Leads summer cor H3 both idiom out pmldeni oi the dub The now lair Wm mo OVER mm mun lStIlitTbe rot Dehhle Adm motto minimum Hmoilrte it rnenl hindipr rompi Hit Bernie Wm MM rodDotlibyDlaa too Sprinmler got LI Dotney elm Dotty AdInII In in clutterth ubedttlod Carole Moor eneman Don mfg ev POPULAR DEMAND Wm mm me Adirnl tlIrriI tlym $323 rowtoltr son Phil on Lil OHM domd ngiimnrztg LuthoslScoron hmmmwn mmm donned Colin Elliott Inner For Lady Goltorn ham 11 We Clothe dud lied Ally llugh Thea driuttd DID ANIBLWlMtIM WHIACIIOLIH merInd Dlhu Kennth humanuh men low my 19 Israeli unmItrenocchim Dulnlm Iuoteutlmeloodlol AIInnerIntlbemut lhdordUooIehbedum Indwuborneylrldclrlrdeiendmtnibmnlnb kudtyrrounmnmmmtlmhedmrnu rnmn downed leii ttlnen Ind lion tor the but we trophy roe Junior rIrrnIrI will be hronsmtmbornthtIu WILDLMWWHM IlmDIomledL Glen AdIrnr in other within at WM Inlt rotde Don Nlmlnmd Ihlded Leo uelrwrlIndIlroImovrrioho mm mm um line Ind Iwo tom he Shanon to nuke the nurtur my um um IIrdlo III rrcdrtod with fire nnIu luy Cation won over throne Ind toe mm twice EdDeJIrdlnIIndD rum Munmrnmm llrrt Dinnehnrrl lit in defeated Ernie Littler In the hnnm than Indian Sultan with Rhino Wuorortrrom THE GRANGE vtlmlnthlttrophyreu ymmm no my nit Groundnut mymyymm Mmmumm my or you Io mm mme lilrer of rm le homer to your lidr myocarmgdlm Willowmt Mk 51 TIm l5 NOW OPEN Ellen Ire Iioied to play on Bernie Deirdlao the Mood Mmmfmet Itre III WWW mm Wk 11 775321 53 lmbmmm awow$ofltm mllrgh lo coral raglan intum WWIIINI um mm lm in all Mr odd to Ir Downer Iod Dour Good Paragon the timedIr prorum coo town ow PrincePhil newr In mm Wm The tor Ihioio motto III milling lite tutored It the IiIhth Iner thew oi the neutrino 1in Stem Atlomo the GI Ind Aniton Aunetn lion It Word LEM man but till on the hiohirell It tooled will him not on and nor Ind they come 8m leor he DTMWA Prince Philip lI Dureua Ind rer CInIdIn troops III lorrned undrrllhe title lth School torn to the trd hotiol Corpe udIn llrrl meo ort lnrtlement uu thlt roundly Iiternoen AI rotonrtlnctict oi The MR irtneI Philip Allendy prorated colon to the int Ind 1nd hIllIliom ThI llt intItten received them It Wotnetoy liIr uchr tondon Ooh low Ien no The but helllion rtu precede led llI colon by the Prime when he vhilcd it to Soul Gar mIny while it no out oi Can Idel NAN lorco in Europe The pIrIdo Iilt be commInd ed by the beltellortl commend tar oilicer tMol it Wt eer vanity or no er ll Motor 61 Riley Illd the re rnlIl urgeont or lI ei WarrInt 0iilrrr It Boyle The no brtlltlnn now bated Il Ctil leuwewl Ont Ital tanned til iuty lily when the 2nd llItlIlion lho CInIdlen Gitrd wII olIrId on the nip ptrmorl nry ordrr ot bottle At the nreIInlIllon mode the bItlItton will lonn all iul tilldl at to men cIrh pine rotor wily liurlul Ioeompan lmInt wt be Iupplled by the rrrlmeniIl bend Ind the bottli tonI pt Ind drunu Putt reII lehraranlnrwere hold previously on the Hill The ballItlon will term to It Cartier Sounro drill but much went on LIurirr Ave to El Iin so north on Elrin lo Wel llnxion 5t Ind west on Writing ton lhrourn the But note Atrium BAND The ceremony included alleli lng oi dmmI wruocrtllon oi the new colrII In impedioo by Prince thltlp troopln oi the new colon throurh rInta Ind bIltIilon mlrch out in slow Ind otdclt time with mull od limit The halt to CanIdII eenlor iniIntry regiment in tool when the lirilirh Iovernmohl decided to withdraw tlr rcmellllon or rirrxlI lrom CInIdI hello all Iized inlInlry uttll ol regutIr Farm Conference To Ponder Credit that iorthromhlz nrrlcullurel nrodlt contcrenoo Iponeorcd hy the Cnnndlnn llarttery Amie lion it the tint oi lit kind to be held in CInodn Scheduled tor Moliir 79 Ind so It the thnlocr ton in wu ntpeg it will provide totiouo opportlulily ior bantm term err iIrmorI IuorIIttottr Iov errlmente Ind bottom to or ehrure vim dlmu ltttrreatr Ind dllcover new waI in which they ran ooooernla Ind remote merit each other An outItIndiny rotlor ot lpoolterr