PGlllllOtlt In Medontel HonorsPioneer MP kguvgulmsn museumle Wdllmmsmm gmnlh We nonunion bevneeteeum Memories wery ltyissoowsndansre Wilhelmmde noeuransohithlhllhlwn 1m EmmiIo ruined it drdntmtredectbo Announle iPrirrcess Content tit CNE lemma ni mmmmw that MNIJMYIMIIM Mam let it as oi as 355 HAND NAME AND REFRIGERATORS alt gEh gag DIMVD NMIE PORTABLE 55 he us than as haldrln relnrmer and III not bond on ll Mgttrantrlotrda Ind cemetery nearbyHustler combats will elect edtn the whiten munivprvdm In If unfri oolv retina stars In the entire culinary which restored them area was It wequtIdshriiwndte Results WALELWbentbewumhasbernnii Soybean Ind Id and nmlbmtmelhtm ll stizitnnivalrbititynborlld pcrcssnerlm 332 spit we sgggsrags Age sitar ii at dondnated the cattle oerrlpctit er at last years RoyelArrlcrIl DEC HALFMTG the problem ol contribution the enablisbod strong local mpoutre barb with all rnemh circled tutored ol Ippnlal ballot menu by the mint govern Wdeymmslnmnto Wihterizd seed precast ever readily mil where palliation el winter is presently twin or Earlier oops cold be planted brill mum to Smol dlnw prse bred bidet ollarrarethanmhmdnllinv llnea Robert Baldin ted the Bahiwln All to 1m whirh was the inrm oltheooisrmllnnldpll Act Must to econoth ol Itadmysdmtutimlou on site Egg its ariqble mrhwllodthatlrtbe Itle It could prove to be boon lor mm in Ontario in areas 55 whereemmmdeim tholIlitotaheodvaeugeel sail so it ii gin if 75 troll oi Gourde Ind the MW in George richest Ont unloads As sociation president the sale will be held at the Ilnlborher Atelier Market at Guelph on sunny aimu 12 and out Howet Show Set For Stoyuet hit it es 53 ousln purebred and percentage ante in his will turn may junction pith tieid day at art GWM in Eden bliils Guelph it will be ailmded hy outstanding pork guleticlsls many or who have heralded the limde breed no In impatient port nl my cattle sorroan not ihe linmon breed which was trrst lmportrd from the Limoges Iluln tor the no to htbi open to pelcctztnr lms perm North Amuitn in the pea ls units The top ete eyrmtnt Gordon tnral Winter Fair teas Liar brlsin cross bred as was the top mmng steer It the Calgary Stampede lit the large agricultural show Ill prognuniorthls lbthm num Arranrr have been made tor the mm exhibits on lwodly howerhhow oi the Say ner ilortiruiturol Society It Stay recrestlon centre will be open tron tor the biotin hier rsttntw ltseii will be thoptdlie item to pm rad day at the show wards will be prmaated lo the winnm on the this Shturday tirArtbur president and meanbon at the creative hove been active tor vreeta tn murderes tor the allow highlight oi the years busy society reerdly set Nmmmd ItSlmromtdein from handlinth oi game with Martin Baker gotl pro NWRWKDW Wmm ltllwrrrsln vn stun 2nd which was aos nd how If made him Saskatchewan in well or met which is W1 theUnltcdStntoo WWisnecrdary nearile its oriry pl mtior elttle show to etch slear ol activity In stayner it gear COLOR rv Imi Police Villhpe lieutestone Scene 0t New Development rteylnlstngln honor All linenwtnwutbenrhietim uimuentiorvwocan an my IEXMIINEI unruly sunusr re mmml Wgmmmmnm WMM Woodmmutwkd Werm Wt cum more No it at this commity dates back to told with rooms sandman the trstIrlrst1lptul George Neuron deputy In in end Joseph Jennest treasur master hAcK mu ovmtsuas OOIDWAihJl Stall hirer chic lml the Valentin at mu his He at returned home alter viable in Bale and Scotland the trip Italian by GRAVEL SUPPLY CHEAP 0M WANT Stall 0N tovnship earnest approved ments oi 15 cents per tor woolyua moi of lmtt was shown by records Reeve ii Craw lord presided at the meeting htbespr Bundlerw CHAIRS Stayner Seeking liquor Outlets 51Ale Stall alerts to speed up soiled on the cata blishmrnr ot government hp nor aim to Stapler have been hates the tows ll The itll hills on was instnerled to write the liquor Control ol Delano to see what progress had been ma de timer electors approved establishment nt liquor and r9 tali bra by 6125 sent mIr years That these outlets would help heal tornist trade was stressed at the tune ol the vote and merry have been demandlrlgactlm which led council to