Isisch MOTe Exhibit NEWS For ComingOro Fair ItcntihrrchilibeHL Orallra City Tax Levy Down wnntene Sepente school backhan mlnieannte garue nude IsIEIbie Ornr in moat IIii lIis II have EEEE is Ind lion hell The city levyl perusal pt Eus Isnsnrnted to summer marten lo trousers last year An mdltinnnl pro rinan gears reduced this in ft lewuytlrls year in mpan taco ination in km binor Jack Andre heads the Drillin cude while his coihr down til or ii oi of are he It they and cot the oil the get her ct ob ta the mir to he be to tho 1921 Minn moor suowv It COOKSTO Amt imdel sooner emitted II Worn nu nmumnxsreum wamMtho aodeAmongtheldmlrerI RieimmndIldl lmmtner Mynrtgigpnldhmm was themtdrlwhoep recouvd Mounted peeraitehrtrpdoetedby IndIdyioebeaauiiIredlopro dam to maintain diversiiled realities programs will be II eiIsI Io mourners at least but Will WW mnwrhulineceesedbperbognlprn hi with the 23 or try per cent over year earlier anostern Eastern inventoll CALM CONFERENCE Midi but been teld nd writ tenthrpest in days Iborsttiw economteoppor CanndI intentions were in to who inversion in while IN Eaten since June considering marketing mm boundinth upturn In bog trilon trends it in to be ilvedsy contended oi the DRILIA FALL FATE DTtlldaA Stall Plans are being mode at Grille tor the 1197 III lair which Is to he held If the new iIlrgrounda on Thursdny Friday Ind Saturday Sept In OTTAWA EXITTBTTION ENVALE iilllll Central Canada exhibition at Mill will be hold item ddly August ill until Saturday August is it rise announced in notice received at the NW Slime naturism Il like Liberals To Pick Riding Delegates OOLDWATER iSIIIl sim eoe East Liberal Amtllilm in plans to hold meet to in Goldwater rbortlv lo riding delegates tram the to sdlend the provincial lend drip convention to Toronto The latter is to be held an turnover Ind so at oy notice retel Monday tel recording to ved bore lirucoltllieoiontbnlsrnw ldentoitheEulSlmcoeLibeo elAseociatioo Dueoitberid tngmcetroo bovnotyetbecsa announcedbut is expected to be held during the latter part September cert racers re posted plasma lpq oust gain ljtbe big mutton It the m3 tmcoi concerns to whet extent these estimator have changedm Ill diy Ilseus simian you re vriy hltb grain prices Ind Ind the idle Ibotat any recent nnnmmcnrlent oi minty tislty blotter lnltlIl ngln pIy nasltisouitecIsrytobe on that the urrrcnt high log prices unmet stints rEileALlli lStnIIl Annual vidlng turns In order to give inverter Nniidenee to Invest in unenl tlon Drumming these basic All the tint PIekerI mmctl painted on in In advance stIte ment to the Coniererxe that Western Xanadu lJ amenity kn mumretuewm of Igyieulture on consistent roo iinulng basis to meet the grow log demand toe meats both do estchin and on exprnt At the some time the cornea minimized that waI and menu are vised to redisce Insth llitlea base mired in live stock production and prices In the past particularly on be In this re ord there is need unusual teed mlns policy nhidt recognises animal pert culture its sermons Amino rlcuitorsl institute rt Cons will he held It the University oi Vlddrll If Victoria 30 rtrri lng en Sinday Aug record ltule Minister Wbelsn hold the Menace tht the soon to be oattint teed pus policy will pmtdde entity for tent grain Ind livestock producers rldst Icrosr Canada hie Wbetrn told he Conicceoee the iorteral governrrm is will in to provide greater molt nets torrents most entity and Pelnly deslnht in on ettempt to tuner the roputntion oi Cann diIo meat products The Men Ii government is also prepared to expand the Activity already one eveinp and livestock production new tiousl livestock dev may will be naked om haps including livestock lion lnnnm The bulb oblectives oi Men It turns policyirhould be Ic ceptoble to most remote How ever the promote and detIib oi boy to meet these will likely still inspire rousiderehll debuts The