ll Ill HAHN mm AUGUST rm ll HELP WANTED SECRE tinrilrnt twirl Iorrhaod III not Some plme IId nodWIN IARY Wm Usual lrlore benets ulna commune with mer Wlmr Ml ior Siolrrlirv GEORGIAN BAY REGIONAL LIBRARY SYSTEM lute GAS BAR Alli MANAGER We hm tunable noerdnr Iur pr bIr mum to mIn III the her motive Iran pronoun Izod mimic uuums Sultry Wile Inlh experience legrtlier with one oi the bet InilIblI broom Mun whirl LI hill MW paid liter 1min or Indndior mlwule Insolul roIerIre rm tor prurridloo dnm Iod derhl aim IdIyueIanmn EASE NEWLY Li whitDENiI ro BOX Fl BARRIII BANNER MANAGER minor TOWN AND COUNTRY LADIES WEAR SHOPS ior their GEORGIAN store in ALL BARRIE rxrrilrnt my and uorIIIny condItioru Telephone llrr Stardom norm II NOTICE commn Itli prrmu having china IIIlmI the but oi cun DCE VANE DONALDSGN iIle oi the Citon Barrie In the my oi smcoe no dlrd on oruboidthenddayoihpril im mt town rm to The sterilul mm thon llay Street Toronto Onto rio on or boiore in llh day rt mm rm IlIer union dot the amt IIII he dirtrlhd trd mount in writer outitlcd lhervlo III the Eleonor vill ad in liable to In orrIon oi rrhau drlm it Iiioil not ihrn thr Mitre DATED It Ilarrtr or thil 21th day oi Jriy BOYS SEAGRAM noun AND TAYLOR Burriva Iul Soileilxrrl ll 0N1 Sim BARth Drltnla AllMI ONTARlU MINISTRY ill GOVERNMENT SERVICES GENERAL CONTRACTORS SEAle TENDERS toIIl be Irv reircd nritl 300 urn tout Turn on THURSDAY AUGUST idy mo lor tho Cmrrtrudlon oi New lindlolayy Department tor the lilnotry oi iirnitlr Ontario Iiaov oiul sdwol OriIilI Ontorln lrnder murmur may he oIr Ialnod lroru the lilnirtry ol Goverumrm Servicrr Point Tendrrl Otllrc Room IRMA iuodaunid Block Queenr PIrlI Toronto Ontario Tcirohone ho mourn 0r irom the lllnlrtry ol Govrrrnncnt Scrvim Rerlon AI Oiilre 14 Not Wrci Boat OrilIlI Ontario Telcohone No ilZJriwl raccoon Iiid Rand 100R iericrrmnco Illmd Ind 50 lIyrntnI Dcnd nill be required ll Ioerillcd For lnrthrr tutormotion record ing thlr tcrrdrr oiem coll ilr IlIriinr llinlrtry oi Gov rrrunrnt 5mm Toronto on torio Telephone No oosvirsz The lowest or any tcnlrr not nrmtorily Accepted TllANliilR Deputy lllIIiIirr IyllAuz bhiAillU IIINISIIII 01 GOVERNMENT SERVICES ROOFING CONTRACTORS SEALED TENDERS ulll be re rclved until 100 on mi Time on THURSDAY AUGUST 11 lm lierooliny ol Imn III Route and it ill rioulrlo duellloor lllul oi llralih Adrlt Orin yiulooa Contra Edgar Ontario endcr ilocnrnrulI Ina he LI taincd irom tho Oriar hilnir try of lovcrnrncnt Salim llr yionIl Oilicr it JIrrm Siroci um no llox 7000rll1il 0n llrla LIV 0R1 MTEI lvr iunlIIr lnlurma tI rcrurdlnu lIIIl ttndrr rull Mr hIcIrunc Ministry ol Govcrnrucni It JnmrI strcct that Ill Ontario ltlrphono No lildl 3151001 tlnl lowest orauy terrier not nurrrorliy nrrrpnd lL LOOSE Iterlonrl Ilansyer TENDER OPENth N0 ill II LEGAL LNIARIO iuxlsrtiv ur cavnumrrnr SERVICES va command count WW II be ititllttlttlu orirod urnII 100 om Lotti Time on liar the