Will let Rmong Our Readers TlOlKS EVERYWHRIE READ nus PAGE FOR VALUES There Is Buyer For Everything You Want To Sell THE HOME OFFICE AND ON THE FARM DIAL 7282414 FOR THE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT EMAR an rsmr irmrsw rut errtn menrv not me When Buying Oi Selling Contact Realtor USIIREIACIHIES OTTHZBARREAND nmnmnnurnrlronootm PHOTO MULTIP LE usrmesenvtce 40 Brokers and 200 Solesmen Anxious To Serve You fnnhdnylnaliorlndhlnmruulmoitbemttyulr DAVID AL TAT LTD 53 DUNLOP ST Barrie David Wu Real aunt lid late olenouo In Imbtnring the Appointment of Rid Hamilton bunnies Ridutelllmmintbeua numerousan Ind tun lulled In Innhlll WlormteoreanJle pIIyI toolkit tor Dani Dove rum to the morale It WRliralnimd Indlotooblogtmrdtom lruallhirtrlenrhndndgtiborl in All ptnsu at Real Mr be In hob you tell the oil we It M1 or all hnl II home anytime READIITUL nmnoon BUhOAlDWHwidl ntbrdni Villa Whit Inmmtilbawmroornhtw vitaminmka thwblnniahed Inldrritit mine IwIlIne Cali Riot HIrnlitDn colon NEW BEDROOM BUNGAIDW IN VEPRA bath More oi lanky roan pattionod tor roe mmmting mmvtbtermoitmlurnliton KidMl WIDERCIAL PROPERTY with I0 00 trInII bulkl mow RWLRI roundInn noonqu warmed nit mmmrtovtllxlo ohmnuenloxutbutcsoi Unilltktlhmiitou more murmur rm oonu NIX RAIHLION AL DIAOOCK H6100 PAUL TORD Nth ilOIlESIIE built 30 iii permanent norm in mandala vividmtotnbollwrk Wold our Installed pnvod rondn Billie Sim mimi WENT HOIII CUM Im private mil lovch ar rer lot bedroom Muslim tireptxe boaerroni oil form b00005 Only one lor miter soul Writ truouo down $3501 Dordiw Dow 1337 LARGE FARM has over 30 Mill ROOIHNG HOUSES DO PAYi good It uptleololm $2000 rem bnmIr and men REDROON SIDE SPLIT brick minim Irideiwnlntmlbungniomzmn Ir oi old bargain at 137500 with ground toll Come up and lake Israewm noon iidile Ind melted punched garogo Earl moot Ilit Mn Mimi Ioclr moor Fltnilltw mino mm AM Evelyn Mew Jun Iorrm Im Filimrrllnl Intro Mm lelI inn Mk tzrimmlm Inmate tulle APPRAISING MORTGAGE WNSULIDIO honours id 35 OWEN ST Excluyi lSliilMDi HOMES SIRITIER ODTIAGL 0n largo nimble tot pith par large living room end writinning PRATT R0 built three bedroom end bar laundry mml evening Quality Mil Tod vounr rlinln room rd Youll TMTH evening Wt Roi illt REAL ESI ATE LTD 1261171 vn Agent tor LLNiSlUS HOMES sumo ed drive Four bedrooms Ind egrtre Men IreI Goon lo llnrrw an nose Inn mum into VIIIll unlined roan games room Ind workshop N0 N0 IhlnlSFlL murmur Nine out three bedroom home with new dnilcd hell Illd good to Imam Robin $2250 3h In no three II milablo Ior lumrodlrte month Rm MM ml R00 iboroo nolm evening no NORTH EAST DARRIE bedroom but split with partly eompleted rec room Wooy Carrier lor $215 yer evening merit No no MARSHALL STREET DAVIE RESALE Ilium large living room dolor bedroom lIrrrlty room or VlMl MITH N0 ill no round RON TUORNE Tlill room tildven with eating Iru til min In grunge DouglooA mutt DOUGLAS VIAU 1101501 MUST ILWJ ll RON HAUGHION Healer Mingle Wm Dunlap IVw Rmll TORONTO Mm IllDIlbIlSlIbeplmtolire Wham raiiIbhn berenreinlIlevetthiemuhnirbgmntw Explorer two and three bdrm Mn Ind nit dooelriirbbedturnitrroorrtwtoutmpntlnonorl glued moon Include bunnut dorm err gulp rimIII IolhtI AA betting urge mom brie brmgrlon end with Ittlnnoymitetumtopkmyumtrwrtnm Pkmmttuwuiulolubuwoatmm mmtbedrmeottIgeJtibhmdtbedgdeeUJH Itingprtcehnttlwhlmdnlmm II tit mom lovely melons beam borne bathroom brow tirinnoorn dlnng roam lupvmodernbirnen Ml bunnert with ree roan run in niortglgr cIrrln tor no pnndpa letereot Ind tIon lt lllDIllitLor under romtnxtion urn bedroom borne nth dorm gIrIgI Iepmln dinning roan Mn kitchen