walk Editor Etnariiva on limo domino routnueycwdttnmp canprnyttnrnd Idhaylialdsmetdarrla0ntaria JAltebbPublhlwrv0eharthrnepar wrnxnaoar room New Concepis no Heathen IonaSIn rum thrillradar Linked With Inqiion ahmaldeonanaodaprlcelnlhemrkeLi Au Examiner reader who hi that new concopta Wit woe wages are the rent cauaeoilollrtloa nta eta urggeniin tallied would Iii lean to have matte paint Iligh law have played mater role In rnlrtn es than me politician appear to concede bat the media rontrndcd an examinauon at eavand tarnin income with 1961 the year used tor price Index oompuriaona would show mud similar tweeter malar complain in been that militant ination and taxation have cut deeply into the benets oi hlgtter Imome or many people The doorstep ic diosen lor the 41nd annual Con In oonierem sponsored the Oanadirn Inrtltute oi Public All touched upon route as peels oi the attention the theme war The hieanlng oi Work which manyaup posed our part at each individuals re Iponsibillty to help roder in return tor the many benefits too otten taken or granted While lew complained the dlcottrslon was unproductive end unworthy of ataoh conlerence it war tailored with inter est and come constructive points were made At one time It was tell that work DOWN MEMORY LIINE 25 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie ExemlnerAu1 to 1948 lira Ilarjone iinndlton appointed alderman on towu Council to tilt vacancy cauatd resignation William Valley She Ia Bar rocond woman alderman Flat to history was lira hiary Laurie all on council Sorcpttmist Club will rponsor new playground on lormrr Barrie Terr nlsonthcouxtrtla ertonSLrlSo phla East Tennlr Chi har been inactive rince beloreavar brat rome cnlltttclaala lare playing on new courts In Queena Park operated by town playground oom rultlee Dr lions harnbull inataih and according to the ultra renderedilnt Womena Lib rien were quick to point out mtmw not applylo vital workdanebyhooaewimlnmgaortol tease anaxumetatthts was not alworza The tremendous amount volunteer work which has adtieved ao much tor commaltlee such as Barrie as well Ia tor dlilerenl worthy mum at anend bene fit alto merits due mom out Workarc who are to do hille extra beyond what they they are all tor also help to make our roder Some might question lite out rdlt wooed that much oi present Iy work In at doatntul value or uttlltylt warm yaated It the conlcrence there were too many salesmen tor one thing but the plain economic tact is it all animal make ilvi some turn to other wmllir Wh working condition and item have been changed by inventions and to alai progreartbezreat majorlt or en ze today rtlll appear Ilrm in ll individual respo iodayr easier ilie andtnore attlue ro clely would not have been possible mon war delivered by llev Father El hauler ol llaw partial Time now new Pot liggflzregezldwm roan Dog eExamin rin terr it publtn mp Beau ty BorSalott CookCons rum Excell iorIlte induatrlaltAcce lance Corpor Judy Jarnea ll hltfutry noun did remains at key importancenthhouI this errCornerLu ard laureattiaVehpaBeau Ituldri ronorrro AI nu point it then ihornva auntie mitt Osborn mu it and Garvey veneral inrurance ii Asp hoi int den dental laboratoryDr Atvtnrnnns hilhnnidihin t1 deutlat livrrie OlttmberolCornmrrce will Former Barrie tleid herorte rtan ll Wt Esttvtrtjctttnnri pnctlaal approach to workIn the taverns PiilIK uDonfaid Dethon Does Have Chance IIy vmcertr rein tratlorta pi thla trim 5hr meta JctenJamea Allan Yet he ended called both developed and de cay and Conrnmear Alialrl in lldl on merit Kaito iioh aearly hthln crir