Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Aug 1973, p. 19

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lt was vidie lora nuts race pm rte Fairgrounds rtien lulled Abandoned lzlmrriiauhetuo at an memories atom hooker told mortars let Foptdin tan Eduard latterr meterennliedm he never tell his tile as at stake durinc their days be nice hed prison er by the vial Grog apt Patten returned item Vietnam lhreedhy nitht with the rest at the Canadian delegation commission two mansions ot eaten and mention do it he and at many veiled it was when it kept going ttrot itll Bordon lold press on and on that began in irrl yere dry end not very appetit donaf she said Bull never tog tell really toe eras our others at the base who told see what was happening every day am honieience ai base Wednesday at his experiences in touch somber tell one rotor anay to think by parse but indie hocp goth because at the delidreo andl think that helped to oasis rov bits Patten raid rtae lelt grcnt ioy andsrcal reitei that threatI on their 51 it was eira return the hesrd they were being interrogated by the lliet Oral and he eras even told point blank you on role to die till he arid he did it believe it tits eriie Susan arid her laith in her husband and in the lCCS ot her husbands release Onset Patten told he lost Wilts more than all potted tides period Morass he lived on hdisd rite will and night He raid hisdletsrna made herheiiave be aotridje supplemented twice with some turn borne lately vshe arid she never imagined ng hielhet would rp but ahswaa not aborted Ibis odd beld ceptire ihalllettcrrgier it days young ream shoes but they Once in while his captors would hrinx as ltMtInce ears ol meet but he said that had to he shared between to men You dippedyrnr chwsticks in once lhst was all he sold Capt Pollen had an asset rilln with him identical to the one the Viet Cong used to beat him lie raid on rare occasion he was stretch in the hidnm with the but end ot the rite and heat on the heck alter he tell to the grotrntl TORCED MARCH lie said he and Capt lhornp son rim tossed to march so to is miles ibrotrzii the Jungle stalls hound doctor today WM the thereto yiitomtner cailtimm Ottawa internals her ot her husbands capture neerned but thought It was all be user in Llew ties llr alumni Lauren roomy indexer brings three Cariedtantountry and use teere singers to Georgian Cei le Anglicans on tterhiceridmonln Fred rotor oi cairn will introduce Archer Dianne Leigh tired Williams and hcip to keep prog too will he at the htunla Centre shot atga lively and enter pace poo Artur at has de me the moot consistently pop uloo recoding eriirt at country metric in Canada NEWS THURSDAY AUGUST iii it Shop Semeel his welitnosso hita include hirrni otter One More Valley Shes Not You and recently heady lie is alsohhiwh ior his re maehahle and hrmorous intpm routine at ncltlrnotm eorrnlry singers Some at these lmpersooo ram The native oi Canning It The liayiield linil during the atteerioon oi the concert to aut Roadster Class Crowd Pieaser aug2s iiliinnual Barrie so mandatory heturn to the tier rialnirth not 75 The 11 horas ciess rings to mind the to horses and earrtnoes were used but and misery tor getting round the country iitd tinsea are elendsrdtirrd attended in thorourhtred an entail lrotters lieu rounder or Capabin oi sarong tall but are exceptionally qutc ever hallmtie lrecit Don Crowc chalnnnn oi thwondrtcr class committee egulthe roadsters usually draw crowds and attract top coitmctitorr in the past snort oi those competing at the liarrie larr also enter their horses in the lloyni Agriculiuei Fair is Torr its still ledge the competi lvan Cochrane ot Birelrrloclr lion lie is lonner winter or the road ed ster rompctillon at the Royal Fair The ten evetts include three races etcr the hellmile track tvrn tor atiule soothers and it one lor team rosdsterl there all also he gentle mans imam single accent is pshled by aledy and both dressed lit iurnnttheeentury costumed The roadstere will he ehoun eisiotthbdiesttrotandthcro and shoes will be tortured on the the home nru hornin tSingrs Five times winner at the June Avtsril given by ltthi tor Can adas No iemale country per loemer Dime Milli will male her llrrt appearance in bursts TV APPEARANCE some ol her his tunes meet ed are No Sbedes pi Blue Keep and little it Over the ilili SbehasbeendnmanyiVsco ies as regular retest Diaries now is lppe on the Carl best program in the tall will be stoned to weekly rer lee on CBC The ttdrd country singer tiers Williams has been livingttn Angus tor the pest four year lie on has made recording The moot tuners cl htsroogs rs Georgian Bay Holiday Written by Tom shields oi hiidland The show Is another oi the speclsl concerts bring troupes in this names by his deorsrn Foundation tor the Peclormlng Arts and is being cd by Scots oi Barrio an the tidal centre oi itayticid hlali All three cotirdry singers nro recoran artists and trill have tacitup bends toe the program tutoeaiaoorivngmoou onto most listing and show events in the rim are held etternrlety to pro lotloued by showcvent am It tb iovt Program Returning Mersh To liatural Wildemessin Tiny Tiny Marsh on concession oi Tloy Township between Cour ty itde