inreiy grands with true For dItIHI eIli ka Inubitd or union AREIAARLUbodrmbomIvhbtrrgtdmiumnIndtltu ttod on big printa lot lunediaII ponserolon lermn IvIllIble CI lime Weber MIL BEDRDOH HOME TN 0RD titrated on Iell landruped lot will IIlelront privilegn NJ home has let been renndeleu Ind Is priced ridu It 21750 Can be mortgoged to suit your necdr CIH Ron Bonnie AIRMT limo BUYS WA nottIge In lunstll Outbound telling with kilob en living room and boomer On eorner lot anti ready to enjoy tor tth holldry Iman Cell lion Sgrrwe mom I0 ACRES Toy Tounrbip with winteriled cottlge IrIi Sturgeon ruter Rowing timid impertr Can lion notori mm HOME THE WUNTRV modern bedroom bulliliow tliu lied on lreed lot 100 00 touted in Ibo Oootstwn am boiling print $3873 Call Bernie It mono la ACRES with new humor borne Bridr Ind rtnue bung alow locnted only mile irom narrle 1N home bar rum urns implore tilting polio doorr rbu brondloom Bezmlhil tree on Image 6010 IIth toting peleer Please call hernia or Ippolntmenl to Ihow tillilo All we LOOIIIIMM um Mill Lytallto rmou MAION IUINI iltli Malviy were null wow IINNAM new ION lnltlr rum ruey rub mmo liM Molina rmlro DIS MILLER TIM 7261381 rouaerovte mm mu nIIIInu MARIAN IIIITW DO KNIONV mt MILLII iurIN cent It IOSI IIKRII ILUM REAL ESTATE LTD urea3422 more mun 733180 mm 12me norm loo Dynan Bub UITV Juno Trillion Georgo Cameron Hm illIehie Rob Pllyinrd LEON GARRICK REALISTATE BROKER 7263827 7288345 Residential Cmnrrwrniai Industrial inveelmttr Farrell Apprnlaals Rental Int Property llnnrgomcnt Mortgage llrnoy Available 11 Yes you ran with 3w luvs Street very large storey giant that an easily be adxpted lo mange 20 room to prom Income extm llxludtl baths kitchens garages close to downtown and Hill NI price $57 too low down payment oi It $1000 can be arranged WIS Di WIS BARBIE large lervieed building lots no In Allendnie Height IreI 810500 with 000 down vendor will hold illel mortruge IIIDIIUIISI beautituly lmd in am rIvine lots vaod road elem with ooooo doom vendor Itll hold trot mortgage 0R0 10 acres north or mhrie bottling permit Ivnllobte lull price 2000 with 000 down VIll let mortgngo It 12 per mm enrrler or one month hum so in AIR HUGEL AVE BARRIE MIDLAND 7284586 armor no tolli DUPLEX Corner oi Boy Ind DonIid exertion income ro WLV large lot gIrage Income tout be $000 month Irl gen Ind slum In each apartment listing W000 with Irma Ins ooovsrvnrt Older atoney not horse bedrooms in bIIhr excellent condition akin 010000 MIDIERCIAL WI 00 irnntage by depth CI touted on Brudlord St ideal Ior any type business BUHDING LOT miles north oi llloirurrt tot sire 150 to ready to start Dillitll on Ailing 000 with lemu OOOKSIOIVN VILLAGE wmcery store plus housoon lot excellent mutton Ill nouinnent rlnyr excellent uking tom with terms 00 ACRES 0F PARII mile well at Barrie harm with water and hydro hour needs tome rennin to tell give no cull II ACRE bottled Done It Vesnre well treed good reemt Ion property Asking 000 with 1000 down Vendor will holdAlst tlZ mortgage EDGE 0i TOWN lint under nonstructlon built will level home ref mm Iaruliy room patio doors lot the norm 10 ROSS ST the tame potential 10 me trend Priced set now and have house doloralrd with your room oi colon or broadiooin and mllerinit Asking $39000 ullh extollent terms Ant mm Metronomtor no on AV DIUIlITTOM rudy or the end ei boot DOUG elmmun LOXNI KAYIMAM on lAlIUlNmtm MILL Murillomine ANN Hamil VI Mi LOKNI WIIMLHWU Lumesme enoerm so me Barrie CONDOMINIUMS DE VEOPED RY BERRYLANE INV $27900 $1395 twice rail still arIiiIblI Ohuurinuly built Ni broodinnmed liniiin gangs low OAlbrirX North Owen condominiums are elnrtrr