72 Out or Balance 11 NEWS mlmmll IZDWYALGLIT lyln unleash BarrieriadioSiation CKBB EEWW To Move To New Facilities Naif Mk mwlum girlktklrlomll if 35 Wm permiandar huyrnganextnmertvon talendmtagenihtsmti E55 as if carat apiuihuru attire As well yhliix Marketing Board iieidrrun Ed Duncan Ls at the FJrniaia disco on the 4th oi ailments Farm Milking Relief Service 53 55 niiilrioy relch service is peaslhiiity in some County seeming to recent crime hr Possible Ior Simcoe County diulird reiiri hitters would he anilablo to dalryrem who runornhalthsdtylimlu IDCL WEIOX lower collision miay ai ternoon at Saniord and lite stated brook irons hilihiiil streets tnrntied Rhldu driren the ma oi rrrioiture and routine llarria pro al out liliill urea cum trodniodrntttiuy calico rcntmee and placed on iiir Murphy Hltl Mil lltllll not give them the triad llovo ria provincial court on charge aanancuoranntnu inr toccpetolemheehorloh esprdalelrnuhctdathan Cohnnkilandlllhtnralaii unduetimoiwa huuedirinxthoamualitet ary Clair oi il fa chlchn barbecue at St mu Park Bloom lEumInu Photo Rotary International Head To Visit Barrie Thursday The an at mere our men urn at the Continental in ilotaryCiubalniSOwtwiu William Outta oi loudest trill he the rust oi honor at the Enyland president at ltoo llirria Marry Coal Thursday1 lmmilltml Kill httthdthe rnovrncuiycouni inns IPAIRED BilIVER NED John nexus earn in at turn roared Mr 11 rill ailing trailer on his err in traveled eorntthlnr to do ml to am IhlPAlitlD DllWLsD Jaarvb Alarm Geotirioo ii at Canadian Force Base hor den niendtd ullty lliceday in red at no in wrlalieierutltul refine as cent was on reusing lm Gooiirtona blood alcohol count torn it our cert lie was lined till YOUHI AlNlENCED old man tin atttht laur ant iroayenuto pleaded may in the charge ills hlood alcohol Mist at the time at his arrest was tloaraart rmrnneo James Woodcock ti ai Gunn Street charred Aunt with lrnvatrod rhinos on Mut casus Street was flood one when ht cicaded rulltr Milli to Barrie provincial court Court was told Woodmta car are mly ilth parted can an theotreet iilsihiocd alcohol court at the limit at arrest was he as gt Suitlo nan Toxasguli Sale Dragnln Court dwwdthat on no om MW 03 rcncr hem minimal eortrotot the has Darryl Douglas iinyco it at comm till Calendar Git convin ad duh ill in Barrie provincial court at possum oi June it an lilth too am lead me iron lion ior it months In as in Barrie provincial cont Boyce has orevloua conviction iar posseulon oi the drug Prom ulcr Ed Myers auyyestedtthe court nus tn lrdliltlllt postdoc as to dancing no and he anldhedidnottt aprohc tion term alone was Millicent Judu Daniel Ind Itid it Pay cohndheenon enterhis previouenevi anhevrouldhe tmttolalithlstime EXCEH AtmoL David McDonald of code clarion Street enslined tin Marley in Berna provincial court alter tdlty to drivinl While his ibod alto hol wash excess oi as per cent on Owen Strut All Court tau laid MacDonald had ahioodaioohoicouitoidtrisr rent at the time oi his Arrest PillEEhIENCE nnrond iudre Donald loch Wonder stored precedence lot would ilsnie rElllllcon irt atahoelittinr and not And It as eontmcinl dole Jud ra indt said he curated rnare lnlorrnatioh on Judith iiuhhnrd oi iinriry wool who pleaded dilly to thcit oi roods worth under ltot IMII Sayrctte lid cement Arte Grown aileron John lliumhy toidcourtrhe mens clothing wattle ill and was apprehended outside the ora as the was vrnlidna toward waiting autmohlie Weasel Adrels ticrrlns laid was erred in the tutornohlio who told the lirl to take the items mike In enamels oi penoni convicted tor iitooiitllnr and Wmln small tree hintidlan 11de ln Lllh