and at about live miles irorn timvnle it return its truth ierottemi in its origin al state ol wilderness When the area was settled the large stands at tlrnher euro lt out down in the tale tour the iiuldr weiri cleared and tannins betnn The area was rraxesstolly drilled to create areas taup With low lield error in tho iii istor Iltll Ittunptr to keep the lields drained and under status it hrsen to slowly return to lie retires state la the the Ontario govern meat began attempt to return the area to wetland hahltnt One hundred end seventy llv ltttiesoihittisbaltlwulgiiltn ed pad raw reboots live the marsh stxceesstni wildliie mznrger meat and control icchnldues hlte created at prime hinting and itching area There are into scrct ct water providing not its caniiclng old he ood lorrilr rrltalia and open water The fields andwoodrolier re as its the acrioorhlher and there are tow trails in lottery hiore loiormatioa can be ob tained irom biologist er the marsh in the summer Almost sneer people item all over Simeon County visit ed the new Georgian liatt day in imminer Pbclot there is en entitle the nor in atdaitr Ibo via media in Wanhwhcae June tavored the planned ali merit the eirtesrient laid Thu extension aiil he tidilt as tourlane divided highray with minor risttotny Soeiai econornicand utmoueotocsmatm the plans It the torus the statement indicates the min istry is eeniident threatenJoe etli liaiitli level had provincial traillc needs its indication real given when construction at ihc extension amid begin iitiidililftlt is illay Weekend ashrd swims the Dont you Patmt For Many On most oreran over Crust Holiday low again items he tell asleep on one moo Whoa asked it he would ever it looks as thrash most not swig Birrleg curling population rill fm more to thevic entity ggmmyh The pot oitice will he noted ile raid his reaction to the wt WW Am um rim that Canada In going to figfm fl adding in seed Ihatemaldsao been no ee orl Crista aoldizysandclt ctoll cuslmrn Ihlttms mn DBl mm borne their we conga home its the wit ellipse iwby loch es simple as the boxes will be able to doao mm Normal service will cesium on Air ulnumfuig flaws Agatha bouts lathe qty and mum meet at the tnlst consumer will eornrnrrnieettons logistics is rmtiegmfl wwmmm muttlces and societies Vietnam in right because at idiwfhmihilma stores on Blair and 1beyarelooktngiorthelromi 5km lrserrxetatrorr at peace hasald Pm my my pm 51 and take to negotiate lie said the people oi South Vietnam would probably be happy under either regime be of on villain Street will be open simple orrtlot mm mm In on Anne Street inll be unit pm Saturday awed Barrieclty not on no tools iii municipal oiiiccs will dist mi rrti ehrrroliss ncrvti not Rice Ric paihlishhionday Some oi the clothing and cod stores will be open and oth will be closed Capt ian Patten may have lost more than the it pounds ho did lose while he was held esp live by the Viet Cong it he did AM CLUB PALiiiaitlS not like rice hterrisers oi the Barrie Art The Canadian Armed Forces Club pay only halt the regular oittrer stationed et CFB Bor spare rental lee at the tim dcn told news eontererue at onto Festival oi the Arts Those the hue Wednesday that lived with only iew picture no use on boiled rice tor the entire li doy od vidod are eshci to cai Zelma ot chri pert Then when he Tctitlntd to Tordiil at motes Saliva alter his release or bad At day night all agreed to new tampon area bospi So be located telecoms or land in Midland Lin root timimidohtiiiiibwm an to er in Cm Phil d0 Wt Wm stores on llnry and ltellinztnn iee iurzlbe hosplioi Streets will be closed hlomday landa share at the eoet hard so slit the Brewers ltetail prnxirnattly minor or 50 pct Anne cent or the portion not by iedteai provincial and man my street will be open until ly grants my mm rrcday and the store on Welling 1131 19 ton Street will be open until mung part Friday Riki pm satur M1 mi TM Bmc Ma cost and thle corrhimitlee is meet so with tie tree remaining Pm NY inhumane on moth it these municipalities agree to the proposal hlr go the committee ni county email to are the nee rosary bylaw passed in early September total oi will is subject to provincial ictleral and coun ty grunts The tentative dole lor comple tion oi the new howital which will be located in paritiike setting north at llugel Avenue thcb 25 the it moot ill be served renamed to handle is patients list have now ag their share oi the Currie said approach has ieux ioliets OTTAWA tCPl Felix Fob the national dance en wins the toll space pro scmbie opened at week run ntioeial Arts Centre day will lion ehlrh viiil be shown gals tried rice with at side dish oi perlorrnunoeueitt week to Corti sbrrmp DIAPER DONATION lost love rice he told re porters Captain Patten returned trons Vietnam Thurs night with other members the winem bee delegation that served with woman was standing in line the lrrtcroatlonsi Cemmlaslm ot twin girls The stores owner pingmedve tr Oonirot and Supervision ilCCS donated diapers tor the babies sh onetime this new Milli Baytleld Street Wednesday monvc Shit AMDNIO Ollie it their sides thteter to boy diapers at local store quarter realised the his prettiest was tattoo approaching and was tsiten to iettc