weerrtenroteusr no tn red amt era mm dotvhohesdnnooreliln oooopothooo yore vaanbatlnrntntathlaeh PHNOII PENII AP Alto ghhmtdemwnhedstatet rtrtryrrr 45 henouaeertt cuntitleahlr nthew Mum malddled more than to dead hurt In UK Accused Of Rdciem tortotsrtvto Kiss Earth towards her Basset horrid Null Lllldl union iray Ira Ila loll The Icebox rene to ho snot Alter fU nat Photo tor story dnn melanommadaelar gest do show which look day yedaooue Pun 1t mariner Photo by Peter Northtotil plteelnharricnrerthohoib 400 Camb The more manhood stream trout Neoklruonl the lion this time by its Fttt not ottoman tolerate lured aouthwt rd Phonon Perth to the lithium Ihn Leland oix miles up navri hose tour on nitride in UB till heavy bomber bombs be to Envy Elam rpoheannrt DunldDoneInidhahsd heard portadthatecond President Of Uganda minute tdl Aaron hlmday resold Into the too up ielliis Dom the not before Pri days annotation melon lay more mm tor rebootint the tinnitus dildo diroacd pnrrheud policles even though South Atria no borer it member oi the Commeth speech delivered by Ptul Eti hrs tortoise trinistrr Ilgnevl Insists Ilet Innocent 0t Bribery Extortion Charges WAhlthlGTON AF Vicer Prostitrd Spiro Axon says he is undo Inrestipotioa tar poa Iiblr criminal rlolrtlooa but has war Woo at loot lmnmth meetings it occurred Britain oi rodam ot creating alum Wlbll Ito lunatiooal problems and oi threrruriny the reunion oi the trutaith The speed apparently caused some embarrassment amour the comrmnrmlth leodm uho noel In print session Some oly reieded the RENE tho rlnht to my more later HEATH RFSTMTXED Prime hiinrster Edward lteath replied Iaietty one 1mm said and showed with odd renint But the sad the Britishlendor touardly we meet and ram lie said God Aminn trier oooe oottint Mt Newspaper report any the Investigation tn volves allegations at hrbery extortionabd tart trend Axum mode the disclosure htooday nixht throne his press lecretnry blush Thomson comment The Wall Street Journal try the allegations against Apnea mutt mm the award at state contract during Agoewa tear one as yovornor at Maryland to toottore and trout tederal coo trueta ht Maryland let aim At oeur become vicepresident In tons The federal mlrttts were lot by the General Services Ad ministration GSA the agency IistronauttBeoumelixperimento litter Successlul liOUhNri AP Willi record spade walk in books the Skylab utrohotrs returnol experiments today to their otiiilit laboratory Tha illibt plan called Ior mutly rrttditol crepean tor Alan Bern Dr Orrm Gsrrtott and lick taverns lint Garriott tryer pinaloirt planned longawaited study all the run out hottery oi eight late tlll boot Ind torth uonde room in the dimes hed get chance at the rotor romeo townie retro rnynrvi In charge oi oonstruotiny lad eral buildints tape ton tnriy bloat sinin oi Ugtthde Indicates that perhupe it that eountry which is prac trslng reason Btiiklnr 5old the whole to permit the uhrtee to coiodre Rbodositad that it use Met in er that the Breath torood the British are Palestine Idiedthattbe visit oi Por uroir prime rninkter to Both and as It Brit ExCuban Dictator Diet In Spain liAtthELLA Spain AP Fulxrorio Batista rrhhsedio Space WaIIr Ilirht modeolr reported NW th hell Iirtatly not to chance Gnrrloti lad IANtill btkd the telescope cameras tour trim Monday during record AWN unit In ubioh they were outside the station nix boars ll mittr ores Thats nutty double the rotIon mark Irtby to ab astronauts In June the corrosion they also raised now sunshade over their more borne united with two trientiiie experiments and exeoioed three trottol areasth Wok iotorshipvln hobo unsitoppiod hyndc Castro died Monday In ellielllsphin r3 heart Attack killed the stocky exearyonot who Irvin hullcdhit any to the presidency end Wealth helore he was ovar down by Castro In 195 Ills wit ltuhm rnld Batista httorrte Ill titer dinner my and died in the rartv morning at the iarnlly thalrt nont ht belle