AnotherMeuoGnrbnoBid it 18k ldlhy Emeritus CrmdiettNevtMWnytimllod Beyeldlreetlerrle0nterle nonhumantritium liDMttmmmlWI Auaun totundo Runs 511th Siitt Qpposition5 Teuintetth rwpnipmum hare undihdrdeeuta eoppoeittoo yrvwbrdlnegemubpdq nioth 1h belaror an 1ean salmmm dunno only oneratepays in crowd oi 120 mm ltvoredapmpoealtoburideuiereeon ymummmgmm WWW hammoemnmemimem MW in mil ole rouuttooti em in the town pmpooeo room mentionai no were Mm mm um meromth tiretr lreiu wwumnmtrlmer Wm at til out ght notaoewtdtatiitrrtelawor menodroedcooditionetromiooreuet mmdwmmmem ulhezp Lr dltlerente them Berrier gen proposing the den Within intrupiaediminganatttininenpro Medium ran into iv ltwllhelntueatinytomwhrtle re The developer Cnhierldge Enterprises voamoettr Towrettip lid wlilhave Itoughrow to hot intiroicommeode etita nort nteeting and Andrew Walker Only two othore to had lustrotu ed to ditdteeler alter iotirrdaye visit in london with his sister Nureln Sister hionlca liarwlcir oi Bar rin enhleinlal crash otjcrartd in log George Vrckerr announced his elm wonlonr wear on Dunlap St wouldlstey upon Wednesday memoom whether othord did or not At Dreamland movie them on yield St Tom Mix was atarring in Soil fren derloot new western from Hollywood and Miriam Cooper in Betrayed liy hlao Sony pt Scotland held ottilotic met It Hortoor GMI Lelroyr Harry iamieron of Barriehotda record tor aeuon bane tilt at tile my Point Piano poplin pd billid Clarion DOWN illEMORi tun utter DAYS 55 vanes noo woegnte institute in or School en amn iionor rlnoding given toDorlr Robertson Irma Robinson Helen Ros Slrmoe Minty pol honora tour in ior onto only 82 to ell ot Ontario ltilr tr lalso tribute toth MEI Flour littleon in Are south reesr tabileited done do ttloo by tire New chopper most completed Preridont 5mud1ndrn plans new mill 40x60 three rtoreyn and basement New direc to include John Sinclair liter Frankie Warren and Parker Towna Couocii appointed Go lia art Zhigirt constable tor BAil Ile proa Ardite it Goodall ct Mary St ilt deepabtdier named to Burrte Parka rd Capt Basil Morton 19 ion bl line Morton ot Barrie loo blcN tr meteniui it territory exam liter Joelle Bryrooev pupils manor Carr Elsie Blpeiow Frank Ulietrman and irene annon m0 Stroud Womenr institute fuhetibrthluru Violet le lor SantiWalitvln and Men all planning board re fKiStslinger imp To Nixons Future torn ninnnoy 1min Allairr Anew 1banrroa Ntvrilervtte Turontocoo Till Untied olltrn Connor Ihould not delay in win Prneldeot iltma narttoetlon Dr Henry ltlrdoter II the out mourn oi date ihe lodetetirthle national to Tiltworm TODiii bird oi Dr ltlaeinyer truth oi the onydnn tritium it that baa been kit plot madden wbo yen mm Mlluhlm oil WW role in iordyn polloy wortrd oil tie omenon Merlot or ortaui lutede noaoottbeeey Medium the din tian mnuw lit to lalnn PLACIMIMI Nilth no lilo ood nadir redid be yin by llthlny out then too rthie upltttlny the moraine pnata to tertlyn not QUEENS PARK The Frozen It Might WarmilBit By DON 011lth Qutrar art lnrcal Wben When man at till nodtaekmlotm tr net um car an MW Muomlwemhlftbely correction twdi whammy Earned aid highly moccasin let Ind concertctntty Indoor and reunion tantamount to aid county upping ldtutren me rt we or Mr illIoo rnIlli nmmoou ttr me and taintd hiI nrdibllt nd lit the presided puoiibl Dr Kiev littllll llll3elllhlilllrl new not but no or new low to Mad