by gm Inuit msrrvu moer rm rt no Ontario Canada By now onmv Ms Ml Althth stirrth do my liner menu nut reIl mun Ins OniIrio Ind new oro ignitirsuhorlorommprotr lrrrr Shriniou menu olrorns so such Ir oil Isl Irmod Irv leIri llwl hIre lop oiira lath TM and sooth boy is cops Ith the rriuIlira la Imitation tho diIv tumors or arch phmlu our tenirerdyhrrohsdirrhn ventrally it took rnerrr rams gtMridltnhlo dosage or its lilo tron oi born Individuals Ind buttress Onirrlor diet olsnoer is this deid Ir DIN hchuoorh lornrer irourrer had rarest ro lpcrr rmryio Ibo situation he mIM nrrrrrher oi proposals ior Ihr mutation ni mi Then his not born jhy iho ironom Io yei nticri MiKEOUGll rhlrl plIIIrr ones no yes It lesrl Ionic oi then earning lute olitct iI tho musrori iiorrs it nrrld Yorlro lorrise Callough 33535 masts Eii ESLTil 71 whilnhuu =l Alli532 Is It Credit To Teacher Piano Recital By Students It MEGANFl HOW Aootlnr Insist owning or music no porrdrd It 5r JedIts United hutch tor Thurs tlIy units when students It IiiuCoLleco Dcsrinrn ponictp Iiur in piano rectal brunt Illoruln rodslphyrd their pieces cxtrpilmnll well Ind ems credit to Ihcir ierdrr Tnirior pIxi rim JoIooe 10min Wsyoo Wood Cur roiyn Unitary Null Thomu Sissy Khalooiltm UM IaUm rr has PIiim hlio nod Nell ilhorou ltdtreii John llollilm Zhinrlo Lyodi liuy Owens rilth aloha lists in liusrmuni TIK heroruc Cruisis Duri rrior to In June mflnr held Cunard hloirtr uid lo the United Churrh Purim riots Theresa hlorrls Portico Over tou um unid It lhr ilrmuit stunts Joliymm Ilrnvrlsirry runner in Knox liuia minor Svrlrn Violet omniscan concit on Sutur Lsur Dorian TItt Kelley our day etching our report out rr Ind Moo Guihutcr do my DIM Yorke with his lather Md ytnyctdr 01 ilao Nutrition one did hirI rrnnin Ind and hlr no Joiro Iluithevtr with him Desr Mn mm my my mi turn Tresor Desrltum WIII rumored tho lisrri inntty reunr nl hlrITonyI1rrhrnrinItUic mm mm pml homo nl ilr Ind hlrr Ruined WomenJory oi hirrrir Toronto YUM WI II ilrtni nitor llnnrlirld on Sundry tin no sin it intor Iod looitr thI rrlumod iron hoiidoy lo Eateirhem lD DUE QUEEN lioyor Ind lilrI Doom ll hirCurue were horrorrd to re mm on lnvliIilorr in ho vests It the Fluid dinotr Ior Iho Qums It the lion York lloltd In Tironlo Tuesdny bin FAllLI Bruin ol Suth orouglr was iontuesrlnd Ii 1hr horns oi hrr sister hlrI ins loo llorphy loiiouing rurrrry money The Elia Bolero group oi St Johns UCW had dinmr potty ll WWWW tin nrvl llrs norms inni Ind duvthrr ol Durilmon wire Proserle WWW rotors oI hlr rod hlrr Gary rlurinz iho yror new mode to mmwym mm Sunday his and hm himrr tnltr nrrninncrrlrri try lr rIrII llrs loo Ilsdihnk iirrhuro and Woody ut iltril liwori spent duos tiny with hir and hire lltrrntd Stoiiz in hlrniiurtr ttrurrd cuinrnri liorrlr llr rind lilrI Dirk Deutlrrrn ontl tiltIr lsmlly rrlrrurlnrti group ol lritotir ihdr lttnrte lil mil mini lime inllirrv ed delicious supper Sympathy It extortion In turn vtilos oi the loiioyiur who Ire Iroceoliy accessed hlrr ilsloolio John warti Ernlrr Melilcur George Wilkinson rod in Irrr Ethel Lust who rm dyed word oi iho death at her itotlrer Ernest Ewing In Toron licmberl nl tho local irnrinir lurIl Social in Guelph to niinni tho urorio convention oi that murle ior lirioo days lost week we hir and htrr Smith htrr lieurrtr IIIrr Christine Col tint trod hits Thrlnro llnwrs hlr Ind Mrs James hlcul lourh hove rciunrrri lrom on cu toyrhlo today trip to England Ind Ireland Border Blocked TBIIISCAIIINO Que iClli TIrn nutsrioQuehec burdcr virus htorircd It trio crosiirtsr uvrr iho tliiawu liivcr Tuesday or uuzry unemployed residents sinned proisrt orninsi iho Ci nntiisn intermitqu iIprr Ctr Lid lCiIt liluny ol the workers who Inst itrrrr tohi lost your when lii eiuzcd ltr nesriiy Kipr rniil not up rosdlrloeits Inl to watch ior wood trains moved downstream joiningtrain ABOY GOING PLACES Glen Sirwrri ItouII Nos 149 261 Your Exrrntnor Currier lion is rent veteran ol The ExImtnerI dtiirery 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