no whom nous rein Brutal tautnnmnun lt Batistalieign Minn sum Interline la Hindus learning Inns severely AUCLIT rm MCI do too Examiner egg if EE County Police Far FromrSomelh programs Iitbough others have been questioned llrny cant help but eel the lnleroetl oi taxpayer generally world be best served by classications oi other govern ment nrrrdouu oi their money Some oi the roeallcd Opportunities ior Youth to stslance grants have met considerable rditlcism end others the been quation There are also those vho believe there shortld be more putatiorcnltlny on grants at public iunds to private business Ind in r3 ail re su TE vii go at en While there are those who believe he migbtbavegoueelotiunbcrtnhirre meet Dr ii ltyoard UP is certain oi cmidenble backing lrom tarBayerI in mulling that local Initiative rograrn should be classified recording in their weirdness Quesch the minister oi manpower Ind inmdgretion It Oilavvl the Srmeoe North member Isked whethcr the govern used has contemplated survey nilli so that they may be ctasstilcd or ii I52 go 53 it 53 g5 Whig to their benefit or usclulnrse lion Robert Andros the minister re piii that the government is constantly ovtlusting the whole ill program We are Inalyning what Its costs and benefits might be llr Andras said indications so iIr are that it has been very produc tive program Quite tew worthwhile area projects have beneiitted item the UP assistance DOWN MEMORY LINE 65 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Aug ll littld Popu lsr young local man Neson Garrett sue CUTTth to scalding received when Grand Trunk Railwayu CobIlt Exprers nus wrecked lie was ilrcman on ochmotlve Joseph lingers 1o drowned in bay industry under regional disparity Ind other programs Coming at time when some burinesu es Ind industries simply have not been able to nany on due ioyblgh cost oi oper ation includlntg heavy tastes these grants should be explained in detail so the pub lic can decide ior itseli whether each end every such payment irom tax funds It treaties Builds like Cellar beg Iluenon with mhrtrIIlIl so rlIlreiocms Irr hater the lives at Iowhorn arme lth trmsrii Unlike Ildetwhorame irorn comicsIbis borne on IImily rurrr riaotstlon end Mr able ingotollavirnurriudeottn Cubas most exclusive bvn choe Batistrtsnrtbesonete term and tail echoed in William Writer and ilurchlson were best batters ior Barrie it No Knight and Stewurt to pad losers Esplanade at Barrie rel ry station drowned tor weekly canoe races and water events Dr llaelaren Gor YOUR Regional Banks with the ddcrrninnlim to ow 375 Egg E5 35 ii g3 55 elected In 1310 University oi ltIIIrnI medlrri chnoi proiusor who would lets give Orbs its most empt government between iothend mi Batiste brought workmcne comps rectal semi runl and tree triumth Orbsr three univenltier all the tint time mmmnamwuammmmmmwmmnrmwnn AD near boatirouse oi Barrie Aquatic Club Rev John Eider Scotsman took over as pastor Barrie Baptist ilhurdt Bylaw on Issesnrnent iorplr Tkttnk Railway shops out ior polling oi Oro Tel oposed Grand deioated by live votes but only 25 pi ratepayers turned inspector Andrew rted bull oi steamer lslay in ex out shape local fishing pariysiot 40 lemon Fox island shoas lake cee one day this week Connection ophone Co with Barrie ex Ollllle delayed when permission not ob trlned from CTR ior liner to cross tracks Mire Bessie Skelly late oi New York hrs taken position at Frank Jacksons Barrie photo studio Grand Opera House reopened Saturday night and popular bill consisting of illustrated songs moving pictures and vaudeville 51me Ba echool made record In number at loop passing high school en trance exams barrio Cricket Club Sunday nith archaeolo azemuvl Winnipos lawn bowlers with new don Callle and Arthur Pae wer leadinz in points hospitals in Hamilton and Peterborouph to examine new equipment bring con sidered ior Royal Victoria Protector liowai oi Chicago Unlversilv ocmoterl nulpli at Burton Ave MethodistChurch Dr Arthur Rory visited with talk on Babylonian gy Grand llnlnlt lib coro plated It great cost double tracking oi maln rail line between liontrerl Ind Chicago longest to world under one man Rev Amos minister it Eras ltd Presbyterian Church returned alter trip to west coast and conterenco at Altondrle YMCA now has too members Tlhree rlnlrr oi Barrie went bv boat to chksonr Point and lost mrlrh by tht nolntcl Tbomas lloore oi Pinohor Creek Abertr iormer lltnir lterom star ls virilinr his brother William lioore shoe morv ehInt Walter itItlres Tl died sud deniv shortly alter lrlclno butt in cricket deieIted Cookslown and Thornton com He third um