Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Aug 1973, p. 12

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53 IARRIES STUART HUNTER WITH TIIE VICTORY FLAG Oro sorted IIIII EneotI sum llrzoter on rowan WJMI Sum rulr Me momedei lulurr mm In Non vuur mm wind Union In um Gwehm received the Jim Prune Ml Ind when New Irode 0W PIIIIIII rli oi Iiae hi ICreemore Bravos Win Tourney jAIso All Individual Awards will IIrrIIIIiIemoeIIdIrnodel lquJIrerewntlreensteru Great Eroorne limo Ted IlrII came Ibn NelIou Men lian Kerry In ImI oi GnrenlrIIrIII Goblin Mil Dub cholm linder moledoo dun uJIrrIo Tone Wile Doll Dun WWW Sixeylindor Ieum Kerry IOoeninre limes oI Ine south Simone Bueoell lune not III New Mei Clvle lurk iqu wurnIrnzd the mod uluIblo plIyrr III Ihe Iow nInIrnI II III knocked In nine oi III II rum tremor unr ed GoIIIII Ilro Iron tire Rm Bllodln Ierd IdIlI nine Ind Ian the homer Inrrl In time mrbothrhlllnrumen run Llrle iire Bum 2an urIy Iron in Ibo lint WIIII drovr In Iourtlr MIHIAIlll WII two Iv IrIrdI one in mm IdII IIIII ve ultiln Ind tIrI DIIIll Ior ItcnI pitcher 1m Gonn wee the be III In xetiln tour lIlIe In rin Irbru tor ddl Iverue IIIndy linoliullen Iru nIIned be yitrbu Inr IIlI nolritter In CreemMI IlrrI Ina IrIlnII Owen Sound II well II In no peernncee in rellrl lid IIoneI orequ IlIe InnaI uluIbie plIyrr Ierd Ior tin New IolrIl KnldIII to Bill ielv Ion PItIm urned III honor rI thrch the roll oi IIII lelow rim It Inna IIII drew XIII AND IIIGIILIGIITI oi Anqu Iron Tint Ilonld New Inleil lry The Kristie woo thlI rune mind the teyored ivy Ieezn only me III In IIIiIl booked Ill creenwre Brim Owen Sound in Ready IIcIIol Ien Indeed nobluer tor the lime or lllek Com knocked in In me Iiele Wharton Dour And emn met or ten Ind Illow ed three like to lid IlIe win Ier urle mile Ink Wider drove In two mo Shellme toltliiezon nor mailer III Mime lrlple Io drive In three rune Ior eon did IIMnli er em In Ihe Dullerin Irene Boron division IIIrIdlIIII DdIIln lilo ninnln Creme lion IiiIoIIIe Iwumn WK tired lbem In the Noon In In north dlvlelon IIIndInll when SlessoIAnd Periard IStarts OASA Playoffs Iie or burn Sound EIovoII tum utldr Igley In 5lesror Ind Perlerd Irwin er of the nitric And Dinner WI 1W de Iem ol lilo 0mm MIILour modmm Junior II WI Perk be Wanm In Int Ilrel on raw uncalled me It nccuary man In nur In Ernie em It In Inna cm oilyollr nhlle In In toeIIorno Ire In the Zone ll leye Gedrpl Furniture Ind LIII Iew Dairy III the urine ice are In Ibo Win II II Iion III will open Iltetr eerie ItuzurI no will timer mlnot Breehln no mum mind ureddn Thornton Deleoln Shelburne 147 Tile mm lndmn took giant step toward eeeurtnr Inrrnselvee playrli Ipot II III Tlmdm ball out Saturday nlzll by trwnrlny lust olIre minim The nin omIrIed the Indiene In like etrdndlrltold on In tilt Ind IInol vinyMl posllion In the MM Dielrion ol the Noh bulletin Baseball Len sue my run Iced Ian our Snel Me by point our IIIII print In In tor rnrlr oluh lIIe Itotor Ibo muted Thorn lonlowttniwlnlbllhlrd plire Allluon Conuriu For III Ierond time In turn nIzIIII II moored II II IIII young ibnrnlon IrrIrn lIIId beau en tbrrnrolvu with moral roll ly mun Dy lIII middle cl III an Inn Inu rumour AND him In ronn ROBERTOS PIZZEIIIA Imildnr ro lem You lmlei Dun Tn III7m Allendeler III IIIIII Are Ivy1m In In were IrIllinr sirelburne end Ill loomed om llmyer relly In the bot Iom the ImII yroducrd Ilvl rum end Mufuent nlly In the balom III III iIIlI Idded In other III rune II Ihen dartrr lier llrnry ot Sir Ind been MI Ihe lbwen Ind III rune well In lInnd Ior III Indinnr rst linemen Ilout Greer led III IIIII Thornton elluk IIviIIlr three lute In tour timer II Ilrnrnlnnr neII horn tame Two Marne troIn the mIor lei In Ila interrudlte WW BrIrllonl Queene Hotel end Norm Ind cycle Sim will meet Iupui no IroNnWIIIeerrIIIIIerIue IIII one um 6qu UM Glue denim In oorroelluon PM iletno 590m die Bur riI Ind Darrin III IInlnil team mi Irn pin am now IlIdInIond In Me IIIIIBI manna IIIr III IdInI oxen mnnnwruum II In Midnel play In Poowee mm Ll erodtl llrton Millionaires IIIo mirqu II mind our lunar In noulri vim rtIrtI Ixilnrt Ilounl loreII AunnI II III zlrnyrle Iterelum