which Ienne dlt ADS Inn the nu Ill ircttes Blank Giants AxppSJDown Braves ym rInrILn mmmmm nxnnlnolunroatrer mummnmwm IM nanen vein denF memorandumnee ulat vunznmcl Inn he MMlmll linen but It thir till thnh manager VIM named hIrI Imrn the nnmmmnanym Ilntrdllnlnnlhlhe Illln fSYnllers 18IhILoss mun PW lllhn anII new In mile 50 inx For eeICPAPI Inninnl In old mini World Unlme In line Uniled SJIIIII Unlnn led by In Km Ill In all Ine Manning in and dunnnlad the rem jJIlnn Golnn lrlo Inlay final trad lelrlvevellnI Ibom IN All UIS Inl only Brittnr new moon gel York darn Tenn nu ran all hnln ddnnlnl Delrvl It Wood ma Gui Inner tilnlng much May 51 1mm no new hnnd In nanny Sega had he Inldl tnn Illter Ind brnme lor nun Emmi Stomach Natal scored malornnnd Smith In the dominion Mull Sonlet WW Irtednlllsl Nihlnl Mil 5mm Unlnn Iln Irnllod Ihtvush menu In tlonulInIrnnx Irnn II Imlhntnnd Martel me In Lemn SIenlum Zlgut linJhni mi and Avila third oi British Soccer Slarls Willi Riots wmrr mm wan wny Saturday Ind IlmeIth It the reason III rlollhl Inns Ine Pirntu ldny Gregg Takes Translint 22 ntle Ihree VLmnnlannbnuI EE 0mm Greenwmd In the xed unlnhln an easily the no mile Champinnshin 33 E3 mrrl MohTIIIAL SIIDITSIIII oI Ihe NnIlIml Inn name Pnnl Cumn Expos In Inll stand the Expon StundIth Jm lnrh Inll meihohhninl mdmnwmlhnll by Czech Tennis Player lCl Photo MisseSCdnadianQpe mom In pelt III SIN In bring lell by nllldnln nI LII Iodny II the Iorodn hum Ten hln Chin Koda Czechoslova nix Canadian 0pm ten hunt Nu mmnlnnnhlpn which Ilnrln med earn neck but nun II the neck Iidnan An mull III needed players In Nn I6 hm up one no llnllnzt Plain Bnlolutd made No II Ind Arthur Inhe previously the Na need Irnm No4 In secondrmked 2th Im the lellnwArnerlran SL111 Snulh 1an title wiltr thin The tnurnnmrtrtm It In metll nlltdnls Snimdny Illa ll Wimblednn tnln tmtmn 115000 In Ilte menI linlltalhlht tier still mnlnins nne nl the thkins sens hours It nnnuten Inrl II nemndn Ior nn mun mend nl end 5mm nu APT bdrm Wldkins bended tor Cary nanny Inn hin mu mt nn wlnmnz hi my lntn the nutnh yby nil dum Row ezpcrl only lnr third plate duo Gm mm and $230300 gull Inurnment Wai IA the 3W5 My nl ll IIEIIMIMW tim WAN mshivnilhll Ion all Pannhe hm mm It III0 woolen rm Greenwood Ion 37000 GrgtI slim and the team of hm oil hide nu mm guru bl Jack wouldlllretouelhohlnlme too mnnnnnntnm Id In Ind my Iridsetllel my use mmwld mnbzmnrn said Sum him his trim In this cl mend victory II the grinned rudnll Sights On Title Inrnn In mine ma en nun on Int In yenr cmm Knden Inuld Illend Int Inna Inns Immin mm min Ibln year Sn loath In lneII that My Irnllnn Rod Ianr one nmIhe Inn ln lm Ind II the names Illllme mney winner hu been needed Ietenlh And III hm hemlble ml Rn mnlnn Ilie Name Ihe do turning ehnmplm my line pedal II the entry lint helrre the am Futhll team dml Inn Ity II Inuld an to uI reenrd Iznirnl Inn Wonlnnt It be tire Icr him Io do It in Western tum ZEIIWEG AMI IR Rnnnln Petanon ul Sweden plain tn the Ilnrk llm Ienrnrrtnte Emerson Ftltln of llrnzl wan knocked nul cl lend rcLI mechanical prnh mind In Ildnry 50711 In Austrian Ginnd Prix Pornml Itnn rare runnnl the lender lhrvlgh at man III the me drnppetl utinnLIomnIMlJmnm the lsmlle Gnurelaxing rir mil with dunno Iurl line Finnzen revered the Inter In one hour ninutu Ind this second In to Ircrazn el than LU miles In he nlgned In pm In mam event It 0mm Tamera rhnlnnnn Don antnnn descrIbed the dechinn er rnnt le Bill Brarlr Disqtialilied IIDSPOIIT Ont CPI Ber Wm NW IIIBOOIIISIKI woulhelirnt year nlnytr III net the rwln morn In mm with nuance and new has mm than mm In Inn than Iwn In year on MIMI Wnllrlnr In Ihrpcunrlur came Irvin mm Ilmiu nil the pace with linnl 69 before the manure gallery um and Inn by two EIInm