Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Dec 1971, p. 15

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lee nIIn our an and on It rate Ind pre tut What A11 1z who notes LTD Street dua Ido WI NV you my Mt Sill lel or wllo will DAN IMIIAM IIttt ouIIIIt mil ant one virqu mull Ill NEE 5395 DR II W1 3L mr oarIII All ultntiri kaleI lull will AylllNl 111 Indian Itty rem everIrv Iutiritttlo Melitta rm IM In mum Modern Iootim Du rm not user ui trhmjto Ml mt IF DOWNTOWN loam mm mm eunnteru Inelt Mild All TV W11 W11 TF IIWL DUII Itill eta1M1 Itelltu mm APAITAIII IVAllONI ll ll III mt thtl VIII mun onwu ItII Emir newt pm euatrIuIIa twirlIr it real IIIluety armorII leullm Murmruwiar roam mm IIm and Milomtrr 1w and llquY lAtlllllu IdlIIII only tit MIRA lepton MIN ID If IAIIII Oil NM lwlmtnl tint Ill Vlllllllt Mid TIN lllt Ilium Millwr wtlonII llrrl llll oer rnentn ArIIIIaIt unmlatrry motion rioosot MOUSE TO RENT BROOM MM Ml lllul ll mild trout lurk lmmldlltl but IIIIIM WDIIRIM wall permit unit All MINI TIlI tIou or mitt PO tot lento rail lllll or tor we room trick Marrow In Angvt trot warr nu Ina um dormer ml III tits min Iy rue Irnmy strum tut momentary Mlltey Lir IIIr rule 01 llmll Irn centrIt button Into remote In tnapetrq TIIr Inor neon Dt II will IpIIl Imt let not eoiieia Wlt Il brim unmetII outh Item must lF OOIA mallow Stove 111 rd trotnr runeltre It tIlmy AVllllOlI Immediate nmr rouurd Atari Ior II EIImlM IDl worm III bllitI may hotII mien IlO COUNT lw ml 11 nort nnimtt Io rriIIIuIrI Ioutti at IIrrII ArIiIIhll lmmedltltly New All rm Min am at IOUD Ml trly 11 MM nullllr Iy turnir noun III contentment ll martin lrrrmydllll oceuatnrr relation Imam Krmprnieit Il my lroarn no aaiil Iltlllld ImIIy row bath plul toe InIuIiy xv om nut MIR Sllln Ltd AIIII or mom Dl IIBIOOM MSG Itloit not water nu llmtlty 1111 lttretene mint htan HO Nu DI HIMROUII wtln Ili convenient AyIIIIItII JInIIIry 7qu IIIrpnant My tor rurer lntormttton or 0le tom ler rent burn Ioentshldulte unsure two to not per IrIllIhtI rInIIry mom or ROOM AND BOARD Iodttt Itill loan to aIntIIIIIII uhll TV rhino Union will IrigI only em Im livtttt IF 53 All nriltlil II WWI luluwnirom mm lnf turtntr Illlkllllt DI mt ynd oIIzI IIIIenIaII um Iar lttllMl lrdumlilon llll Hm HAN DI ROOMS TO LET CLIAIII Mitt Mnlltttd huder lnr oenlllmltt thlrt mulled Ind Ill mt than lllcnIrI IIIl Intro TIIIn re Hum TURNIINID thltllng loom lof Ir Linen TIII Inert tie EM All MIR Wr VIN nttirtberorr nnI turn any trips mummy Im MERRYCHRISTMAS 17 11mm MR Mechtnlcr spec I1 IIIIII Wllllm Im omloollril 177 Bradford 5t AUTOMOTIVI it is El hi ii is If 251 235 iii IKI PAIITIINNI Millikan In My let In Int sssl 233 III Nlml tar iv 71 MM nut UM WOODan Ind pl IMINIVIW DI with II and WI WI PONTIAC Oren 7111 mm Ind an will ma IM an IIIIM will mt CNIVIOLIV lnIoIII mm 23 klllll new mm It our IIIIto em antII INIT Mvtl It lIIIWI mull II llf In INT GNIV lm MINI In Mantle not all Ire terror orietrIII Inth Lie Mmlltlmlwl MIIKIAOWMWMNVN 71th Item nutter win more umr ellow out lvk at or our tour IIIum mm or FREE TURKEY AND VERY WITH EVERY USED CAR Purchased At Our Christmas Sale 55 CHEV 12 TON Iggyredial Ion yrldo MIMVML molarm li OoodOnOTOW Bl GALAXIE 500 door llIrdlopVl auturnIllc radio excellent trInsportation licence 44010 $399 or PLYMOUTH runon Slant IutolttItie and