dire idiotic Examiner Published by Canadian Nmpepm Company limited l6 Ieytield ttmt Darrin Onlulo Kettle Pohllabevmrll Mamas Wells Editor Emeritus Henshew Weeping Idltor armour AUthf nu nose Provincial Courts Report $100000 FlashInThePqn there arrmIny llulls tolled indis report on thesbortzonltnxr ot our proviso ddemmmwbhcmmtbamm ou mortar lion Ind eouiptl by from University at Torontos Criminology Centre ores rtatlsiu to drow that lave yera do little to their dlents camel and merely slow on due process or law Judges are criticized tor all too many resnands Police are child lor Improper laying ol dupea Economist Robert time and his team tethered the statistics lrotn observrttons the courtrooms ottormtosoldclty ball during 104 days and rum thousands at court doeumen Their ltndlrvgr were then led into computer to on and judges are orbiting at what computer came up with the tint thing you have to remember about computer is gstbm In garbage not paid one its like saying cqnel Welsh has an Dill average measurement at so tnoiru said stawver Whos this guy an economist What do economists know anyway except how to blow $100000 said another lawyer Another judge commented that the re port wos looking at human process as it it were merely bunch pl figures There are other values than elticiency it the report his any value at all It abould be in photo the spur to the people whomtllecorlrts is VEARS AGO IN rowrt vBarrle Examiner Itu 401058 Town Planning Board rexr uiiy accepted re signation nd Blair as secretarytree sure Chairman Charles Wilson paid tribute to Exbtayor Jim Blair Ior devoted serviced Kenneth Jntmorl named mes sor memos llorseiosstlar stage lube Southern Ontario pleaded through Barrie wittrrehlcler were wet comod byllayorWiltsrttKlnzicu OPP Petrol Boatcommondedtorworr on lake Shncoe responsible tor savin many tlm in oils ol crew was Ted Cdddenn ontributione continuedto mount towards Barrie Collegiate Bands European Tour Barrie Lawn Bowling liluh captured an Ontario dramlonsiilp Mens irebIes with rink ol Rev lanes Ferguson bill hchleer and Ship Dr John Doc Wm Brrte gr Vigil on on slough Minister oi Citizenship and im migrationlsultdingperml tor year havereaebed record high lor Barrie Drought be an for beer drinkers 01 Out srio as or ranpioyees forced closing all brewers retail stores hey George Good nephew ol Harry Amutrong and those Armstrong ol Barrie preached There to delay otters unnecessary de lay in the disposition ol oases lIIny law ers use the timetertcd truism trestice Kiwis justice denied in their clients the ravioli notes that only one sequel tor remand to 100 we denied in cases observed and recommends lodge es erotle more control llelvyvrorbood is common complaint It most provincbi courts but the report concludes that delay adds to the work load rather than workload sliding to de 0t some concern too is the number oi timid laid that dont stick in per cent oi the cases observed dtsrges were either dropped withdraw or dinntsred llthiristhecaseitlsagoodargu merit lor having police departments vc tain end lawyer to see thIt charges are lat lproperly and it there Lrnt on Gather mattimeolmestlosee that charges dont proceed any lurlher se lsnanswered question about the viable study thou ls why it was done at all video its to loot matter It aheady under much more extensive review by theOntarto Law ltelorm Commission whose ndings are to be delivered to the provincial government before the end ol the year it the commission has done its job ill lianns reort could turn out to be I100000 intrinthepan Peterth ouch ballliner turnout llllt Srmda at Collier SL United truth ilr Good minister or large congregation in Belfast lreland has been on nlmmer ex change It Rockefeller llelhodist lhunil in Syracuse New York lion Chantier oualilled to meet leek Nixon lol mens championship iisrrie loll Club Nixon ct indented Art Powell and Ghantter beat George Kennedy to ammonia Dor lsn Partcrnpreridenl Provincial Womens Softball ll onp Moumrdplsyol are nnomenta vhlohrend Barrie Willows vs ewmtrhct butter in rst round Town Council will ask citizens to vote on city status tor Barrie Corde do ctded not to act on petition sipped many citirens Ward One to love on par lkoot Iotrnlson St on site Elms aogeorge pr ertul In Rubber Canadatofimyted produced one millionth tire in Barrie after three years operation Al ceremony main roeaier was lleber Smith QC ili Simcoe North who was llayor ol Barrie at time llansticld opened President leroy ltosser replied tor llrnl and historic tire was unveiled by Albert Jansen vlee presidentproductton and Joseph Carron tiller engrneer ttvo oi live originalswho came to Barrie to set up plant WWWWXIWIYJH THE FRENCHLANGUAGE PRESS rim mu lltlllli BUSINES ThreeWay Test Of Strength As USuol The PublicLoses ly VINCENT EGAN Business Ind Crammer Atlalrl Analyst Thomson News Smite Isolatlnddrikaotnuop nlsi museums myth it bu put the radon the slit ways and the soveramert into the kinds oi position that an be nbnndonrd only It soundtr mil Mir uni mun mm ons