tripod learn by one inning and or runs iAntiglicanmlnreatly or mitmmrxmnammnnnm MONTY1mka mtznran RAND CORPORATION Changing Its Studies To Domestic Matters Iy lilCllAlTD SALTUS SANTA MONICA Calif IAFl hand Corp the so allod think tank whose for turn was threatened to recent years by the Pmtsgon Papers Iiialr Ind eon esstoual Ikcp iica recurs to on solid loot ing Igain its mission has cbrnged too in the part the institute was devoted largely to military re search on new nbont halt lll research is nonmilltrry Willi ihi rnnclurlon oi the Pentagon Inpm trial lIst spring the shadow oi iormer ilnnd researcher Daniel Elie hernihar been tilted irorn the institute And Congress which had been eIpTeIIlng serious douth about continuing to loot Illnnda bills hII oom ntliied Iundr inr at least two years and probably longer iresldznt Don llch says there is at prcunt on tore sreahle threat to lianda continued eIirtence Alter Ellsle Idmltid It had ten the IersotC wrl OFFICE HOURS study trim lirnd in it and copied it the iottltutes recur lty system was questioned was CLEARANCE The air iorre which organ lrcd itand It the end at the Socond World War took charge oi the inrtituter class Iiticri materials and hum duds oi iLInd stall rnemhe lost their readily cleorrncer Added to this was the skep Ilclsm thIl had flIrtd in Cork grrrr trorn time to time over ltarld end the other think tartlu War it dcsirahlr to keen sutpporting Institutions that dl hlpiulevel planning out side oi government liuli Ind whirls were barring toward in creasing research in domesch Irena lilcer predecessor item ltowen who mined in the whim ol the Ellrbcrg allnlr had been guiding ltsrrd to ward more studies ol domen tre lsrurs Now rays itlce national security research la rtili IIMTILV more than to per cent of llrndr activities year are it Ill more titan it Ptr rent ltInd receiver It per cent oi Its no million budget irom the federal gevetomere ilve per cent tram local rovers mentr including school dir trtctr three per cent irrm private lorudutionr and one per cent irom state Iovero Ilvooir TUDIIS WAIT With the Vietnam war oili clIily over ltendr mililert rncartitcrr ths tinnch to aunt matters as ways oi mnlnlnlnlng In Illvolunteer armed ioree strategies inr limited use Implications oi the Siroteglc Arms Urnlln tlnns mum and politi cal nnIlyrcs oi events In Gains and the soviet Union The newss mus con ccrnr oi ltnnd said titer in cludr these mail health policy and sciences education communications policy may Ind trans pnrtstion urban studies Ind housini that at ihir dvil ntlrslon has come the New York thin IIInd Institute This IIcillty IIld Rice has proved lie worth as poll oriented rec search and due opmsnt lIcII ity ior snacking the citys toutlt Ind extensive proh ierns Among the mothers ree ornmendalloov were mmputr erired ryetemv loy deploying lire Ind police units end return oi rent assistance of poor people BIBLE THOUGHT loopli stipuld not bestltale to tilt their hands in prayer Ind praise to God It is also oi surrender Iu oration lr re be the lord lord ws Idore titre for who Why new dress or the office psrtyl Youve been telling compliments on your green one ior YEARS You Ire lot what you have done end tor the you can make et us in those rim err lirukieh sick unto death And the W0 phtt lralsh the son oi Amer came to him not told unto hm Thur saith the Lord see thine hvuse in order ior thrvr shell the unit not live King Nil cnlion Ind Idlt lMay Be Mistake IT VINCENTIEGAN Enllnen Inl Caninnerr AIiItra rerun Themes News Service by supporting the creation ol solidi butt in Canals ths erIi Ind provinclII govern ment has said intends to whats more they are min the silk tor shortterm pollllerl retinalwhltll Is all WM Aynreally to moilly the gen emmeote oi the tour western elders it manor of strength thing its political standing in the West MORE NOI NEEDED llul poiitirs Islde who needs more basket it must be granted that our banking system has never hteol pried too llerce rplrit oi consl petition and mum benellt item the Idvpent at new rompetllorl ilut even on that score the banks have grown considerably prevactrtbi rainiv governmink Act revision Iew yIIrI meet his raid it intends to chrnra the in in as to slow the rovincer to own It pungent nI initial rspllrl oi new bank One condition is that their investment be cut to it per rent ever In unspeciiled period oi time This is expected to lend to the ultbltsltrnent at number at ImIil chartered banks each proudly bearing the MM oi the province thIlI sponsoring it The provinces consider this victor in long Ilgbt against West they point out has