rIdio licence WI Lovely Unit 63 DODGE Vt Iulornatic power steering cr brakes radio good body 3299 65 10ch DOOR cylinder Iulornallc $3911 DALTON Morons 7288321 AUTOMOTIVI Mglnllimn AUTOMOTIVE Im InaI li II Intermt uni um PenMu SNOWMOBILE SKIROULE SATBAND SERVICE sgi Si st Na Im at ur Tll Cylinder Wide rm neuron REG $889 Sale Price $689 In II BF 1m SIoPriacI ILP an gs es re 011m MOONSTONE is DAYS In PIB Gtcck Up 109 All Nata PHONE $52110 51 335 95 REIDS SMALL ENGINE a2 AND 0110 111111133111 Ea Am ANNSI ll 60 oo RUPP IAITID AA III but Fill Ilh My II In no AUTO REPAIRS lam Transmission Ltd Automatic Specialists 36 Mid TIE MRI Saotrntohtler ARCTIC CAT SaluIndSerylee AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE TOKE Motors Lid 119 BRADFORD ST BARRIE ANNOUNCE THE APPOINTMENT OF 10 1111211 DALI STAFF representative and looks lorward to making new ones with tile outstIndtag Integrity of TONE MOTORS At present Toke Motors has duet 22 Fu Reconditioned and Mechanically Al Cars Stock Ready for the Road anemia Interest Reg PONTIAC 15 IulnmIlic SNTIC 51796 51 El CHEV door aulormtlc PONTIAC automatic PONTIAC door chIn 61 AUSTIN Cambridge aularnIlic FORD cylinder Gt PONTIAC VI Iutortttlic door PONTIAC Otrtmliitlr to FAWN rIlety cilch included 69 TOYOTA StIttori Wagon cylinder like new TIIEIIONEOFTRECAREFREECABS TZNIII We Ire closed Friday night pm llnN IBM INN 11150 171th 31195 LAIOI Iurriitttnd mm It lllll In new Mini HUB IISR weekly Alto moduli bedroom home In their tiring room ohII our III 701A LIANI temterlthlt bedroom III bile trlll lam rInIrIi gIIllnI Suitare tor ruler MIMI autumn No muta LlIttIt Itrttdt Ind mwd Mlllv 1mm III II Il littlle Vt DJ COMIOITAILV MINING bod Illtlnl loam oohln lulllttel IyIIlIltlI Bill will In Allltdlll IILW MIMI orient Ittml brttn All out In IuIiiuirlo bedroent rIr one lttd manor cIIlImlai not we Ittllllll chiII arm IIItt Iuoptltd and steroid WU Talentorl mltrn IIOI CLIAN Ithltltl mm ldt mil my Iran Ill Trltatorie rat COMMERCIAL SPACE 10 RENT VIIIleth Menuluttnlil Inlet him It our uiit Iriinndlt om tnIlntmtittil il It Karin Hle ltsThe Seascin bet DOUG IlARlUS Introduce steering potter brakes lRllltt maroon llrilsll lllIcl Interior lt967BUlCK lA ilanl lat told as is door htrdtop VB IutornItir pohliicsteeictngwer brttcr rIdio uhito wall tires blue nish hlue Interior crnco Willi 1970 PONTIAC Grande Prix $3999 1965 MORRIS noo 295 All Blue tlntsll blue Interior Ipeed transmission redle This Inili run tell good Simply your an Iterator1 IItely menu It cylinder Iutonutlc power alterar bieetet tests console raol copper Ram tow nuieare WE WILL BE CLOSED EVERY FRIDAY EVENING are pm so our entire staff may have night AT CRANDVIEIV IOOM AND IDAID lVIllIolt ntl on to this retl price war toot FORD GALAXIE sort door hardtop THIS WEEIrF AI 11 neon 57311 told it new MIR at home Willt their families Easy Terms Arrtnged Right Here 379 Bayfield St 72117361 LIMITED QUANTITY Adult 811 cur BARGAIN BARN MARIE 0N DUTY EMDII BTUGGS AND STRAIIDN Wandtonhlotrer plat 11am SIL TSTII ILVIJ MI Salts III Clotth ainou GRAHAM ROIDRS In ottoman sr mun NEW AND USED ARMSTRONG ESSO titreurn RAY it tell him In Barrie net mttbtt autornohiic letting Alt old lrleodt Ind Auroitorive ttTerIoIiLu SKIROULE Im LIMITED OFFER Darwinianthinn 725 militth Wleutrllclmet $695 Tm AIIolI ind MIME BKlRDUTl