1 mm In Nirevlr rum to Rhodesln mm In South Atria room in LIndriI Ind Iereni other lhouieltdt to Kenya Utande Ind Tenu on The Iertn Idberenta rvrIIn taio vigil Antoine Intth movement mun to be Ill lny lorreuloy mhrlty Irpcrlhlly in Wed AIrth You ranrct not Jeho vrhr winners in tin prison one member at the mt In Lteon We Ire oorer Iv mtni tor alerting nr toe Irened rnthery nr tor my other voclIt rim that an prevuieet in our vnelety But voullaued mind with AlrlaII oremvrrerrta Irtmr inerLIhte alone Ir out My thh witneu put it II it only cod no out worship Ind mm on this errttr ESSA ROAD PreryivriII Ctnrel III Rd It Intel Ave Rev Art PIIILIII Mr Men it hlutaI OrIIItIt II Inr ItIoIIlnr limit with Nnnrry II tuIlvr drbnnl Irtl Ine IIrnliy Suday Sch NIrIery II Adalt Tilt Inn tilti Sill trttorl AIIIyI eroml mum IllI IAFYIIT CHURCH Aim NY Mn MALI II II III It II TIMI lllt ttIvrIIvr nrrrru IvthytrrtIe Ihuroh IIit Strrlv TL nru hrret RHili PM Mill Ovnele iln Nervnln Iurl ll mt MORNING WORSHIP Nunery tilndermteo PrimIry Churrh ll ITd CHURCH SCHOOL Nurvrry tarouytr Adult iiire Ivr ChrkICenired Herald not rrrrrrr lrnieeoatel tlatluett Pavtor llinlovon Wyaedotte ott Colnnrerr OrUliI lltbi Irn lterahlp Serka trdt pur Eveelelivtie Iervlee Turn lilo pvn Wernenr PrIyrv hiretlel wit me pvn Preyrr Ind Illblo Study Tel 00 IIt Men My ilerttel Everynnv tleenrnI The tvttodtievt Ind urvurlt church In olnreeo County DEMON HOW TO FEED YOUR PITT IrrAIrohItIo iIrutty ditmdjlrrIClmnrlrt trunnion FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Tiled mu HOBSill WHICH MI IJI Dutrl Invite lIrII In Mn denim 110 min Irrvlu leryIII YIth dutIy Mental In to nd Ilene it IN Ml It ll CHIC Kill III In Srnirn II Mk II LII hIdIy FAITH MISSIONARY CHURCH L28 CrIIIntd CL DIrriI MI Inn IIIdIy RM tea IhI IhIlI unity ItrII III AIIIIII merit trtI In leIiIl denlee ednndny IrII MI Chriutin truth ltIII ltIvJYIyII Benin lemlIIy TIMI Tin DIIII tloIIheurr Friendly Helenan AIIIII Yll FREE METHODIST CHURCH RIytItld III DINII die Cut lull BA BB IIILI IULY It In Inqu kind Itrtd Inn unity drrvlrI NI eveIiII IIrvltI CALIF MEETING In It July NIIniartet lILII dldemd hrlrml Don lilUia IIoId Ind IIIy No 0P THI NAZARENE CIvIrr VIIIell IId trovI 5L Barrie Preterr Hebert tinder roem7 NEW SERVICE TLSIES Ilitd Ina Sundry tleretnr WathLI ittit Inn Chlldrrer Blbin School mo Inn EveIlnI Service not you WedeevdIy Iibte atudy tllblI rtvrdler Ibrnnmoul the week Ive lnleruvnllnl mllcl ITSml Our promnra are do Ilrled in mm ted reIt Ind vital to you WI Welcome You TI Jule Ul 5T GILES CHURCH ll teat Street The Vee tiull Tth lrld IIn Holy Communion Itrit Inn hlnrelnr PrIyrr rrrurrsoav aurv tr into PM nesrorr GORDON HUNTER IVIIVCHI ll WILTOM ST JOHN VIANNEY Ll ltatdlil hIr AllIIldI lUNNY MASS Emmy min MI SudIy It In hum rm III em Errin Bunrdny nan Stalin Ilm In CRAIGHURST BIBLE CHAPEL tIIrtty telimht liner ma pvn my rtI irrl llynu bier Iith ileum CHRIST CHURCH VESPRA nrh LlM Venerai SERVICE OF DECONSECRATION 130 In EDNISDAY JLLY ll rm ottlrlut Ind Pruner Till RT REV READ suIIrIuI titrpr It TunII All prvoln In Ietnmv II IItIId EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH lid ST VLVCENT S1 MITRE Interim Pulorr ltvv llmy lIvd l00 Inn PrIyIr MIItlnl MO Inn lmpIet CKBD dill 950 NS Im PIrnIIy RiblI Sehooi CLASS FOR ALL AGE 00 In SPECIALSPEAKER REV HENRY FORD 100 pro SIlCIAL SPEAKER REV HENRY FORD NuvIIry Feetlttlu at Ill Sunken vwmvmuvVv HenrHrI HISEY FAMILY gt FIIIurId Oorle Slnpm on CBRMV RIO Inn SundIy Szhool Ind BlhtI ClauII 1100 am Family Worvhlp Service it 700 pm THE VITAL SPARK Child cm to mm RIV Tonlrr MlnlrtIrI Rev vatlv illWAY CHURCH PENIEGOSTAL ANNE St 400 um rrrr ANGIICAN crrurcrr 5T GEORGES III it Km IJI TRINITY CHURCH Chili II IIIXI II Font DIR IICTOX Till TFIIISI LYH FUMMII ICNIDULI mt rvr itIty Cammunlu ternn Innmitten irvvvrII III Burton Ind ErIIIUlI sundry Servlrer Irbn Inn Ind rand Inn ltrttort The Rev ll HIyI IIHIIIA ltrvtny on vi Irrtvr It ill Illic ttety cvvnnrvelen rrrrz uwrrro crru recrr or CANADA COLLIER STREET CHURCH IO AM SERMON You III Invited to Innhlp Hence ilrritrrl ttrelv St III It Cool II httntrlevr Rev Arthur dIova Burtdi Ave United Church II II Itn trhrI the Ibnle erl bv ARIA YOU THERE COOP DNII runtl Nuraery tIrtilllrI Atl Iro vretrnnro ltav II Inrrlea Alinletrl hlr Guy Iy Orunlet SUMNER SERVICES CONrrucrirr At one arr Everyone TIeIrenoI

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