Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Aug 1973, p. 20

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One title it nTI IIIIu mellow trout on hiiitlSlilCllE con Toolnormal Call Endslsoltballtiamo Iy mutt storm as 38 Eggs to E5 lime the lentils prrII rim to ruin the left Iltcr todrbt to rum Wilton AI it ItIniI now Eirrwrle BIII Dmitri Coon Ind Peter Rdno In In the nIIyollI but the sanction Ire uncertItn MuttFEST ii pinnmd It ed Ville ltIytrIlt still ho would not protest thn nine Ive met am in it rem and Im not going to ItIrl lm Ito nu upset nucleon oed thostrotldormmhllgurtlh dot to throw an IlIePhnIon help rIlu lurid lor arm or losing hll IIWL non oi the existing Ineiiitlrs Jlmrrly is the lost my to lmnlein Illibn gimplt with throw on in tuition ltly the mo minim troll Inlldh lieI the quittnt murmur guy on rant limit out With lid lolevltw tln Inyone Wlphllllll lurtber inlotmr lines the euro in tint vim lion Ibould tclrohone Sven lilo with at point this Birth ml at mm or ill WIiiltl at Queen Ilotrl Ind Slum are MiLthl CANOE rues to will show Ind roll out Iro to among tkhamhighllghltr growled Neumxrket Sport mcielm ihiI wee or lllllltl irbed in the filth illnyoll poo It lumber 0t Common Sim ltiou with roe my rent Climb Iloblle lintneI hat Two tailing rlIIuI will be game remIintng utih Norm Bur racing Saturdny onto two morn ling Builden but it will not SuridIy Sharks hnipts hum ntitct Church holding down tho Itlbaeoroe Ind Cygnet tlll Inst vinyotl root compotlng ruddendeat olayoil will be Rinllrngn Cup Into will played early next week between he tell lioodzy Itnltlng It DrIdlord Int mum to oxide out out in oven to Iii limes theucondnndthirdwhiiethe oilstiboaummehtmeor Ollillliitilliltl Pitthltiilli nut IllaM Pittu III Duo Im Pom out One inn rum Pick ll limit Speedy Hurley hiultenw utdIottrthpi Jimmy NoyIl Good PrIdIy Gilllnn litnest loo lime thndclloll Fill New story be Dixon Prince lieury Ilium ItE Nobel Prize toclhort titch nan PIce Pom MI on hills Iletubo Am Coll Trent ltlvrr Jerrylw iteg cm it Son Armando July Tints Butler cryltai all Osborne Prohlom liter loclhnll Rnniriu Julio Rodwrii olo Dull Tucker lonoI Al Nordiec Gngnon Third itan Put Pum Ono iiiie Genel liililo Napkins Our Joyce Dandt it Dnro lied lroy ItlII Itnl Brulm Nickle Expo Johnston sunburn Senator Iludson Ill Corbett Deb DIFM llutier it Anubro Inituty It Email AD tiny little ll Young mum ltIcr Pm Punt tie KittllI Attorney 0ran JIlurnyI Folly ll Colbetl Canal lino lttoiey ll Schletrr Into Chlcl Wain it Spencer It Duvidlou It ilrlcoiu land Ben Ile Arthur hmnth Rm Trot Purle tlw llln Cooo hot One hill Gonna Electron Corr iaorrtan Amhdckln Dig Buyer II Ilrbtrt DarnU Jim Dnyne Currier llnnu lire Brown Kimberly Dino Ilcllrlight Body Song Walker Fnuln Dotworth ItE Toddt Indy it NW Eighth llIee FIee Puree Iiso One little liIrrimanI Ace Brawn Smuhln Good Powell III Chill Guglielml Ktthy liohone Wilson it loektnvcr in nutter Thoughtlul star Baxter 71hont Do Ayr Troy Dim Dominion Lawton Ninth ItIrn IIer IurII dim Olin htiln Widowl Jon Anncmde Email Fog hiererls Norton Iulnoy Weliwood Swinging Time Gognon liarper Lawton Win 5on lroy ienilt Itlee IIcr PurIo Iihh Oil BIIII hit Emily Troy Sploy Adios ll Hebert Shamrock Weiiwood III Attorney Curl ireybrl Ethel sourr tlIrl time Sirrtitll Armbro truth halo ITridelll hills Donor ItE AbbegIln llerhelt Given Post Time II 300 Jeannie TroveI In Time It Quinton ll Dom Iiytr CIII Ilirucie llito Wellnood Ilnrk IIrDtmhlil Troy lrhnhod Day LIVIMI Smokey Soaieer Arehlieldll 015cme Drown lloy hithert II All New Start Tontor Butler Fillll liars IIre Ittm Ono Illlo Alex Son tlalbutih Kiwi Attack IiIrhdtltill Nin Mom ill Sdloricr Single Coin Given