HANG ere tort or heltlo Ihmrit mu them to twin lolthut the truth ut dirtlrke fudiuine her on Mbrr the dim enrente ere ht tor ot the New tho ten he held Thuredny nor It on or the mat Bent tttrrn Aoderenn trotum end mum at the routsortne Bertie Amatituret Society uld Queen of the Petr entrenu ere ttttie eloweoot the tomrd Ind lhlr may he become ot the nonnen ot the eomtuon nhlrh is being held no ttrnt time tot the It rt the chm Detry 02 Prloeeee will remnant the m1 can Netttotl mun tioo next year In Toronto AI well tho queen will be It Med tron rtronnNto too third nisher pItIlzo too Ind tr Arts Throne Mobil It next Aurunt tilt to en the alien WE content up Maximum number ot entries tor the DIiry Primer competio IlIloo to etr tttI hm entered to nto tti contettInt mton res and comic lit while the winte er metre trophy Ind rent We the rounty It the It Princeu roolett lltY ADMIN Mr Anderson entd girl neith need only erred in to Sorirty thry will ho contacted th tree it lion 111 ticrrlr rt tientley Shun trite ol amtTV end tr to Fair Hortioutturai Classes May Rttracl 250 Exhibits Orrnrttzuro It the Ram than at tho Barrio leir ptorlntariy 230 lasso till your The athlth itll be not up Mont Mud 22 Mid arn nnd noon Thur tLa our ehow niti be open to the pub It till he toewort on tho tngt Err floor at the xrttndttend dildan ellh the em rrette Ind Mint erhlblu Alt exhtb rnroot Junior flow hotttcuhttrahrt mint Do norm be at the Burns hurtculturet Society The rottrtye st ennuet Onttn Man Awarded For Rescue 0t tittittLtDN tCPl Ednin Simona ot the Orltlie Iron her rn ewerdrd elitrr motel tor hretery by the ttovel Cone dlan ttumonr Association tt ennuumed ttninetdon time norm mmrr went into lake mhlchlrtn to We melt boy who had telien through the ice to was ono ot tone rthIlftrnto at other medals mood sheet Inertt ottmd ennonlly by the ertodntlotL Thrro Irre on gold trial tlfdlltll Another elltor ahhrtt Mt tn hIJtM Kennedy ol little IM rete its III nx id not end Maurice MW tmoetittooe to end Lttned entry lorme to tho tier end to om ttodnee Nd alter thatylhn rd the riled tor on Kennedy Int wh ENDS A1gtromoetitou better look on Julie ScoltItrla to Iit tho winner ot the mint xirle Ind overall winner ot the eeninretrte dtvlston IExInetntr Photo NEREBTM TLLIIBMWE EMVLNllt THURSDAY AUGUST ll Hull knelt nill Juda Htl elrle on normality department Wanner the Queen the retr end Primer will particl Ilo In nerIdI htdny Itu It It 11 mm It with to otttrtele rounty rd and the Formosa Brewery Mona hitch Bnrrte tlrelizhtrre MI ltnut te tram sr Vlnrcnl mdy Phrketon1 Durtop not Bru ItngltItIreeLrto Eyre lined Ind Mode cho the clown hill to Irt now IR lion with he obnmt tor their neutqu tundrttle tn drive tor musnelttr oyttro phy tizttrnt end south tote no it rinoilhll li5fi Tholullhoutnklee hen hem mReonoeIoqumr Iucoooohtione tor the tilt IJ DI to patients our Mvtuoctxlon rt htr hoderrnn laid the Non Cenede end inst yetr re Unrelated memini Ittletdlhodto tighter retro to per tent ot nontime now tor olI thetotol rniend forthe North to Lion using this method Bunrm ero on no for not who are tearing the you otnsr ron rtrsnattctt nndthetlrottzhtrre rolirdevot The bulk ot the Mary ed to he Dorrietirettght wont rerrnrnh to Mignon ream lm end Inlo lltoIr ear or even serum Ito ore tor public int res in the eurlht rluh mmte MNtnrilhould DhtIln id prize boot Ind tron the rod part It by lrnduet oesttne ewe tho bulyn muorie ttxrur More erIIthd by tho IthhC Sort more orm may My use cnlltd Duchennr to hem Strtot and th or hlrhlirhl ot the tilt irony and one on no not or Flora on ere leiettlonotthe queen and tho patients are not who The com dxiry plinmr Thurme wt horn trto expectancy ot 17 to not no years FIRta masthead lhe threw to thyristor Pride nlrhthorneeon on So 3y nod Sttuieylnd torn tnn Three New Directors Rro Rdded my To Georgian itrts Foundation The mode Connntl 000 Ind Dr Ptul Wnlth hunt to the door ton Founde tlnn tor the Ptrorminx Arte Lnrrenro ot 000 Elm Street tor ow pinnnlne oeolei tuttitotem rrhentet lottery end Itenh membth opoan Ito Art to allowing th Ilto thonre support to into pertorrnnnce ttttIrIIIehtrI this yur be ngeltoo Dente reo now them re ohueutdthrm rnttst been added he board or touttdetton euttd will and have been omit ythe dlrettore at tho toundntinn They enttque show one nle Sent exhibitor to It tenet lhro ll rDe ole 29 It the unrrte nrm nnntherttntor to the show ttnrnttt no live rd or treated ItrnLtrtottelott nro Iliowed The six ii utt