Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Aug 1973, p. 6

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worn MM dinner insist look oi rkgnncn phat Inn Itiii tony mo tatum downturnillne guru loom litel iho ading Pussies Predicts Jacke Insist can be Iorn II II mos any time oi the shy Ind II In less bulky thIn iullirnpih out Examlnrr Photo roll more luxurious even Inp wrap IIIr Ltti MN MIrnnh chinchilla rape liinditI models this cape In donation Ihides oi chinnIiI stych on timing tines CIMI um popular rotor in turn or this tall Examiner Pho ZFirst in Fashion For Flt111Winter uids yachts Ind mare hemthin the uurd ice in Minus in mum IIyI Fred oi Bob Bum Fun Tor onto one the Inodny turr irii Io CinodI Ilr kit and his idle VIler is the dmigntr iur Bnhhy Bloom Fins presented tuition rim oi lunuious iurs Saturday night It the Barrie Ceimtry least in My 51 Ishims thorns were items styled slony rpedntor Ind bomber styles Bothvstyles lsrdmd short raisin arid the timid WIr ll thine locket look Were shou let ol Inrt otr this me nuts so many women Ire sold on trousers now Mr Iott told the Iudirnlt This cars look IMludes trottsrs In mumart Ind bombers Itr At said he ieels it great my oi theinlilom in the show no new Ind ddtcrriit irom others shown TOR SPORTBWEAR 111d first In Jaclttil shown Included tone on tore heirs Ind utiiie chinchilla sneo mos inshd trimmed uilii Dune nude which llr kit said would be Ideal inr urrlinni and shiny Aurthur suitor lathe ot chevron mink ieoiurcd coco hroIn suede trirn end rollIr ot deep mink IIIn at the lure shown were III both In the shorter isctot styles and tho linger cvminr RTRDL This year sib thz Iyyirorim Ie Ind rinnfurvrn rhsdes IrI pioiiny popular Ilr Iltt laid the new uble color has been hit In Ports and New York Ind will most women Suede Ind leather trim IrI Ilm popular this your on the snore usual for IIhlons In the past ten years delight iui Ind lrriaiunntiis lines have come out in the lur industry Mr test IIid In proving the state ment he should iuri Iur shirt litia lenthrr trim styled much like urirentioool womens cot tori shirt Iinitisenr niiii lurs Is also very hi or the roman season AIL kit said One Juliet oi blue dyed ehinehilin leniirrsd rih linit ruIIs color and noisi hand In blue and yreen rtn CONSIDER RESTYLLVG Ililiinns nl dollars worth oi iurr Ire sittin In womens elon eti mouse they no outdated in style iii worn in Irene lilr 11h snid modelling Ind re tu may be the nomr he pointed out Is he showed number at restylod min usan tht ruirimerr iur with the addition in most cases oi Ientln or or suede tor dnilisn Ind urin lrait One mat had Incmvirialtd white mink cont uiiii uhlte lenthu to terms ihite leather nurment trimmed with white nonk oi the suits nollrr Ind from the hip to the hunt til the writ Another reilyle somblned the remnants iii block ilorrlsn lamb that with blank dyod len ther and black dyed tnx lilr kit iin showed chmon mink uith suede Inserts end hintt died mini Itth leather linens nlnniz the sleeves Ind sldoi For the some who has eiOniiilllL lilr mt showed lerihtr root Iilitd uith thinCIiII In Re Joliin It was for the no ninn who didnt nant her chin chilla to be seen ilr At sIld often cost can he restyled Ind redesigned Ior nhout ii quarter ol the net at new iur Another cost for wornIn who III erenthiny till slightly below the knee length bluo dyed rhinrtiilln with in riI drwrtted with men eniv or end hutlerllies REAILIISCENT 0F 10 ilr lett showed iew lonzhIIr ed iiild iurs Its said there lure PEOPLE AND PLIICES VISIT ITITII AUNT hiiss liliirilyii Irods SearhorA ouch rercntiy several hp with er aunt hlrr Olii AIeDonnid Innieiil SI RELL REUNION The Jilin orinunl liell reunion wns held July 13 II Centerinliil Park In Innlsiil Township with more than no person Rumdl The business ponion at reunion was rnndurted by Robert Roll oi Churchill dull The prize tor the youngest per son attending was awarded to Iiethtrine diuditcr oi Mr and Mrs liIII hell ot Churchill and Pi out stew the prize tor the eldest person ms preeth to hire iIIseb Roll Storm Door MCKCIILIIlnd Inrnily oi Egbert won the priio tor the most people In riir hlrr Dari lleCnIl oI Inthbridge Alberta nor the prise tor the person IIIIIIIIDX the Iurihest distance to blind hlr rind Mir Itoy Gnodtellnir Sirouil were roamed the prise tor being married nearest years Rev Dr innit Roll oi Owen Sound tondunted the election oi oliireri For the coming yes the nlileers will be Dr ton Koll oi Oihsivn president ilrs Ctirenre Dunlon oi Stny nor vicepresident Ilrs Gordon Kneednw oi Gliiord secretory treasurer Rosi Iioll