thaw tof Kennedy At All new main the titty Ind IM Wood 51 indies Blank Giants Down Braves yrpetieeoaertn ruin mummueseme ten that mouth Hm midIsl in wonder mm but dertu Mthedclbdmhuuhett MW otter he thettntu thantmrmmodg WWIintbeNIini tarremnantiecm Dodger rue Ll Ne thh ltd turned ultimatum Hzlln Chicagos Wood iSultere 18th Loss ane reopens York to Tune unenli hinuz Woode memorandum Itrldrortheeme meeuit am RNte 50X mum on whether hed win ntcretii nanede notionlorerotttnrdet hrnmtathird the snot onion ted by hymn Nd Ind dculnnled corn 55th into todays tidal World University to ie tbeUnited mlmhrm Mlta ion Mount putWIN mi in one the trod teitlvetehte lhehltesltu Moi Him Ind 11 tilth rtlter tttl horde end code Kelser It oum 551 Moonthihiintho pentathtonwon the mi toot lot CHMI last Friday ismth trte silver and tar in redenition new used donbod mod Ind Avlinr tlttttere mi MOON RM The British won rot turner war end elnnz with it the mean tot riotinr tent More then to more wild arrested dintn end Ille M511 league thin mnlrhbe tam Critic Ind Room in Glasgow Doreen ot tam Ibo we treated hr minor inturiee tront Inning the Motto supportn ot the two teame Celtic Ion zt Idea second in womenr etetree Ind DlInne toner it tire 83mm dte One youth or eelinnit te tuml Ind tour were detolnedlln hospital lollowing en exhibition note between ttorhngton end Gordie in oorthutetrrn Eng iand Worthington bent Guthrie pdlce muted ttetn 01tth United lens in eonthom England etter the eon donor brought the tth to And Mahdi end mini Rnhbtrn amtth rendliotmtlbiwolde Gregg Takes MM Transhm Championship Er Ef Eggnog Eggs speed cttt nishing three houre It minder Ind 18 mod tor Io ereraee need ol my tool only one bit that mhlrnuytoeomndewtow ne ot Bimini New engine trouble with only 50 mile tor third otter General Motors Izmir due to the We Sunday corvette entries took the new onshrn with re the Pormhee the team tntotbe rd mooton rm teenwood won $7000 Grett one and the tram vi Ind Je lmmm eon split the drtvtor Ind tune spot index men rules Ihlot Lrlotltor degenerated allow tor driver to to Ind settled muunmmrm mhllEAL 55031510 not telt rated the Erode wind run hi the little tutor at the Smelly eeored on named hell by Jerry Perk Foil Notional league Arne Paul Erpoe tron lhntdl Czech Tennis Plover Misses Cdnadian Open mitofvlttCPJln Koder mid not Ittend end thtnrd we neck but most ol the nee etehntse As result Iii seeded player horn No to No it hnre in beta felt by otticinie ot the31mm Canadian Goon ten thnmnttnshipe which start rooted up one position ltelinn town len Paolo Sertolucnl nude No to Kodrr the No need troin Crednetovehie who won the mme dnrie htle earlier thte yenr It Wimbltdnn told tourne mt ollidnin Sunday and No Arthur Ashe prevlotniy secondmde bchind tellowAtrterioon Stan Smith The tournament width peyi 15000 to the mean millqu thithe nor still tontalns one at the Wodkine sets SUTTON him tAPl riding to timing St their Lmnchedhm tit tourth on the list thin year tor Cory loday it is record tor record 5W st on whth his war yeer player tie set the min Wm to the match play record not some with meow tilMN Ind shot It the h1yreroitl sophomore said Sunday to tng his trim in title cttye WM toll tournorrtent tiled son Then he considered the state primed Mildly bedni till little mild the to lot hold at me Wedkinrheri to Write dottb ey lite in the not dono the irretoit to Inner the Ind hie tum and now has more than moon lntotntbnntwnhthyeanon etrolros oft 83 WOT oeme lrorn then them with that the ninhsire gallode ot the re 44000 and tron tun troce Mi with 279 tote Lee Elder rookie Toot Jen and hichhleesrnyaie the mind leedtr tied or son and tail llldacloscdwehe WWW 5M $5JIIldmbndInndtterin needed on re rim ott but ntentton until he NW5 the lTlh hole hLaesengaJe birdie on the par hole to tom P31 mot tormtdnbie Innr tleldr this year