Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jul 1973, p. 4

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Egg tattler tutu 111 WI Emma Mom by one ummm my umm Ieneytleusmoemtcoolerle II gt WquIlelIoe JAhwm LILH Mimllm Emu on or manner rm on no 11 gt IIIIIIIe hIIIdmIIhrdmrglItIorIenthe bed otIItIoe go holder encounter Ieprereoneny loamy may nd WW tell tn Ir Imogen my meme eo Ine ctty mthlng but report joy tortng Ibout In under Ind en themeettnn Irltb the Dude Builder yum turn mower over one of no room pun mullet Annulath Ind the Bnrrto and DIM men ol the early Item run In rrdr Real Estate Bonrd should more up It In em to he expected the bule one III III used can do out eomo Intern ooundl meeting are Interested In relaxotlon ol the web We One not used by an ml estate dleldene emedt Itntdr Ib In We mam bout ll btdloglotssbm that M11510 dletalnrr Ind not tuft IWPW Who tell buttoned by the city Itondnrds lmponed by the ally tor rum norm ulnllon III the north mien Mzlinfn IgnquIoIIIeedoImenI ltd Iagtrssteiwgmc Mmmm InIIIIIIIIIrootoorunnersetter yearn too on many ow re go own my one In nottnledy denttt both olden oI street Inywttyl Ine Fruit Itll porth vttehln Itrtlony In Itotoot lot to melon It compared them Ire good things on both rules my loom nmhm end the In Allende domdve my who the What lot that me mm ot the houdn coIn mm leon In the only 1970 Iroroltnl the deterrent to lnIoronlo lllstlmn eeII rookrlong look It Inaono were the mm mu or Polnrln Why the city had butltln rrdmme It In thoh N51 spiral mlnlh Ilrn pom It In And to Meet tote to beyond comprehended opetully Ihl wee meetlng WI gggmgym gt no 13th Untmtbeutylewllllrrgtonotoneome lend to me enhgbteoed legulatronr mm mm my mm mm may no rnnlor ellorteql Ibo bumomo the Inert II erolon no soy puno prob rotlnlcr the worth lnrleIt DOWNMEMORYLANE no ever ween vI man err Ud$ovlat en To Ibll extent no end the WAR DAYS Id YEARS AGO cwmnderolo dramroCnunI War emoetnle toehnleol 333qu Pentagon eoandor went on Borrld hunter July lots hIotlI denmnlmIlnybeblotlnnln mu III III dmtbellno uotlo eIIneIIIIidIgIvIIIIl IIIIIIIIEIonIg mm omony Iollowlng street parade led propane Ilzln Ipeoter umJIIbmSlmp It llt Do we hm more preI mm Mow Illdlaud bugle bandllevy anuo dlgnl eon veteran county reactary Ind IDIIII W5 IN mull rWublrleton tlolzow and Inn It Wm my mummy up to simm Nmm lrIIllddn then he do rerlny doernt worn In when we deeply HUM 1tith mng WAR DA YEARS AGO Ianh olberr Ilu IlrI Khru IlnfiLlooy 115 Im RI IIIIII 1m ennIIvIprooheeymunlhuq Imm mm mn my Ell meson Cl For ante 1111 ou been buried In the Ram and yr muI my my bdNormtnDlokAIkoyRooe Smltla PoIkIn me oI mvnla Iwardnd PMMMM Mum my Surgeon IJeutn Nell hunemd leo the ed Conduct Medal tor anvery Ildmltledly lle nerd to tell ereluwee unhulneerm my on urn you Mam mg your doing rptclll wortln when the cone IIIrnIIIIn level oebenlerte ooal IHI Dehan sumo mm Town mm mm mnwwwkv batten Jnrm Hm mm gym mm mm mm hum by mm or up Mich om yo 3mm com