nnrl borne Crmnhlon oi Owen Sound and Ram hell lilinrdI sports rciiimiltee lolloniny build pIenln Lorry Kell and Gordon Shiv nl ttillord Ind llhlph Reyes oi Shanty Iliiy conducted sports program The reunion will he held II Centennial Put In lnntsIII Township July in next year AIADITTA models this luiee lenyih cost oi checkerboard trial In shades oi white dnnnnioro beige and IIhle The root Is rostyle done with the rood PM trom hm gone up In price tremend ously He did show howeier rod iox which brmight bath the look at the lots mo and curly irtos stand tor olver this tim no also shown to illus rate the sumixuous look oi or For the isrsnlileoornnn iir Lett displayed invertible soot oi mots mint Ind lMther both unrn boots It Is In ennipls oluhateonhodamwlths but too rIithte to be die cast uhleh Is pertlsily worn tented iEIIminr Photo uIrrn Ind prIeiicnl other evening outer isdiioiis included hooded floorlength eripe oi bIIeh AustriIn leee om med with blush dyed lot strip to mi iii mint Ind lormnl length own oi uhite issniloo mink The prIncllInII number was Imnsilongiii tort oi mime chinchilla priced It how its Alert hour Isplrine Ie rumir rznionrinsci WeddingsOI Circus Qualiiy Out Of Placelii Hollywood television exnrm rel rrport crs rooms the mat 615m Fink sm was ens laziest She liner MINI eoiin 10 Arm hires ed the lie WM iiir IIIIII buram to WW mum ed the mountr Minn Knurled Hillary toot piece this yeIr bot tiered MPGMum not our is thins oi the post here The recent muslin were the seasonal rr DeonHItiinudnirl RI oi Weddinr bI decitm or the rottiqu neddiuy lo the end udio system gotten Ill oi lioliy thers II no suth thin or rumie III hills prints Iiie Ind lb Itddinri oi the rim ms petite events nllyleod Isddlnyr OAIO lIded ironi IIhAI Imi circus oinilty they used to hire Another routetor the retro tents oi the stirs to risl It exttIruInt yin core liicnios isssbocrer hclrd ol lllollyssood itIr getting minted loctiie rst tint 3111 in Hollywood Itd not considered Ittoretber food trite Iliumis pt dim Icrn reeased torn erzei set III II inII dove III In six Ihlcit ns esnrdrrsd very luv pitloits IUCKED TIE Him Itiu Seiipon ms the hisrtin chiiny sent Ir the cur rent trend In in tail Lie Ilirii dihereot we lie It mlidledsss Jewish manyui in Int Jewish girl the mile them It the Beretly llilis lleteh It Is the prince III the 171an time true Ind the wedding in simply the coronation Seven thaumi Ponies were nnlnlmi umi nethir sand inret otii en old he ilunich 01mg limes hit huddlth son miner 20 university litls dent Miss Sciixsm who spent three cnis ressirchin her irnhnz inserted at weddings is some use its the iiiili or unit not have turned in weddings with ioheve that hind oi bieehniue In HAllihe nine Den Moron id named MN More Ind nvsdel Cathy liswn decided In April thit they riotiidhnre Iii GXIIIVitXInI iirtldiiis with poetic ritusiuriiten by then Ititcl Among itIrs who here it vrred the lino term ltd recently Ire JIoeloodI Red Steiner lltct our expert stylists Ind rtt your sell IIItItrtng cool Iuinmer mt its rise rpodilizr hi the new hurt on suicor rim iu ounnoo rm ALMNDALH use no mutt iiiIii iiitiisciiou uiiiiiuiiisl CAREER oiiynrso EDUCATION AWAITS you AT ozoneun course Appilcsilom on now hing Icceplld tor hoiollowtng iuIlvtlmI dry pregrimiiommtnrlnp In Septembsr THREE VEARDIPLOMA PROGRAMS Drsinm enrral Frurdslioii You out rimiou Ctiil Manipu liiiniioipsi horde Ird sauces 0p Mm Electrode ion MW Gssiml MI Science WW hiateriils Minion liediInIbII reunion Resort Ind Hotel Adiriinlitritlon Responses Tsdnioyy Interior Dcslm indistsitlhedrn Greyhte Deslrn OroIttiie Am Iistuiii Art Business Aderistrntlon Business Admintreitm AIIrhotIiil Option TWO YEAR DIPLOMA PROGRAMS Design Arts GeMidi Midon YeIr interior Denim lndusirIII Design Griimle Doslth Creative Arts hlAtcrIIi Arts Corettoii Arts Elodrtcul Ioolmttl Hedrorde Myrildnn ONE YEAR CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS lIshion Proiiietion Geocrti Butlers Iodintrtsl Tedmlchn law Ind Administrttion broil Somme itccluritesi Druid Tsdinirtan Ilrdiesl It Residentill 0mmth ilIuIII Retardstionl Resort Ind Rout Operttioci swmxui Ml Susy Teohnteisn Option locum iDtsIui tootioril l0piiosil Aerylte 20 Nylon Good Iriortmsni of colors Included undorpid ERIN rwrsr ii CARPET BY HARDING CARPETS IlstI PM Retail liitsdunduinr Advertisinr Icr Ind Initslistlon Extu chirpe tor Geosrit Secretaitii itIIrI Ind hellwr REGISTRATION EPTEMBER I0 It For iull iniorniellon will or phone Tho Relistm GeorglanCollege iii pinuer umi IIrrle OntIrIn inu iiiwell

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