will 279 Inlal Lee Elder rookie Iom Jen ml in and Rich hlnnsenyne the lltllmmd kndu lied Irene and II nil Elder cnscd unit 691mimhnllnmdmtn IltIIeonlenumt Itan he bozo the llllt hole llnssonznlu Phyen lrlernntinnnl ment pmhlp Ier Inrrmin earn Alter Illa dim ended until the disqualication til min drlvlnrnhwlnu 1111 metMm hrntlt mmtnn tmn tie hunk ot the Liar llcld we Int nine mutt behind than Iben Ins prim had vapor Inch IInnl In the nr In at III Black had II telneIIed Ite wu nnqmlilied when he watered the rue than In Etuvpean damn plan and mmnl paint lender 2d In the Srpzr mitt held an In hi rental IIIIII Inr ls F263 Inn Inn they reeord It 107 mm In It yudnnhn Ilium II he the nail Iny nm Lhnn tun hell hm tn than cm In min the noun Inn mm III mm mm enrn rlnh In the nrtly Inn la thnCFLIIdthnInnlnnI rrrnlzr mm mm Ihtml Snstnrnmn Grey on chnziru Irnm Ilhe Ream Imtbnll Cnrnrrm lul yur hold slur nl lit piece In the West nth Emma E1 hmnn nth IIIh In Ind lnu Grtu Im been with the Irnm Ihm Ihtnr Icnzeil Iitlll inn Ir In ampInn en sedan do nrnnhin II II mid than my Initl Iller lltl llomlxyl ISIS loss In Ilnmlltnn ngercm 0am plan In sLlrI vnerIn qurrterhntk Jerry Keeling IIth Snsltnlcnennn wli nth mm Ran urnInter Ollnua drnpped tight end Turn Srhntr Intl replace him Irtlh hills Law who run an hy Wunipr earlier thin year mud In mtt Illek Forrest MI Ehirnenlnn In tmn Ind Brute llnclnnil oI rarest Ilnll MI in Ilnmn and Jerry Tim at CIIw ntnro thnn ll ncrnnnn urn InnIIilldtI nplilnnrlnnnmi wnklnr hId In runIIe IIIIIIId dtnInI Ind alter third ml IMP TWIN double bogey five In the run IIIL Itml ole lo Inm p11 smut league on mnldt he rulrn which nllml lnr driver mm the ntrelch lo Inner the oil but trimpulled or 1mm men Celtic Ind Banners In Million They $1000 mono Inst pm and Will bin and had ll needed VIII hirtlln In the par SIM nnnany n6 led Cnnndn Irt thnday Inn with II III Km llchcnzle ul POII 110 but 17 Rem Writ bl numhy wnwllllhhnlhemmnnn Men 13th was win by Hmdt II ta oI Lnn Ginsgw Dome nl Inns also were Imltd In minor Injurics Irom among the 11000 supporters nl Ihe two Immn Celtic win 21 One youth rm nerlntnly In Mel Union um Ind lour me delnlntgl In Glenda heisemt otlnwn win In lollnwinx nu Inhibition xnmn bdwcen tVorhnxlon and antnn nothme In land Wnrhlnzlm bent Cerlule 20 And whee rtnrwnd Irnln rnrmnn Oxlnnl United III In Inn total oi to northern England nlter the ten live silver Ind rive durlnr brwnht the train In tor mail nnce 01b MI I1 My lttrtl Bnrrle FelrSneelII mlmn donI In In twnneminnn rn Enler tint Illll plane even the most rtncrlnunnlinz In Ano mnc lmuerty Omani ANY In nrrventIIII Ilnttnns HIE ENIEIITRINER SIC 1610 Itriklnn Commmornry dlslzn in budgetprim inslnzrn mt lint Ioiners deluxe Icaeurrn mine shwnll will elite inner nnwlilrrr calm III rec tuner Illlqnnmnlinr 3610 Ilnht Dentroln lmltrle Minx Balm Vohrme tullrnngn Trcbt an III has round evmntlnwIntertinxletelntnnolnwtnnnm1rnnpm Ion ggwtezuullllhe spasm Mp0an memo III Beth All and Ill mantras nro anIun but roamInn nrn million on the rear panel or external nntcnmn rrur Iubulnr aluminum arm leaning or Iutomntlcnlly Ihe In Palacme mrlmrl ranking and MW operation Sound distortion in cinnnnted III Inward Minn lotus Inlahle Inlnknling control The rhannrr nlw line linger um rm um my pmrmmj removane netIre stand and in lane nnm turntable with turn brushed silter Irritable rmgs Ceramic unrldae with dual iporgr stylus Am the set tints oil automatically alter the MIrecord endl tciertq In well as In III Intelm Willem $3317 nr nwmeers tlwpmtde nmully Ilaulm and llL The cabinet In Contemporary Itnlnnt Islc IotutvtI SN mu romvlele linenl act when umrnestmommdunton luwwinl rm urtnunmLhum ammo mm 259 INNISFILST nnnml Itnexe Wm SIMCOE DISTRICT enorennrtvn Innvrces 7266531