iIEllDiiD lOit RECORDYSIIR Barrie Buildind no Conti PennitValue $63 Million Btal1ntelrhndod lrirnnoeat lot Brydd aboldnxrtmltmiDr Them Voted gtlrr harms StLbonthuIllichorkSLtioeothnricrebukna Ithvurtatairnblotwlm otluiy ogpcr bedriddvaluadtlm Wild minroamquan Mhyrhedtyrbau hmmmlhirlh rtmtuabkocmitrlsordln unanimian hmmhmm Itroedrdiorlapamtnilhe ziutedmimraovrtimrdr ummlmoitwihami vuroleIrrriz nsorzhr trial unto perv Finley Street balm the upmlmdtbeiamaaenvr atan mmtrerelssunimolutor dhaiwthmmithemumgyrbdknyw In WNW hIr ended dreilian moored withhnrhllnxthanmeperiod last rm Eealdartirt mots have It corroled lino gumatdthn run at no Iltd Auxuxmu cm NEWS the llrsc worm Corw marmaumtmm too rumhvauanerrunu onclaihearemtldhtipcr ltIqrnialihr ntluoord raudroduirialtlpcrrear urblnlheilll hare Inna sane havethlcrhdihtlalnlmlllin uriniraesermaainx nanometer re ena one thermal on er rhomwtocrldoyouners Iho hu nevrrhecnrhm ham dieting ClubDog Shout Attracts3600Entriesf WW More lbanlm wrote don rot rweepctrkes which has in go in the rinfi the raid Pi olIhichI announcerre ITOOIW ruiarlolcresttocbtl included in thran at well It WTNVW WK champions re colored in the dull wilibobolditom radio known international trdrca tor iitoot mic dont brow that Barrie licrloti Corirr doe It Ipproslmatcly It Sundry the rhow in tire ildrluxh thcro Ire to marry sides to We at the iairgrvmdo this mind mm mm maiden oi the Canadian Kcn raga Derrh Tltcyre pleasch tiub toaster Ruth Derlr be mm mm nei Club nip will tudge the beer thottbonnw parkiilimat raid thla yoerr chow attracted sweepstakes Formerly at it our tnr than to visit this entries tram Coliiotall Hulda monuounns tin Pugh new tires in Mimi Iron lilve Irld Kenneth Georgiheli eutern bird Dali ulle birch and Toronto The girls carry In Iihunr at Itohoufhrtp Uniti tars coollde are entered in Thuotlll be beef unit color onto indicate rune at to and aritlmcs Sundays rbori She said these again thrs year and the Derno runny or up muted There will be more their too In martial dogs rtnrliIr to Optlmla Cluhlr operating my they pm um diilrmt breeds ci dog It the bloodhouodr but smaller ltood concession people toviit than yet moan From SWIMMING LESSONS ill LIONS P001 It can IrrL Each my mum rbow mdnrtrom Japanese Aitbmrghmost breeders In many Mulllbcilnat Em with maid than rwilling Srmdayr It ram and Ewmmkg coolI once runs nest Ind microcode trirtrtor end breeding Ind rhootoy lllrr rbowwrilwlrdrprt Muse mm at Tirorre lots at rocivitiu It emery In typicri er Itnuor teaches Herr old street an is correct brood there vlilhe live rptdr Drvtr leidtheyrlc not illum pm Itierlhtbhtinlnodrrin uyuwymmm the lion Pool these with wheer Iii ages tpok Darryl sm how to iloIt ro mmnmtollheirloiortbc ttyrbm Indpuprnneepstrb on to totth their dogs warm om have been name um magmas and their primary turns petty pawns Bonnie il breadroh admirer Phot ileum Duo opodltty paratrslon 13mm tilt Mimi WW mum notnlng chiming Milena housewivesrial In in hummrtraxcrnlihcpooliu mi downtownratio lthnbovorytnrsimtingii row noncrnyrt metricmmmm Mm Basset Hound Iiirrdrio Torrirr tho lust Ipcnt twple oi crows the rhowr and mm mam Ind lilalature Drdrshuod rota urn moving your dog tor on been moved to pm ml all etItiy wows Ire scheduled or show and rorrrmnoiiatlras down vldcd by Itiil Relrlgsrlllon muwmvd Valve and Dime Irth oi Ottawa Ire rotlag interpreters tor the rotatory Ii ramrt rsr beach Ilr coat low minutu before it low block IvrIy Many Entries expected Weekend Walter Events Orgardrrrsoi the imanauol GreatrrJtarrie Chamber at Gumtree amuse Dry Regatta hbpc Itotal oi lib persons will register in the sailor water rid ng ondcnnocirs evcnu on the bay thirwtoirrvl Hob lioilyuood rhumbcr man jger sold it tr diilicull to on timrto how many carnpctilors Hm will be bccrusc so many ponplo it until the day at the event to register jllowrer he said he hopes there will be 20 to to ydltltlli 1ols lntho sellihz ram so in the water slilnr cumctttipns and 50 in tho crooning races LjTiio ilrrt tunneling race will he held all St Virtch Park tbturday and the mend sct hl race will be held Sunday hire Initilllclihmlb oi Corn 1pm Challenge on Irtlin There will be rtlrhtly lower race will be held at past him ddlr This it wear to all rlasser nl rail boats on Lilo Simon Par ticipants whohavo not already water skiing rompctltlnos There will be separate events for boys and girls it years Ind under ii to it years and it yours rod over rrgtsicred their boats It the Anym mmucd