on Spains northern coast llubort raid hly lather had no him 0t heart trouble Ilsilatnn body In to be flown to hitdrid today Iorburlal time The ceremony rill have no governmental tonnedim hut the rottln will be trapped In tho When tied the turdiy said artiste It survived by elite and live childm bombing neddnoi but don wish to talk that It made at rhoen latte 24 Wednesday low trace around llin Wedouday for detail on Page to We vary The Weekly 21 Paper OTTAWA GI llt Ihath WWW thee ination the It was clearly ways that disparity between Inrelgn Inn to the chartered berth hartbeen ot bitten heaviththeiy enrlh For several mode the domatie ieierest rates many Ertropran matter are draw the to per cent or more mienr deterred tor hank noonairy has horde Canada hoaeteri Its leodio rate to yet not lioodiy oitbt statement arid the policy at attain today it is the themaolmraahrrorer loath Increase rinse April drreded tmrd nxoderrlinr an rhenthernieraatperrent narsullynpld grortholtnot Motto the limp Mover eredlt and money In the central both rat rtili to while still team ernpie trope belo the eipht per cent rerlinr the monetary grouth adeouste oi Jo tn tree when the to support marinated expansion Trudeau eminent svna heart ot employment and output Iiy Inrolred its lltt lullat sulrirnt moderation Inilntim however her not ytt been Vrhat the latest bile will achieved the pace at bank mean in the amen roruumer lending and monetary ar Isrrt thorn tart tte ohriwa Norton tetttnlhs toe that bank loans Illl root more CHAIM LOWER utbeahrltered hauls past the It tile said that althoth hirher cost onto the public money or roasurrter loans bad nurtures probably also will been slightly tight in June try tolloa surL rrres tor the second oosrter ot Gerald Ito Boury rovernnr oi the year aimed an Increase IheBanlernada toidtnr IareneralhantloansrtauaI prepared statement rnnotnrrioy tonal httd rote ol per the Increpse that it rtilcttet era rerent Ilnaneiri developmenta Coat to the financial rt bonus out riiroad unrest in this country no the Mr Barry and that rather an increase in the hash rate meander Inaens had on necessary ii the rate at mine gmed in ertierttt rnes In tsry emuna in trust Ir to the United Sille and Duope be heldrutder reasonable eon Cauda This Ind leniedto put person lrul on Canadian rates sir Dollys siairrrttni edroed An mosh wide margin hot or lose It ahrn the rut had dereleped barren these lral htrJra rate not to la per hiph Interest rate abroad rad ret tram operating rate in Canada the reaction to the latest on rpmdiny rates In Canada Lheaor1crrrnr ues atathbe lion datarrtent raid dry Rail Traffic atotrrllEAL ICPI Allrdlllilhlii only came beam the route int Quebec proronoe men rel the company it not In yrourrd to hair at rioutly negotiating lot rattle Interest Moving mundane odometer amount raisin ILr lead to rote to oil per ml Iroro Mot Rates Higher ontoloin heavy datum tor bank lones and react rate to orew pirdmlariy to the 115 lore major reason tor the latest rhuttpu The Earth or Canadas hing rote Intrense to the iourtit dare Apriiwheotheretemstipor millende MLmeelielsIheItlnestd per Nahum There to no loop Invtirt dately tor thinning matron manlrnlthd ltovtt anti rrsi or Phnorn Pent as US tighten bourbon topt up that support oi government yround term There us no word at Ml op gallons but it was romidered unhhely that than thud been any rurtailmere htcnuse oi the ed Nook iatony miles northeast oi Phnorn Prob The austerity toll at Neat thong rose today as v5 etrr outdals told the come now to killed and 22d Ita turn Bank thins Inhittrilirnmrh ehutt Toronto Donna on New onequart Smile and 03mm about temperLent normal retrotatira Inuftaoe Notn Smtias rate Inr rrmll toAuyJIrrthelrtAoedpoldon umbnoeutlremaihonb rotunda tantra wants at rate to rained onettrli oi one per bet to hit pot cert It Earthen executive ricernndrot Ind thief general trumpet oi the Doom onid orlorter per rent holo this prime