Up All Dry hlolhtwe Ii Ennwood Dullet Weile Speedy Kid II IIIth llALiA coitusc Itil IeIsorl gorer in the ltlrnI itnoreniioml rower length but hem mind or their tightness with no tenrnover winning by more thin two or thm roll llut IttuIiion tune to In end lirdoesdny night when both the Old llmerI Ind AiIr Icored eight mix to hIndlly delent their mew Daniorth Battle To Iiitttoum Danlortit Ratio ml rd lotlr rtniI In ti bottom oi tit lint inning Wednetdiy ldgkl tn Ilnrrie Ileill Restorations rurqu ionguo play llotddl Ora mile battled bank in th too oi tho third with tour runI oluilltir run Ind held on tor Dom Willie her ry Doug Collin Ind David lInIen Icvrod tor Dantorth in tho bot tom oi the ilrrl Itier eIch onc got on but on Iinrie John Itorto Idded Imtllrr Iillgi to bring homo the lourth run in the top ol tin thiro too log the mllm got hill tron hi Illuminati Dill Toilm Don PIrtridgo hieheod Don Robinson nnd Dave llIndy tilil MUN hit home run in tho hotiom oI the covettllt lor Queen itotei Tueodannirht in linrrle hienI lirereIt Ii Tub inl tongue ploy but the Pen toril Poiroieuul Cornell lud Il roncly Irrlnsttd men rum in cluding home not ol their own to win Tho Dorm opened the coor ing in the top oI the mood Whylto Dixon mod on threo hItI Ind two more Poland Defeats National Team NEW UP Polands ohmic champion Melted Corinth ll III III interontlollhi com who boiolw crowd or total wodmocy nttbt hunt ltd i=0 II holltimc on cant byOIryiltilctt oi Winlll oer Idlliid tied it tin It lti thine uteI oi the mood lull when ltobert Godwin Icornd born penalty kidt the Polish term were Ihctti mirqu later on out by Jerry Cor on Gadodll olith the with roll with two minutel kit to pity Dr Shamess wishos to announce the opening of his Medical Practice at the Angus Lions Medical Centre 56 River Drive Angtts Ontario Telephone 4246555 ll trio helped the Od lllnerr to PeacockDowns Queens 75 toning when lVlil CImcron Iiid WAITS AS AJAX PLAYER DARK SWEATER LOSES IN WITH THE BALL Den limitich was the big man for Max It hit telen goIiI led the Web to In so Im in oi ltIIII while Art Sitloulr In II tlctory olcr litaMtll Ind Junior ll teens lntheothnrrlrnecinowm unrrd roots were the mrrgin oi victory tor limititld II tth Oro Draw iollIn IIllrldro ticleod Ind Robinson looted DInlortb nitrher Dick lind ltlIw Iiiowrd only one hit Ilter the third Inning Int on one First Trouncings Seen In Recreation Soccer boat WI Ind Memo Amt IeenltrI WI tho other Carl Utter out Max rooted to Iithln gunpoint oi INDINDDIIIK Jun ithoe Mn Ionic VI Joo onion lulu Writ Ind lllrry llorrilon muted the other Old Timer marten witiin StIrl louhII pIir ol roIiI Ind DI WichtudI Ilngio wore the Junior hlnpltee 1m ooodtes Im tied It on got with limited on goItI Prod Latin Ind Tretor Howe bl they were lnllihla to contain muor Wilton who heard ed in two comer kitll well It controllin the play or Gothth lionry Vytuelr Icorod the other leiidd goIlI League plIy will to lump September nutter got on halo whim Dill Edgertou tho Oro pitcher 1am on no hit utter the Imnd inn Ing and only 000 Dltnlorth pin ruched lint on In error Th 0hr will Mblt Dro iorth 14 while Fdirrlon Itltlch out emu Dantoth button and wIlktd one Bradshaw rm out lo Dro beiten Ind IlIo walked out Duo gIlo Irll Ichcdidcd lo nlght with BerIorIwcii Construc tion lit Peacock Petroleum Dom etI It pm It Shear PIrlr Ind Formon inr llrewcry It ltnnrtled oredt Union It shell It I30 out Peocod extended the icon in the top ol tho liilh with Iotlr morn mm on to hit Ind CIm rron comnirtod tho Comet wor iur in tho too oi the Ielcoth ltIIl home run Ilto liotelnwn got on the board In tho bottom oI the ilith looting on three Peacock won but two turn were not enough