mu violinist dining the Iordld Weierttte the eboiter at ireported mining b1y ltoyat Air Force in enlisted in till with Royal Flying Jorpr at Camp iloare now Borden Alter month of splendid work on We tern Front France and Belgium libth to elbow dirtintionedw leek ne one ear itinpndbleCenmanlll to awfmttk question mltlutorrrtoooeln andtrrevtherye iotdrn imposeeon vhlrit aetninnent minded tin idea Member oi the Canadian Prerr tecen been named light comrntnder GraceFleltut girl lieutenant iratrrence Barwlek rm my baritonelidmtmd rdyplanlrt vW our mrrcuitjitrouotf press hie II Iuieetion el le terrier labor minister Pierre Irtrlml will be Ion tenatr on comet tortu Laporle Vllo roar mant one tnoybattiu wenrlpeopil from the momentum noted trim and dothtiut lota We will decorer Ina pmr It made perm who were linked with ythrtlco lollaw and ttetatdmoru rl Aadiennilortr Grub Boletli inrtlele rm 5011 um rum troy And there will he HMinister ltmrrio amountin mom may mm epitnhornton thou who utll one or the indan it My the down tree the irldi sh to rugudymnut Andianelo are domed lo tmriotthetm interment to wtdoh the rotor ilred tn oornlortabln termsnurrerrdier when ouddwiy they were Mllortiver the lMllilttitltliil mu lilo the met ettltn twordounottlehnrulllea pdriod ot the out control ln eoltusioniln Iron nttlelt bedtime tallies we rt my germinal in power todopd and threatened The mm jnindore oi the Auden wmiwnmm mm re duhfimkml ight munirmnmt inn mutter trier tnoiiry urrirrtlulon should atttdy in mm WWW mt were tIiony mt nit My W10 me uoureee ml dLooowrioy nodal 37 dcddlpg um mem printers to pertinrlrr aetiol my ppm in min ozy and learning to amino annulmtotaonoiuoinourr Mrroid run organized mite que AI ll glory werent mun bettheiiotnnuldt menintunrneanil has nod Pandorl In and nonmime out retold anyuany movemeou nnre impaled eotttelndudioeprooiot rneeeuentodtemuioo the rerputniblltl at tile nhldr own tell on all you to pingth Evade ornntuot itrrll ere litpinning to la into Vlhnletret tram it nor tr plane and we have in lIm women Organized measure resolved our idea be tltd tlty atria we were born Arav giro and dull remain on one And the more Nimble toolinourralelhentore will be obit to tnrlte who contributor not only to todoeoomrnlo rtie at our an to II In ninrhnr oi preciouavthlrkr the other hand tor the WNW druidmeJheynunypeqoh typo omen more titan Letterman or one minim la enumerate the not lot In ten to meeinn between on crime mus without pity The oitiY tononrslin har home the wane oi roveolind tin roanid crtlonr ttr laidan corn punititr whichmpeimlt it to ex rtd ill on wnll termination Inddeua ride or Milling emit mm mm ol the underwortl in recent yearn rim that it hil become email title rdtiin the Ital mwortir ot om lull elite on not till ry nndmpariiniit truth to ten the omnlrod in my on mttlnie tta uorlt trill be the btnl in dinnilon oi the Mom of the nrerontcnte intention to or down martini orient Mum the pmmwum n4xg tr OFFICE HOURS liencloh illeenyrliori Aug no metronome Acadiam limiter our rectum nomie rise it How boom AmtllIne lie momma quaoy more it pm In in trtderltton romnlru about all live private preserve ot MWMI iho Audion uml at run our iI tdierntlnn end it it not eurtxlrlrp that email clique at himranting ottttlnla ulna Miller gun liner the Fm utr lumerd mm mum mm mnlninloiny thrir hold on the la mm mm education dtpartmot it WNWK id