hardlynalad chance in um WW until inttn that ii iii hit triggers it Minna court he with radium nttr Iaal in the Seat aha are the dmwmmw um oi Nlraria the lumber in the rst the rwatryr In elil tabla all Ind ti aim and the liotlem Ilrtunr In the north nunvra oillladl bhmletwuritduld Itdan unlit nutrition Alti r1 intramuraltande nnnup malalw that and Hanson whoop motion took part in river tradinr mercheo dlrlar in the tumor colonial ern then operatic local partch pentI alter independent in lion in lttomalnl lartlpr attendant NIDEIilAN DWEMTIY Thll rnlr olvtkllh tribal intra ecta and namemetu method the Iccood malor rea ron lrerla Iteyworlldnbn tar about the um ea no ornate only when maonr ante lacaliedboth on re contest drum John llilA no or itobartv Bob Macaulay or hlned My an mumm audadminlattalivebaaelnmav mettle millionaire clear We clothed an bridal to onset tor ntarrtcrnostu Golotvitn nulltary leader within taryv edmawblth Ippotatet my moms lat Irena melordemand tar lotttlor attar it that yrara Itartny iodepmdenre ytttvirlgrttqvatn lltby be happy with bylerperintee when God noticed tuall that lit pt yotnaeil on there are many beaten to he claimed All lhlnnlm yam Fir tho Sornt Man it to tech and in at war lettlluha o1 died atlrerutuflv mlulnv 9d Pmldlml Wraith lie perved North Bay wherehe wir drrnbl legal mm mm with Canadian and war awarded on Weillm the micro by MBA um Public Utiitier new water well It Baytiew Perk he been cunk to ill leet hire William Front pronoun He played tron rortutnttv Soyko dirporedol lhtlrln byeantmtortrank GFoeterior lerert in American Hotel to Illohnei merly oi Barrie retired It North Bay malted mnny utilizelend ermlp built up Camdiancltrmplonshlplermolldii in unfit beyonaslaw aludcntarllcledttololol nip tirnt ntCreswlcke and iiewaottLHMch but itll tethertartd travel error the provider boldlnp communlly martian snewmuk llarv Brewelleid the wrt the convention now not after more than 50 yearr withclllt and raronhonlat leaturednilltvliamblertmuch me than mate pl Ontario Northland Railway Mn and hire Janet brought up most ol their ti chili prvlllon which baa addition rovtdln deer in Barrie only one edit residing room tor 200 more pattern Ilbler lltE here being Magistrate Gordon Iorter re aliens reauired Blllilrtton and Thousand otpeopiu visited llount St Jae llarrls both to completed canoe btntt tr handed the loalrlnlliedontelordtlllthrnnivernry trip lhrottlll Trent lanai iyatem and St Anthony Detdellereenlenary aer Krwarthainlres upleco ortitealra at lllnetr Point dance month away that Ir no alto yet lhi ihii will be lol Iowed an thiamrtan and In an likelihood that It wmt that the two molar candidates to data probablywont want it CONFIRMED CANDIDACV swam 42 Wm mpmnmrm wwwmamnn Preaettt leader lloberl Nixon vlllolJGiiTLllod BOATIRI Willy lb yearn re retitled in llarrie have never area at Individual nttrmpt to interim with peraanr rlrlttr law thir peat wackelid by some ol the arranlurr ol the water rid evcntr witlrlt took place on Simeon Day in the on at limit This pael Saturdays rnyael my lemlly otir relyhborr and numcrvua virltorr plrnlrln in liemprntcll Park were nun lhl in Kemptrtielt llay lrt lrortt ol the park near the slalom coum tot up our of the hi1 mil lrtml Ti era par throti the atrium centre with the alter coming to within to teet ot the rwlmmera in dlaculalrtr this with the operator at are at the boata we were In llrmed that the area war waterekl centre that they were practirlnr tor the coming event and rwlrttrnera ahould not be In the areayol no alptr were posted to the rehtrnry and ap patently