IIoeeanIIIIonneIIIi ItulIIIII In dIeIeohIdIrtureIehrIetb vlllelodddecldedtotetoddelundn tor munlty unnlny factory In Barrley emotloneultanoCentenaryIIemorIol SIm IteAdIm lust Ieeretrry Borne Detepter from Brttlnh Emphe Po OoImIry club left town to open Innlr crlumny Ibout Wet or Intro IhIreI lhot retool In Inlm In New York In temmed lllI moped In wetter gunman meetan Conrdn ante buIIzIIneIIsI InIIIIororIIIInI IIII Dorrle if were ouee eenr econ reopen mod Imprwrd by In er In ed under new none Bazrle Inn wlth let both armyoad eIrtoroo Ieotlnne They Whltrter tormerty otIlrIrItIord sumlantles Bemeen Thls 181a were greeted by Ilrl dlarAC9peneer oroorletor Two Ivtotoreloet way In cy somellmu wlth the eon alter III brute alert 5th trom Toronto to Camp Borden rlllIIlnx hep nI UN remitt ed prenldeot Ilene Club Wornerle were Iorced to loud In Ierm Ileld neIr mm ml tIlltet they mutt colltboltlt by WNW ClNlDllS STORY PEI Opposed rm my In In mu may tottthltrtltltrtlmttff ltlthlltlt thhttfhtttl ryeeoneymyr roman whomcry The Automobile Inmtlunlmotorwedmottrnopene Grnnd Opera House backed IorItlIrrIe mum ot gum In Zgm anmddgztomvhwlxn Whhdd INNEITWQJI hIIlTIIlddmmditn uhtnhttfthllm II nonnewuau uuleollonllteoahluohhnut In and ham 5m Col Gm Inc uIItIqu ngatnrt hoordlng sugar Ind with It the tl old Prlne naeIn turd ntle Itlel then no on It so book WWW turn me nor lrlmttttxttttt retortmetronome ply my motley by my my ozmmwm Lmen itmyaxf lmmmm 11 Ilmutmm qulfjgnm mm In mm hm who llottol or IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Item oIle ma MERPRETING THE NEWS III who whloh new WWII tutu no mm InfoI Knuth would WIN lm trete errplomle that lienxworemn numth tn ooer Nell ed ttnthetno Iho nrltee rdenetdorcvrtrouIntrlI otnd $3 nhgfl ml Srg Ma mm We ll feet We ennuuom internment counter Iron normqu mitt flntnh totem mmnn WW II WW nenthr hmlttglt lulnlIIInId IlrtIIIItI Italy on nwwmwglmn mmr Th th rune we Item chum III tLUWId rtIInel the lnyaly lelt tor WM out they mlde MIPW Ito stopped III we er eClce dggdgrmtt WWIIOIIIIKW mm dalmth Iberhedthotlratao one eye mo with tonne pretendey nuunun II Ilnod onniortl lo mlnutu my madrmghm III mmmd um 33 Wtmm FIZIIMI1 Mmyd uh mrpgiumymhg dmterou eltuetlone have re brlpgtnfluczdton Nlllwd In Potted Itemcounted venIeII We Hell be It rIIhII but mm MRI Ieuy or rn en re de mm up mm my um mm trom lbe lhlled Stolenlt VII Illnr my wlle at In were new Etolultdmfhlohhll Iollromttrrhmnftl WWWWW luluWW It We to the div WItdlrctIhtl WJEtr Ill relenee luff neveorliulinuhenir 1mm mm mm mherd mm mm mch rlotgl mer nrted ydlldhlh ml umaorrnnlnrlttlm rundown butler IIIluluutlllcluu nonrandom one on nun Wm Iwe the It We to end at In on In trylny to WWW to Iheltrt Irorn ermnd In common emu Ilnxer on out aher III narqu nl mt my ml 91m all Into In my mute III Innueeoureertnderle Mugllmmmmb Imdmuthdrndrhoerhwd Mterrtotnlrhed more by llIIr IlIeIed bloom eo It Wth 1H Ill newtono VIIIqu relunIInIly center mm mm etuleoIII exploded Into Inn Iony hlltory rt