Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Jul 1973, p. 3

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PLAYING AT THE BEACH warm dry root tutor IIan and Ihorel unipoll ottat holler troy toe youngster to room hot Iurnrrrer day Robbie too ol hrrrio tpent Friday It Johnson Street heath loin lust tint Examiner Photo subdivision Residents mTa Complain To City titlopllon oI rerldenu oi the stroll ouhotrtrton on tho girthadntbgroil IEgret will II mo til Itorrdoy nloht toluh only unrorroen the Indy in etttn tr to art so rod Wt ott moth oleonoo rextttrnto hovo heon torn pt loin lolhIdereto rolthohh In vision lort tort tour hunthr in In ritort to ii their Agdlrtrtono liollhed no rtoidont olnlmtrtortho not enroll thin to tho tmo rt their unmdod pro ly sho hot rolled it hu to children Frank lrItuhi uttItIrn ruin erlnlrodont tor tho Iuhdtttrton Illeod tho Idlnu and rooting tIhohtudIo ttlobutoddo otortl itorrteIitht tI tryltu to to tho hotnoo ttnteheo It outra rt potrthto htr Ivanrtt raid the lot it now tretny told on IOIIII proper tlet but added Wo cant do every homo It intro NEWS THE IARTIII EXAMINEII MTUIIDAY JULY int Location lilitltittltt IIAIIIJ DUCKWOIITII Con driven by Sidney Wot tort ot inntottt llroti and Dory riutlelt oi Dettrr Oreoeool lltttd at tho corner oi DIvtet mo and brothorlh street Fri day It to out An Niimlto or dIrrloro who not orIilabto Irorn poitro lhlo monitor lAYFle llltlllWAY iii Walton Poworo oi Antut and Elizabeth Itrit ot Potnralelr were driven oi tort iovotvnt the ration lter at Hill to at tho ltrhway too hrtiyo on htyttotd Biron An ottlmoo otdomlto war not oialtrhio twin ooltoo thu honor lhoro uwero notohtrtor tOIlN IDAENA ItohtrtUroilotsioynor Ind Norma From at one tlordrn wero driven at eIrI which ool lldod It tho corner ot John and Lororro Itroetr Friday It thin pm There wero no injuries Art Ii it rat rim Wyyioorriho lrout lh rill Worn hint orttntoto oI damoxo war not In lrrtltololo tront pellet lhtl mm So WIMIIII rrrnnnr Btleoo Wolmart ot liouhortono Ind hlorrorel liottnnd ital rolo street were drivert oi rIrI that collided Trllhy It titt Em in lront or it Colitor treot An etiliholo oi domtyo war not oratirhlo trom potiro thir mornlnr MTIAPAOTOIII CONDITION Irena nlrtt ol Walton to in rIlloiootory condition In lloyrl vlotorla liosoittl todrty with in little tho rutitrod in twooar colittton at nor am at IMF Ilon oi Inn Iownrhtp Ina Iltohway to terror ttowiny oi Brampton dritwr It the other inhieio rtnr trotted and relent od tlortt hoopilat Ontario Prov inelIt Polite Ilnrrlo doiuhi moot oottt tho domain tolIlled 5900 in tile mishap CAHOlilllGOll KilliIPllllllllrl BAY motor on Ilemhoniott It by Ill day were trom irlt ortt Stromboli li Jim Slovenian Some oi lho tamilior moved Irtto tho ruhdirtatott lIrt loll ItIr tvuuht hIInteI tho wet wealhor tor tho dtlttmttttrr tn elttny the rod to tho Itthtlivir on Ito tolti Pride thhi street Impot no or trod two woehr nyo Ind to expected dolly ito ettlnlotott there are to to pmpertlot tn the tuhdlvlnlnn which halo not hem mind or graded yet DEMAND ACTION llutdentI ray their romptItttto hnro hren mot with ittllo action and on It teIrt ono oreatlon lino lroto totidenlo hIrI met rt olho oavolooorr Itold otttto drmanrilol action