no elty bylaw exlrtrd to that client We advlted them oi the large cite or Kcmpculett ha Bay and naked them not to Practice within ruch cloae prox mlty oi the cltorrllnr whllc awtmmaa were in the area On Simian while in the name area we were nearly time by More lltll within to leet limit min with bin Bartdirrepard tor swimmer in the area Alter Milan in the operator at the beat to be more carclul lta rcitaned with th rider passinlwtthln an arm reach at myrctl twderdand lha Greater Ilrr rle chamber at Commerce rpooaorrd the Witter rtl evcrttr end Ittthorlzod thp pieclny ol the buoye ltnwever am am they would look with dlrlavcr at llll nepll enl aperatlln nl motor haall pvllnr men while peov pla are avianmlnl in the area aevcral dayl battle the mute looit plate Apulitl were made over the tout aperter lyrirm in ltempeniclt Park an the day at the evenla by the orrrnlzert at the ahnw lo the atrium pl Itarrla er the delay in the line vlnnlnr oi the etanla alttre local citizenhtlttd lound it ill taremave the buoyr the re vioua day However wouldyba rurlour to hear whet the olo Klultotlld havrbcen by ear auma orranltera lo the clutm oi nanla had Warm met unawm any water rhl cvnala on the clvlr holiday hecn rerloualy inlured or poatib killed In revolt oi the taoilah and dartltroua acilona pl theta came cranium It won only by the ace of God that such an uni did not arm and pray that the Ctmrnber oi Commerce will make aura that Kit allnrtlon does not pcrur in the lttturr remain youra truly lAN bi POSTNIKOFF Emil Aurtth ma ovnnretr annvztt INIUNANCE AGAiNEl CANCELLATION Dear sir For the lnlormnllon oi all code oerned who hrve bitten otd ltt rnrnnre against the idea oi rtr patient In the even nl drnllt old would like to Id virda vi the erpcrtttlcp video had tried out cancellation in matter In connection with my booted flitllt to don Edit land and Anton er atlpttle time contained in the deacrlp tion at banalllr were the wordt th evident lickuoll or injury or death beialla other Immediate larrtliy mentherr ray where Intlta world 11d mm Inca war revered by ll Travel lnettranee developed by hlellln Inmadcn iaruranre Ar ea lid and underwriti era by CNA Auurancr Curlpauy wily lather ln iotldon union riy dted Item earner two woeka belarr my rehedttlad lurid and hastily banked n1 athcr tllrht with the thourht that the insurance vmuld recover the Imam paid lor the athrr boo nr awever uptn maunpta claim rcetived teller tram CNA Auurrnce 150 ilioor 5h Earll Toronto dated 2t lvna mt tune the tollcwlrtr reply lltanltyoulor the cum orma completed In the early plll at June Ml The medlcttl In lormatton contalnrd In there reportv indicate that the tort tiart whldt caused your iatharr death existed prior to the com mitment date at your policy and in ind he had received treatment Ilnce September itll ban hospitalized in 0d abort rm Under Part Covv mrlzfirlp thlllltllliggi ea yet are pre eftlnl pondltlonr at any cover ed perran or any immediate lamly are not covered In vlrw oi thlaand the lad that your laihera rottdillon war to viour to the data ol the pdin youll underde why wa can not ba oi any petitioner and Wt decline your rirlm tor here Now it an Inaurartce company can rel Itray with title mm It on point in Irtvrarteahcltta tried out They tree the exclu tloa precxlatlar medical cordl tlant littw many people dont have some tortol medical eondl tiartll had no ihoutht that tether would he mitten Io deniywhen made my booking cnrtneuy Sultlre loaa thia rhotud be broom la ertientlnnlnor oer that ohm may vecauider laktnl out with laauranee dlllhim eyc ataurprn ealatln