oi impaired drlrin Juno on hia Bay Point east Thar rventnretlellmhteand din wmeanonmuapn Apartnulnalawltrmtnhla tunedlhltmhrterisana live cl Film England and has attended liarbcrourh Orders ltd Sheilltld University lit is Nat chairman oi the Bartram Weber et Gunman and tilt amber oi the Old hitrihtnlan Sentry Amemhcr at the Ballasts ii duh since this he is host ed that duh and Ill proddtnt oi lntm netlmailnGmlBlianand Irelandth hlr Carttt has rated Rotary internltltnll as hm vie In 1W dimer chairman the uncoallvc coonniltee oi tte bole rd et dlrcctarl district entor committee chllrnian sad talcum Rotary Follide luster and chairman oi the imooundl an imitation Rotory intoenticed is the ndatian at more than tarea ctnhr in 150 coincides The to tnatlrmi organization is ad ministered by limo heard 01 dimers elected at the uncut itemy convention servo coo Ir at heard meetlnn and Fall the aman seventh hold prior to the rmrltisinri at his yur in ct iite lie was elected at the an ionic entrant cnnrnm thryDnnink nl Hatinsori 0st told police his 1m hhia Plymmh Incite More on stolen nresdu investlnttans are contlnrrlng mt DEPARTMENT Barrio Fire an lmd chill may not and lady at no ans The first all eras tor ru the on Fmis Lute and the iarncarilrehaundthe nan Cecelal Drilling Prospects Spark iiew Inventions tinned tr British Pttroltsam co Rd and distrihrted in Canada hytha tantrum oursz hex Om all 30 Mt Tramth ministry ellide trio Pilots oi itll Baffle new at Bite Fanatical load Itlcn Scott agricultural rcp esexotilc said dmilsr ero mns has sorted well to Star Innut in traced Ontario has he emmhthntc hcar persona mn tce experience who could he in terestad in over milling chores tor end Undertheomamatistel Bantam inlorrnatim mall inched untitled ermine sort oi untccmtmgl which andavdis ti thm he asked to innite the amber oi rows the two hill or tom and the period oi time miiler will be MAW no lulumutton mid hean minted and the romantic would he edit the duryrmn to intact reilci miller local iiiill Giiiiiiiiiii an cla drtm if Graham with damage innnan Sign it mud cor at Martins Gull nation in runny 11 It Caroline Alley The drive rt umminer lnlurias to the MW HIGHWAYh collision on way south oi Concession it at inhisill tilt it use ins as can drim hy Krclovn Ores at Marion arm and hy Bath DAMAGE threes collided at the auction oi himldaie Road and only it eaused too damn to vrlilci driven by item it Callum oi till Woedhridtt use to car drtten lit Me Walton oi Barrie and too to coined 51000 domain and on driven by Delile Silly ton me ted Wt domic BAYIIFJD 5le Vchlcle driven iv Robert Aileuny lllllovrsieir Ind 11$ Stilt Slith Bil Hrs solved In collision wt Fil dsy alteration at Bartlett and Slim HMO All estimate darnaze us not scalable $35M DAMAGE Daman has bccn ulimnltd he was lmlctl and reiuscd HIGHWAY 11 car driven by Dale itmmins collided Mndayall onlheloiollhccmlanhinll caused W10 dimers to car driven by Warren Vause 0ch riarton Stroll and em damare to car driven ty Lloyd ilriii Rotarylderwlanalarathsilo iary Fwndallon mm We mm Mu and Brian Gnllhnm Barrier anal convention arming rearlnninee Palmer than Strider AT GWEGMN MALL mm by on driven by tau rope rad nortdmmmunlty mien Wmmm were in collision Friday on WllJ 9mm mm MFWMW ml lll ltlgil Highway hlhimnge to at the hmrooprd exchange wtx the Pops article has horn as non urn mi dunno we lute an en rm W00 united 3100 and to the nu livdtnrslmemmmm mum lismrehlcioattzso mes When it arrive at the at or it mm notary lunds have assisted at roll it is innud around by Danuyahuhcmcsdnuird at no in indla Uganda and to any tml avdlshle eieoatnutuoltsreoltisieoahort