tn Wt chamber etiicr must register It the Dryileld Strcct dock between 3330 llll and 12th pro hion Yr CANOE RACES There will be nurnbcr oi csnsclng races this year in riudiili torsion end rcoior ric gie blade tandem sport canoe me In open event for ethnic binds ringlu Ind tarnin rim blade tandem evmi tour air gunth bobbing race will be open to Ill wileiponts new ilbyrrd slalom wurrc has been let up all StVincent lrric tor this years rlIIarn Huroniu Arts Festival 61 Ctobrre rdonini this yearr tag can register rt the course rite imm Imtn 110 In Monday Twcnty to so poncr boils Iro expedcdtotaknpartlntheraih past all Centennial Pink irorn than IJli until not put Earn day The regatta also include lriie itylrtg and water skiing show ieaturiop lirt Sirloin any riselxtalylllltshwhicg will be lad cranberr iool Ind trick Interskilog dJT pinyh This show itll take place iron uh to para Sunday oil Centennial Park artist but it rise menu the Iitlsta It the lluronir Festival lestlvll rcrvee to mourn utthal will ho there will be at the Arts ihlrfyur but duality oi the exhibits will he hitter Iccording to the their man hey Marshall try lee they hero bad to charge artists to exhibit Thls has eliminated Irllrta the unity Ind not charging In an high purity ho rllti lir Marshall raid there will be It lersi tzi Irttstr Ind cults men It the tundry event Or whir hllrshril rIid bocrurothe ntut would prohablynoi have lginri estimates hrd been closer Kiwanis Club and the Barrie Art sold any at theirnwork It the to one liood Price Incre aseiiixpiedtd Warns Supermarket Executive TORONTO gm DEM materiel ve Med that warriors have about days eracn botoro taxing another round oi yrico moses bartry man said the only oi st to bread ruinourp mincooadaero 01 tho window now liy Salmon director at roar ltttrr lor IDIde Food trait luwmkouraid really cant believe some at these in casce rruscil Is he told at ca rim on note at toods mm biscuits through marga line to baby tooth warm bolrn specific be cause at woodman llr aria rhan rain lilch will range chcniwrandwmt tit said salt rrtargrrtm writ Ettore by eight ocni Ind aneounoe tars lame and mermaiadoe circular chm ind mayonnaise by tour arr cent These tools are WWII to rain we no lie raid Generrl little ol Can to ltd mnem ot Dotti trader cote rrrxce have an nomood In tram oi eight per ccot end Dads Grotto ltd In mouldeme rise oi the pot cctst tor all lunatic Gerber RM oi Oooadr no baby load muralm util increase comk by four per not end atrium meats by Its per oust Tuesday liouace tins at two mindset hlrdnoniment rcIm red hair mailed by Canada Faction ltd sold on hiimcie htIrt dlclum tor hi Mia and it coats rcnprtthcly These are ouxctod to lrxrerao to on and to unit per tin mpootveiy And the prlco oi hinple Lent canned cooled horn mil lump rs ptr tort tor onopourrl tin hir Solomon rrld distributors list lourmatn roeth icc in crresot The most ihipnrlrrl it varlll crop whdrtlonwr bad hrrvrat rodutes litmus and irel rater rage in The dispirsa will be let up rent 11 Int until dunk both SaturdryIadSundry ii the lastivri is unable to continue duo to ruin rllbcr Saturda or San dry the exhibit will set up hloodrv Young Boy Drowns Despite Rescuers TORONTOth nine yerroid lbronto boy who went nearly it minuter nilxnergcd in the rrlaowoiicn liranbor ltiver died late Thursday in the York Tinch General liorpilai in tensive cero ooli Earlier in tho day Michael Wlnkicr tell an tool into the rltcr trom rope twins Police raid the river wrs lour icet deep with rtrong currents due to recent rains Seventeen persons tanned humIn chain in an attempt to ind Michael but tho rerrrh prorcd lruitlcss lar several minutes Titcy eventually torrid his body about to trot from where he tell in illichacl showed no signs oi ling or Harry you were nor intcrcstod in retracing he XI WEATHER REACTION Diane pointed out am the which reaction labor and Vilve depends lot on the we the on but humid day nobody waan to talk with to When they In upmnchtox they pull up their newspapers and protcnd that they Ire Trading Dirt on dry days they Ire rarer to Ice us While rrerr to one mun nthm will are mind to are whalr rainy on Dirno lelh story that vivid ly points how their altrch is winning trrcodo tor Wrongs Booth Ono talked to ind that they but rlwrvs cone to another resort But their iricnds had been to Wear Bench Ind been welcomed by the roving naturalist Their lrlerdt revert Iimt the Mae rad know Ithar ot the nattlrellsts until thy said that no one ever web nixmd