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ueottoo it is once to Inyme but do rirnrd esIEchlty tor trnrheu Become modellon believe thin relixion dormnds per mnt torrenltmcnt on the port at each lirneher uhide roe IIr maid trend new to lutrzratu rrtl mam dd mm ton Into the Whole Ichnol pro own thrlitiin eorrmltrnent Ind then teem tn rornrnunicetr thii mnitment to their rtudentr The lint yeer oi the Men frumrn III otlered tn Barrie or the tint time tut wrnrner This wnrner to toughen lrom II in IrrIy Prim Blend lIlInd piriletpetrd in who the tint Ind mend yeIr oi the pro Ink Film rmly in or their lrlrndeeorneihlu they nodal taught tench Ill three yearn oi the tree can releie to The dx lutltirnr IrLotrudm Saier Belts Study Indicates me new in humour the torment no lied tlo elm It one tree mnwzghum gigmmm the Girl IWIItIV Ieeteod Ooohreoe hiooee Rim Mostly My In ml comm The Irrthemon Ii Iorectst ounny todIy Ind Sourdoy teeth are worth rent belt hundred me my mm 73 mm my MordIr The low mum to ex mm to to Item Siluntay my mm and up plotted to be between so nod er Mo Io Norman rm demos Setwder the lowest Western June Bay sunny hi mm htrh to my may we deny peri an M0 Md 0m mm Dynoyrllt Stony ever met ot he saintly Him todty use ma point It lmpnlnneni todiy IN sum not Soturdey re to In tom met letdosehou in remote lea eoteithnmb Mt madam none torrid tn ehout one dut alludvm II Ito MI 1W indie only to Dr med driven in Ontuie we ml cent were nurturetheta IIIIOIWII In In mtdrnt tut IM miter iron the rutnhtry year INTEGRATED John Prokeeirh retinal rd ureticn mutant tor the Sim Courdy Roman Catholic Semnte School Board Ind prin ripui ol BIrrieI rurnrner eehnol SIIIT repornte Ithooie Ire tryin to lot IIIy rent the old mrthed at setting one hour uiide urh day tor religious instruction The ide some ol the Dortmund and John Neu ot tlunthon It ind still memory Im the rue plrttirm Instnxton esstut teethtnx ol modern re The tirenook course ITIItII Eziaui We rure live by out hum Beside the warm reripturr Inn to you end Lhrr DIRT dodrinrt norm MOIDLV rIcrIrnrnIi Ind liturgy there my Am tr oouree tntitird leurninr er perierm Ihirh der with the pndint yruderru tueher no rounteri TN SEMINARS lIrilcinIots lilo speed rent dent ot time in rrrriinnre where they no rived In opportunity to dtsrusi lectures or mother topic ot interest htr Protepteh ntd the renin Ire hm created the Imphen oi rent Christin minuuttr In the HM Ihith he thinks is hccnuie Inith not Tllzl lilrh Today Trntrhlru 60 finoi try the etudenle that relixion Ind tile Ire tied in together he nid The school Ire Also tryin to reinle Inch rrede course to the pudiolotclrnl development Ind retentivity at the children For oxnrnole Grade eluded Iro tqulI how to foilDIlhll rele ttonihlp with God thrwrh nottoo ind Semi than Mon Writer Torture Om Sound htustmhn thlnthon Toronto Trenton lilnnton Nerbomtn Petntme North Dry my Illt Iqu no 7263422 room were merit usr use our ruku mm mm REAL 51an Li in out emu ErrSymphony Musician Iailed 0n Shopliiting Theit Charges MutbruceAn noumaunun hole ma MIMI outl 165an out be omitted tumm WWW WW our our the uh pow lit mniittlon Ind iantlt you to you dotiulte Ind ur mum mmde Wm lnietinlte on thott minim Ioen Emotiontony in tile most rocert aviator tor lhett III int he in Totem Item he went moths In lull ow Oh twr tonith mind 65 Wirdeer anuo IlIrnilton Potuborwdt tale St Cinlr Lake Die Nlunrl into 0n tutor Take mm entity rtniny today Int Satminy deem ol InIhernoon Ihoucr todaytllohi today not Satur day 73 to Ell toir twill to button es Tinmint North Beyi More Geor Munster rlen Bey allerrtenueiitern SS tum Ttmhnml Streey period he mum day thence ot timer to White ittver rorne loentrttre late in the dry GerItdton GENERALTIIIOI runny Saturday ittur Mooon STOLEN I110 CAR the Atom Pope at wry Street told polite Thursday we drill DOWNTOWN BARRIEI COR COLLIER OLAPPERION 5T5 IndiIIeetooeeweretrheetrem 63971 her car when it In Irttd In TO MEET ALL YOUR TRAVEL NEEDS 88833388333 aaaaddddasa intro CANADAS lARGESI PUREBRED Dwtndet Me Mid Inoh Ibo plated Dim Milan for six moths IN INN he mite treet mnt tor em eddietton Am pltnidtd ulhy July to to thett at me north under low trout Mm Jul it end to thett at tymrror north m1 trorn triticr on CNN property hlty ti Mm mini no totem told court Angus In In unuiuel ceeolnthatheturnuddunuto his red with the Toronto Omitustnr Ito raid Ami TIM become ndrrd to ottwe Iiur dim II the result ot dug prohtorn lite Iold the tragedy to not one tor the court to lure puni caszgssuggsasassssssss 333838385388388833383328 het drtrortry oternu WINDOWS BROKEN Barrie city polite Ire lnteeh tynttnr two thoiwt vnndoue It aetier Gilt Ind blue Shop on the turner at BIylield Ind Col ller Itreete The demure rm discovered Thurtdey THREE All BREED DOG SHOWS notesr on so 900 AWL630 PM IIIE BARRE tun trounce ESSA ROAD SPONSORED BY BARRIE KENNEL th OveriSSO Dogrroprerenringloo Dilterent Breed In Open Competition Exhibitors from Newfoundland to British Columbia from Florida to Coliternio and all points between SPECIAIIEATURMIGHAN nouns sunoot AFTERNOON HOT DOGS tr COLD DRINKS ON THE GROUNDS ALSO BEER GARDEN HiramWalkets Spe01a101d ADMISSION nouns soccuttonrurse GentlcRyeWhlsky we AMPLE PARKING ON THE GROUNDS