Exam ll memories rm mended admins runs In our ism Mth Yur No pa Niches Possible Error in Tstirnony Whitirhmnmrdlbe ImhotelartbesiteolI edvbkllheuidha ooh lll moime being by vase nt hii terran that the runeotthamtler Hit tonI eottee than in tin htry tlover it the Em Milli dia to in Duna marathon televlaed teittmy hereto the Senates tritium Wilt lie has stied in tin day DeanuldIlrnhehnnlno lent mdoueat in White Home enduring whether can trenlhuIrlIht torraboenI the pruldent Stionly belere Dean hem his itth day at tuttrnmyt water Hound liner true Tenn the ediramittee Mainland would in the president to meet ItthhlsIecuner eonatltlobanthlcmmlttze born rompetttn the to tattiy seum Joseph new Dem NMJ the tint quee item of Dean tea and tinrneyla iouutiontnnnt Deanenoe handniled thetmiter when do Wabbit niilltlltmnblthtnthtrdho tt Tilt Wm or in on tied at perverted em privilege lSenatorltppealsFor Nixon To Make Sworn Statement WAS lAPl The Republican man at tho SenItI HLerutI eun rmlitee Ml alert to Prui dwt lit to In learn Ic covnitot meetings with hla moon John Dun outed whiter mini Senator olud motor Runs mom laid in televblun iIlervteo that he hopes Nixon viii mod to ram lay Ic wan to him sItd he he ttevu the roadkill prevent the eemlttaeltrem meeting the Minimise He mentioned thhpoeetblllty hi intuition interrontnrtee end mtnterrmbottea hid urine method lllell batter to lane and dlmmnd hm Mo with the men hater add Mar and the com mltteu trim Senator Sini Bruin Dom NC mulled until llbI to but the teeth hornthe llwtdiatbtnk idiot oi tee Faiilhhr Leading Ulster Elections warm it Former Prim httntder brine hubner us In cub Nortth kelnndnelootlom to day Ind on reported certain ml in the mrtnmnnovt Itnr Itrenz personal Ihovrlnz also VII reported tor Rev lea Phillw Header oi Will lot on tlon determined to hreakhulhriers hold on lead ryshtp oi the Protestant malpr Oounttny nescoorhnted un der mautve with pre tentious Instant hy the triad Rendition Anny lth boom hit Bellast rlty centre ureehtnl white that end cuisinx widespread damare woman was hit by tiring glsu Tumor ln Thursdays vettno morethantoper rent inmost dstlide was dorm from the mo tixure it to per cent It went nettast cockpit hi the treat runner in nu tween Prritrstanti Ind Roman Calhoun the turnout rm re tied at per cent lint intimidation Ipparm no tutor in the timt turnou in some districts Cnrnrrltlna ltrod bonbrtthtnmyanhohpot liar rtntlnn It peak totinr hour iuirtday Ilthnuyh lttA leadcn had dropped their ear lier demand tor boycott Death Penalty Bill Clears Committee NANA bit in ex teud the capital 1guilstnneut btn but keep tout ed muderers in prison longer denied the automa Moe emitter Thursday emu Lett lying in the wate oi the dltlltltlt debate on Solkttorv General Warren Albumin It terruit to abolish bandit tor Ill niovinoen reetIrtIn tending to line it murder pveamxeoiethtl Dun uldhehdluenthev thanzthotnsbeteretheottic release tbdlltrlbahedpbmstatnunn roada oi the eentasiu to re porterIIndInrnnherotthetutl mm om mart rorrcasr My Idhshnvmhebadey Lwtzlstonwm urtiutlto WEI emu other om rant so 29 ms din Barrio titanium NetMen Then its Per Copy Inter Home Delivery die Wall 21 Panel Capt tan Patten 23 Borden and tellow median ofcer Thomson 28 oi Ottawa no no Cong rubberpiantntion more they were reported missing ricrrt ounv Wits5 DETAINED or cons CamshanIombaso Fletcher etnIVlet It hour utter eosiotSatgon The two unarmed trum observers are patently sitting in rubber phat to armed PM Viet Co said no glomt commander 0L lim llorrow of don lirroimded about end strutting 11105th emote and Montreal who led the Search tor the missing ottlcers The latest informationrocoived by the totem tlonnt Cornndmion oi Control and Supervision rtCCS be said indicated the too eiiloers were at Viet Cong roadblock about 55 mile east Saigon Ind led mto the rubber plantation First reports Itorested turn men on an lCCS pntmt ml we ditto in their eleerty mud iron at the roadblock Distille SITUATION they doubt Ihethrr In rats realty extol and the Guardian In tweeters Col blunder