aggloueity limitl thaoe position at 11 moot with tho denoterite hornet limo tlrrtir No which ouch rtIyrI ot the build ttu prooeoI rnilol be completed In other rounttt butlarot hiontlnv ntrht council will ho noted to approve various oom rrttitto roeonunondaltom Includ tn ono which would Itrlhottto ronovotlonr to tho tlro Ilatlon ttthatI rod prothotnt court oliieer on VooprI Street The city development omit too hot recommended iotnt morttny or oounrlto threo rtnn tiittl rotnthttleet rtprerenia itret ot tho IorhI Ind Ilorroa tton Contme and rnornhert oi tho Lttllo Lalo Pm and Itotnpenloit illoy dIvoIopmont oornmtlloo lo dltrttu the recent administrative reeomrnetttlottont on tho development at Itotnpen lolt liar Thorohorolrotrrntnenl oorn rotltoo hII recommended tho rityo Interomuhtctptt ttottoh committee ho appointed to proaertl tho city on no to hot rommllleo to may tho rortrtto tattoo oi Simeoo CounLV it till Ihtchoao tiitamlner Photot 2155 555s ii 53 Egg The It booth or to we too lg imrioro their onrttsjtl Thom wt r1ttotndenir enttn Mlhhhn Lotohhrrhahd III III lIothlieI trIinIn lower om llro lemma hot with routin Ir more Idmtrt rotlvo ontoeI on lInhoIItory trolltttu to prevention riad to Wild toehtder lecturegpoodirh oratory muottooo which olodeolt proho the trim tootllrohornlhohrrtoosion ttIlI rewind tor oonhtniion to tho motll huardr oI horn Iblo not Health Iolltiy metrit Plreti ttnr operationI Iln men 1thththth Itinollool ttro round tIcllrI el iottivo moihodo oi irhinlrl men and tin MM room one throllah proolleol urrrlrtr In Mrttinoled tlro Itloth urlnr mow mohntrnaent rhltlI Iltrrl tho fildltlio ornrrrcr with wider untiertlohdtol oI linen tantrum Io MW ol In Dttollnlrili in tho thrtoterrn room which it into one trrrn It limo tor three rmulvo retro hor titort lrom to In 106 to iii in two Ontario ltro Morihot Illttin who inlhttodihortoerontnt Oouro MM tollh todtntrlIt Inrl mitimlitilh pInIton domontlo Improved little to till Intion in lretion nannorornenl ot doportnlontr tooth to tilt ter doomd ho irorn DAttlls Boy Tho body oi Richard Hunt It oi Downrrlovr wII rooouen ed tittdhy Itlrrnonn by Oriuto Provlnrl Polite about oouan ler rrtlio ollrhotI It OrrIIIno Ilth Mr limb and Kevin Spor NW 20 oi It on wero ro porltd missing uno when their roptired hoot who lotion near IIII Itocit Inland in AullI Bar truth oi Midland Continua Graham Thomson ol tho Elmvolo tIrlIohment anti Chilltlhth Gordon Bmtth oi the madothr recovery by but at trio pm itto hodyoi Sparrow It Itttl roihx BREAK IN City pollen IrI tnvrotlxotiny hrrrhto otrr Titurodoy nlrhl ot Drrutlonooi Iiaptirt Olurttt on St Vlmonl Street elr tor all three moormonm Iro ovottoho It Grorrtrn Oollero lhottro box ollleo With other or twill to hood padded hotly to tho bar men out you at tho Icorr oi may torrro ttlromonlent and oi unto Mir 5th thrilln renurhohly like the trtrh ptoywrtrhtIuthor Brendon Ilohln And when Dutitno rpolt olnotnr trtrh voloo tlitr ovor tona Milo roartrorlir rarer ll idly wortdyond Into how rorio on art convinced tiyliohan Orrrrntl pltylnr at the Na tional Arr Contto to Ottawa 5th Dutlth tr hohah it pro Iontot hy ttto Gootytao thittro comonny oi iitrrto rooctti ItlrItiiott in tho Iunthwr III ton tor threo yortorrntnoet only Jilly