TM byirushln Iota like ld Cant II brnltln Iyrtem ccn nereerntnICanadIr populItlon risks nithpeopldz drugs tred to lilotires Ind Toronto The minority liberal rem total in Other tppIrenly cun rinnptrnvolun NEWS ChinaSoviet Wchay Be imminent Reports State Iiy KEVIN DOYLE WbDON OPl Publllhed reports thrt the hostel Union me he censlderln or pre pang for nu attack Italan Chin are being studied ceretully in western crpitlis de spite the Kremlins dismissal oi the Ivygerllons II IIbrchiiodl The Trust councan over pots rible SirloSoviet club have been rparked by In Irticie in NW lip linens Examine ll oryvleld Street llrrie onlarle Telephone mom Second Class Nail Registration llurbey our Return postrgr reverentced Dilly Sundays and Statutory holidays excepted Subscription tales daily b1 center 70c weekly dildo yern ly Single copies tic iii mall lilrrls use yeIrlyt Imsor County Jim yearly Balance at OIoIdI rarer yerrlys Ail otbcr countries error yearly bitter throw oilm0 yearly National Advertising ntticesr it Queen St West Toronto AM lTlO MO Cnthcart SiV IdonImL itember oi the Canadian Frets and Audit bureau of GrCitllr tloriI Tbs Canadian Press is exclus lvely entitled to the use inr ye ublleatlon oi all news dlrpatrlv es in this psper credited to It or The AIIocnted Press or Neuter Ind IJo the locIl news publish ed therein the Barrie Esrrrrlner claims Cogyrlgtrt in Ill orlptnri adveo tlv and editorial material cro Iied by AI emplrrveei and to produced In thi newspaper Covvrltht lteglsnsllnn Nam her Timid yrrlsirr It WW Ito The slower rate oi growth In their urnlngI lhtryrIrthe Bank of hinntrtel and the minivan evrrn reported de clip in Ilrrtbrli proillrahowr that the banks are not valnI everything their own way Outside the rentrsl sovlncea theres widerpseI deep rooted iteilng oi beng ignored or It least misunderstood by the htnkr head oiilces in tinn trerl and Toronto The bankeradeny this The in percent ol the hankr sm gloyees no4 per cent oi III Ink brushes end in per latndonr Dally Teleng ms paper which says WIN ed by high ltusslsn oi Clnl villi war is imminent The oewmaper says the docu ment Imuged tn the West through odesllne network warns that preMVilve strike blhrauia mini when no Ir mlsrtle cmplscernenir Ind bombers it In the tint rtIgcs bi preparation The Tclrgrrph story follows one by Victor touts Soviet citizen who writes tor several western plpdllslbtltlcb lilo raid the Arnold was contemplating preventive wtr Becqu the cloth gurrdod print at most govern ment operations In the Soviet Union the reports are VllIW impossible to strhltrhtlrle or it disprove There Is distinct possibility sortie obrervers be reve that the stories oi againstctainr hate been the West that the Kremlin it mainly Ind It the rest oi the world can rrieiy disarm IEVEML REASONS But observers Ilro try there are several IWIHDITIIJDM or concern in the ilrrt plIce Soviet troops are concentrated in powsriul striking tom Inn ituler tlnngollss frontier Ill Claim On other sections oi the border there have been rslIhle ymrfl pt malof buildup in missile ernplrcenwntr and mi units The Soviet lltti is being built up in the indie Ocean raving partr in Mill and inside lino rII tightlyentered travel to Ilrlcilonr prevent anyone mov li MIT the Chinese border Western visitors to the Sovlt Itirn say the llurvlznv rrrrn lurresvtntly charred with the th Issue noted by iluvsla to convince mun concerned with Peking my In by non sonarin Prince Edward island new looming the oertrcotal oi bo mung pm el mm 11 panel for Edward their oi heat the tooth lot 0i Kind Georse ill lie was ll toriIr lather Originally the blind In cIlled lleSIiniJem by the French and beclme inland oi St John when the iiriiirh took over in ITS The chem Prime Edward relied took piece In me your his oi Kentubgr borne enonm elitist otthebanks 1ng nightcle vn can irerbrt Prime ldlnls rm and stayed there tor lerFlerrITntdeauInl linrncr three pests in lived owl lllnlltcr John Turner did It with AlphonsloeTlltrrM Juli hrlei threaday eminence in or tiustgenei de St torrent Cslrrry Itirniel by represents name or Forum Vim tiltiesl it only ieur at the It pro cIlled Julie on gnvcrnnsrn match and Canada has hId an enviable rmgdrllullnmhm the record oi irreinm Irorn bark pun tened rs eornmnnderln my up iIllures tor the last eneratlon mg or go neither terror in or two We must not opsrdlxe pm My begnring in national and international com me myij twosons bl lldeoce In our hauling system mum get married hectare Julie was not at royIl blood in lots Discard married Vin toriI lisry radar MW vi Prince diaries of will end their NWT NWT real cl