at 21 0mm bu totem totaled in the quilt seclusion of dead end dred Iew Wattles walk to doIrrtoun Barrie ornv All 10 Phi WEEKENDS AND wwtnnvs 7263372 YoungoBiggin LIMITED HEALTOR to caring Ior canadn 7264491 NARG HUNTER mono ELDRED CLARKE 7010351 hLDINE CLARKE 703N325 mum JAN ADDISON mow maul KURT BORN moot 7205M lllliii FRANCHLTN illicit UthirslmtIonInurtan iiUltlIYllOllE YOUREHOVINLH Lib REALTOR I19 DUNUTP 11H TUROITO Silesia APRAtSlhG AND FINANCING OPEN UNTU PM Agents for GED DAVIES lino homer ltkhDYhtAN SPECIAL Slumber cottage on ath line veil Ind hydro on lot 50 an Estate rule Asking line Young at 720153 or 7284111 hUSx EXCELFJIT YEAR ROUND INVESTMENT PROPERTY 126 um oi commercial land bordering on Highway It Features in oltloo In Mil h0useb0150brrnrtidonsbow room repair they and chooth and no permit Ior travel tralkr camp Coll Ken Berry 4101503 or No 1000 With BUILT OLDER HOHE on large lot with beautiful mature trees Large muster bedroom 10 Li loot living room Ipnr iour Ukben Sun porth Iota oi storage rpm double gnrnge paved drive Close to all nnrenitiesmwi Please call Irene Forbes mini of No I005 GmRGIAN WilliGE AREA 7503 beauiiiiiliy limrlltd no COLLIER st HELEN CALDER MILAN KINDY DIANE MURRAY TERRY BELANOER LDU GRAVE ANNE HARONIC 11ml lidlint mtiib lnnillli With 10 Cull NORTH OWEN COURT iCorner of Owen and North Strteiii Too nabrwnn Soelniod bullion neuron REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR IAlI LTD rt Dovqm Town an TORPEY LIMITED REAL STATE RROm LVRiSHL 51 RAW Ml Del Duper ierrv Crlghlh hm Torpey Don IILIeI iIu liIrt rmeu Alre ni couns up no OWEN ST ml HORNE mm AVAILABLE Photo UL nuttor they term ma writer otan mail Gordon non norm mien um rntln EAST END 55 MORTGAGE rmI KIMNMIMMWH limo Avl rumor runny mrr ih Irvin Id not mm linqu new room um rumirq hutwt log our turn privacy wl Inn woe irm role believe ibr moon III in In Ian rare II no In It llttlt HM It on titan carom more no not Iv Ipbomtmod AIII BAYSHORE ESTATE ItMihvl NM Ion MM Thu Minn not Iy mom mil rm win tuneu III III Futon loonon um one MIA we Ammo onus oI 61mm MN Il Immorqu nurr nun Leonie Grimm Initnr mli SEASONS SPIXIAL sun room now mm rrnIpI In it won met My mum In min nlym IvrllIM rI GIdrgiIIt III mph my mood tor llli Will iv MW Nilltyu mlnu lo eoneiutn mm on it JnIM lully Lid luitov It MIHMII Ir Iib ML Ail KW ll PIKE RUXGAIDW Ilitli ACCESS ID LAKE bIIImE vino1mm Tully horn ilhtli Insido militia henna ltxi oil on tune but ocupul lot Private yet clone to everything Dimer Initial In close estate See Itd more otter HORSESHOE VALLEY AREA mnlr high Iltiuria mt Ior only 531000 Soluble ioe chil LIIIITED REAL ESTATE llz BAYFLELD b1 HARRIS 7280674 lDilN Real Estate UIOVCI 26 Mary St liorrio iZlirliiih MRS BEDROOMS blender Ideal lulnliy home on bus route and close in shipping Donn primal to ruit Midget the homo clear oi mortgages Call now Ior Ippointmect to Ice phone 7200710 or moot ani ask TIA Earl UNITS Min location never varInt okltr tonmtod out hornel 033500 bolting price Show good reino Cali row Ior partinrim mono or Iorroe anti Isl tor Brim It ACRES High Ind dry land rldlt In the Heart oI the Moon Country 0th Coll of lmaili ideal spot Ior rmIIi dnvoloomert Cali Earl thorrnon 714W lor attion Alli Thlrhemoneentqpuinlbuthla vmtloaill new WI bride Ind Iirnnlnum it oi living ride rplit home with tit Iron Penelied family room with lirepiree slid doory to patio Call liary Ilorriron mono or norm bio rtnlrsrlrronoriln 75 MAPLE AVENUE BARRIE 705 moors my mm TIIIE OFFERED largo dining room hollywnod timhm with built in lime plot lrldgo to maul Situated on benutiiul large lot with Ann dock Ni prim mono For