it it it ol the Goortttn Coltorothootro Durh worth Slroot It toothshry Dulltn to youth to roilett material root tho pinttohoil wortu oi Iioluo and with tho orrtotarwo ot liehlrio willow llotlrteo tor litany mot ietttottr Dltlllrt hor written lilo own materlat Ind tho lonttnuto ottoman perlormanto it dlretl od by Drnlr llrtor Tho OntIrto Hro Oolloro lCIlt on into no What le Body In Aeootroretl Pinata Itoaoh drlhchmetlt In tho Imr It Eortttoo ootoodorr Ichoot proputnt in tormotlnn on county hlrlory raider tho Pmervolton not at by the ministry oi Idem Number prottnolii ownin hplorItlorr oi Ontarioo Post learning Bperlento Pronto promo Idnualrlrr lion IIIOht LIIIII StIll Ill eo 11 John huh II tilii tor Iteothrr rst It Imm tner Photo PEOPLE Project Is Gathering By Mr Isuon luntloer stall Writer Their ohkdiroillohtowoomo oi tho out oil tho moire hlo tory and prothxo uhool old which will beta Ier hiyiory their horttoto Their tool on tape rooordtro rurttlo recorders and Irm emttth whlth tth hopo to pro than oudlotrlrttrl rroenlotont Ind lllmihl IlIt FOR THE RECORD onrn ounuutr Como torn Bit Bolleyl Ind Wliilll tor tho Itohtrt new but on tho loll tweto they omit Nei thor eon but rotonlly rotor ted wileclton oir tinder ho tho out pm or morn oiahilto to ho remanded thooo who han Mirror hortrt movter and two lube lonr Iiloro importth Aootl loti ttnI Itrtt lhtl hroh It pttyod by the Now Lanrnd Contem ton in tmo Brnornhio and rondu hy Gunther Schutlrr ran Itvo hourt oi tirirotn plet to hotbyoilot Lott it For In In odv temrrA to one ot ltnr rorr told hit your IN on Ilito to irnhtlllo you itll tho it worn under or in or In mo rovtra Pitt rtmolr thlr to tho hint at nturtc ihol one on rein to and rnoyho ovttt itvo with lot theory waryil For the nntnttttlod It first It or one on tho hind oi IIIllliC hoard tn oll thooo old Chortlo Chrplln Ititnt motion Then oo you lltlto to uoin you wont to not otrow hot rod rono and rlrur lolly away or at another rrourmtod term all it you want to loop on thin 8hr Dudln Ilehtrt hII touro Clhldlltld pioyoo to Now Yorhlutloouoryln ll otloirotawty rttrt tour noolhr AthDttillit portroyt throo locotr it itehon tho trthoe lm lint other lob ttymtfi lb hrotheio animal tho to wit and tho rehel he an wholo twill Iltitl ropIneeo broom hlo pub clow tlny olroolhrowtiny rnInnorI In to tho dnwiny room and run ttIttred th Iudiem il tho unto rnIn whooo wrtttnn moved there tcorulottted lnolvldunir to intro oi it Ioti undortlontltnr it it tour rrrenrory oi tith In that 5th tin untold to shit to mold and that tho olthentehl in Duh ttnI ohrrnr tho robottlour youth In tbyoarortd tItA prtronor ion which tho Iutohlorrophtrol horriIl not war horotll tho but whlrh hooamo ro ltmottr In tho ehtrmlnt toy Hilton on rertnwnt oi it Ill 5th With wot horn in Duh Itn not tired or liohon would hovo put tl within an vAII tune from tho pttywttyhto homo Ito wortel tor rir yarn or In uphotrlrrot Ind thtr Eltlr tor torched ltr plhhrelo when he won the dirtlhrtlon or II ho lililltl toilet root tor rln em htornorrt tor hor rprtno to rldonto tin htr orrrpott tiutlin II looniltlod at Upholritrrr by Royal Amlnimon when Dullirt mind to coat io ho trotted Al pointer Int apholrtotor ta vonoouvtr ohd in corona helped euhtidtto clout