coherence did provide the In Iirlng oi views end such di alogue between monuments but also inclining other meme oi the my ts hale desirable Ind eornrnendsbte it amt Ibo be runenrbered that the livestock Ind rncat industry is oi orator lnI ce to Canada Ind to up on pit opportunities is venture cdccelve coordination oi livestock and min production Ind marketing vies through Federal Prov lIl particlrw Georgian Theatre Company Georgian College Theatre lily it end Dothorth Street ltIrrle THE wruvo or or by Frank BIvm August would PRIVATE LIVES by Noel Coward August in not l9 TI 00 Ian 400 pm 700 pm to 330 pm Hog Population Stays Same As Last Year The Man bog pwldlihn at June was eetbnrtsd If mono bend practically tracheo rcd irorn your entice accord ing to Statistics Cannon West ULFEIDRTIPOTIT iboelttirl US cattle on icedreportirulicntedontytpa centmoreooieedtiaanryeor Indian mating cattle tor Ilarugbt Atthemnentthcrrrrpnom narrate res and consequently maid in mentalatim on how smelt heel or how mlno nettle In moving ms the border witlte duration changing so rIpldiy it Is dittleuk to Iorr cast lust bow lmg diese prices will bolt now the Iprlculturri Indistry Ind ted tor the mood material in urination riotous last year The Simone Colleen grant us prIctchliy the some It W101 The school lest Showed Mm of or men pmaetaonls and tuna he no nodsry admit Both were non somewhat trim tart year dns Iggy to mused government rose ties In Gntmn 0rd Wilbur mom Don Jenhinr ld Fm Insn linrry Tisslnrton lira Pat Nauru irIrzk Dome and Tom Parrdt DNG PASSED DLLINGWOOD twillThe lent representative Irnrrr Colllog vrood to be elected warden oi Sim Bounty Is the leis Tom in ten liynards rst Election liun Amratluuouanwrnbmi Pan llImerdIIncIlidlDriilRy nndmetenarmdeicettnhis hbtdierirrlinnmnyem IroithsehowrbyI retire oipoelndlmreeonh lntbeiednIleleetiononAug rule The vote was IllT ior hit Ttohinnonto Holler Dr Rye hard Social Credit candidate Pinkney received only no votes while llnvelace WT poliedmioibeoirlEIstSintooe riding which later was lotned with North Simone in the its North Simone rid Inl Jullln ll ler on Dona semti was the Motion win oer shale Earl lion eerily even reendersement in Dulferire Simeon Dr iLvnIrd was chosen the lost Simone crbalidoie II nom tnrtlon in Goldwater where the late lioyd lotberhy riding presle dcrI was dialrrmn Alon urntin Ited were Dr lrmn Small nt Midland Ind it my then of OrllliI The latter two ml within In IIyor oi iir llanrd lialn spotter It the nomlmllon PLAYING TILL MONDAY GETAWAY gII IM Will room will mikiievnslrotel columnar conwm mmuumunumrmmrsum mmmmuratwotmmvnevmnommcn mmstasoMrosvrImmmwmm neon room on wroeu WMlaOMCTTD malt worm Made 20 Years lino This Week II Sir lions who attith the St lnrrreot liberal governments Idrnlolatretiosl attacking that described as he high taxo iion Ind lavish spenan at 0t we BIrriII alluvial Is In Incor porated town was marked in son with James IlIrt mayor tinny oi mmtulntiona in cluded those lrnsn Prime limbo er laotrla St Laurent ol cInIdI gmo Premier tulle II in 1957 Dr ITyonrd turned the tsblesnnblrJTnblnsn nyrhen he won the riding tor John Dlelen holerr Consuvntise The DrilliI moon has been continuum member at Parkman like Reads rim Dr RynIrdI tint victory was intrwa run at in the Ideal election June to llef Ne received llitl enter to me it Air Robinson tor the libth lASi for Bill Win cheater mo and it tor LbIrler Parker Teena wdtend we who ran Is an independent in North Elm llebcrt Smith III the victor over Wul inn Campbell while Errlltm was the third area Consumde to win on that occasion dcieob ing the liberal eIndiatr Burns Titles by it to will HELD OVER 3RD WEEK NOW PLAYING TILL MONDAY inmlnvrrh mlmnmn saturatedtamer pre result oi eating on beet in the United States As am result at this ceiling American Ire reluctant to bring their cattle to market Ind lstnmk mar kmng in