disasterl arena As it is boinr loud it can Liter mldnlght Saturday roar Famous Rotary members in out an interstate illllhq it an on tiwy just loath oi etude Kin Grow Vt oi Swed am Cool Concession and or Flee at and hunt Barman Am thhu car dr its hr Murray lime toothart an Blake St rt ho released at thls time mind tools release mitt tin late Uh Scarrith and Ere Sm amtmenortm Ii yeti on NEWJMOWN er have inal moved into new horns DARRIES OWN 9s 99 99 Reg $299 to $499 ea Just In lime or hacktosehoot budgets Weye reduced the prices on wide assortment ot hoys pants Theyre moditled baggie and are styles tor easygoing casual good looks Choose irom three low price groups that Include vuslted cotton RECORD PLAYER HOLEN rim Wind nu Banla my police record ohm valued It worodmarely are was stolen ircm hh porch on Nexdsy about rnidalahi latestlzatians are rordrnulnz COUNTERFEIT nrus Illarrio police are investigate any three mnertdt Nils passed at city hanks new Serial number oi the hens IllI dollar bill was Vli mm two pho ny ten hills ware nvmhersd Aii muse BIKES STOLEN irim Dnimmond oi thrihrr Strut and Gail Richardson ot Iimdmoor Avcnue told police Why bicycles wrre riolcn all their propntv Alissan hiker cannttntnii co licence humbrs tits in day today Forecon tor this evertar and Thursday illrh both days and Thursday colt tor the poo sihiity eistrowersand lbtitidcr morn James Bay him Rim only daddy and The ovrrelrlt ion till range rim ocmlmal between 65 end to with hlrh mm ceded to the weethcrpettrrc at moo in dnrleiohich so tldeot Friday morning on can rrsxlon oi the Tomltln mh olOeunty hand it Aim ran driwn by Gordon Woods Near msrlroi kit the road and struck lm llr Woods was taken to Royal Victoria iiosvitai also Intel timber 0i St Co it 63 oh 1000 ll Mt lilrlt ll ml CM newton mm the hot nary and humid milieu Stmcee Charity ha been cwlendnr lit the WI Thursday of to Impala Uttle rhea is an evrcOntarlo tor at local the non mph at days Hazy Win and build conditions will $3531 All lcttu later snrne lsokard thud derstonru may develop lurid the altrrneena arch more wide mood showers in the Georgian Bay and iiahhurian arm in Nutth Ontario mostly eloidy rtlts still ten showers or thundtrdcms will persist throw Thursday hletm Tmo lion and has mld today and Thursday islmasynln it both ml are days ml his low might hear 7v mm mm silnmgrln Petubrxouzh IIh hie Niagara like to itan rim Chilitotrianallarnooocrestl illth today and mid are manger new North Bay Mirnay Goon till lishbstrlm Warm Ind today and iew ohon and chance at thunderstorm both days itlgh today iovt lotsidil rnld by James liternon in Barrie Denmloths Welinnoc St MD Robert hick ni iron and to tha lavender Lt Nance ST shstl Irhlcle tun Hot Humid lind Hazy iigain Possibility 0i Thunderstomts Then out he nine in maliixhihumhynlou Aim Tunazarrd Gerald Thinnelawloolrhtmlo ningllmdcrdurm both den Wherry 352323333353 asseasgaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa atavatargagsaaaasaauaa5558333l hardwood lDQWNlOWN BARRIE con COLLIER CLAPPERTON 5T5 7263971 TO MEET ALL YOUR TRAVEL NEEDS llnlllllrndbrushcdPormaPrastpolrestar tltltitltlmWW Brown EcyselrestitotoNowwnh clltheeechetcesandaleuehtoworlcesycutt want to come In earty to snap up the best buys lltllld like in call as you lorywrboy Dom delay with heurelatmlu elite and latcmatlaa SiMPSONSSEARS LTD boxer mm mm about your as location atelmesonsSearsyoueetihalincsteuarantae ourytcretesioomrvlce Ila lioll CI ll uttrlaetton ermaney ntwtded Egl air letttlyotlmry Mon Tues Sat 930 am 530 pm imgit ESTATEBtt gulf7m68fs and im delivery lntholtna Thur my 930 pm Phone Htit imparldne 21 rri iuta the Lt in