by ultimo Seeds Ill The Green Revolution Fail To Solve Indias Famine IMIAN MANN III Hlrl1iwyvuauvver NEW DELHI lAPt updtdtheOreutRerotetiar Lorr Mallard Indezt tenure Eur rntrreb reeds Irimutdntaiu Lnihlttlmonldmdt up Ihidtthe ll mist DI Ntrmn MINE Nnhei hit helped em Indltt load rfittt Dot hm not elm to the Uodeotthtmlddlllmthl traitorqu hrertdeeted Irreverttrorntboihdintuh eontthtAtt III Hill hm Io hm wet or raid tmlrn upon attire bu dell Itth etltnt to IDA Ruin tournth men tlthe erent lh mutt tr grJoo IytternIthe IWIIM when titles at Pool IIIIytn Ind ll euItt le Government All InnuIl thett yield turn grown born to to turn eight year Igo pert IIONSOONI TAIL Ituch oI eentrtl Indie re trrtlrrt however In the trout drourhl In toner no men Irkuorrledtee thtt it It the trout in rod on oIlltloI erpeetr try there he boennolhlngtlrnlhtlntten tury the test revere drought In 6641 liltdtd nitrth Dlhtr Stale In eastern lndit the ormud had to more than million trod grtint to prevent mtrr ttnrvnilott Thlr one Igrleultur ItIn tilt In all pl tltrn Guirrrt end thrrmh trn Inegt Internth litter there It many tin olive moment but Ind neighboring put or try tors and Andhrl Ind LIudhyI Ptndeshtltegioru oi irrderit Ind Dihtr Illrtted Yet the iovtmment It In htd million tonI oi lood though it Icknowiedger In million IonI more Illl be needed Anwnhdt hhlrrdn tho ndnirter oi rioto tor lure told pnrliotnent retentiy tint the government had ohtnlotd Internoliy about twice the atom tons ol whert IthId men in It the Irrnn mint Ml Itrtriutyoo ertlrm Jho rnIrIe rule when rpeetnmltr In at hm ethpId Irrtiorhbltirrt million but yeIr tad to esti mttod 30 million tart Ihlt import only III urtrbut Om III Intenlmmot MIINIHHMII Iht Ltiar itmioe need hm wow hm MM Mt Illh that In his Itrniu have ndeted eil Lt Indie Br may Indtmr rttoio lead It rlte The Intnttlmtl vii at me that here been in mm ttudy In MI they didnt notch on with the Inditn mutton mill hrurtn MI lilo thrift rrid It ertern uri euiturht Now the Indian In trying to rebuild the rtnlne to give them on In nhlr Inna tries the problem at nter It rotted however than II little hope tor rent hrenhv thrwgh Rico mutrer rntn unit thIn Ihent brrnuso ddiet mutt be Iuhmorged or revertl mitt CROSSLIIHD ly AIRS ALLEN Illu Induced lilllwt It ilenI In limit hospital WI Idea to not her home you lieu Fergttron Oreeroore enti ed no All min rirr sun It Ion Thundry hie Iml Alrt Bellamy Notiont were torrent gnestI ttlir Ilt rod Nrr Alex Shep ptrd Ind trinity hit Ind tire tome Doro Ind iIrnily III vitithit Ilr Ind tin Dottd Entree Boston titre IIrt IIIroid millh computed them rod It remaining to visit with her drughter tad tonin irw Nr rod litre Druid Enth Weeteod melt with tie IIIEIl tirt derelict Iolputon we hit Ind Iirt Grey ot Ausirlill tin Gertid ore rod ddldien hm returned home titer holi drylng In Neoltobe rrheri UIIII that ntLIllut to In OVCID 8th Ion It It Ittlro romeo lulled Utter Ito In eitlnu Inlm Ilrlrul Ilrerdy FESTIVAL um Buitngr experimmtt CONTRACT BRIDGE JAY DECKER South derier Doth rider Wtble morn KIIIIM Qt OKOI ng lead tun olvelubl dell marred in term IZIAICO 0t tour match Nothing Ittweped It the tirtt IIb Ihrre South lot to three INIW Ind West led tltb DeoiIrer Inn with the lack WM diIrnnzri to the queen Ind dimond Intel Welt winning Iith the too to Him dltetrdcd led hurt West Ihitled to the outer oi rpadeeoveredbytho hint Itd tee Ettt returned club Ind South iinlrhed with tea trim Itier merit the Irony he Home At the