It oigih per root Rothmi Bank or Canada Inter mnornmt It is misting Its in rate to air per mt el iwave llrularsday do My or mi Batch Prices Reported Raised dental bonthloy oi the Intro and naval base rote today as embody oiTIeirls said more than rso were tilled and more tilt Injured lltouterx neon agency said as many as to pmons may have hten hilild or Wounded It was the worst hornhloy ace cldrnt oi the Indochina war and It tame Myth days before Us bomth la atshtduied to end The worst prmous ruch Inddrnt eras the its bombing oi the South Vietnamese vlilaye oi Iran Vet htsrttr 1961 what hi villager were tilled and no wounded The ilS nit attache Phnorrr Perth Col Opier visited Neat Luony said it resulted ir mechnnlml error The Paragon told pert oi one NT bombs tell Short ot the target Opier told midnight nevrs contraonce that this plane went tray and Nook tom nus bombed by ntcideot Guerrillas Shot lit Wrong People ATtiDiS Grceee AP Tho tun Arabs rrho attacked line at passengers lathe Athens airport terminal Sunday said they had been ordered to halt travellers en route to Isatel or they got their iltnhts mixed up Groet police yer one Their mindon was to attack Trans World Airlines passer porn herdrna tor Tet Avril said one Investigator Those panorama boarded their plane ntintitts helore the two men TORONTO CPI The Globe and llaii says some Dominion nod chi1r grocery storm raised bacon prices as men as 30 rent pound during the weekend me slapping new stickers over prim on ayes already on moot strives modelers or at least tum rotatory oros were rhsngtny grim sinker an bacon nod other pounded meet hlooday in Irmt oi terriers the none paper says Ait advertisement in Tho lithe and hintt and other nurs oaorrr Saturday attenuate the signature oi Dominion pron dortTlwmos Bdion raid Do rntrrian trill tot imeue the everyday price oi any ousting shell rtocls lloweror The Globe Ital hleil rays Dominion stores cleared bacon oti sheltos Saturday lor Mm or called condom in 30 Cents It Pound Over Weekend early Monday to nature prion miter on shell ninth Padang of bacon bought it both stores llondei had re many as three dillerent prices stuck on top at an other the manner toy have nothinz to so We irnuk ioeprruidenl or Dominioos retail mention told the newspaper CANT GIVE NAME The aeuspanor said he had just mined Imrl vocation and wild not give turn of other vitro mist provide an exe pianotion Too oeunpenrr motes Want Donut ons riteoratory rt ministration as Sarina Scmtbodyn made msttke there somewhere He told the hamper he could not help since it was his end at the htninese 118 Tourists Invade WindsOr To Stock lip0n Meat Products WINDSOR Ont ICP United States tourists invaded this eit during the holiday weekendIn teareh oi rteats pork neinerr and other meat products store owners and Nilml ot tlciels raid many Detroit reoi dents decided to take advantage at Windsors loner meat prices and stork up on meat products ed up till grenades and gunmen attached lion or or to board TWA light to New York They tilled two American httd in Austrian and rounded 53 photos The Arabs rered titre airing to resonate rate passage to the llIddIeEest Thexllre said the two tillers claim they were mombm oi Blacksrpternber the Arab ter rorist orunlrntion responsible tor the attack on the Israel learn it the linolrh Olympia not Bleak Srpterttbu spots man In Beintt said his organ ileum hnd edition to do utter the Athens opaatlon 21 lhaventheonehl to nhrrmoralwrirrad Etrre anliciprtiny Inerwed bus made tore they met the demand Inspector Fichsrd Kolbe at us crntorrta in Detroit said more than 50 pm tent ot the U5 riiirens min the her dcr hark Into Detroit Ireo rnert ollh them le yet all kinds rt inorriries about how much you ran this hooteren irorrr total resinlr said Most oi them rtero brlniihl hock amounts not requtrtnl dutylire pounds or less he said The duty tor heel It three tools pound port tests hall all less and dressed turkey