tityiitld Street limit Ontario Telephone Second Glut bill Restitution liutbel Mil twinn mill runranteed Dolly Btudeyt end statotory ilnlldarr excepted duburiotloo rater dilly ho Etuder ille any title year Einlle topltr tic By we no yenrly moon ti moo ytarly attic el canola itooo yearly her oountrm moo yearly later throw tit moo yearly fltetlorri Adrertlrtny littoral Wen Et Writ Toronto Indietilt oil Cethctrt Stu liootrraL irony lire Arallianr and long live AudioClaude lionreoe Adz ill MANY BLAth Loire oi the Wanda in North em Ontario to laid to titre norIIhlande title any late in the eyrtd tnd Audit Bureau at Gently 20me Zllte Canadian Preu la minn itlel entitled to the use tor re pltlilllbn oi Ill newt dlrpatnn tr in thla paper rredltni to it or 1111 Auoo oted Pm or lieulor and also the local new publlah rd therein lithe Barrie Examiner elnlrrtr Co yriyht in all orlllrtl tdverv tlrlny Ind dllorlei materiel ore ralod by lla emnlnyrrt end ro dileerl lo thlr nrrrapiptr Cue to hire an expert to thtIieotoour mendwrmnry Dr Abduction partied tent roll tom MU any to domeell ratai Ind ir am to Fe tdtalk the too new problem Irtlor eaten oeatAdI lie ll Iiao deeply involvad in Prnetdrit Nlma tall rldt to Wettern Em and in nonre howDlldiiil torolher the treat dorttl motor ot The Year at brown to perruade unnished En ropoIo on any ldm coming lrom lndiiredr White liotase At the name time it would be Inhir eceprdlne to those in Weahtngton no knee to ny that Willem ltotur on ntlrlnt hunt the reorrtlri ot rteitt labhnroptntedlnthetbidoneoonndatoin Indldwlu rout routers WI have handmade idoee the Nixon edntinlmtioo will mhuvu in too my area thou men were udr the ter eige term there rniailta and theater oen bId been hidd rrinore tor the Nliron we Eamon method bitten Bin ill from ritddie Artiettte who hare inruiied the boot cotto olreeodInoneeetIJIulr mainrealllot in emitted tor unbelievable beintior tiheAmertun Ipotil ero oi the mandarin lave bu been mother diutter Ire ot thugJllann Whom it need not have been OnoItinli lite mperior hmbemdorlai Ippotmrtewtot the Kennedy your Kenneth Galbulth in dunnonee mnlrota Idv or to th tit Nixon made deer would betoob two men hen reruitIdJn nom out wruetai ttlplonutloieete the opeotne rdtb Communirt urine in FebruIry rm Add the re ieeae oi the Us prtaenera oi war in tinth Vlatnrrn art btiirri ntal In 311 We mom ymtdnetenre ol IdmtletrItlnn with El tome dreb and eeltluat ytty or own on no nonunion Ir ry Henry ltlrdoy eirlppedinst tell me Erneileoeyl Thatr Credilvlnsumuce FeesAiley Too High Ily vrncunr tutti ilntlnerr and Consumer Aitllre Auiirt nonraon Nm terrier Gettlnl at the toll in tenant can ttiil be dlltiotit tor homo era Yet We itial to blow the true total cost ol loans nepodally now that interest rate are to fit that event Will the Still coronatan ooutl hardly read Tmlh in lending im mood iew year do re quire lantern to Air their title to interest Untally lt prom to be nearly tytee omen the nominal rate that lendrrr need to quote before the law wna manned Ermple ot the old wry You borrow 01200 at to per rent yetr or ruo illerett mt pay all it loan lilo moot to your tvrruo in debtednetr tor the year in about told The bib Mullet ii to prr unit at that tint even now it appear that eoounnrrn who prrrrhtae the to tree the iroderl Inn ml ineurInee lopeyoiltot loanltioremvietheytllobe tore ll matinee Ire ptytltj tlt more