conrnnuncu It the out heneen nldtholxer noststnnt runnin end ore at oter dm gadget tr ml it tenuuronttnostmcoe Carnty lhlpnrk WNW norm CotbotlcStoatntoSchool tournament 11ml will be one at the deie not he nwrnhrre at the not to trunlho hootd toe worl Ind rerrtolion pman no on trerher rentrrn tor In lleld trllnlnn root The Small Boy work to ed by the Momentum Fodmtlon tron drowning in Little Ler cl retnro 0n Clue Oreton isleod SCHOOL STRRRING ntterernr occupleohyste dk ltornnn Catholic So rnto School it PM it in Dmrd will be ttolod not turn LtrTwo hero drnunoi quattttegI teacherIe uhenIerhmt mated by ether rt 0er humouolytoAihertSeh rndtdlm on mono thlI Beale bringing the thLrIo thus tor taking tJ teIrherI in the ryetrm tnootntr Illter we to Theo mums ruurtvtttuur dote Kloltltmt ot Nmont or it rttyotdo pert Ind rtetr reertttnz man from btrrntn ttun lettnio torrnuntrnt MIL11 Itlothm tie had to 1th held lrld tr in etotnnrh along tho hell ur the more ltltore st dentoot Stowe Chung Ltnouxcttntton till be relied to drtenntne mm cm to to en ordnance lttl rubdlvtder but lh ruler tn tote tttnnt drowned on the Ontario on Wed Loch II thQYItel Hum her rhetienrre hurt on lump Jolie one out end Prince Of Wales ITrctck Meet Of Parks Tho omelrtlon hot it dill II ceIltttt tiff ond roirrtnlnr rent tnnrhnn Notional Lrh owner at the Boylleld Moll mm ot the rht the Dnrrlo Plnrn on teliinttnn Mtd mm mm Domlftion Store cord cortr Mm moorh one at It onto rim to rovrrerttt tho hoot Nntntttlee tor ennrpettnr tor honan in the recreation tnrk Too Lrnittiduol ethirtm in the Junior division it to rm ll rt Sit Iohuot The nr boy on Kevin of triltto 01 Write haul lhlhl with In hhoantth ite reteorrh proI muscular dyttrnhhy nr Kiln wheetrrutre semen piano etth eteht point our itlnrydo Eduard euhoul nod to third place with nutn Ints tutu Nome trtmn nisu Supported By in honor ot the 100th rertrntrt rnry at tho inrmtion the rptrnr hy Itiexnndrr Graham Lid lltli Canal to ploetning tn estnhltrh or in luvntiunal not tllrpt btttttll through ho moon the The noweletter told the dire rperlel tender at Serlonot litto lundrelolne more the hold on It lint me All the tourte It merrrd tor the Competitor mid at munlltm meeting in the near tuluro II nhtthrrIItolItIo mm mo outtty omen Cot trrte School Board rltrultt oy 01 board owned land in ttredtortt tor land Iuhdttteler The no thong would no henrtlrinl to iild he to it olorntno mix l1th the booed Lt Prtrulrurn trent ttltttrtt hetero Ihrtr tItt rtctory otut Iho Ltttltln Peacock Item licldui til lrum ud titrqu inn tt nun tltu Furl whth trophy tutti TWL Tulle malt millam idiotrs not in tttolnolttx duct hide torture School Tops Wontmodal Immature ratio the ReamL trrtttu you the on drtmttn the ri to it i3 on of if to hit E3 55 in E5 at $111 53 55 meet Wainwrin Itttnil rumor Portal Murat ntllt no onl urotm errorrtereeodttm Wtwwt Memoiritem ot oer rt tor tumor thin or utter Lx mm Iwrndmntely lame mt no it total but at born by one the hated tmtm be yet him to roger Mn the toilets Dado mt Emily tthat til we Ketirt Vir pavrn in tho Mott re tlnrouee ol Prlan nl llaleendtoul plum errand nith ItIlearrtxumd prieI NIer ol ttnwntrrtt scion Irrtt um um mm ththoe Stewto Sodovt Mm wmnrtrd ln high 1m ml tummy do him in or et Wifrhalaota an the some undertone Tltc othtetee ear derision am Mr Mart ltttn ttnndl rttnlltle er woetttbe men oJWhe mm tomb Tho county at location mote tor Just rueeotb minth tend were with it ounnlter which new RIM WM ttr athrlmiat inmm in tho lengthy Period or tune the prim nhtch mil he putt tor all we 01 ml Dunking Tank Returns To Inte lterrlo Kinsmen Ctuh dunlttnr tart intht drone et the Limit Fair thtt mr Tlrr tornpanyl hattlh is are tor ltr rotnrnrnts Ida dost Dorintt Ito Slrphcrtt end trots trrhrr member ct rtty htr Ruben arid the tent in will lino take dunt hlnonwn prom tnI alxo III III IINIII In INN IIIIHII money tor eysttr ttoroou to no erorrh and lrentment trunrtnntw tlto rhiirlren to roronto ottrnone ml at III noon hell tooenntrntttnt our mm ot the thrte do Iooeretlon dunltinu rn chairman in min the trim rJIKSthy County ltuttun nth abortmlllrord ntrnne or en pnnetptr out rxprrsetd rounrtt tnncrnt our the trurtethrrttttion in truth Innltti Rule Itturne wearing etrlklrn blue illitr Knxrer umd rn out wit that hall ntnlrh ttttd ottth II umbottor duel Ltrn more oltrotttlo unttrr Lu moot my llt lurid rillher lur Milton latrln mused to to Utnrlird matrh Will mush hill UtrttuIro were lire innhtge nl ILm Ittsten nuer ee