its bs directors iTllATS iIlE IlUIlITYt No doubt little are individual exceptions but on the whole the humid needs oi borrowers outside central Carrie teem to have been met It lust as well as those at central Canada in the rhinos oi Iny com pelling reason beyond remr dwbtnl politietl benellts it doesnt matte much sense tor the Mural government and deoiy to reverse in impaired lny poily IgIlaIt hIlkIralrItlon om by trill these tuned to Battletonl it there is need tor more banks lets hear the reasons motion isnt enough convent in lleldtm mound did go lreooilelplenklog 255 yr riot It on rbrlr Ind 51 about tog let me bear no more odour dulndiona Funds Ind Web You Ilt ilir Britannia aisleM loved lauded schism Men be ordm the vrro obeyed OTHER AUDI ll EVENT luHohrtm Darts entered DIVlI RrIlt levyPort ltoysi colorist HIM illsrive hundred Acrdlrru were held II Fort motherland NS Ior deputation Wrslslngtonor drummers Nova Scotti int91 lentil Irvivoti to Tound AWL lowered iIriits on broom more tinboarded Nome School Association was estab Hohed It Totem ltzSillslell Queen Vlotorir Jule retired to rm to to Sweden but were iorced Iorna reotnl down in Greenland nbery my carrier booms things in Cansdh and greatly were rowed THE iIGill TOUCH Using Telephone vaxie traces the heresslty oi rental isrre lorre concentrr trons in Eastern Europe along Iir rootlets with the West at least until some form of Irma reduction agreement is readied At the same time the worsen tog border dispvc with China mates ll easentirl tor Soviet leaderr to build up strength in that direction as net rreIilng genrralr nlrhtmarr oI having to deicnd on two treats to place at Dilllllnballmrll hmlinmmu was mbmmame Is we mm Wiley options to choose Irpm plain lt moved too slowly to am mummy eep up with the rising do mood The first would be to try to lint the IIth cant All ensure that Chinas next Irv old its 541 All Eminent Iriendllertowlldthe InIlysls oi whet It Will hum bthat the resent one in In IverIgr oitlce rwltoh Tilyearo chairman at my moment oi the Tuuna nu mm workloi do will rem it gullible Mill llrtoscrte real culprits thblttlcrl mm The lulwlna villain Inre Ind other Ild rommy probably typical Tbs mood chm tor the Don oi ibersitchboerd 0P Isle Idlild seem to be It erators Ir busy tllllll WW AM we to eradicate ChlorI prtr to In to the church blogu as net SOYLI now your trrl An ol lice Is place at business lanthanum mgrltileopi comp are via Iicuky making businers cell recrctm lattice in Nobody secretarial lTll 11 log iIrewe 1p Vs the es ilral Well oat by his calling his nueear capability for game next week oioreteezhle luturr The hers is calling the club ifrny observers think the pro to net ii the Ill WI Iiurllrnr may tear on one clear in new tor run to set in new government corner to lean nine hotel during the power In Peking china may or rileenoorl ion more tormldnblr our The executive vlenvtl clrrr Irrenrl The temptation to debt is tekiog Wlilt strike now these observers he tlvr plscemert Willi llets may he groclng getting himselt bellet loll lint ths kartknown clement pm in this oerti mm ml The ilrst vkeprrrldent II wstchlng the tlftb vttepresldeut Tuoire thebsnk cornbis the assistant treasurer tsc ing lootbee hurl and lain lng why he In late yIl payment on than he made to go on his nation The Ivntor executive wont For Other Reasons The ilttb vkopreeldeotr isdrwntnthecrie trrlI having notice hqu Incl be ItlmlelI II in the elleb the mirror room looking It his new can all the stock room because couple oi bow knocked the phone the book while playing catch with Iotlboil va cant phone hyoneri is leaving to In Indrnctherlscati store to ielxt resent sonni no earn cant you reach one salesmen in the one is behrg bowled wile the second girl irisnd and third is out in the washroom sdrntre his more in the nurse is to make an daughters wed action oi the United villmkld be in the rm pi 15 Ire WIshIn looa he lrlendrltlp wiibzthe Chintz Tl mm VWmm ll my provlie the greatest Men ll mm Wm rent to rev hilllgatrllt set by many Wm The third vlco esldent dent in maketbr seine mrngernent yOLDVHIIIDDL The Myth vicepresidents ttl oi lllsrnlcba I1 pliers doctor but he never tourist in M17 is answers it because he doesnt umvrrtrty in Western Innv what to do newt any time Iwrv be back irnrn his honeymoon and non neck Well how about ringing otllce boyi iler busy ending ltll guru to ask II the lens ls culturing irdm could earned by spiritual crisis YesInoiilcetstisosoI hissinees But the reason little oi the iirme htlsinln gets done is becaus sveryr body is busv tying up phones with his own monkey buriness