the on ripped to barctyJeo thirds oi nonn at real pityrtcnl Ibsrugr oi beet III has Ilse caused pnruc buying whith merely IngvIled the problem Beam Cmmin and the U5 share North American bIII market Antenonn retrilers In trying to make up their stori Irns by buyin hmriirn heel and million non Lacrosse Playoli lit Orillia Monday oleiA 91m ltith the series tied at two wuss Nth OriliiI lions and ltiown Am sell me in the decrhng game their host thin out Ieries in the simian OLA seminals It OnllrI cnrnrrsmi ty rain on Mould nlsbt Winner oi this resin mil meet the winner bdme Acton end but ntf The lions trolled ontorsytintrutuemumat problems have been created to 0mm bylhe rIll strike oblml shortage er beet exist on national basil senosudistritsnhn WM Is Matt at the Murine Is mine is the Endlweektvlomrl rrbadadurrubgd onteirornuuinrncurdgt masoprkununslnthee lindmi For the dlnntirn hi the eirlkr this mlvsocnt Ill be restore ly restricted 1er will not WI mnrysbonares in some IrersoiCanadI prvbicrnsare icderIi Ind oeuvrndal gnyrrn ments as wek Is that the Ontario mlnutsy at Agricultu Ind loud in North Sirncne HONORARY DTTILZTLT Among the honorary Id eals are Dr in lil Gordon Smith llPl Ind James Wales warden oi Slime km ty Jon Maison Is the hornedlItI past president For the rub races twn nu mile brain are plrnned tor ercia race Prtremteytrtnbedlr lded I0 l0 Ind it cent with to per rent artsy ire Driven IN required to weer rails The Nice about met one red Inn to be Idnuilied on Mr day by the racing exactnisu btl on Courses Offered In Agriculture EIAIVALE The Ontario Ag ricuitml Outlets in coopera tim with the attire oi Gathering hiucIUm UniverIlty oI Guelph Ill be uttering evening corner In Ipplled agricultu Illinl the toll and wine ssmstrn eras assumed in Mire It the girth Snrxnn Igritnkarri oiilce BecIuss oi the eourser popo Lnity in ma locations tor the dune on Mos crowded this your The introductory tom II to midsummer gives monetoeertegeheogant eetoone end then made rousing mad ll lagoon wilheoandulMtdIlllwlt MGLtsgitdihe olfcnniveln mmwubslxponlsntuir Tina lloldcr Ind Rick Street riot IIUIB II TullAD tremors SIXNEN ourosneu TUERDYENIIERS yrwawsrom ootonlt DIM Mnli EnteriIinnIeni ammo mo rrr yqlrlwm vised inrr each 7PMI9PM Gillittillllll IIiiIM Artists ONE IIFTIIEIIITEITIEST ESCAPE ADVENTURES Mill and tndealldlng winni lure wlilheniimdinlmdm OttawITorsmtoIndGuelphho gym ginningthellrnweekoIOttobes the date dependingmthniou tum In addition to the lntroshatiay come the best cosine will be gin the University oi Tom and October in ml at the University Guelph Doinher lLAnewcoursesoiintInsge meat It stop proindim will belntaoducedrrtthUdsnIity oiTormta0rtohalIndIIthI Wall or each mu wiilbeIminlnmmoitdtwo hotrrseaeiumm consecutive reeksadihnoexceptlnostrlboh tdnys Any Dcldtnnwtllbe atthedlsereimuitbo cosine instructor Atitbecvmeehave bemueiaeduledettbe weriotss inettndiortstoellnwsnymeto tnlreenmhinrirondmsd lnrgivanlecrtim Acoiluommwuentbbt lngucqtedtortbe tall pros withlimttntntpusma tumbloratimtnvdluhtb inrmr to Gary llutcblnm Coon dinntiu Ollioe ot Calming Ed rxwm University Ii Guelph tension Tliilllib FilllTGllTS FUNFILLED WEEKS IN TORRENOLINOS 0N SPAINS FABULOUS COSTA DEL SOL 399 note ONLY IroouoreOewpency YOUR TRAVEL FUN TOURS HOLIDAY PACKAGE INCLUDES ltnundntplsttnhnmimtnrta AIMII Innvlrsrstussrrsrissndlnebamntes ll nlnntIIecommeeIrlon ItALottA FtAYAltOTEL or IM Costa Del set me Tmnvellnol tier hlltlpomllen II IN lions hotel ArmoeIpInInnImtnrctio Mimi Welcoming eoetndi any Free continental mntntuen retaining FmWIIdiyhlahlhsp YOUR CHOICE OF MAY W951i illliEli TANGlER 0N SEVllLE lneiudloo rneeir Ind SCHEDULE DEPARTS RETURNS Srptts Seem Octid OCLZT Nov SEEYOUR LOCAL TRAVEL AGENT DR CAILINIERVACiiibhtl sermon must it DUNLOP ST lh COLLIER ST vacant all us as rr IT IZII ND ther tniormIiion Ind IpplicItion or telmhono idlvl miisn ex