Inoyiy Ind imitation oi ten mm notion OiI norm tank Ind the remov II at two exlrting ilve Urorunud rntion oil unity llinirtry ol IirIIih Ontario Hospital lulu lab UIJII Graverhurrt Tender Worm on or oil illnodmm tho Omar Blinlr yioml Ollicr ti lumeI Strrrt izlri P0 llox 700 OrilIiI Lin urn LiV 6K7 RUIZ For iurther iniorrmtlou retarding thin lander picnic coll iir ll licimr Onlnrlo Illnietry al Governmcnt Srrri cer 1A Jlmrr Strcrt Errol 0r Iilia Ontlrin Tlltotm No 705 315103 The lawcst or any trnlrr not normally Ircrptrl Il 10053 Rcclonol hinnncer TENDER OPENING Nil ill Ald lydlAul ONTARIO AIIAISIIH OI NATURAL RESOURCILS Tendcrl will he rrcrlved uniIl 11 oclock noon on Anyurt lmlorudrodrothroue wire tome II mud Ill hi 100 tar No brace IIlti Mil rdI Itd ynuye birir wire 0000 rid wire irnce tics lid Thur Reel 9qu tort no to Itcrl your start ralu tl complete with hlnrcl II the Ontario Treo and Plant Angus Price must not include Vedcrul saieI Tar bill will Illlt oludo Retail Euler Tax Loom or my trnior not nrmynrlly IoceInrd it ll Mililiili iluoorlntcudrnt illdJi All CLASSIFIED USERS tlclorc you call an AdVlldr to place yourr Consider This You no Irma to lnvcri manly Iur on Id and woman you in on mail To Incompllriv thII iI tr Itcthlitfg tor you to TELL All about drum or your otter lure you dont mIlre any oi int tuliowlno nrrorl that brevrn mulls Dont Until The Addrasr hIIny outvotioua rcIIlcrI will will you but will not vpcud nouey lvr tony dlrtnurr call Dont limit The Phone Number liany rrzdcrl will all you but do not nd it rouvcuientdo run in your home Dont Conceal The Price Dorlrcd Bumyr Ihlni that hlyh nervou III ad unlru lhI urine in given tho days you Idveritrc ilony you Illlrnr Ir unuluwurcli Dont limit Inrporluni Words To Save ltiancy ltrnrlrrl not cum on lquorl llll driullI lirrurmlvcr no day you IdvrrtlIr Dont Overlook Our Low Voclrly llrie All JydlAu1 Phone 7202414 llJNDLEYS ILowrns til thin rumour noun 21 Irt mo try oi Government Scrvlocr Rn In dc Vhlln oIer rudravur uIIl Imi no may om mm in iarvurd rrollcr lu bur ararpocir will not col the mood lImI your WWW WTIHII lntormIilrI Id wlll oi IrIulIIlartrrlndrorlmurhlcrr mm mm my ANNOUNCEMENTS clams mm III In VINO LM mm run MI III mum cu III rm rm rm wu our him gunman Illa DIV In In hi YUM It 91 cm rm mm III II In runwayImmunit an Inn on 90 mm me you may um In mmw Ilrin WA whammyIllumi ymwlnmlutd III am In III In our mum mu norm mum um um Ir um Album In mr hula untrue Irn Mn Iu arr mo mum won Mdmwl II um In VWE 73ml Mill rd In no Lu rm Slum MI In no II II war on on mu run In Am my II hm mun mm Im In ram Moo mm to no In Mun nun InI Ira run Moorn1 lento LI ENGAGEMENTS lllllIXTIIL IN All Mn wtwdgmm III run my III rim 6mm Ir Druid Inn JIOi Ian It AN Ind MI DIM law to rum and In In IIur In II III olvi Im In ynnry Mont Ion MARR IAGES Immune 0n swan My Im or or non who sr IurII II or Vlrror no men at Alvadraw or III Inn Comm ImrlI rr rm bride