to IlittirntI lolorettrd in Pu PhotOs Stories Of The Past Stmcoo county Board oi Elihuan Ontario tillent and Intyyrtmlal or June tithth my lion Ichooit The Iehootood raritertlty Itoientt worhlno on tho rovlnrtot goremo rttenl Prelorvtlloo and Expluro tlon ot Ontarioo Part Learn tor Erporioneo program tpeo sun Iloyot it end Jolly Ito Cuahey it both Glide it oiu denlr iolnod John II Itrtlytor Uottwutly Ton onto rlrideol tiealher Rots it oi America and its theorlul braahnm rtilotio that lntttt Into Formo lltumr on the album which but rottmo tho kind at enrtoto that rnnlmo to and hot tho rtlrhlool tuno II the Etnlertolner the marital 1mm ton ml rt heroitlhotoltho roil oo moo Iltdtnl mo tho Itera wintl Wth It tho pretty ladle lhqudlcneo and 1thle on tho lookout tor oran ehonxo ronrlnI his way To VERSIONS Them aro two vetrtonr oi thtt oonr on tho album ono with full oerorrroahtmrnt Ind ono with piano tho tailor town more omoolhty whtlo tho looms or horror also It howl pm will tho mind and trim Irodinr It to Tho two ti olo tho ITEM Ilndo ot rnr whore It one limo tho minis wants to main oil miirrh with your headhalt eh whito at anothtr you wont to pour oath to tho tlooo ond thriltto No other olian on tho oi hurn Ira worthy ol rioto Coo oodeo which won written tor mt dotettho llto airy iotillt tint thot were lhot ltlrr trotte mm It not tho oonr which Joplin laid would mtho hint iImoui Tho ottond ono Ir ltante Loot Itoy horned allot tho linoln Lott club where iooltn phron tor ntony ymro at tho turn ot Shay Duliin Is Behan Three Performances Here on ODCI Corthoo Cottnlry with Chlol Dart moron chorus Gent lonlenomltiouirotot oi Util Irt trooo tlowao Iwanlod HttilAtihr illlho Dominion DiImt Peril vIt Ind moored in will rotor trr ltnlanr Rainbow tirin tloonhlott ltoppy Irllt Ind Wool silo Story and went live terrain with tho Emerald titty erl tntt two with tho Voncouv or Ployhouro Oonrpiny Tho toolithrrr perlorrntntot at Pitt in Hot Hot by Geo to Ioirtrou tho tttrt pro ronto tort oi tho IeIron ti tho Ororrton Ihoatro Comolor wtlt ho hold tonight hiondIy and lhlordry It the Collrro theolrt thirttih limo II no pm ISTHM AIAi Irtnrt ttt 7263422 tho Wortttt lIlr ot 5t tool in olrchh thtI werk Coordinator at tho ElltViCll Ierondory rohooi hosed to Tom llanler ilitl Ilttrrahrr protlnclot wor rlirator tor Ill tturlrnt PEO PLE projects checked on thoi rrotnlo proyreu Ind motored trim on won at carrying out their Ittlynrnonu they on one oi tho but Scott Japlins Music Gitres Listeners Pleasure tho century Th1 in perhnpl lop tinr httl hnowrr Wit ood hnr been pornrrmooIhrWilll murlelanr an wort It tho htl honIt In the title It Itorto oil hrlrhl Irttl bouncy lhtl ottottlte Iy area violin which ono otton hour In Shittoy Trmpio mov too lioth mix hm been re Itartl linrieo the other roots with not nonierrrlpt hnvo heroically tho Ininorhuraeltr wttlttho rm III on thythnr rather than an may and tho lett hand on tho plono krole that rteotly beat Etna Thin Iorno time lapse to monotony with tho listen rr wonderlnr when tho planter iI rotor to thin oi Iomothlug now in to On tho tho Itntl oi toward one rhoulrl play on hot nltcrnoon when oolttny tor Iorno once or merely to hoto mtulc wh eh ono ton orroy without really having to listen to