do tending champion III toe Meier ere oomoellnr In Zorro Io yoltewdooeuedIuNot WeNJ Id llIeotIAwmnIln Zone comeMon II Benlern Imiilnem Alleerieurebedddruilll mnteunbennruleve one home lame end one IIIII lhe ellelorlbeIldIdm tow II IIIIurdI nlrhtr IIIIII lione nod III wary II decided by coin We the wand Iliree rum in III use ininr on our III Iqu IluIII nu Ilse whining pIIdler Ior memore Al rm III IIII Ioeer month one AM the three mu he mind It on In row Ind drurk ouI nlnl IIInIIIdd drey bye lieu lull IdInIiIeId New Iowell Mineeld wIIo molly IeId III III IIIMIIIIIIIIISITINII IlreolrlI ptchIInt DEFINITIIII cu born Due uule Io deter the noIIonued boner Ind double I7 Gm IceounIv Id tor Ito Minefield rum Omnm Erma tliele Iliclr doom on the here Is Oreemm no iwolritter Ind MI limo nrn home run III on be lull murder retried uvelnro elrrlIenlIeIIeedone blur in rounded inIo doti lrle nley Io end the rum rellme oCIeernon LIqu Idle Henry nllcbed mun lnclodln IlveeirIIrIII IteiIn orIIIIo nIlruiniorElrel heme elburne overcome L1 eeriy mm led by OrIoIrIore when Ilrey world IIIm rude to tie IlIlrd Glen PM drove In llIree oi the wtmerl rune will in bile while DeIInII Elle rlrle IleoIIId tern uleIleI Sirellnm nined dye into III Ind lernIFIIII Creenoore drum IIIIIsIleld Iv Creemore norod one run In the Ind Added lire in Ilro Ibird on dam III lIIeludinr double IIIIlr limo Gwen limited Greenmen IWOIIIII run no ueriuco In My Gwen pitched Ind oI reIIeI hel Irorn Ileel IIIlen who ed the Inter is in ii at III II In union MI Al tlIIt oolnl hlton wee lead in the rue nu lion IIIee ei IlIrrIr In uoond n= boldinl den uoond place In Ibe Iled Cen poInIe dendnn look Idvlrlm oI In lndderu loo tween Iulion ad more my oi lIIrrie Io Into Iecond mo Enele me luck In win ihe mood inon erenI which he won IIler Illlnt lord at VIII early In de minder dlrillon bu been unmhidrlringb Kelly Ooim oi Berton In BIrrlInu ylnolboli club IIII bod dwell WIler Wed nudIy evenlnr In nidl mettle II 1mm dorm Perk Ilckoll Ilrne pm II II III word time tide uI Ion IIInIe bee hooded Weird tourln Ilde anIre Berrle nI Lleodnll eree In In exhibition much reunion III the lIldelly elub II in dunnldeletmununv lLy knin olll Iollnw IIIe em The ame ruins lne Welrh doe wl rare II werrrwp In Home Void II IeIIln III II lor lwowoeiy our ad Brtleln While In tho Urdlnd Klnyrlom IIII loeel club will my man rerun mini mum end DIIIIIII dIeInik foo III been momma IIIIeIlIdIOI SoIneolibebenedlonlnIbe Beeioo mnmrmnum IIeieon limit Dru Dun een toner III UM buL Lerly menu come Bill rum Bdrm Ilon IiIee Ernie Second momodel heal John risqu srnnnuus II Alml SOUTH emoon ul ==Buu=3 IV Ortllle censure wound Wilhmod Bertie TeIIenbern ==r= ====ua Barrie IiIC Hosls Kidueliy Orrruldrl In III liveroool WelIlIelIIlis mum Includeone Inlan IJdndIIIJn Cnrdltl IIIMIIJDId menmi III III the Inndon rm rumdoze IIImIe oinyorr en rdnr to tire unrneru mum Sept In In exhibition rune My will peony Ind Med nIne convene III II WM lIrcrleIry roam Included Glen Gordon Jim WhlIIlotd Iryl land Keri Peru IIIIIII llnrnmer Der II IAIIII Geldurll end Don NIeIL Imrdnd oId IioddodIInI Neiennrm Ind tenor cerdlnI AUTOMOBIIE FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY Progressive European Iinnuierturer ofnulllly 1m Is now looking tor Dealer In IIIrIla Parties lnlerestcd In dlncuirinr this opportunity wlIlI our reproronlallve In III Imlmnlnz Irtp Ire kindly rcqucnorl to drop their business card or leilcrhuad In BOX N0 THE IIAIIRILEXAMINER MRKIE ONTARIO For yl THUIIWAY AUGUIT THROUGH SATURDAY AUGUST II beautiful 10 COLOUR PORTRAIT of your child 99 runsurnuou 9111550 unnoInno pun PORTRAIT Ceplure your childs pnrednnltly In lovely tull colour porirIltl xI Are llnIltI weelIe Io 12 wire We ll only the unnl Kodilr no Llanl otter per Inlld IperIrnm WI mill Irrelmurchldvhmlrhedlr III you aint rltlrdwlurrnm ovum ru II III rtmuvnllrlrlulreeranrirlo mm II III mm II ruler ueneeonelxioldrllllnd our Imrlle pore tron Avrrlelyol netnnd tunerelro IeIuIlIlnIInedoquIuenotmole Ivrllrole Photographer llourI Thu Fri DIWMO Sal onoono iEATO NSI Inlledwdnlmrumoedllu lord IN undeay IIIIIIIII led WIII

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