ntnmo rum Au Barrie FLORISTS IIURIELS FLOWERS TI Ruliirid Si 1254501 10 Illrle Si mm HARRIS FLIIIVIIIIS 01 Dunlap SL l2 MIMI chiIoorruuurtf an unruly be Ioivod in my IIM mm mm hm urn tournme Irrmirrou III III run In AIMill oi to mm In mmr not or IMIIII rm MI no or muted or WA IIIqu III menu rm ma mm any or mom or run Inn mine Evcry Friday our TRUii liLUi llAll ANGUS limpich Nand AI UNIT NO 00 ll it BINGO OillliELLOWS 1T armour to make no Iiiiierence lrI that it try ruini halt wortIr Princc Honors 17Year401d MTAWA iCPI 9am Giulio Mb Filler mm Di more penou run more We Emmi Anni enlil II rm Prim onto or Ihy N11 rho aIIhrIlrI hiI Ilh llhildly today ind LEI Ion leg to ma when surgeon Imyuutod iI hmnrc oi run rer lie doom hi horn yen tun may nyI lleI It Inc lull lay ethic III IIther raid Ilux the mrds errmooy out of promo uortol by Philip in ml to incur addemreou lo numb oi ml lodudine Idrenrurorn eolerwim Ieuueoork orbit 1min IiIIdy or rrrltrrunrhto Ind phyrlrri Parr rarer m1 ind hm lvr your or iordulldthoilelus alto lose the icy lie at iloid Award tor aloe in nlnirriod hi Wynn Prince Philip ootod lint Id none on trip IhIi didnt need Iro be all Tinl ilIllidl mom Ihirir for boy only In hlolI In in tonWm In participation used my drool youth omnizntlan or lweliiin commiltoe lav volrcd with youth hdweru it Iodinron Lawyers Do Make Diiierence Law Society WRONIT CPI IIII Irene oral or the law Sociriy oi Uo per Colloid criliriwd Redm II mm Inter raid Irma the mom oiI mmlnoi one uch lo olny dhpositloa Sydney chill out sneaking in an lnlmicw otout the rcoort rrlraroi Tuesdov hy the Um vrnlly oi Toronto Ornlrr oi Crimtnvlary lt nuns to me that hr riv ilrilcui mohair rini prurith nva ihr motel oirlllra bi Inn trznrvm in the orovln clIl rrirrrinui mrio tr lloir lur Iuid The durum Inavolume riniy uhilh out 00000 toil vnvoouvur on Tole burlmodern calm is hold Im in tho unit mm oi WI in at mm nun rm the our ie to yrodnre morality medium in iron riddle mire mi about trim the euirruied rim motion tau nu III to romo trim the am imouwmlloeodl eIr At Abboiliord in from Vqu cm oivVInanrrrr Nell lllco IorYoth OH at noon to than In low It oi metlr dry mm Ind II tho it rarity oi 56 In uranium come no In new In my to ennui rintI youth tree to boot yu rim to intro Ind tnllod it only Imitiml ruse Itmron urno asronr hay been in IcvrrII parlroltho no hnrnld Tho problem lmt modlnnx mrtIIIIII out gciilnr it in coa tblemlo molllnrlonlranurenfm unwed Ir rr III In piped out horrid We have oonsldcrtd doind wmrthtny like this at UBC to tool or nro very Intcrutcd in ttIII experiment and may carry it on Itll Iatcr datr lllr hndcrroo Moorold caromter utlo wlu rolled on turn our Albioiord II mind that poide oi chicken manure would mine the coulvolcnt at one IIIilon oi may lino An Engiuhmrrl llarold DIIe moody otuimrd to have Izmir tonal tumour Innry hmdrd by Robert lioru 1n Ironclad uni lyrich InIIyII IIII more The lmpresrZon hm horn