Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Aug 1973, p. 3

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booklet on the hieloiy oi Ore thinly mellern Fran lell lamina Ird Dire Ell hnule Pete Dillon Weller Kaitlin Ind Dave idInnL main At the an nu1balunfm Mundialization Meet Tuesday ll Th6 lpTIEHO ITO TON MAJboom item told not One Station lExnminer wlll comm Swedish nnly beer loll heir either end Moths Seahnbciuerebelncmwbcdlheharrielimpmld tdintl In nimble link ltr peedlnhnchytotlrmaltl Ernies twining committee Serenl individual involved ltnberl Perl Mt manner ot the Fred liohrrr Bind yet In Anzusiiret lie torn Jon Wu ll Gerninn nu tile ulnenot and music with the lucid lbr litre wiiul mortied in Barrie Slater ml hulcepen me over the weekend The Il ill Strwd Anni clock at Strolld Arena Anaioilest drew the herrel oi beer tar the Mjhoeoch Al Lent at it Bil 61301le ThreeBeer Festsln Barrie Area Is Cancelled Draw 1700 1th Conunumty Spirit cmectlmcnnbunnde lntbe hotnmtldlu ll Slum 0m bl 0mm hmumlhdwml Tired beer return in the on lie viinu mid in the nnnhmrniuhwetuthe ampuly becuuse hi the num New mile Nut mth tntuneucn mud to the Pm tildallvyomllfyi glam nunmmhdmm early to Mainline how much nrlmuiy nt mum called be at mmphmm than the Emmi tho helm It hm It the Comm unwound till the morn Wt Tdh rueth unit in ere rottip Home nutrenhueue uric on An muneugrovlildl reun mhmirm ulstinydreminxmmnndpuv mulditwunoruccueitd nlnchbvtntimttxtheBIr invishuromshlhsuody criteriononth trth tlutlli MFEdEh lltxl Club hltimi Shell 51$ ll mml fed and mandateArvin TlFOfIWellxeuot Burlington Museum Pioneer Day tune to quell lew pints oi Well bare to well until we turn lee In mitoticrm in 00 bunndteooioncamnnnw Whovrmucbnernsed hlmnwhtle in Barrie ll no 0W SET TOT Tllldseplemh essle Short oi Bertie nethestinme and nal vole9 County llusuiin has been pusl be bold tle year Ihlbzle inilt honed to Sept 16 beginning and several stern engines will at Hm be in mention end there rill The ever hid originally been bc duoonetretione ht bread mar scheduled the Scpl tin hitter churning until illpplllL rug mainly quilting end ire erectn mnhlnl mourn itoriohr AUGUST er ternn in tnlmdlnilnlllnn ttvtinnin Ber iie with community lnlnbtb mfamm rr country with Inrid hence ll Itinl loci recently to dim Thu twinnin comml tril wild entries with valid ltes iterated We to mil Imkill ebul new unturned inlllheglhndlouliihiheun mm lit ii MW people attended to line to the terzreenln theater hum trend on worm lealiuimy Wm Bach martin band onlbruliiie olllmll Oi them purple we think 15 per curt mine iron the tnwmlrip no holy In Om BAYFIELD AND rennin cett ill Keruick lillcrcd muibr illnd ninth Ill lln said Dennis Pdrl oi RR Bare injuries end here taken to col lho club raised ebwl risen tor rte and Peter Schmidt at lhin hospllhl in Illusion Damage to Guthrie early Sunday mommy with Veblch diiiett by Gerd Nmmih protein lop Street East were the driv the Reynold car was tent in timllli hilt llli Cloud item To Leave Tonight gt Run my item or vehicle involved in In to the Doncrtl cu Nd mm rimmulm in estimated it run The Bulleld Street And F611 Lane ell lehihtlifilii cult nun Mostly Sunny Sines Tuesday ilULCASTERVJDHJNGTDN no in Kitchener today inspect TWEW ACCIDENT Desilile museum atoddull sunny Tucsehy lllch today nut to tull ll my my my hos Jena richer Street end in that eitvI newest the he eniielhil SW9 Dilll 01 littllinm l3sz hi Meadowland nrtnient subtitled lite Nrr Chum My and Av mm to Wm mt Tuesday WMm 55 in bus Lamas MIp tile lrrllsl Aumt rings max$134 bx it may to enuelllltihztm Priest oi BR Prediction cell lor return to MN Mb mutual 5m the me at ltutmster ind erromoln the Willi lllfmmmi my Wit am MI Oretertferwher at mm er ot vehicles invoiced in an Shire are expected th cleat Simon and chance oi lhun WNW uh mist amnion cum SM mu mummy nodded mi Hayfield Srret at tile this ulemoon and evening unearth hearing by ttm ml mm Community Board laid those will Tinted For Ellie amend Trio entertained lnnishl Tbunebi ere Highway too at l5d pm Set with wind becoming northwest with wind MWSA 151th mm mun all it is to in miles per both Mostly sunny mastery High to The low tonight will be 55 to day 75 la av low watch so to smwm mum who attended had neat time are made each