rolls tor duty roie or it per cent Another US custom to epettor sold It to pounds or more or moat are hrouzht In an lilsytttnl must see that it Is up to rennin standards loe Shrugrnrrrnyer at Windsor tutor rntrtet raid US visitors were my not only steak but everything aloe on the meat rortrrter as well at hlses esri today when the provinces ll ooo nnnoperaior railray errr ployees began choir trite The walk which also Ices is he in In he reeond eyelol roainz sriks by Ian Icesisthetlntintbamd QQle oi rdntlhx stntrs by Can adas some om against 11 railways AM 31000 Montreal com tarrt who mornrally use trains loltd to out toot extra blues and car pools to Toronto the no runaon ee ot CP Rail ireight shed walked oil the unexpectedly to protest both lotion and torn pony owe duriny the rotating dormer tor the Iorken out the walkout to last tor one nombrornrtea meat and the union is not tat Inz strouy tomb nation Ire Quchee rtrrlte no an trounced hloodny by the Assoti rtrd Writoz Railray Unions liter an thoriive aeetr end nillmpt to resume resorts tions with Canadian National and CP liail itietrard Smith thid motto the lot the unions said they are going to escalate action against the 11 Canadian railways with which the unions hare con traett At the some tlrrtcs there were earnings root the U1 rlilnnys rnrr continued strikes in the Iheort oi the country could lead to very oerlon decision no rail IJHARISV Wheeling es Imp iciiled In watergate WASIILVGTW tAPi Prett Nixon era iitttroundef ohm Id In noiddpdi oi iii year that his thread adders had been aerosol in the Watergate ease tonner ettoroeyeenerel Pdnhard Modem said to day tent told the Senate Watergate eootoooitee heiirst leaioed oi emotions by White Home cowl John Dean and on short lr former Nixon cannon dent adv in the married oi April ls tie one be waited ater more truth Kim and relayed the Im to Irina early that aileron In Nixons attire He was drndsiorlndat he wart N7 more ltleiadtorm CAPSULE News Canada Making 57 Million Food Gilt Mitiohl Itny The Canadian many here said to day Canada Is making Sirrnlliua Iood donation to drurdrtotricb en lrest Mrteea countries The lirst shipment or min under this proyttm Is expected to leave Canadian ports month iollouinx wane waded out by the Food and Agriatrture Orpmialion with the recipient marries Univ Moncion To Host Gymnasts FREERICIW tCPi The University at hlundou has been releded as the site tor the 1975 ships Don Bade oi Frederietin Canadian gymnastics dr trrrsidcnt oi the New Brunswiek Gymnastic modalioo unnamed today that the national ohom pionshrpneill he held in cooperation with the opening at the tlonctnn Universitys tree lield hmise and outdoor sports stadium the tarililiea nor are under constnittion Soul Singer Injured In Car Ilccident WINSTONSALEM NC iAPi grr Stevie Woni altr is in saislactory rendition after being yured in NW1 accident Baptist Hospital here said lod ooder 2a was hoot when car driven by John Harris at New York City collided with topping innit Monday near Salisburyr Harris was listed lit pod condition Whom tilPl About Pi tt Workers Iii lioil Shed Walk Oil lob tnrpIOyBoJ at CP Rail reign tired to Tomato walked oil the job early today to protest both union and company India during rotating strike by nonoper nttay raileorters The men are members or the Brotherhood ot hallway tlerlts oneo the unions In the hieointioed NonOpht atrpy lard memafooiatlou has been mutiny sores ro grieaa lirnileont Rail lltd CNIL My Chilean Etonomic Crises Worsening SrtftTlAdQ llllerrteri President Soittdor Allende tattd rrorsonrny potrtreal and economic tiltirlodtty with the break rloott at peace tall with the opposition and continued pinball oi most oilrthillenptdollo transport oratorn Faced by tune pt violence eraco rtrrta turmoil brain it days ago Allende has ordered the poltee and armed tutors to prntido armed rotectlod tor supply eonuoyl and public tramort rainy hhiiorrnl lylrenye Ill II