raid the teeth out vhish tire to the Irea in hlmrltoldareporttrntbli too hede todn Irr ed litrn llna hoadouartunwmtko tor the South thhementn north or Sutton that Vtet Con liaison ottloer who now to the guarantee the reareh partys IstdyuterasCImTuiIsu area near Cam Tam village urday with the semi party has been INeto dimes theth with the lltet Que ruztoml eerri rssander Arrangement Ire being inside to to tly the two Canadians out the ru ThetCtSIeutdluxmteetu ewnmrtytromthevtihge mothunmanned moorland Iron IndtheVlLt CWT Ihnuld guarantee their utetytnthennetttortrok ThetuoCInIdiInhthiintI ruociintnutu deihm oi the Meantime dominion thetnImI nItrot eut Ilnll nlCtdrol Inl ier tnluoe mm id in lnntiinneountry nortb rubbcrplnatstlmmzcnt to dmmmvdth the aide sf riren Rotorre overratedv Irrny out involved Wm We have laid eoIehanner iron with Km ninr eertytnmonwtnbrinythemnntntedtnrhltemthednm out Cot Morrow raid mappoaentiyttnopnd yI HoutdtboywereonIroInommmistmdbhclmhe lirretrtptntlythIlCCStlaurundmd Iona rurvrvorotanunbeahed mommrmoma cm mm in Form Base Borden Wrtbithtettlmntmitalnthla rim mitt undid millDI mitten It Thomson ot Ottawa or Pho PlumI tut Win them lots Iatd it aint lot in rub tourhvlths about Platoon hnve told Cmdm observer motledturitnryJeuiled PEG tCP Voienlc battled in mud numberl Lib Heraluestrlark MN ttltt West Gerth remitted its mark onward by so per cent lxalnat seven other Eitrooean roimtrlee today The on violin rated by experts as unleer plunged to attth ions on major Drrooean ex changer thin lined atirhtly on some The West German more came it rmnthn alter the cent Wontlgin ot tge dollar lfoo oeoeneon up lrueliidrevuuation oi the inan in hinrrh him then meter repean unrendu the been allowed to that Intent the dot tar with the Itronx German money pushing upward in nine Ind the dollar drilling even lower to contest to earlier mutter tIry etses motor electrodes in Nope remained it to name it lleimut sunrldt Innounced the latest rke tn the vehie oi the mark the dollar opened It record lowotmtoutnterhatoett on the lrentftlrt teretmeur rm erdaanze dour trom rose at the clone Thursday in hesitant tradinmtie dollar then rose Illuhtly to erase MPH Pllthll GOING DOWN PENALTY COMING UP It the East cit Canada to white hat trimmed with brown The centre which opened The president also was ex potted to pique mater nov ernrnent reorientation to rot troope hacked or tank horned alludean Iitertbe track urolemILblnutumonthl Mob in mm natnoeetatmlxirertdentsah birth the rush hour redorhtlendohidondmm tiedttieaeeaetnnanle mum Heidenttttad usunopsnrnr Wm Wed Ititcndeinidtn Imuotrrlrlde on his lioneda palace Ia ete radio broadcast that re meniaoithototlinnmdblvt dltlnur terror oi the Giiiean stoo Wamimro Inebdidootiiredkieyuns limb increased tts share oi the note tn these ditltcult moments by about tour per rent it tailed 5W cm to win the tint oi amnion vic nu out Allende mm by Balloons Released he an the workers They aboutd not be voterr tor the dust time iron is mistaken in their duty Only position of etieuzth soiiultied one armored rertment has their hold on the North and rebelled The mt ntthe troops pietrd up in rent trons the Conservatives in rural tinni NHONTO GP Hundred me in the Metropolitan To balloons rote tntothe air and route borouoh cost hour $11 latertail berm to now he million It is tunnely white Ind rioia as Queen Elizabeth be neat tee is made at plats Int iinh day at the royal tour by officially onenan tho hid5 Nixon Promises to im Energy Statement spito hectic dIy Thursdar her return wrsrnuotot lint mu make on the rut rin ii WC roe Meaty woreu sleeve mm in pzmmt cor linen and start the mi Nwv riluedimiidhm thornau ron the square at the new buiidtnh mm tier less dress to or to Lhitiiid with brown She Ilse had on by seven per cent loci enemy new puruneot Atomic one mlasion and not to undo new Bier were Ind Deteleoment Iit tratton parrotan Dratt Considered erel attire oatled PI Ixaiuat mltitaryhaoted ioun tatied to end the strike by it tor the restoration ot oongres rnph nee merit ttixsrnini the