then protection PREMIUM Kill The Itpurlrtendeota pt hitte nnce in Iii to protlodai rovero note at eonmdtter have atronyiy erttidaed the proton oi rousurntr oreditenleItl more limit tem pnnlen creditard ileum and lit the tiniertnlw the like dents the no limit In moth more for tliir loot IMe than lt coal them that to abate enter it continued tell to lie prerrnt term it moon iunnxt 13 mlly the Wrote ye told to bottom in udrI lite noddeniarlddttt Ultylhullidhthle nail and tomolimer properti ndvise you on how to cut down on their travel exponent ineurance The domed tor tbia pmlootion be mom port at the loan and time It mt disclosed to the tin ierou yaie lleret In exuroe rpm the Iuporlntondmu rework i0 0199 twenty out or to months at elated interest rate nt lilo rite loot or imam no returns II not per renttire more ptrtdottye putntl momenta rmr We no aloud to learn from the Inshore ewertnteltderltl report that neither the tuition nor their lmaocoetmpenila bother to mate any rebrte to well or miterlei on variour In My MM ronanmerl then they ilnd tltIt their trmtnmlotome tar Ix ode bentttla put oil fallow lot it malnlynru brue mollutoom udtMtthbadIb Ahrr traditionloba uoteir Itr for storagelnd protein Star Maria cl 49 Intact ml Idlrmethtnuneo with in tutti Pit hIdIbarltreemtd Maine obrlotuly Innovation that imd It on devotional mi in been on emollient immoral charter the warm when rnlolrteri romeo nun it tailor in All the stock the with tmorelhrn one bottle oi Manuel threeeun tell tilledl boron trolley lhnt were on till Bennett trio tantrum lldtl then be lit morlrrirln tor thorn clitoris srorr CLAUDE INNER fiheFirstTime BrilishilagIlew the pro vlnolri Ilipertnteodtntr keep up their eltnrtt on behali ol con Iumerl to utter arttt ot inattr Blur rnotoru Vllirn ielriy III lbeld tellh lie nail unit the etc it the pri ey hon they Ilna helotllrrn than Marl iii tinny tlmu God will use ydtr lIllh to ollart the lrrt at it in Inotttor lite Believe now tor miracle in enmeonta ltte tool the Ittual nrsroriernrurr EXitibil lttmtntEit 001 CF An oxhbit oi humnn relpontt blittiee it to be thorn It thit yenre OentrIl Onarlo Eatith tlon here by the Unlyertlly oi wuorlooe birth mtroi centre Venrreal dltente interruption role not human eyxnatly Vllt ayalitbln turn the return or non nonrutrr trim guertino in Canadian atblmsm usury in When no the tint Mp in ten eoddtatwra time be British itay tier otnr yum norm inmt Oanndian lerritoryl The answer to Ann to toe lglukgrtldlfw at libhallluto Themsilhnniiwneltuenln nbrn Ool ildrlnrd Emmet put in the above ennvri and Brlilth rm antiM noneoilhetilttere unionu Emotme at Inn in there deyt our Man Jusl donotyolnunrntuntlireer until inttailiny caoo Err Manitoba Itliiil mo that imihti or oo on mm dun lth flag on tloun thnt Bradstreet cl tired it mottore The nutdioo about the ilrst in another over Cenednn territory no em on the denition oi can al tut Canada ii irrational not itll thlt rate tlu vet lion in WWWMUN ghtinth by John Cabot lo min bullon Btih explorer turned the tie oliulron Bey eodArttie illler mm teen to the early 11th oro tlten Ill winter lllHtln WlU1 ruined neither he spent the muted aooo mtw winter rt tell on the lltrlton buildiny oi rIliney between lin enter or tiaoltobr Andrew Nut More trill buititou too Bay end ontepIrtolCerndInntlmy Encarta llow Ieout tho time the arltlrh tire was born 3tu ltaymutthirettonnover