Muaatllonerahavv hadtrratrlvcx liencapet haps midi advise the public it in order that even Ittallythlaoooditlao may uncor reotad inaldontaliy lost lira totattnrvmbo RON AliHini ill Dtmlop bi Wett Ernie Aupuai 1m RANK GETI NATE MAIL ATLANTA iAlI Extra po ltce rotteilan lot llanlr Aaron bar co renucrled when Alv lIntI iiraver play at other Nr llonal learnt harchail parlta Dirk cull Bravra vitapresi dent arid iiotlday Weve tallied to curb rlnb about trylnr to avert my problem rrpeclrlly lienry ctr clear to the record Aaron lr luat ll home tum diori oi llan liulhl record ol lli Thelttiartlr rivr act but reported to or rrreivlttr heir mall and oeraalonrlly it rublert in verbal Ibuaa lrom tree In the ttand with northmed llllli ill will raaoot likely be LETTERS To THE EDITOR Ituv might to tar it Why chelra he would almost certainly pre to to rhlp It And Donald Deacon hat rate he doesnt want It Deacon hat been lntcrtalvely tummor Ind hr wants to trauma thlr highly emgddjl throughout the pcttottal traureota approach III the way unattrh The Mutl cattvralloatvliieil however may hat in thou lav trrestlrtp than many people ex These people are aarumlnp that the cortical will be almpla writover tor Nixon There appears tobe evcry chance that Nixon will win GOOD CliAhCl Ilut rtlll Den Ilcnrbn it not by My mcnrta to he dlarnlued Aside mtlrel lronrhls rela tive ability rile ruburhart To rottia manner It conductiny typo at eempain that pnya oli Thoraltava been revele lliuac at and motor ta illylleld street Dame Ontario Telephone nearer Second Cllhl liall liaplrtrntlnrt the titer dill llelnrn postre guaranteed Dally entry and Ellllllury llolldaya excepted inbrerlpllonrater daily by carrier the weekly tuna yeah II Single caplet tic tly mall Barrie tutu yearly Simeon County tram yearly lllllrtcl or Canada livtiu yearly At other touhtrtu mu yEIrIv litter throw all tarot yearly itttlontl Adrertlritty omcm llama It Wu Toronto Mi lilo eto Cd cart EL Montreal llembcr oi the cartldiatt Treat and Audit llureau ot Circuit ilenl The Canadian Pma il erclua lvely entitled to the tire tar ra pnhllentlon at all nawa dispatch er in lhll paper credited to it or The Allocated Prear nr itenlnr and tho the tent nave publlriv ed therein the litrrtaEramlner claimr Copyright in all arlplnal Idven llr it end dllorlIl mllIriIl cro Itorl by in rmplryeu and re produced to tilt oewapaper Caprrlrltt litrlttrrllon Nun brr tutltd rcrlttrr ti bccn pr watt Ipat remlu ctttitto lit lllliillid it turns lianltoLlrlandly invitation to loinllta linrrla Country CluhTertteourogatlttwldatt poatihle people participation in club netlvltlar we are olierlnp mam barvltlpa In all cologorlea at mart uatennblt retain Weve alto waived the Initiation Fee for the Interim Folexamplineurllngmltnbarthlpjlnitleliarle country out to nit stone toy rotary nd only $6500 lei ledlu To lolnthe poll aeetlan pillar iltteal tour in Cantlcl Ontario the earl ldr while India may loin for ettsno tinystrand lllnrllltar curling or poll it yovrcup of tea aaelalonlyvmamlterrhlpvia only $10M for the full yaar Barrie Counlry Club lpelllllaa inel lvlly appointed lounpat lieanted nltroyllitlaned din Inp room with nvlaw anaeir bar aitprr lhltole lt two larlr poll eouraa iivaltham oi curling riddrm laekan ahovm and round pro chop power certa pitu bury rehadula alyaarrottttd racial cellvlllaa vMemhrnhlpI will be llmllrd towhy not contact club general manager Brim Cardy till48W right now let full detailed P5d Thatta rtlll time to loin thlr taoaorta poll reellon at radtmd rotor PHONE 7284802 tittfttttntr routttttt ctttt llAllRll