year In 33 time its said be per about the letter to busineeees in the dip Isllnliorltddri item end has mvcd to per mite lhI ilrwunen were recorded regime from the bill mo tho vicede ml hill 350 it their pet enter not The In illan end with the other he ruin dropptd utte the col lection heskel We hm its that has to be bent today btr llulresoe memo We expeded lenl too pcvpie lunchtimememo 350 be hold it first bu Itteinpi however and we were buy happy with the crowdj Edelwon Ober er the Sum mono which kept the revelers homing ell nicht no smash hit record luii to Mr Wellih The Anaheim was in old of renovation to the Strand error in Shipyards Work Sloppage 26000 ManDays lieD3 lie mid NIWIS WW tibia tor the of today lie said the ihvcrtrrnuil betrot in mill ytspeeccrthullwmll lion bushel at client worth both by rubeldlce the chugbtertn mutton Pullers ll we bed thin that iewa people nould be ding hungry and the cttnrumer would not he with so which let he Mill iu root the trek tom on Ii rlcttittne said that eheet eueauo me it until were pm of lots or wheat bleak indeed the into at rlslnc lir ti lied the rm llli mil deeu ban on export or heel it or the mpnyern money to cm it in herdly vvorth Il wut in him that comeuhm there will he little more min tblulin till the problems whlc lero Canada and runny other limits well be laid rn uhu in be born union menu the ill My mm hi tlt hoot motor hunted by 19 ltul hi ruem mm on tolenliom to IM pretended ill thrill liirinu in imtliitl Township over um John motor ll myrrh 4A milk stopper hi the Col linrml Shipyard in srrinc ttfalled zutoo murder embr to Ministry or labor sta Ind along vrlth tour other industries helpcd account tor 5b per out at mandnvn hot in the province himtstry litum iodide tor the lust six months nlthe your time lost due to work stov payed lncreucd thrhtly river the name period oi rm Ilhouxh the nunber oi work Wages re nnlncd alum vim and the number oi hotter involved decreucd Fm Gulndoit Minister oi Lh bor said one oi the bright cider at the lndwtrial relations scene is the tevoreble heir made in negotiation tilt the mmction industry large motor1w hi toured oi within the will indus bnve been reached this year 001 minor wt stoppages even thouzhthis he been one the hellotest yearn tor con Rtltclion mind negotiations throughout the province there hm been ltiehrtc stopynges ll reaultlrni in menu mandnyy it lost in lliOlllO period lint year there were too stoppages with meta methyl lost ctrthl It Northern El 0mm lid emitted tor tdnl at room methyl Midlillcliillbl industries counted tor the to per cent ol the trial number til until he and per rent oi the when that motorcycle united by Ed lnvertrifuey vindilhm it the urdey raid with hi Queen St vine stolen truth behind the apart melt bitildiil at that address somdnnle overolgbiSnturday it hermit lztumnhehuo p8 Police Ire mutualinn STOLEN BICYCLE Three Benin resident report ed their bicycles stolen this weekend Police tire inveshgnt in the theft at boys inspect med by Tom the hi lielhngi ten Street vrluch was taken lrcih government doti It reprint nntcly pm Saturday the than ii in tospeed owned by Tom lebb hi Dnlrv Line lrom Kempvlew Drive Sundry liter noon and the thelt til boys bicycle owned by Gary Bowl oi Oakley Perk Square iron the Lion Pool Sundry Illeme TRUCK ROLLS OVER David King at Stroud cor serious lulurv Saturday the billion pimp truck he was driving hit ditch on Aouccsslon it in lnnllltl rluumhlp met at Boyvlew Drive Ind rolled river King rwerved the tmck to Avoid hittlnz doc whim ran out on the mo Damage estimated than 01030 DAMAGE Damage in estimated at ti hob clinging on widen at ib tm streets It dry The drivers involved were Peggy Russell bl Cynthia Court and Elizabeth Sounder ll Dmi wick Court MINOR LVIUBES Marguerite Chitterltyol rich oon Strut sullered theme by juries in tin eeclderA it theiu torsectlou oi SLVincrnt and Predator riled i=3 pnl Saturday the driver oi the see and vehicle involved In the lb rldcnt wet Terry Cain oi Well lnrloyt Street THREE INJURED Three people here to tile Siturdey nlyht in two car coilltlco en lllxlrwoy to our the Natliwiiiu tiller lrviri Reynold ol mt Cooli lotvn driver it one or the vthlclrh liiy Reynolds not John Dourctl terrier in veblrle driven by Wild linu thtrttr out over