record table the dot lento functioned voth great Igintlion Ind South went down one titer the error tenderer oI bldt West All very little future eluh lend not decided to rate ttnh It Iindlng Burtt long CALGARY CPI hermen Iuil Irran Itd didnt look It Irtrtlrt ullh only three to the worn to West led the queer den even though dummy had on tho lull No truer arrow we ever it the college level Don Stout thoil Oeelnrre tutored with the ting Ind East mtdo the Iuper pity oi ridding the Dog It the llmu time tlgrrtling With the hit South Iorred out the are at diumndr having no oher ehoitv nod Wert purtuing hit ctr led Inother tprde East thermon corhed trlendir tour spade tllrtu Io Intiiet ooelrlek delett The tirrt murio Ierilrtl in North AmerirI truheldet Me monton in 1m honed itnournns WEDNII It lIIvOltiDlA AMN WINIA tMtr honour to We It wort It Itrum Ir enrolment HM Notttnin trimmer 1Iowmrr IITtuinnr corureurnett III Him WIIIM Inert bitart trout It NlIINtlvt warm loom tttnvit It All It lint on short trail tut rnr HitIntel vtnr tnt rnlte um rwmlrr rnm rwwo IIIl July 0m iomo MIMI Irl 1Ocle Id Dollar mt llOtto to eMm onion Leone Ohvplll IMrm from IItIruth or EGAIIOIHMA tttvnouootm norm IIovmmote ltIl Ittm Wulhet loom arron tmtrr NIlli or HMII IM Untldtd Memtnt HIIIII IIutm elm It NIuIIIIulllll Welter IWII IIult om FWDMI more Irtl oiln toroollttt eIgr MINI Illl The Truth lit ltlll moth woe Rie ItrM ttrtt Men Mi titmm THURSDAY JULY AFTERNOON urn lJthbld would more or Elurmrd lye let 09er Ptlt IIIII llltttn NM twro won or ymu HVMM Dlld Hwehtortomorm Hrit Iteerd kPllnlIloMI IIVltty Dull IIIII LAM Wm It Ilu rm Itomrnt Heliport THURSDAY JULY EVENING rlerM Old Mill SDAY IULY EVENING rim ICI MO flu 10 Mlthell hI IIeeo NetMt rumor Idiom OW III tm turn more rrrt tlUottm vlwtmlld it vI IiTrulh otherer lute Mitthm HtNormln wlln mum WIIM spun ANIWI Wer thl lIn Out Mil Mirror lIA Ira CIIIM It aIlw ltthlll rm Henri Ad CM Mil New IPMM Ot Hutton 11mm run Write tIMovl Im tutti Iril tMIetIIn HMyle AI NUIMIAI III SVlwllt IIIII IJnhMt rum IM wit Imam to the luv Yernnlo MW 4AM OI homer Iottdlgt IIItI mittAmi Vltll HIM lIhI MIA woo Could mu Outfit NMVII Ml Out IMAM It IItiyroornt let IIMovir IN Mlhlllilrl will It rDetro Verity pert Itll Hmvit rm rm Imni rite perttum Altrit IDln Aunt III Iltroo tired in Faith lISltllorl Id 7Htmtt ot Itn FLWlIm Ilt HIE Neill tttttwt ILIIIIIl tVlit tort AM Some II III IVltwolnl 51th or Cont ulnul More new the Hill to Ilgttmhwhvm tMtlen rum permitlent were rrru WIIIrnt LII Nm will Hum More Fit IIIII trtt norm drum HenMW III II Moon In AMI too 40ng on IIttonte Tantalum ItDeto ttln tMovtr not they the Moor Mutt tIronrlpe Fl itll IM out We mm Nm More Wlhrwl trout mille out Of TIMI nl trum II IHlone meteor to tlvrl ttxrto VIllev om rnt rut IMetlt ivttrl Idlele lldt TAO Ildttl IN or MIDI Kkhv ttMote it More the ti on mrictn Wile Itll III lee W108 Flt Come In 78 new MIWII Hun Miltltt UNI tire 34M lite Httltll truer Ml tut Hit Mt thrower eTrwpltwtlhirtty ItNov in rm rt Down tlAnolher World not filewil light DJ on It Mom tAt he Wollstle lfffll Him the 1urtMI Avert Iru hmnrrett unronr Mule on Mr rot Tl Llrtl mildWilbur It 43609 van the Mt ll oI Nl AI oIoAItlon tmt wtttl My Lim ttomurrr Yeti 7M 11th ItdoIotMI titre Ileott Tn Miro litre Dublin It le HAIIIA Om Intttmlm IWI FWhllt IN 0004 on more OH Wm Elwood an OI Word IISuttlg It Ill Kit run your sons joining the ACIOSS Lrodlordt due titrinert II Potpourri re Chtrte with gtr It Pork min II In Soho It limit IIIII