Scott Joplin Tho tied the Ilooh Tho Now Iiutontl Contrm lttry lilrtlmo Enrrnthlo Conurtrti hr Onotlhrr Sehul tihoto howom this II he sturrup it Grrto yrnlu ttrrry to triplet hell the It ointr turn to hrlrttt the than to lull some trtrh htr thirihorutd unto emote Ito coin moro tuxlilo thlnpt IIII lhI hirtorr tltrl hitat Irhoolr or local Indoo ilt lIumboro duties trltltnrla mm Amt gm oh In or In with thorn on lh mum tho Itrornnrtnto program STUDY CEMETERIES on to llrotooor Utlltrrrlly oi Wett monothIro Iron Itncolho ho ur not told the trout tiltiihtlimihiiiilwi It Cmontitll mm on ohortett their From reotttny tomhttontt too too oelrnuioo rattonollt in ttnt mortality north roto lor rnnrtiaro ot iatntliu Intl thn thioetnetory woe to one ho rrouo tor Ibo It tlhlay pttttlru to dopint at tho turn oi the century ono oi the moth Iroar oi ihttrool tho other art oi lairrtot gunman ho horo kttireo trotn Sim Miii who It Intothem ho NEW north Hood oi Imelolly rhtrlor theoo two per no hot Irronmt to In ierririt about to rt tho rountyo otter realtkolo who hatn mom Drloo oi ltto why It war when they went Mill imilwllwtlsui rtartotlvol and too 33 ot lilo Highlier or ormi no air Ilnotparh Tho tour major thing they to Ito tailorin uo ptearntnlioao oi Itlo It tho turn or tho notary too tturinr tho Depterrtoa Ioarotn hit tur rehootr In tho Ilttdy toni oirrltI and hhxhilro till totin ty plaques in help leoriiero It to tlold trt Anivno to can ortdo tho group with tntorma to mount control PEOPLE Protect Nutrient Setonde oohoo Iiah AItItI Him ttoi out turn weather will motinuo throng the weekend Tho weatherran to rotttnr tor high hollowrt ti and it do error Sunday Ihtro itll ho hltiriltl too The low tonlthi tr etan to be between on to terrier mom CPI roreeIttI lor OntIrlo lulled at am EDT hynoptlrt Sunny warm weather tor alt roulhern Ontario lhtl werltond with holiday hit and more humlo in tho north titlturhonto from the writ wilt moyolocrort tho upper Great Latter today promoted by ohm end low thunder rtormr whtrh will tprertt orrorr thr northern region later today Ind mutiny Tororho Bunny onit verii erm totloy Sunny hot on moro humid sundry ttlrh to day In the mitirwniow tOHIIht Irountl or tllyhthtndny tort not titlntiror tondon Itnmttton Ieloroorouglt Lalo St CtItr Lola Brio hlo arr Lotto ilo ron Lott Onarto Ituthorn ltltiti runny hlirui rlo Tho hooo MI umber it hm Sunny Humid High Hear 90 Forecast For Sunday In Area Annoy Itltl trr worm lod buttuy hot or more ha Binary Ilith today In tho tutti hit lotto tunlrhl Al to It Ilkht uhm toil Low ltlth Torin Tonith hurt ll 70 50 Ii Windsor Shinto St IhontaI lohtlort ha Allrheliir hi hlwrl IureIt to Winnhntn on Owen Sound It Maillot to Hamilton or St calh or Toronto hi Trenton II tttnyion or Potawuwo hi Norihttay to oratory oo EIrIton so Timminr to little is Goorptrn tiny ltItlharton notr whorti nurt STAIN AAAL ISTATI Ltd mm terror or error and lot olooor llo moored Ito Dollop lonlo 83253328882222282888833 Chaplnitr It Vhito littor oo Gethlton hi ttoorooeo Io asauczzssssszsdzzassss Tho wooihor tI protontotl ttotly II puhlto torvleh hy Woolworth toowrtrowrt hhhitloi COMOLLIIRICLAPPIIITON ITS 7263971 TO MEET ALLYOUR TRAVEL NEEDS

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