the lect rnd in which buoy in the ewlinniln Ire were col loose rind some lane was tern rip COTTAGE DAMAGED cottnre hrt Concession pi luulltil owned by llilllnm Belle lie RR Strand received $200 demote lllrn it unbroken into on the weekend innislll police said miscellaneous items were uthlen Most denim was done Iround the dhore smells chit ctr driven by Walter Scbnli till Elmer receiv cd poo damage early Sundry morning when it ieit llrthwnl Il west ht Oountry rlond 29 went into ditch and struck tented driuetviy hit Schulz VII not injured ih DAMAGE Dnmaye to two vehicles in volved it collision Saturday alternenn on Highway it Just south olSttotid has been Isll mnltd It ilw Driver til the vehlriee vere Michael Clearer 11 hi Toronto and Brent Wile item 11 lieurnertrL The no cldettl occurred about 434 pm MOTORCYCUST Police are meStl etinx ti hit end run eerident rolviny oer llid motorcycle operat by illiillhvi dale Police said Gartncr was lorced ell Highway too lust north oi Barrie Saturday aller uodn Gnrtller eultmd not to his tree and hnndn hTuhero tyne minor demise to no or cycle The mluhnn occurred It nyyprttxlmntetv 55 pm NGWAY All Ilroclr coilinibn on lli way too near the Sunnldile ll overheat Siturdey evenlnn canned Ill estimated 1015 name to the vehicle involv ed The drivers were Robert Welthn 15 hi itlldtener ind Gerrard Gottelln til Illniton Demy to whiten Vehicle was eitlnit Id it MW The mith occlured it Iphrhxlmitely 655 pm GUTllillli Onlulo Provincial Police Ire ulrehllly the the driver at $57 DAMAGE do will high Tut9d between Darnnge was estimilcd at random mitolloninzhnucidehtetthe SynopSk narrow bond at lnterscdlott of Toronto and We cloud Ind thundenhnwer lop street nuns ini Shh strclcheel horn izmu bar urdhy The drivers use Doll northward to the toner Grout Mord bl quhln SM Lil may Heavy rainfall end Robert mm or Victim om reported moss north street man Ontario Sumlynd es married at Th ESSA AND 11le Bay hlnlor thunderstorm activ lteundll Skinnu oliiellry Si iiy todny conme to the and Robin Fortune Anzus WindowSm The cold one lhe driven little iII trout rsmsbio for thin volvtd in In mdrnt on the weather will move emsihe lGA parking lot at the corner nl pm oe my leaving dear Essa Ind Tilier strain at llill skies in it wnlt rainy vnll Inn Sunday Eupleada nlth bright sun BURTON AND ESSA mm 705 An accident at the irtersertinn him Tm bi Btntnn Avenue and Essa lid er and chant 31 Teddi rl 91i llll Sindhi llllillld norm Clearing lntc alttrtroon vehicles driven by Willlhm with hind becoming northwest Thompson oi llarshnll Sirrri 15 to 20 thinly sunny Tuesday and David hiobre oi 0mm llixli today and Tuesday TS to tuimm Whale st EMERGENCY NUMBERS Ciel Lille Huron Like Thund ending bccom inc mostly sunny with wind northwest is to 20 Clear mitochondri e1 15 to to low tonight 55 to on my Hamilton Pelerberouch soutlurn Georgian Bay llali AmhnlIan Service Milt more Niagara micro Lobe Ontario Shooen nod drauce hi thunderstorm timing in lute mm with wind buxom roux rally run neilyittmlnlyn1l will hi gradatmbwhwtmhtso an meter in mm We 13 wool by native indem mud cloud loilvncd by show er and chance at thunder storm clearing tangle hlhstty OLD LJSTEIN mt mm mt SS hixh Throday To to 75 Western James hat Gerald ton White River Alma clearing todny modly stniny Tuesdiy who northwest 15th 20 today limo rainy and Tiles day Si to 70 low tonight our to except in to no in Algerian liooee lilyer Ce shorter end chance hi thun dgderm clearing by nitunoon oath ninth becoming northwest 15 to 33 Mostly 50ml Tuesday mm today mid his low tmlgbt hold is high Tuesday 65 to it ounvrn ll Sunny rilll cloudy renes today and chance at thundenshtiwer lnte in the dew mm dwdiecq with eccede shower or were tonight Tues day cloudy with occasional chorus br thundershoner end log by mid lily Eight today IS low thught so high Tuesday illih TA lint Tod Toulth 11g 30 73 75 75 15 75 15 Windsor Sunni St Tlxlnlhs London Kitchener Vilnng Owen Surind hitteknkn llnmiltm St Catbants reassessaaasaraaissess $5362$$8$882$88$$885 75 75 St 15 75 ii 75 75 75 TI Th 70 TI Woodhull DOWNTOWN BARRIE N1 vim mill Lilhour but euro error it esrnre Ltd iilhhe COR COLLIER It CLAPPERTON STS 7263911 TO MEET ALL YOUR TRAVEL NEEDS

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