TRADERS l1 onlbenotllnanungl CROWNIIIILSUNOCO mmdlmm Nil 11 1151 SNOWMOBILE WANTED TO BUY Vl up II TOW Alle LOOKING FOR COME TO HURONIA HANDCRAFTED GIFTS Ill miter oorUl ot straw inltmllltl rifts 1de leTOONIL PHONIWASAOALIADT mat DHllhll IlI gettinx Intel llerr mt oath night So dont die 01 lngtlL Theda Itill enough llirie To get tltd m1 how To tie MN OONN For your tIIouriie beau Ind tip in KIROULE 13 HP mlptuthlmhaliden Int time mam 1m llllOlIll RXM lm VII Al ml will Altar IIIL All IRE WI IIITTII WI rtth out If Mm IM ARTICLES FOR SALE SOMETHING DIFFERENT FOR CIIIUSIUAS GIFTS Fastortellallnilloon 51mm Roadl more you rat not everything in Canadian Gills lroln Eskimo an Ind parhs MW boot lulu Hudson Bey costs POL my keellry wod eIrtlnu nil hnnxiaa more hide mitts deerskln gloves Ind inIny other Rottld in look It the date Ar ARTS TOR SAL ARTS FOR SALE 0005 PETS BOATS AND MOTORS IOAT HA tum Nb In 96 All MCGRDGOR 11 MEI II My rant arm III Iona Im III wittyIII ulnar mm In IrenaI In III Imam worry unr W1 11 mmrrrmumudnr tauan mumrlnwmenm CONSTRUCTION EQUIP em or um our on AMI VI VI II If nqu net in ma um um Iran liner Intu mm mm mm mm Ir unloveoo mind In we raurr AND VEGETABLES Illa Drucod norm mt Null Illmt main tuttold emu Id say Witt OIL VIM IN CIVIWTIIL III III Mira new In min 171 am tspm NI MIT IIII meta rum rs 211 It or rt nuIImr may norm M1 It In mtrrr III AIM Iran la IIIq MB In III III II or CHRISTMAS TREES Ant IIEIITIIL WIN In Elk MIAMI SCOTCH PINE SPRUCE larrst selection III oIrIII pearI my new on no ml until Mummy it garAn rn mu notes III MNWVMM Fl tuttitum In It new mnnl ITDVI tr IIII II pend wants at Ilsa Yelena taupez BERIZY STREET III Ieurrtrlttr an in tin III hum emu not Cornet ol Codiism Ito wenh mum mowi munmetan nr0pendalyhumTLnL15pnt norm mrlrlhld no we M11 mt7tt11ttiti1 MM mot ruiningglut trailrd muleI Itut turn our term we rulenu most It elutriuttLIirrIid oilram ram um ma tumi are to on elm Mm SWAPS DA quI mmbtrtlllut me mt elm IIIr mum noon Emile Mth 5451M lll Ialem new or GOA IIII ID II In It WI IuILMIqueotLbadmh vol Ill 11 All my IM IIU IIAP OR LL and live telnetIII mam no entry machine In aim crrw tantrum III mu III VIAILII nitth ta Irvmoo It Iain amt 7m totem out rm radium Item tutM Inyrimr or In tar Antl perticvlvx or Enddwumemr PERSONALS immiihtummitiiotooK GREAT FEEL GREATI cereal rlatlt an leuLlrv Relax In mm Imamn till or ereI tun runn mil rant on Soothinl Sauna DAINFS SAUNA BATll PHONE 1371 Wl murmuren ALWJ TV NR WINTER VACATION ttuultIInl rnlm eat yrilll eh rrdtrlooai Ute tram are iIIIrI SEA WIND APAITMENTS tel Fm um DI gun N111 Rwy 11 MR NlLlMMLtTOLI rltytutittt kl ml or III Irwin urtrlu Ill molrL Im Tent III Aarrilng moat norr rmun trim lanolin It mm I00 Irina llllUt IIIIII out in tinn mm min as tIurlr cry run hour on nun IIIIV Wu amt IlaIII It Ian rule It rim TDIHII itrrntyu amen Ityruq ild tnIuIl wwilliwtrImn Qm 1W my Frtdry If no TIW WOMENS COLUMN LEARN RAIRDRPSING Gorrmrneai mnrrcd reboot Thorough trtiaiag In Ill hm ches ol beauty culture DERlllN llAIRDRmIJIO 11 PAITV Dull It 11 nlnl Blltl mil Wont only an scrum tar Mid Tl Truman SI IM NIL DA ttrtt udru Itt can Fischer mkl mottr an NI erotrh Ilntll anIII mettle enllaana alII minute heir loot Ill Trot mil 11 WW1 yrot ill Sale We the have first data upright Ucencl Price Price NRDTdoor hardtop 11 power