and two runner were ielt on no It ollr oi hits in the bottom oi tho rixth uorrd Din Birch Ind Drill Putt but min two runn erI wcro left on Itnnirln com oleled the Itoring ill the bottom ol the Iclenih John itinlnddcu the winning tohcl Iturl out III Queenl oiicrtr gIvI up live hill Ind wulhd twol whit mnnlnghun tor Quceoe Itruclr on tour Pu tvcit batten NIllitd none Ind WINGS III Dl Junior is MIX 1t hIInIIiIid Old Tirnm It in Noll 11 Condos it Riggs Challenge Good For Tennis Chris Evert Says Piilwnilnurl MP Girl Dtert InyI tint Dddry lttggl wooing at women taint pinym II good or the gums cltrl though he stood her Ind put IlIrgIrrt Court down hill men the 15yearold dJllliltlIDI gougino Ilenulr had no op no more match but be bricked ottt ho ooluetho could make moro mercy meeting little low King in mltcbihtt gullrnntoer the winner 00000 think Dilly loan will but htmn tho told new motor rmo hero WedllludIy mot him thin tletmtrr tor the first lime and know It will rruIll him it hI tom litI conlidrnl cocky Ind think women tend other Ire like dirt lth Ehertw Iihot hertr ltrl will it would ho Iix tnoltlu or to be tho could get one It love no it hill llllMlllIA yImIilI Enduros told the waythrounil lltl mud Ind ovtltilo mounuinnou dusty tiny barrio er himon bin glory Ibo Inid END 05 Thoh lotlllt Intiqlt Ind longedbuilt to irt what Im kind at tun you hInd thorn Ind como hIcli lot more YIthIEnduroI FIngroIi monelctromtoowioawco my my Ihud AMAHA MOTOR CANADA LTD In your that YInlIhI DeIlcr CYCLE SPORT ittmt Go AstodItlou Ind Ito oi her goalqu or All whiic mile plotted the IIIltv liull wInt thIt than to rich onion Collins minimm rrttmncwu Nth we with Rate Anna itodt Imlltd maddltbttwiogorm Wnlihmh QNPM it in no I1 Ilth In to bh lawman no IX chairman tor the Quebec tnnlu 332 mot in tell no tout irhIL with they would aid bin Rodi Ibey hm broil trotting my hon Litoly Ind Ilthotub they dont pilyto gm am they III to Itch otherIthbbdthoe uIniI med gotten Desire Llvlm oI lroiIlllvicm Ind Calm Ito mud ot showinigul lint linlnhod the openingrotmd It the hmdiln worm Janitor chmololublo Wodnesdty with and Itraooctirely lend the Immot with to lend the tommteot II 71 Heather Wiliitrnl oI Outwitio Ont Ir second with or iii tlino bullion tor the Quebec Lynne Cooh oi North Delil yaoior mom thin with Ills Iontm MI oI North Deitl Rolland Iinbln It In gteyon stillllrrnhrrrislttlll IZPOINT tucluors Now Champion orAC sonrkpiugs Now condenser Now rotor Colbuiolorndjultmerlt chock oi starting it charging circuits Airtlittrinspootion Fan bolt inspection Blittorytest Inspootion oi battory cables USEIOUR FISK ooualll ACIION siloclt ABSORBERS Built tor Mort by one at Cnnndntbortknown mlitoleWo gunrnnton thom lot yours or 0000 miles Sites to tit most popular Canadian and American 70 SPECIAL PAIR inlteiiItlon 800 mil Ixtil illllllllrlll lulonlllls GTOIIE HOURS Diner oi thNwe Dona IorWolnens Junior Crown TomWIlim latHotel rmoto not mm unlined mile Darrin hid Mom or Rm like Sinsrhdrr CanolIllno $5de Fol In Ii DrilllI lhtohlodoi Sanitinnl Jtln linedt Oro stItloo Ron ItIInI Door Elinor IdleModel LIrt than Itnu NeDoonrll utmost SIIQiindIr Future lion litlm Rick Cellini hm lull Jlnl rare lulu win Dong GIrner lotion sthghnIoty hIrrtct lint tii turtle John Eleott 00 Illlilo lllne limIttd ll Iotndecriier strum nunn lilnter om col11 warrr CARS 460YIINDER ONowpolnts oDistributorrcnpinspection IaninolimIngroIat CYLINDER CARS 1246 ohnrs AND LABOUR INCLUDED corolr ORKmort CARD WHEEL ALIGNMENT Adjustment oiolstor combatant too ruttlnnli Protossionlll stool ing colloction with comptan suspensioninspaotion srlcllll $576 Torsion tttr Ililuttlntnt utrI root

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