So touglL in tort thnthner trale Rod Lem who Im the Mom in trio end it the games Illtime minty winter but been eroded letrnth And in lost trouble that rmnien the Name the db treating rhurndon ouy beve necked It the airy lint belore TH Mull uttth 0an ACCT 311 Ottawa Looks For First Win udLIAtOtMJKX Morainennahmm thrblweldherticeiletx GnultnutotSuva Wit1W veto Irr rthl will aim mm tve Item hid in than Gene the Enter eoerh runerted Smiley Itre Irrivlnl lit the lel tint mhm nine tere the media ToothIl metre dint hm Ihy In mid ml to In record entail the Ronidnt it he nee tor hint to do it min Water teem ELTWEG Aurtn tAPl Reade Perm ut Ssnlrn plrlioy no the Iierh Ihrri Lotto tummete Lineman litltvaid ot linnl WM trotted oot at the lead wi niecitnicn rnored to eirtny Swin tn the Airstrlnn Grand Prix Formula Into me Fltpoid the inter unrest ot the me dropped otttonLtettthotMleototn the mile Ontrrelrhtltind cir ruit llhh demxrd lnet ltoe Pdmon covered the rntie L1 on tuner to mourn Ind tITS second to at average ol thin in tnliu It be signed to plIy in moon event it Orenge NJ Tournament chairmen Don Fontene dreoribtdthe decision In strange llust cant Ctr In otrt his motives boron oeqtnror htmloltl Ont lCPI Bdr FLaym International dum olmehip tor Formula can SeindIy otter id lm the Ended with lite dismalMullah or anew drlrtnr tonmt Brnrkofhuo Emit Irina trvrn the beds ot the tieer hold wee Just nine month behind Rooe Ihen his engine had rent beh in the ur one out at as tirade had it reloaded lie vrIe dltqtulitied when be rendered the rm tune in mono ohm plan Ind amt point leader in the its Srper series held ontehterrntedBTtdtoreto wound win ore Rich Forrest oi on in BTxit end Bruce trchinie ol Forest lldt Match minionrbeyefonthm Mootrstpnzeandptnh eet consort sitttr HlFl Prod lhbul the rendetltlt tnLtlltyIrdeItutti Irnhrrprnlulonlt Medium yerde held by Lnorzty Bron whderehhrvm thexximluerre STUL WITHOUT MN We be ewe the heed to worry them ill Emmi Tmbnii Center are dish in the only turn theCFL lknhhnnuml irrnlzr Karon rarer IherII SIktcbtm m0 mzirer linni te Wat Football Conference In year hold share at tr plea tn the with EMU Lb brine each Inth ttn Ilnl end we lost mu lret been puntix the throttztt thur lrnzeet Id do rhythm it thou ht it mid cthxe nay loch raid elite let itoridur me lose to tlJrrtiitnn Timon Ottawa plane to tnrt reteren quarterback Jerry nettle trhtle strntrhcnea Ill go ILt rrtrse ltd LentInlet otrenn he dropped tight end Tom Srhultz Ind mixed him with Mite Law who var by Winnipeg earlier this year Brirte Felrdnevelel nu titire mislead you The Eater even the most dtsrrinitrinring INNER ETC toll airmen design in hudsetprtttd nitum it But dont to to low gt room tottd state how amplier that vnlt please llmitt stereo tuner bee Aixo matte Frequency Control lhttit to pretrnt Ftl sullen from drittine end In gelco indicator lizbl Controls include lImmr Volume lullrange TTEblEklttd BIS eotdroir Iltb to ensure lull beet round evenettow Kenton leveli lnoeiaput endonpirt prot ion In vrrli en eatedit epoatrr tools Frequency response MM ltr Both Aht end Ill merino nre buiitln but romeoth ere 1va on the rear twirl tor external aromas It id or nutritionally er automlicelly The torrent tubular ettninnirm nrtn leahirrs Pidgin minimal trotting mi tripped operation noted irritated Mine tom ere untrained by no ediuetnbl bk mm the were em tor unmet twinmord the relation rem two brushed silver timetable rioto mm mm with dual hoover styled And one the lestmrd ends romeo lronr two WM by no on em to provide virtually flawless ttvotreo dereo renniductlon The cabinet is to Contemoonry hint st0 lttnlvt Li to nit see our more iineol not produce hereon noon zsotNNtsrtL BARtttE Ir vreli er two Ml tweetert licleory mature dis SIMCOE ntsrnicr COOPERATIVE growers 7255531 lilOTORUANADA LTD wt rim man In mun Wit Irrrort ammo more