Mum be clam uerl omen would Illlltm If tmtlwlr Iolt IIIeIIIIr Eugen emued memwha m3 they went neuter notonomv mh 0313 mm Er mm Gm Wnwm mm mum We outshone reenter mgm dornerlle Ion whlell Ieenu troupe hm mood at all to be 11m IIIornble to Ill 1150 Lt WW mu mldertnt Itth the lot thll thew mllllontl InIIod pretence In Illeler doldllnel for the wlthdrml III mm In luw or mud troop Ir IM In It It WI lrvrrfllliuidedeeruflm will tlMI HIM prom II mm in mm nerrlylour yetrr tend to out man lowrd Ito ultrmmnl dent Wilt urloue none on WeIImIaneII 01w Illetete mom mum Wt III to mean comm II the Irrernuy ll udlblo to No elm pert III emertod Iundlnn ullIlIetorlly tonne wllh cIeIr would the Intent Ioureer betlevo Ilrllleb PIlrrIo body tumor III we untrue HellltIWlll unouoee domlnnnll Proteetnnt Unlonlrt dendlloo tor the withdrewI It My Iormer Iemltr lloo ue Int retort end In am Baum IllFanbzr hold leull III IIIooIoI oI IgolclIIn IIIII mm too pllty BBL tonlrolI II null 51 901 Fl SegndCImIIItI Illd huddle pmeyrmu III the lrloh repuhlle no teamHon IIIIIberotM nlndzed to mntlnl the Imnlllly 13 htng Mwwm 11 don IudlenuIItIIIIa wefIIIIIItaInIeI w1 WWW vldod lmohl unolllelel Udlon WWW cw In duhelxtptlm rater dilly I7 fmdmmtnm IIUWOIIIIIItmooelvohle center are Ieetlr um run my in mm my reld coroer IIIIII IIIIIuIrIIgn on no one Ilnttrrntlln you Innrer moo yenrly hlrnene Como tttoo mun Blllm drowll mun nut oolltlcrl nI Canadaptttoo yeIrIyI rut IIIIor eueIIIqu hnntvovrr More more reIenIhIe to the other eountnu mm tall tlu met realm whltll the Idea In recommedrtlnn Kotot throw olI tam my IIrIIIIII twernloent utll odd to em mm mg mg rtrtlonrl Advertlnnl outta the menu well at rohnhle IIII there would to Queen at Wat Toronlo howInt whelhorthellnlll be Inrnrmdlue mo rearlIeII II ltlor old Colbrlrt It llte Ind 5014 con the to Imp the Nrrtmunltler to neutral WWI eomnlldnle thelr MINIGHII and Memberolthetonndleo Plea But there Ill trIleI Ireueo elm not melt ot oppdtllloll JIM MI 1mm am compared ulththe continth And Mr uernIIlo he donl Kumllll ampIto helhe wm prmrlollorl or erII war The Conndlon Fret In eneltllv acme Northern Ireland by the Int entltledtotbeueeler re oullnwod Illnh Ilepubllcan Nlhtllm ol Ill nlng Arm IIIIII mm mm lee apcrcre mourn IGPI Women Innocth Pm or Iteulu mugfllvm my my mm It Wh motl ln Illeler elnoe the loud We M10 WW It Iedtnereln mmoymmmmhm EIIIAII lnItmt ntllnnll rode townhouse llonn on oer to on mrrenoettlnrlnlmoltrlll mime mm the Ilnllod sluts Speaklng lotto by It emulate end It It the Conndlllt Worneno oorll Iprodueed In lhtr neuronoor mntIIIIIInI 10 RIPIIItnung II II mm Iqu IIII Inn not IdltlnLlwt In Iri Aaron uETdIllfrlofm II not group Ire pledeetl In rev only one report at IIhenlIon but vznyo any lerrorlrt ItIIot hyIItIII neemary llrII rtep lb Bltlleld Street Bottle onlorlo Nod door to the bathroom eeeeod Inertn wen louod Ietelty ehot Iler hunbnltd who now helpr exploln the route to VII ltorr Ilonda quletly In the bnellrround ey ore Ihowrl the only