Labor has made Ill the con ceasiom and told not be ex ollttlls Pllltt potted to settle tor Iny less The ralllvraya pointto the it dlrpt month trccte on height rater Irsdaskbowtheycnnbeea lonesome Ivl midrib briudpkvds ueil thti ants to keep its amisoll ootlrrtive bargaining is must the public is the big loser Already lboasards ot va cationers have had their nnrea year holiday dreams tinned no rldltmarcs and hit Ind mail brllinessea thawshout Cards have been disrupted by simply dislocation VIrrsl The Danil1 lot per railways nllcr sternum ccnt must uni twhlrhuhrcis kWhtables Illlilythe same vent the extra match increases lotions Our Energy Policy Should Be Dened hy DON OllEAiLl Queens Part Israels ronolm there our isothermrlrlltteoetym Moanremanylw ovarieswntnthe ldesatntllrtstwtiatsllthhtailt Thlabonesinpieelcmentln new the controversy In KO Ire the mute points pi in each at the two years WANT WAGE PART Bummer prices rose all av 35 range oi 71 per coat in the iat any iii est ll months but the minor mian in every case irion bursitis The unions say they should be excluded mm my tron rue nototlatlena Tbs my mm railways corniler that xes pctrem the are out at tile pockets the buer mm doll nuoru inection stains lone bl job through technological or organizational change IlIltIre Nouns CVID mm in 5lrt llnrhtn warn you by other pun rerphyq minim we oi iltntsrs we say such plea be abused The government has been laced with increasing dessnnds to little the rotating strikes by recalling Parilalnnt and push ins tumult mama orrtuing workers back to their totes mil ll PIIIVILZDE But the prime huntster has eonsrstently taken lirm stand stall61 those who mild tah away the rim to strike even in esrelatral scrim besides recalled Portionm would inev Mtt boom the tonne tor op position attacks on the govern moats manic policies date gash egg 55 in tbeiurtldloietu oounerned to involvedand ltIlnot easy to oleurpthticatruratouryuls lay Madly lust Iiht they determbe pilot the pulley Inlhgurentpmtxmbokbdionmkutnoneolmbethelnduwm limit my Willy them sppsrenlly have been and whether ore slimy me not mmlllambtgewbwhms gumdehoormw or one oranotrs Lou ppm lt unrestrictexportrani truth new to some mt MOMMIWMMW tormrtyueartornrhapob Icyandttenot1paseshave beenluiioiit Yotlbelieleiemri nytnsthatlvtnnlm ovate an emotional mil THE LIGHT TOUCH ii BirthdayCard To Business Find mm in other cost the New Democratic Party mttrl tired it sell torced at its to vote pith the Comedies asatnu the librel porenanny and pro opttcte cereal election gnaw lor constrictive so no narrow almost to Very lee ulna seem at all Butbeynndthlsvlegetlnlo lhovtshhtmmiull wrouth that national motor concession by one party mm an mm energy points sborld be aimed or another in It hotbegermlvymentrhoull One lacemlnr solution In vomit tester regional snow Government whdldlu to the mmummwoummmmusmuumums to enable them to mukm memorandumer mtottlreuoiondeniands rlshtnotvvhhtbeerterolthq ter conservation ol on re Thdr dangerous prece Canada Development Only corms mad should be Mediocre dentsomethind the mortvag buy out Texaseull inc the ol lwdm relations log the horses to pay your dry with cooling through mm today llle expenses Texas twoqu thin has been little lo var mete proposals gt Indsoitisdtllttuittotmder crullnlls STORY maple demote them may to to mind monument mm between timeat it point does reports devdepvpent take lbls is ulcrun It role tuiels current tepid lrsm In French lnzosrs yells It nds Tritlltvlem is Noovtl lists tin and hope in hiss We do not belittle despite the numerous tnomvnriencea such Itrih can cause that the situatirn Is as critical 11 one would have us believe lhe roverInput leaders have been debt up to now in tut luvntvind thensselyea in the negotiations The two par ties mud be allowed to third the studious to their prob rrlnnds oi malon leaders who set It more than they need in order to obtain essetly that they not That cane threads the PM will be rinsed threats pl strike and litany notion is taken The same scene is repeated everywhere except in some sectors where the actors and Ipeotatmen limes militia com or looser than others the rail strike the public is not yet new about um strata since has not yet Illi Itred the complicates and he not been touched in my unable us however this strike ruem htu other and one Is ate Nutshell that ueeotl one have owns to nothing tau tve have seen to value one use at Anrnrut volley instead Wins ready ollacd peace to the dl recipes at the ratluay tone ponies We tool it would he Mcal tor the latter to Iubrlut new monetary otters to their eroployeee lth and on re spa tial law ordertn the nonope to wit null II other more have been ex il Darnell Brett Earle cousin ielrphrme mom Seemi Class Ilsil Registration llulber MM ltdnrn postage guaranteed TransCanada Tour 3me Dally Dnulsys and Huntery Holidays excepted Subscription rItes daily by carrier the weekly new year ly Single copies tie lly mall Barrie tour yearly stmeos County utm yearly Balance at Canada moo yearly All other