er Mai ion rri leuiur in Intli rvt and ailments in than liners Crew Iiound the protont interior de nim Passengers lll Irtivittea were be diverted mm the Monte Eltrfny 07m tertorI ro ants 3W1 mm phynlriana aboard simpledtto dmintiv treat 1020 mm Roulort notlned when the ship arrive in umus militant nelyoiern ntlmtt enry Saturday mat on onnaldertnz moves to dratt angle oervaiitI into the donut Centre tor Direnae Coo 500000 members spoteanien Iod constitution guarantees hahlmsleitslllr dhthlotlo thBlbhtb itdimmtlimi in ty wood away irom at one to so near our one will drItt Mlle servants into aboard the chil ship uggym coined demonstrations the blockade preveturd tins or the rim turotn thtmtohork tertn from the unitan Ill Wm AMEN Ire loyal to the government tetra lint in tho protons two ot Mr SohreyerI caliber trnlstm not down to intent one to the Cnnsutntlvea Ind nine to the uberan the standings in the mat ter ishture and the remit train the last elm election are 1m 19 ND 51 23 white Iitr with mutton ot enem tn the ladies twice the dune avenue to limit Fla Alt lux senzers and toward Frances Paolitc nuclear stricken with insurance there is neither legal um hearty its last prongm diarrhea tiredness and fever votlioials in contact with the Shroud raid noon ot the pes sinners ot crew members was in serious oondttloo They Ill were scheduled to he quit mm Mr mm Dr William barter oi the tin lilth Player Signs ll in desperate 21 trot lnAttaIita laid it was he loran break at has lieved that virus lnleotioh had the WW mm mum caused the outbreak which mtg toned theittamlbaied ahln to pansenzers and cm estdet tth Nor loonlresldeutet btnulodtho IIOG UN lever and dtuhiesa lla mm to live Premier Ed other Sch meuatm enablecast ballots manila Winnie the Mott the tdrh est in himiteba history The previous record turnout of nearly re per cent was it yours ace in lull One oi the trey litters tn the election was whether the no ratted nonsocialist hola mild mild behind either the Con motive or Uhcrat parties The elcetim result showed that this did not tale place and the NDP pitted up support It the expense oi the Ubrenls The Now Dcrrmnia ruptured oz per rent at the party vote compared with air per cent in the 1969 antral election The Conservrdivea had 31 pt cent up rent the 19$ tlzure oi 33 per not mad the bent dropped to is per rent on per cent CAPSULE NEWS tlatntall Reported ltbove Normal WBDSOR Ont CHWindsor has bad In much rain in the Ntthroodaynastsnonmliortheoniilemonthoidrme the local weather ottlce reported today Three lnrher have tallen aince Tuesday brlnrint the total to date tor the moth to all trimmer Gasoline Should Be Available ttitti norm AHMotorist driving in New England Ind Eastern Canada during the long weekend shouldnt emeritnce any trouble otth gasoline the American Automobile Msodntton urn Pfe vidtd they exertlss reasonable caution bhiiiihmiiaii ii iiiii Frigate Heads For Nuclear Test Site AUCKIAND llttlttrlvittttl Rolands protest irtrnte steamed test Ilte today despite Trench nor scientic basis to erttielro Neuron MW Ur PireiighterstlestBlisteredteet mums nun toritoo men rescued mutiny item remote bush area Itter righting turest tires are resting in this territorial ripitat with notan nurse than blistered teet to Willi Contract EDMONTON torth rle winter Irma hy antenna otters will be 20 years or are below meted his junior dtaihttttr Trike withthe iattodn Nn ut than its Caribbean cruise lonIl run with with it no Drilling Yacht Towed lnto Harbor PORT DOVER Out 634 small with out ot Ounnuut territorion two ointment Ohio with eight people aboard one turned into harbor here today held the union would not till Oil on board are physician Ind Itter drilling moat oi the rdylt in rough water on late Erie the atomic totit ttr dannitds theyer hetplnz the ships doc it Presidents Halt Putpwood Move damnation on onion otlttaot boats named by rtutoteheorttotloatrfdr iheetorlneotaoaorrrntlttns lrrmroveineot 0o ironinnentor pin in or tramth marital tor dtaett moot which drum on the Ottawa River Semesterx Given Clout Mandate