thorn in the other place jhrcugh contra such In th people throughout lluroalr Ir dbtvrorlng new Ind eliciting wry to use provincial parks You audiovisual programs Ind nature halls are relaxing wryr to spend ten minutes during the dry And the opport unities Iro Is varied as tho liltch bcr oi parts tor cada procram has been specically planted to suit the rurlaue leaturoe oi the park it is in Insurance it ill OKEEIE TENTH Brilliant Performance Given washroom Prime Ballerina Ballet Company deid lioliaori at line Street In iasvrrrnco representative with combined iasraInco Company at Arrirlrr has received an Iword tor eotstarnimg ester and ur vlco to the public Graham llorgan rcriottal soles veronica rrid Holland you the lalilrl Award in the ctr rnont Stone international Sales Ihd management Achievement Club named alter the companys Moder and board chairman The Combined group oi com nies specializes in human reliable accident and health in contoprotecclon and tile insur ance tir itolland became associated with Combined Is represent Itiio and his work in service in pollcdyholciors earnedium his uar Receives liquors In Music Exam Jenn llupert passed gsde sin rumination It the Western Dnirrlo Conservatory ol llustc with hooorr recently creascs and pedantic twin lilo Ind was retired only when otter oblrlnlng to per cont err Ilsa to blame he reached hospltll standing By hlUltlEb LEEPER Natalia llriuova grro most moving pctlaminate oi the cla role solo bniictI The Dying Swan Thursday night at Media Ceri ire The prison tiallcrinr uoa detected train the Rossini Dalirt or did hurryev had rarturn rail ettcr curtain call mm In Audience enthralled id dancers who have imasino stare or an intomtlhg and ran her rrttstry Jplnroc soon ballot company tor its Amorloantfeaadirn tour bliss llakarovr put the tinish at rupcrb artist to rctrcshrng ty lino ballot company The Pmuytvnnin Dellot had many things going tor it Last nights promos highiirthltd compon oi yang wctldiscrpiin lion daring and tote do him that communicator Thcre was charming touch at elegaan to the opening num bcr hlnrlrlgpim to rrmlc by Vlvadi llccitrrl lar ccilo and debt dancers consisch oi sole door and group dancing to the an Suits tor Solo Cello and the roiiirt played unaccompanied on 10an nun GENElliii IT AND ltUN Andre Hamilton oi Angus told police cor ountd by it llomlitoo oi Aunts wu strtadr by hit and run chlcio when arlcd in North Collegiate part in lot Thursday About noon domazc estimate was not null stile lrom police this morning EQUIPMENT lNSTALIIED The Barrie Firo Departsncot has msiaiicd cascade oyslcm or recharging ulr bottles in ultcontaocd breathing apparv all The new equipment will Illow the tie rtrncnt to rell its own cy on Is well Is to do the work ior other Irea dc panmcou Previously the dc partmcntwent to local sup plier inr refilling APPLICATIONS FOR DAMS The ministry oi natural to rourcou wants rural tarhonors that persons construction Willis dams or diverting natcr causes should be more that the plan rcqulrcd approval gy the lila lxtcr oi Natural Resource tor location arid specications dam is dciiocd as any structure ioruardtu holding back or lh vertinzwaicr The term latte includrs pond and tha term rt rcr inchrdes met or stream oi minqu llow Applications are available the local oiilcc oi the ntinistll ROCK IIIIJI PARK Webb Pierce will headline country rod Icttrm concert at iloci iiill Earls in miles north at Drapgcvlile on Sunday 0th or periorrhcrs bill be the Sldb inch from lehviile Pattie Ind liar Powell toe Firthend trr ry Ell Matador Facilities at tho illacre park lnchrd laid pool snack bar condort ruirrunlog pool snack her coon tort station and trailer Ind cImplnggrotnuk ballot NataliI linkava danced the lemurs Black Swan pas do dour with lavrreoce Rhodes She let the mark at ht awn inditldtw llty on the wellkncmr ballet with music by Trchaliovsky CIIOIIEOGIIAPIIV thiamine choreorr lo htendcissohns Sctoch Sym is delight to watch The date rm made the most at this hub ict that as in as can mam hcnhasnolhcendeooherelor some years The costumes by Nicolas Wiinbcrg deserve rpcciai roen tion They were symphony oi color and form rdrhng didioc tiooto an upcoming ballet com not For Friday night Sain motions and evenins the pro gram chatigce but tooliaicd grills Mnkmvaa role The Dying with For this Solo Ilene it truth trip to Dchle Centre Ind it is more thaninluestinl to see iaitsoarlyyearsrbsiictcom pony that may Irrtl bottom noel imported company in Ar auction