vlrlhle rolle the murdered warrenpor IInIIr at her Ihntterod teeth tethered nearby on the Iloor at her death um um lrnrrled by tlltle clrnle oI Itqu HITIEII HCENE Not tar Irom lhle mneobrn keno In hone nhero to per eont Ire IUezed by the Iurlrt to hm been detIpIIntod by mlrnudnrt durlIIl tlII enme oryy oI mutual trIterv tvmnunlad hole In It nuburb ol amorphIIIr rIIIned TIIrIrIIhllreek am the mutual character nI nll IIIII leroclty wot parlleulerly ohvloue that Chrlrlrnnn It yenre IIon Iteurer wore Itorounded by lInIlIIo gunmen end In norrle cater elr oeruonntr turned to ee under hall nI bul leIeI nlm InrerIuInor ol the IInIIIIr traIredleI mm In Cntholln luctlonn dl Btllut Iew yeIrI later One IlrII ndly brouth Ihtn roporter hook to the house In Omnr III Irom whlth he led with llmlly III mt III III IlIrm patted true Imnll one whleh took them on turn Ioeed IIIeordeIl darIIta Inn neIrby IllTurklr quarter the house remnlnn obary dolled tony alnee looted oI III III eIIeetI Ind more ahell Imnny boat It derelict bulldlnu In the ghost town where Turtle and Item once llved clues to one Indhnr ULSTER IllECALLED III at lead one well dlI IIorI lo Itcponl lhe Abnrtlon uled nelthhorlloed elIowhere Nleolt there are oddl ltrnal remlnttre ol the hole tut dtuntlon In the not the On 0mm Great Ind lula eermed tor rnrne deo Idea to coenllt Idllllltll well mom when tho Wot mothImlorl of tho ttlund wllh GreeceIII mlloned Until Independmee the Turk looted to tho IIIIlIIh tor prolrotlon utlIIIl enottt Shoe then they have de pended on mIInIrId when not dmndem none to VII IuIIIy rormttor except tor the extent to deI the mlnor tty here Ilnrlo the UN peter twlrlx Intro to be etdetd not only otalntt the Inland Greeley but the Ittllltt the onttnlalrnrlor moehlootlene ouerrllta Geo George Grlvu nulrey mp Ittllllorle ot dollnre annually Into the repo rote mlrtlltrollou letu by the mlleanIy otter the dir InterI el lodlol EEIAIIMISII undue Wllh MIIMH Itnul Den Irtozh It It bend the ltttlIIIlIv motel othnhlrtrnllou trler to do too NI 115000 reorde IrIeny pl than rolhored Inlo three urlotly demarcated en UllVetMIIIII Amhbllhop Nl tarloI clnlnn merely rleht to do lor III Independent Cyprun one Canodlnn UN ntttter not It Ilnrythln here It du yllcnted III between the two odmlnlrtrnllonl Iboth holll ellll Iblde by lhe nomn rur reIIcy Indparrporl noterru BIBLE THOUGHT hr Ior the III eIIl upon God ml the bold ItIIl me nor llelul Htll So Inth de nos on whether we elect to no on lllm or non tlnlle In our till my lho Invertr Ihnll unll upon the home ol the lord ehIlI bI med Ila bIIlI tor renewed hul neu dullnu between the loo Ilteomlrlm homer Inoet nl the onellrm pereonal Irlendllneu between tndllld uIl Green Ind NItL In Nleorll Turtlrtl ma Intel In my ot the older Ind poem oortl ol the my Ilowover recent yolre hm teen bl growth on the hlIb II though tqu Dene haul told In no lntrrlrtew that the wood ot dml at no Greek momma gentle Ibo Duet enonorntn Walnut ol no III eotl mlltd that hnrterr on Mr Ildo