it not being Iatrmb ted but runner Iro not yet vellurie The keynote Iddren An Al cultural Credit Poltry to Cehnrla will contemplrte now Ipproanh to inrnl credit Iylleln tor Canada There will be porllculnr emohrttr on the role oi the commercial leclor ml the Provincial and Federal foynmrntr Ind mo nitinn oi he broad reeponrlollll or which out unwritten might mum in their tnterreialtenehlpr Lin AUTO RENTAL New Irl lulty inlnrld liIIt LotlrteoMI bervlro Milt it til ilrldiord It ilIrrtI Dlnl 12837 in 1mm IniIrIry School Corps wu reamed CInIdiIn Romment oi lnlIntry The pre itr lloyIl III ngntId byt er Al Qucen VltiililJltlm the mat title Adopted to not The 3rd bullion Ill ilrIt rolled to two to gum ttIlt in lo tout the regiment III reduced to one batlIllnn not it until until 1950 Mt three bottolloltl wore IulhorIrId ior nonrch to the Komn conict in till the regiment III re duced to two butrltnne with the third iorrnlor the nuctauI oi the cutter CENTRE Wt rilmsm lSiIiit sun roe Drill WomenI lnItltoth over 70 onr with AlrI lilllliIm Putt oi Phelpllon the tint rel tdeot it wu ellan by re rordl Ill lDlllHIDH Mylm IIdInu gt Whle the Night Or More Kin It INVHT NOW DIAMOND HELDth Unrondttlenolly guaranteed inleneytnr AlSnmeOntr AIIhnlp orthopeer on Snmlhloli DARRlE ahmm 66 humor rrt DItlIllon The limited Gilli Sins thl time the unit be rented to Itddthodvil power operIttonI in httnireei OltIIII Ind liioxrtao tnylotor exerrie In in the CInIdrnn Atrlte And in Inerde in Denmark Incl Northern Nanny II cInIdII contributed to Allied amend EuropeI mobtlo horn in thI pro iaelikon el NMDS northern The Queenl tutor in Iynthoilo um Ind CInIdI The rui rmtIl rotor LI Iymbollo oi toy Itty lo the minim Ind orn btuonudonltIrIidoilhIro glitch bi bIttlI boom with number monarch NEWS Ill DAM EXAMINER lltUPbDAIYyAUOUHI rm ANGUI UM Will ANGUS lsloltt Allin Dil irltt lion eluh will mnrlr llI itch hiribdey lhtl coming Nov ember Willoer hols oi an out thI router pretldent oi the tub AM DNLY lillil liilt bunting Up Word to De ihlntl love You Dollnl Somebody Went to he Wanted and more IngrownHanna PINK lithium nEArtrs yin Htlllil HIltiiil Mo lIeerd Set Not Item lit to AA 599 in ONE MORE TIME JAMISLAST Monlege boy KAI WAItlll wanting Irilhe Shore MAX DIIDORSotorillumpet DILOADOlum and Corn CIln NOIIII PARAMOI Put in Little love in Your Reolt Ind more hill in yIvrpotly tubular wit pollution SETTES ms 149 lltlltmilli OUAIANTIID otrorolnnrtrt Hitlil 198 wt threedny Irent norm on Silurdht Ind rootin ueI on Surtdny Ind Grin holl day The dolly pIrIdu Ire xbedulod to run It ipm Antique cIrI Ind lruchl tlrInl eoglnu Ind trIrtan oi the but will be lIhinl wt in the wool dilution oi pto necr larrrl lmpiemrntl Ilro rill be tutored Prolldeol oi the Woeng IroclItlon George Hutchinson oi RR ltllvtorthy Ind meme oith Intuit hive been wort inglor month in pr the MI whittl the be the belt out he to other the Ith Ittretted lunch but run the the Hillsrlale Site Ball loumoy ltlirlBDAiS Steltt El no teIrnI without clrhth Itmt tbell torm mcnt which it to be played It lllllndile mount on Citric llolldey The tournament in Irhdeumi to get underway ll 11 noon At long with Iotlbell borrctheI pitching tournament in pinned hluoh tout interest bu been ohm in the Willi program whktn to one oi the community recreation highlight oi the IlillllDP lime ooIrItloe tor hope will Ilntbe ADAS illicit Alli distlittoth illicit Slot rnrunnoy nuousr JAMES lASl tlliiliill It ml 99 lllloltiullo loyontl HDU MN 11155 WED SAT 96 THURS FRI 99 Illl OF THE ARTS and CRAFTS CIVIC HOLIDAY WEEKEND BEAUTIFUL HLNTENNIAL PARK AUG 4III 5th OPEN FROM it All loll ADMISSION Annvlnltltlllo SNAva It lililelll f4 tlitlllttyrii if Hrs Alttroooucnou ittRthbiWrwrulowe 63 lllIIlrIl homageII Iroo pro only III Dtiire OpeII Ill Mmiulnll Adult run errant It nlttm IId Golden Age out Im lJIt lupuded nEClAL AHMED ml SUNr MON It AMI DUI At it Alli mnnmusnn menutut THE THlEF WHO CAME T0 DINNER STARRINO RYAN UNEAL PM It PM Adult lnieetelomeno