countries can yearly litter throw ell men yearly or mm so Cattlesrt St esL Mugabe oi the Camden Press and Audlt Bureau oi Gtcnio lions The Canadian Press is exclus ively entitled to tile use tor ro poblrstlon ol all rim dispatch estnthie apcreredltesltattor The Ass Ited Press or ilerrtet and also the local news publish ed therein the hassle Examiner claims trial in all ortttoal alive til and editorial material ere Itod by its employees and produced to tbll newspaper lopyrltht deprivation than her mill register ll hurriedlltlevmtlinthe lwmmbnrittesthould bestnetbesiuraialhuat aloud ulical tidal Illd lhatthaelsnoliopeblths twnpaltleendinruormdlor build in our rim the hack in Ie on should be the rwernmeme last resort lteleu LIesmbe All It Sheltered LI irlhuur llnv lore and durinl labor dis pldos thou protons in plledavrployera and em throatchat mm to he gil tod with much trnagirmtlonl the remission is habit Italy rented by um oi blackmail thI pastures dont vary llom one area to an other irons me mpany or realm to another the talks do not in canal radii the while been to grow im Doe soee hour the teitoed latitle ol the company directors the steer the in game in wnpesbriii cows Ml to mini do and discus mun they seeking that non pl looting alter pm meme ol restraint themselves to tnlltrint thrwrh thernl Would ll be playing the sam ot rultahssn to sucst that mutationsreal nepo llallonsberin bolore the sec and week at drills Would it hevptnnipng havdiirat into Ionaium to ask the rrnplnycr to ride houutly trout the be rinnim pint he is prepared to alter The tensed ladies consist at not dvnleins Incs llrlitinr artillery at the besiorlln and cutesy at the bctinnllt Ind taot spoolhln onvs intestinal holder the other side has thrown hLI rm on the table it it not lorbtndrit to chanre this Illlllde and lo roth tn uremicll through other themJen lnrertlt Au ll AL BOYLE Well to help pol out there is now on the market volume entltld Tlvl Erratum Found lag Directory nitirtl title the birthdays ol oinxut 000 mummies Bruin valuable all lor his girl is eoouzh lover heartburn todiy tn the tliddle Ate lresttmter pearls Iera trolled up and given as remedy tor heart palpustlon Frogs see uuelly thought oi as hermm bl route on late poellt tornr They are so desliy that Its dipped in them can paruyle and till $5 ram within low trib How send In your carat Well it they are very keen tort should be able to hear normal tenant voice die than ot ltd yards treatable molar Snohberylsbmapoiottn rm time let us have patience Illh orlr interiors They are uselves oi yesterday lsase serum Natale water Do you still believe an oslrltlrilitirr its head in the and when It thinks it is In limits To the oonlrory it youtry to corner oneitlsmorsbksltntryto list your head it with bbwtlntmtiltornulmut mole will his in do it de prrved rl loodr lihat the phme bill It bat nieant Mtrsaily it doesnt mean urthlltl Dita roll see well In bright light ltvrtb rsmrenbrrtnr hlrtani revr ltllltld in rule tie in Ibtte until site does it to overthd the obizetlves and therr Marilee generally blind Smith We to them there out be umew pillows olhtstlwhst is meant en title toward Wm There to trousi ler nspkaoa ever that such proposals havent been pat lorwatd be cause the government them solru are caught up in the complexities BIBLE THOUGHT its not deceived God is not snorttdl lvs whatsoever run sowtlia that shall he Ilse mp Gslltlrnr lrr tinny times we are inclined to bank at this verse only in her ror oi whet evil will hrinx lylt take another look old beyrate lll lrt Got It rnnilut til rat 11 rte till uili sum arr erte ot the lord lea he tllrli in no It lose your guard By iluto In 21912 by bob BOWMAN Althouzb the iirnslisnsls triplets was not opened otlL clsly until September lost the lust automobile trip irom rout to coast use recompilth to 1911 themes Willey ot Enyiand drove wartleaty stihoway tram liaitsx to llltprtI and wrote book shoat the trip llotur Tour Through Canada Wlliey lch ilalliu on All To tell alter dlpplny hit sets into the Atlantic he took rode moat like tht present TranlCmadr through New llnlarwlrt Quebec Ontario the PrIIrles and the Rockies it hot to put hls car in ruins lrom North Bay to sudbrlry and thunder Bay to Winnipeg tie travelled by Ihln trom isutt Slel tiarte ta Ihunder By Int trsln Vancouver to tirltriI The entire iorrrna took it days and ultra get to Victoria be emptied item the All it lot the villoyl car was en Imazlnr sight with eouipmerp on the and banging on the sides both ends its bad spare tor the en nesotl tasoilntl axes and block and tattle slgo manned to temul drum to help hint In quebcr he was raised because the us not climb steep hill got and ntlngied with the whle hs spare driler the ear to the starting point vtiley soon termed that was best to get through places by yelp is reverse ha ploblb crossed most CInIdI thatv the most dilllcult rectionpvlu from Toronto to North Ibllb teak twp weetr ilelhrdl to rare itch and hlnclt trctla to rel through swamps and nlololitoel were terrible vr