kit lir ltnllinr rout that thrr II nothing to In ed by who clnl Ionrrrrtr hut dont ihrk lhcv mrdanoc utih the locr ilo rain that the riudy war bowl on III tinI II olirIr brought Indore thc court eluding minor lliIIIIc and Minor iuiru nv EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT pm I00I IIAIIL FERIIIS LANE lrrriool llw relrrrhmrnt booth Th TF ROCK iIILL PARK mtch north at Urnnycyllic pmculn dirrct irom GRAND OLE 0iiIi1V Ellcli uni lilL Mil irom lIhcaiiug IIAX Irui iAlli IDWELI SUNDAY AUGUST 5th II 102 pm ord 710 pm Illo iralurintI JOE IIIITII Ind Tilli illiil ISED LAND LIARATIIUN ile COMING ARTIST er JERRV ELI iIAT ililii III UOIIUINO ARTIST lIuIIIe to lolluw Advance tIckciI rm AI Ulttl Hill In yrrrr and under rim lrcIttrool lrrn Oomvrlr mo Trullcrr cumunlt Inimtniuy curry lluxh tuichr IIIInIrrr pLIyymInd and mark turn lor rcocrvniionr IIDM SIDWRII ELWOilll IIILII RR Ni NIIIILIIIIIINII INT Hutu STOCK uuos BUS LINES LlD warnuvu SPECIAL Third snorrntulrn lvflhulllt no lloric Mackinac inland ironkcnmnh llIIIIIruII OLIDIIER Miinurd iIir 0m liahvllie TInurmc OLIDIIICR 00Nulrit Sic Ilnrir Aonnn Ounyou omourn Id hlvWlurluvl ith VIIIlulu lor lunhcr Inlnrmuttun wll STUCK IIIIOS IIIIS LINILH Illll IIAIIRIH Milli th ll BoX REPLIES llllll iii lynuivlc wc Iltilll IIu IIllIIIIIIylll Irvlnrt nl IiLI nr rlrrunrlr ullrrrd In It through wmiirr ruch vrplm hyrrvrr wrnosou Ont iCII II irutcd on lauycrn citrus ongt Ioriour criminal mm riltlrrInt notorious would hit horny drovm lire imurtrlvnr dIInIu irIIII thir rcnul can he dnuuriylril harmu he added Grorcc Kcrr llDVntlyI Itdl rctnry iur luztlrc raid ilr llunur rrIxrrt iI iimliti llc ill landed the Iauyrr III In tho runr mum on IllrtlIiII in at Iurcl honour and round tqilrlln arr nlicn lingo Funnel Cloud Goes Over Windsor moioot tunnel tloud proud uvcr IIlvisor erhluiuy but did not tuIIIII Itronnd Ind 0o corner tornado The cloud which harm or willifllYM Inrrin up water in the Driroit Rim mnIrd mat the cin at about Itm irct uhorc the around the Windwr urnttIcr oiilrc mid Mich yrlrcuurncucn in wotrrnpod ll it in orcr color and tornado it It Irlunlty lrnwhcr nrourul iIIOPIIi lly MIIR ALLEN hIIIIIIHII llr and tin titlbIrt lir hlurirr wort druncr aucytr nil ll yetinoctlwr oi old Irhoni lrlcndr lu Turuutn Saturday FAMILY REUNION IIII ihuuahun iamlllrr laIn rd ihc liurIuc and Tommy Smith lumlllrn lot inle hunt iii IIritugrihrr Saturday night In tho Conuuuultv lialI Drlrll uni yIlIInI new to hIrr pic nic Iuppcr outdoor in tho IoIrIy nIrrnIInIiluav oi Ilrr Conrcrvuliou VIlIey llul tho Weather Inuu out not iilMItvtrId and plum rm nulctly rhuurrd Ilul Ivrryunn hurl lIIrI Ind hi1 at lnIIcIr lIirII you tIlR Iiwnya cunt nII Into the hhInIIIaIII Iituyrthrr RETURN To ALIlHIlTIt llrI llrrnlro IIIoIII Curirr nnrl Ihlldrrny ilnrlnrio and Don old lcii mania or Cl Air Monday or Mr homo in Run nu Ilvcrln ltIIif twoucrk llllIIiII Ivth hirr Iiilrn RIIIIil lllliI utllrr