hospital where she gave birth to theyre horrid nlag wrth sentiment viii gm unllle and motor olricerr were on duty lsts were our big in adlnccnt tield Street all day tots sad walking over loliel traitit thiamine Phot ellb prime ministers and the lenders ot oi the worlds poser learn or the varied or Canadian to have torsion al late and culture commit said hild is covered The weather has changed one hit ot ditlerenee tip over the last lrs days but no out to entry the actitities in kids that doesnt mm New Midland Hospital Gains Town Funding deie and nobody around to say no was big temptation special meeting lion betamlllghwaynandlhe old hiidlsnd torn coura hetp tinance ember rm tnl to Penth lined in Sept TIO WINGS The twosome toot struc lrrra trill be built two stories hire and in tin wings One erng will he used eaciusivcty tor pnt lent rare and the other will con nin opcgrltliin refills recovery rooms as re cortices it will tannins scar lad is nursery besiacttes and have is still oi 325 excluding doctors The emergency ward viii be at one time There hill he eiihl intensive cardiac care beds three operating Norris twoX rey rooms and large labora tory Tito building was designed by the Toronto architectural tirm oi Sonarnilic hichiurrich and Oaiey linsio preparations hole at ready begun at the rilc The old Pcnetnnguishene ltood has been conmirted All services including hydro storm and snail ers and water mains new at to amen smut and moonler tmletthe stern tEnnaner Photo theA perimeter ot the site Melony ceremony scheduled in dSepttarbu NEW 10 lie horde said the need tor new hospital arises lrom the prescttt situation or healthilyi stretching the iadbtlea in St some not to to the print la is rd to keep up lllillyilkmm yindot Tna hospltil sent an arc irorn Christian island in the north to Elnriale in the routh and cooperate with the nest nearest hospital located We miles away in Panchngnlilsenr hir thirds said the planned hospital will he more aclieultb dent Dusting iucilities include only me operating room inborn tory hail the size oi the one planned and onexrroy room no iilli tor treatment oi eight intdrsiin cardiac care patients will be entirely hell llr Orrrio said the hospital may be converted into home tor elderly people when the new one opened Five County Students littend University Summer Program Five highachieving Grade 11 students lrorrr Stmcoe County are now attending the manner aes sion at Waterloo Lutheran tine lvcraity iltilired Lanrier linie versity and earning tire toward the 15 they need Bachelor oi Arts degree Katina Oecaioiis oi Barrie Central collegiate Nure Ford oi stsynee collegiate institute Laurie it Gowenot Stayncr col legible institine William McLean oi Barrie North Colicg Chtlstiho hi lisdke oi failingvrmd collegiate institute are amonmeerly to Grade 12 students lrorn across the pro viuco enrolled in the pro grams it was pioneered by the uni varsity in tees to see it promis lug Grade it students could aucceesiniW complete two lhtie veesity worsts during the uni versitya regular siaweoh sumo mer sesdon Registrar licnry Drool said the Rudents selected have as chicvtd minimum is per cent average in Grade 12 and are commedcd tor the speci prozrnnt by their schools Those uho complete the coop so with minimum lt overngo are ell this to continue into tlrst yeore noiversrtylnthe tall thus accelerating past Grade it directly into universityA tow tor however elect to trim to high school MATURE 505T Generally spcuhinz it is the matnm sort at student thetath advantage oi the opportunity to attempt university courses and they usually are eager to continue at the university ltlr Duech said Thd vest malaria do poll in university eltnra standing in the top hall or gush ter ol thcir class The program began as an ex perimt when it appeared that Grodo ii might have been pinsed out oi the high school currlrnitura The liver alas did so well that the university decided to accept sortie tirade 11 students each year they tally the and seem to thrive on lir Dneck said it tact one told me the other day that alter got tias taste at university there was no vay he would return to high school Mr meek added that the pro gram is not toe everyone umest at students need Grade is and an extra year oi mottolog bolero they entcr university lint some are rcedy to accelerate and attend university coriicr and Waterloo WHO university has tound it is lilting need by opening the dot to them Specioi Dangers To Swimmers Outlined By Sateiy League The Ontario Seidy league warns there are special dangers to ten dillereot grown ol swims men at the bench this yore Special dangers esist tor young childrm who are not good swimmrre and adult swine more who do not notice their imitations it ihemaieriiy oi drwpiagr on tiny our in less than the ieet oi dimtliil or water single drop at water togglesn the wrong slay can creole pond and rlste at stretching Parental cospons iblllty is the answer to needless less at young lives good soirnnter airs has no utterly reached the tar shore his esrty lWints may develop trump hell way across the late Without lnrnedata aid iatel omenstmnrtdrnusoh seedy an armada awld veprnvcuted rieoce

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