lurtirer tnlnnnnlion enlt Kurt Gabrielsoo W76 or NW 10 MINUTES To BARRIE In Innklii just oil the nth alderond eloso to schools and shopping belimnn gorozo large lot Rkllll $5500 with $2500 down Cali Puttyn TIMI 0X Tilt LAKE inver bedroom lurnllhed cottage on latclront Vendor will Into beet mortgage at law Interert lull prlrr moon For iultlter hibernation and inspection call hurl Oahrieloon norm 153 ACRES miles rant Barrie lover lot ravine on one lrctu public beach on Nottawalag Riven Cali Eddy Pntlyn 7201i or MS N12 APPRAISALS Esra lrlwnlhip t2 ride nieo view 00 lect Pine Ind birth netting MORTGAGES Jul ledm Irwl Iran Wltl ilomvi Jim Wilson E51 HIM NW Lyndl It In Item pRQpERTY FOR 5A rvvo ouooM mom our on In Inn omn alvenv Locum Io come oi my II and turn Concet wturlllrln room two wnomr no rnmirr WWII Mr alertri mt Iirv ennmiqnenr am oarnu loo moo Iul Anion ma luv it miter room at II moor Inn to men roe hlniinlg only reloonrne ml no late look InyImI All wool up will be Inovtmd IlullM July Home Mi IAAAII No new hotel WW room wolin iron tot intde mold mi lune It merino Fooriml No um temiy rnnm lit tom room udruinn room with lmmnorllte bedroom bungalow with broadioom in tiring room BRAND NEW RUNGIWJW Three bedroom hill basement eirotrir heal your choir oi colon bmdioom nod tile by $500 down any Fire room winierlml lam nice lot three piece both new inundation Try $3000 door See it and make an oiler BARRIE DUPLEX Live rent tree One two bed room one one bedroom lull basement $3000 down WALL ow more nnoxnn 7202291 llounso In dirt AND HIGH t3 Collier St molar All listings Appreciated MURRAY SVRES TIL605i TThb TF HENRY ULRICH it WHITE ILLS Houllur libHill Appralrlia lilting Invited JOHN IVUJTL HINDI 11118 IIOIODM MINI Mih Irrnim brnInionm In living room ml dining mm IIIII only yuII tin Corrr It or what lure you Indrnlen WM burl house needtrn re pairn and moderniinl Fundy loam uilit grurel below the nur turer Nicely tretd with tubuluus villi Dont miss this valuable 10 ACRE HOHBITE goontier lo bargain ioe wooded IXCDQHY denied ion home in Feastdon 0n lnr round ride road till my 11 Owner any bell to make your otior For lurthtr dotuilt on the above rui Don Booth Croulsm timl GIBSON WILIDUGRRY ILEILIDR PETER AND ms SELL WUNIRY ESTATE Just 10 miles Irono Barrio on Mere hi this 2500 ourIrv toot luxury tome is new Ind wetting tor some lullly lomy lour bedroom limit room large tiring room dnII rourn Ind kitchen are on one Dottie fireplace Tun botto Garage The lot in re lorrstrd and his elenr rreek moving throudn it Possum can be inniodine with terns to suit MIDI 80000 OWN YOUR OWN WI It you leei you cannot etiord mlr own home today but do huvo lot you Ihouid no Into Currva Connorer home handled by Peter Unit You ourl save tram til to tail do printing on low mil you ll willing to do yrurrellt These homes are designed ioe the do itynurteli horwvrer and em be erected by two perIons tinny models to droooo lrorn CIll the oillco in Barrio tor um doniio Ant JOHN iiiOHSONNTITT LARRY Forum1mm 50 COLLIER ST PHONE 7234 Peter Uillmlbd Assoclnlel REALTOR insng LIST Luge iIrniiy Situated on boamiiui lot 75 it till room tor laihcrn narrirn and play area icr the children bedroom hallo large atlrartivn IV then with more than Inwlo upwards huge ilned rec room 25 It blunted crib inn buUtln bar and rimrle HMLW with mantel AH this plvo polio brlet barium and mfqu 00 iii run It nrnge or parole gor agontimrlivirmroioronil 511000 not ior your sell by Hull Wm II Llnvo IIITEIII neatrun LTD W7 or mm mu mm truldiomuO no lam nl rm on mg no living room whimn cu mum Mom woo MUM no mm RT tn int r13 Ito Lmt Item Imt ratio stonum MIMI