take up the matter lurther PORTABLE Ohm NETMASTED rmnnrox Stall First and also rst school tetdier ot iterators was John lierry Ibo was Ipporoted lto years ago it was those by aid Incesds about the mumtya It till arc Mr outs AW urmenmm brand new BRAND XL 60 STEREOS nut AFnl Merrie Band New on SPRING MATTRESS LQJI My mus sec ltlrcrlsrr ssr 201 Ill ZAG SINGER reverse serum on sued 20litrWTV lots rESJ 34 31525 rvS EED Hilla SJ tor the tin 202 Dunlap St West Phone 7262900 Closed tlolrn whammme pro We more unit on in operations but an aim stated D00 Blo love ren that with the Fan Spiel As sociationme IN be allowed on turn the inllariyvrbedtbemadtlno littllnmlliullestltorlznnl is as treatlllllssasltls Stitllilaqtllllll to o0 toutt the STARTS TUESDAY Lost boys sort DAYS outvll his set 910 PM vlait tobeworl in the atday margarine dollars worth at wIMTVsetsstercooand ratios So ooroaorldlmn horould beyourludtydayl Food Products BuildingAlways total point or interest Some of the Draws and enlouriul host ol tastetempth booths Just outside youll nd Food at the World oosmopolrtan setting at out door mles representing lbdllterenr coun tries each serving appropriate vlartonal dlstles Cooking DonvonslantionsThornjt ho nwidovarielyot redpcstakmg shapowl the Food Budding ltsetl the hr chtlen theatre in the Better Living Central and at rhs George Bmvv College exivbh In the Press Budding you or watch gourmet dishes prepared by chels tvnrn stormd the world Maybe youll be strong time All actlon tnrlllrsexorl banguni excllerola monelLJertunevursr arm TuesdayAug21 Welcome tthlatuEns baythe day when theres even more let the lanes than usual at the CNE fashion ShowcaseThe Queen Elba both Theatre is the scene ol Fashion Today with nontinnous tree shuns dady between mo and 830 pm There torn lashion too in the From Budding whom in edditiontn cooking yewettery and careers displays George Broom pellego students present shouts dairy moludrng tnshions tor everyseasou Better Living ContraSee Iahrios nnd tumishlnasborttiqucs and beauty products hais sry ing and home entertainment duplays Here youll Ilnd the or Kllohen think your reactions In pilot brst accidents happen in much less times thanynn realise it tries nrliy semi tor yoar elit tdtotaillnderawsgohortnto the thplamouetorbaler ttilitt to uptempon stored could be too lure Point out the gdumotba to phthhen hill BmwnIddsAlteep them Irun valet If lot In parts Ila Wilt embsr crud rr bar ed tough pni at tts lure also rely prrteneed writers Keep you children out oi htrms way roNloHr trues outv slmny raven rovoo Imtilslli winner and naerams rtnsovs mmmlmmunltouom sailors Tortolttovvl He was the gangsters lltDItl lXMMI ADUII Iltltulel Nil MICIIAELLPOILARD AMLmmllmmd Tonight Excellent Family Entertainment WORLDS GREATEST ATHLETEI MILLION DOLLAR DUCK tlsrtllllls tilt PANAVISIWMEYROCOLDR Theatre dairy program designed loholp homemaker combat soaring tood prices and tho Cetetssiry Show It 500 pm tavovntn recipes special CNE Trophy will be presented onWomeno Day to out standing entries in handicralt homesrail and drewnating competitions Leisure Time Paviliontire very place to catch up on the leisure side of tie You ll turd boats and bicycles sponinp goods and health equipment musical mtnlmcnts and dasslc antique ears plus exhibits horn the Ontario Govemmonr the it CMP and KraurrMatlei the wellknown ervgr steering tirvn which will be bUrldlytg Ontarios luluvtslie tramlt system Theres ahvnys special llrvour about circumvent added by the many valuable when weltknown Conantans prepare then oi Gen Boris Nesandmv 800 pm Food Products Da Wednesday Aug Food Day at the Exlha extra seasoning oi invited to sample the delicious results llllllllIIIIIIlIIIIQIDDI Until Aug 23 at the Grandstand The SwloledhrmySong ts Darren Festival underlies duectton Tickats $400 $500 8t $600 trom CNE Box Otfvao eneeeeeoeeseneeeeeseasa All this plus l00t other auroraiona atria greatest Famltyttvfairol all true CANADIAN$ NATIONAL EXHIBITION Through Sppt3 Toronto Open Sundays Admission ember Adults 50 Students 0100 Children 50 senior Cullen erno use on Aug at me an serourAnlovtAcrmegwrrllyouncusAoMlSSloul