rclolIIIr 0n Suri Iiuy linoth IIIIilrd ihr inullly III at rrlullvrl to have picnic Inn hero with hrr rniu IIrro lho min at lhIl day loll ml or llIr WA lie Cannr had lamlly ottom IIIvIIrsr HANS tunnel rluud it It lr ovrr loud ate Sin Andorwn at Crorrland his material lllIS ilirnIn try to Ill mtlrr an hour on the lit tour IIIrthIne produced irom litany are under day and oh pin lor the LIInItli to hold In Siroul Iron Any ll Thir uiil luziudc bond door yrrirzr nth enlcrininmcul hit the ionIily mm 05 pm $1lhlsutuicn Itclu It or III lhc Strand Itrcnu Board lur tIanuIrruoniI In tho Irony Come nut and rapport thII MIN ilUiti CLUII An onloynhir limo was had It the mound duoco Iwnrorcd III Sinnul lrllny Club Thu 0050 draw out nun try ilrr Iioh Donny tho amount oi arcr tour Illildiil TAMI ritnrly arrslur the thrilling oi new rurllu rink In Slruud VISITING llrr llrrllc lillrrte end inur Ily Irvin lnnion ille rounding holiduyu uIth her orrcnir Mr and tin lrcd liulilolinud or turn Irnviu tor the Will to complain ihclr hoildli hilyn iinrorry liIcKcrohor Ir Incnliln ton nortr uiih llIII llurccry llncliarrchcr ill and run iiordoil Gordon and lumliy horn rttulnrd liicr Iorudluy halidayr ll Lake Si tinir and Quohcc ilrr I1 ct Show and girl Ipont holiday niih hcr rentI lII Parry Sound Inri urr CROSSLIIND Ily Mild ALIA2N div and tin lcll Slrnmurl any on trip to NW Swill tlr and Mrs Robert Hair and dauyhtcr Ire Mildnylnyot tho lrcnrh and Illlcd lhcir un Thuudayvirllon with iirr ll Allen were lira wr Prlrrt iIII lllno oi llnrrlc iirl Art iluptlnl ot Criliornln llrr Ilnrry llnnnun Jim and Ada III lludlrmr law inrhcr oi much nccdrd rain irIl Thunduy Ind Friday rIIIDour Iron vounratr Arscras BEAUTVBALON hrr on the occatlon oi ctr lull otherwise Worldno Annivrrrlry Sundry Aodonoo In Wilty lorIlIrrneHIui our GE VIN recent moon mt mm tantra lolo up TEE iiiEgg lo gsgo 32 To $3 51522 old EC tamer in Iielniyrn uld tho ideI III Ir om wmwmm inadediathooevuyoi motion Wrath RUIN ABOUT IIOD it not Icy Idiot lIlI method lnrolru beam tho lIJyeIl llydo old pItenlI on rho lit Doetrlo Mod MINI Iran the tutor lWMIsnoucod UIoiMlolllDlmiil rimmed orooeu hm ptrai All ll hm to veil Ll our on Inventors PlanninoloProdme QGIGCISFIOmChiiCkIIquUIe tbetneeatlm lam Irwhu oi MillI anyone rhetohorihhmericnlm had In DC Alli IWWU MUIN Worm umommmom whomer Word denduiummornnk moomle no it very in or an indie om In the men he With ram mm tho moo eqdrmnt mo turn on nleipol man and prom into us said mum ILI mien it luv may turn third elfrclert II rut ml In In tho owl Io oxltu uric mi anneal pollutiony viii mole it nilnctnc Mrlklrlyre llllvnlIII oouli mover In Wall trio oilmoolorzumdmtlto lIeItluplIanrIndriroroo sroa roa MEN ANNOUNCES THEIR BIoIId NorIII Marchondho at GonnlhI SoIn Priors Ranch ii oak Suits DRESS SHIRTS Vrhm to $000 KNIT DRESS SOCKS 20 on 3TOR $1000 OR 00 EACH SWIMWEAR CASUAL WEAR Shortr TShim 20 OFF IAllIiylllHlllIIryynIy ummhuIIuunraa