drink II Put Idtvlttd net 24 Iltntindr mother II titles II Ltll III In Arron ride it Ittrtlvr at Blunder IL limit In tAIint It Iott Ii IIoItdry In Arron ll deI me or II Snellint ILvtrlety Hot DOWN Smlitll mentor Iitthethtll tourne ment lthbr Trided Tnitl worthy Cottert tion Iiihlietl veto ending ILImgre Kid Put oil 21 Grrnren worker II tier II Im 27 Report It out merit Lt Eteh dry the rude le CRY DOIL CYL VSIVITKLH ll OLOLIDL Yettetdtyl Cr PLE WHEN THE rtrem Otlltelt Coilegeir expenrive but minority in putting up with DAILY CROSSWOIID IIibiitt InturanILv It Iinrutrn ItSnrtmoviI II Sheepiite It Ttvoriir 10 Gold Sr 22 Slug till robe Itbrlt ttupple II It It LONGTIILLOW Uno letter tlmply Iltndt IorI mother In this ttruple It urotl tor the three Lt toe the two Or ete Single leltr lrxgrtroohet the length Ind torrnrtton YT DIIIII TYP GILT VENIALTWIN trouble WE DONT GET TO KNOW PEI CONE TOUSIWE HOST GOIOIIIEHIO IIND OUI WHAT THEY AIlE LillllGOETIIE MI illnr Ytttum Iynliettenr In tny rue milled eerv trizt when gtrnl tutor or their ruminant pertorrnrnu Iheymlly ddI the Job BBBNIWOOD It Ills WELL III IIIbh New NI ILLI Ired htcAIoney ot rm NoVI Mott Ire trending let rim wiih hit Ind lira WWI hit Ind Iltt Brim llerhert Ind Him moo spent the dead Ilr uni Net Punk Mirth Ind David tied with their pmott htr tad Itrr Thoma Herbert It Nev Ia Visitor Itth tin threaded were Iilrr slum hie Ind tin Druid himth Ind Jolt Lorelle hIitI Jnnet Iinmill Guelph Mr Enid IIInIrI tugr tit Ind lira IIIrvey Ind Iirr Id Bornton hector In no In Itoyri Vidorit Ilosit Btr rte heriru rurgery We ILdr him nerd reomry Air Ind Iin Detroit tild trmiiy Ihorrhiil In Mr rod in tin Ernie Itttl ktmh strut Stiddty with the Grom Stheiit II OILEGES FOIL LEAGUE triitnr trorn community and tuhnteni eoiieret terorr Cen ol Ida Srtnntry tonned the Can ditn Odieget Athletle Astori etion OCAAI to promote rportr Ier oi himrnt Itornl Mien CII gory Ind XIAA prerldurt told the group rill prrtliel the Ch nIdIIn Inleeoollezlrte Athelie Arroelrllon rhleh govern rud venlly rte He trid the OCAA it Into tour rettnnr hopes to rtrge nottoorl rhrm pionshlut lo hooker rod meet red thma bteltthrll htd nrlnlon curling end humor Inn worth It It Yrttrrriryr Antler 12 Couture It One LDeput om iISectu ed mouth Retldent llClotorr oitrull HOD It anl Is our DINO II this Ind II III tettherr LIuter II XVIII title now II the worth tro Ill ttrrt Ire ditlerrrt PTOQUOTII rrr IL Oltt OLNT it noun or our DONALD DUCK MR ABERNATHY BUZZ SAWYER BARNEY GOGGLE NUBBIN BLONDIE ImerIrIrvltnvrylvv1711voqtivvvtlltllvlll were MVNO ASDICNIOFIEK M5 WEEK DIDYOU FIND lttl VIRVSIUIIY DIARYNOHS VERY STRANGE FINDA HUNTING KNIFE IN nlE RNLR NEAR WHERE llETllWW tllE ydll rvw rue um mm mm my un tr oerM were it mm more or VIKH MN Lrnrtnrtvr llAitl MOO DORN VORE HIDESHERIFFH rMswerreniNImttrs toorrorrouomrtstrtrre notmuusruoon ON NW 4th normtmeomrmrtt homeownerdrown NEED SOME FRASH AIRII vortnour tr menrwmoormmm or tormentmt NS not on were out or 2s new omro=tese new semiaunda mu rrrroocouymonr Ivor wot we NQDEARICHECK THC SNELVLS LOOK UNDER ruse MANILE moved Dunn nusrrsisusrrcort FORGOT Arte ma MoglrSpellhmw Spell out one thort wordr below lino numbered let tert to rpell eormt rnnwor to Pop Topic nt bottom broom 6556 crnuueummurnm now TIIE rounrsr utecnrunu run all nnonoou rooesr 55hrx Wetdrr onto IOTA nownnerv trrrttott Amm tthot thornooiriomvorr in his Ivor LIIAIIUIIIIIIIrIn rrlglnel Nuirtytt mt run It rIdt IIIIIpln $9lBIWJIIEIEIEN uwrctA CUTAWAV COAT