nI the bartender eon eoltnl on mild to eentr Ior eyery It earned by Greet ern WWI oh re Inoed Ind lTlRIh labor on rII Ileady flow Iretllo out oI Ihn lhIrt en eleve In hlcoeII ldlo Greek true where tenor can ruler treely The erelutlth ol Greeh trom the Iurlr eneIIrI to IOIMIMH teen IhIn herd IIItrI tor the mtlorlty rroup Ilnco they would nnrnIIlly hove lltllo morn Inr villtln the timid WWWml of the butt lllllllll reerelt tlon In let belny on the Greet elde The Turtle mnlrttaln clone Iupervlrlon over Increment ol lhelr people to Greet Irene Even Iorelprl IquIIII eon Illld II nwtrword enterln the enolm In NleanI en pt It delltulled pollen cheekpolnty In Greek Intruderr Ire unun egotltd Immediately ml ed he mlnorlly tor uhrt the turn all Ieeurlly Ind other talent the Greek lent to my may by llllllftrl Ilnre even arcldentnl nnlry oInImemeeleIIlIon Ind otter llonmy by pnllce run LIGHT TOUCH He Has It Cure For Comm Scold NEW YORK rm IIIyloe for IIIan ehIIIIInlIt ylyo Maybe Im net but whether or not Im rnaln chauvlnlrt ply Im tlrtd oI beIrIn eIIIed one by let nl ItrIrIeII women who ought to have the moutht washed out your em or toned Into the town pond no common renldno IIIIInt ed mangykgldow IIIro re ny annoy III nourleed or mold chauvlnlrt pIII by pack nl lemIln har Ildanr who wouldnt he pleated by man II he were trnu helween Slr Golnhnd and st Irnncln Because at entlrtery to the fair Ion learned It my mothero IIIIeethe Ietton wot In Iled wtlh the boob end III Ilr brthI wouldnt reler In there Ihrowlrh IIdIeI on IorIInle ohnuv vlnlrt plyr IIut Iennale they Ireand rhauvlnlrtt they nre The HR llonnry deduct ohnuylnlsm nn undue Nitlnnty or attach ment to on Idea or onure ruhnllt that malorlly oI tho women eI Amerlen mop nlze that tome oI there Inorller Ind thelr eIIlmn Ire tIdlcquuI Itulenl and downrer lllll Ible Some at them mm to wont not eolnl lly wlth rmn but mltrlxht wet heunen the men DlNT WANT WAII Ilnnt thlllk the ordlrury Amerlcnn woman nIntr to be without nun or hlIIllll hlrn ln nuke war belueert them The tool In one oI mu IuII Ielleotlnn Ind reaped In on What In puzzling to most men In new type Id hybrld temnIeJmertlnx hour woment Ilbmtlou move Intent the It the type eho unto In erIoI Irorn mod the IanIIIrI at the out but It name Ilme trutst on her It to romnete wllh hIIIl on term In tho career Even II ehe trylnl to tote hle on my Irom hlrn rho exoeete hlm to mob theItIh IlrIt II they hm hIIIneer lIrnheerII Elle Ln womenhe II mln Eventholltb Ibo to alter very breed Ind better dont treat her or rIvaI Illeneas II loreed on hInI every Irndillon nI the out what eon men do In Itlh the underhtnded totIIeo ot thle new hybrld type MIN In th lml It It II III to him the turtle hatul Iltured out yet my eon do about ltexenpt brook Me ewerd more knee and model At noon ale Iald onto women madn ll to mm the comet Inuoerlor Ito wonder men Ire lulled Iry bIIIIy IolIledImIlI ehnuvtn mt ee liter bllnd ldlnle ll

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