steerinng $1155 $1096 lt 91151 1395 51095 Iutornatie porter $1595 $1195 1967 CORVAIR 375 tuutlitlltit Loottrig lor ml bIrinn Here it Gold tiriitit gold interior radio little well tires This little ctlopaet nan well and made store and meet Its PIANO SAION 05 5235 Yonge St Willorrdtle Pbatto merit SIMPLICITY most riser tins 1ycIr trIrrInty $19995 FREE DELIVERY TREE SERVICE DUNle or ANYONE IIII No my Freight III IrIdIord street Item MM Itrrlh 70 Box All Iutll 7202900 For Single Ell llll On mt it mm or t1 retained Knight VOU VII Min til MIND arm Mrt rum no kttton inly aryrmntt to II Crowd Mottors SILICT DIAFIIIII NIL my In your MM ooed It New that IIIL M09 1W1 IAVISTIOUONIRO Vlllti ttr roots cnunmye rent mutt MW Manna IIIM are It IIrIlI Apartment We Ind MAM In our Nth ltyl met um niecntrIt erInd trln Ind ngnd phone that you really tril lore Drop In In your lnendv TILE AVENUE ORGAN AND halllmllemtltolliodiAte WasherSpindry Robinson Hardware mun uwrrr can run mm nylatl 11le room ruin II III tire we only In In iwtttity nar row tlll Irmry tr mt unirm eiturocorllr iru In TnKl elrmr tilts page mi dim mm um run It rm slim mool tor Ir manner use Lit at cm telInor motor mnlnyI auIIrnIrIe Ilill tantra mum rite new IuIrIntyed ILL 177 Irlnlir Sl ITIBIIO MIN II the emitter stray no Irans IllMlly mlkM Mltnltttl turd Mild Ittta time mull Irnrn It InIIlIr Iytttm Nil rutMm MAO Nn mary Ill Vt more ntI unit Vlhvl lldlotL Ilflll Tlrtl ltd Ainlng Co NOUIHHIO mill min Point Inlet AII Grountro IIt TI IIFLI MM 11 IArnlIllletllllle NIItd til In Abbie II II MM LAIOI Alleliletl II zltitlglbllr MI Anti DW toe VLIUVTHN MUTITIC In MT llttall 9n Mime Idle III VNWM Mull MM bl Cltllll Dd wont Flori Inn to cw II In me Its all ttrov to II Min your more SCHOOL IA ll train room so mm AI 9M my Totem own DI rvro VIA old mutter minE LIN miflmm LOST FOUND AUTOMATIC tinting Mlle In L11 lm drum trlwll oped enridtttm tit IIIII tram amid rm rant III Irma ti on some Nev Item Ito plant mall or main or tlr orcmiomniomm cymhtte Emle mrtditlat VIII pnanI ntttrl tor Amer Iroerrntliosii DOB tALLID TIM loll My IrAllI rust Alum rue Sunny III Frimy two out serum ImlIIIt Inn Ore my to amino ennui me Sill CLASSIFIED lttl Ioorx Itie tit III Intel and north Ilrtm ml All In silly III uriil III IiInI nIrI size III lite WI mm DI DOLL CLOTH my MI Till llllwbh Irina mm 511 DIY MAVLI Jill Inch an 15 PI delivered MOM 1W1 DIRECT PHONE or 7282414 sttlr it rules Iota II Inner min more leltl Illl Tile atom Hum Illl In or ARTICLES WANTED Intieuls utd DINIer ttrrru III It all ends venttd lite mun lwnltm roots are rim mu ruiuuruII rims Intml Iona it out all IlmI Ittylltlrig who Wulim MR Ill LIONVNUIITI ANTIOUIL In loo St Wort TIM WI WV And more Nth II V1 en mi mu said randiliut DIDV UID TM WWI no It IIIr on POOL ol IILLIAln tIaII wIntrd Stilllbll It million men Mint be In good woman Trlranona mm Inn1M 11m II our line rIIyIuLttt ts lo In II it Ir or run tuIIr wlllh lo fw ll 11 rags Inin tint no In who was at mam mutt or AHACNI kill Ill AM 132 plywood mom 71ml DOGS PETS IIOVICAI lllll motel lin o1 Aquarium lunath yourII mi no It rlrllll 5111le 091ml Amu ll 10 Willi DIM MA All POOBLI Ttlrrt Whit Ikhtl Tllullnd mummrm Ind Inth ten lieu am ml or mind by on GIT MIN wumr noon on merry liln In Imellno or cultured Dualv Imltumrth mien most In ay loin am alter to Mlklltnrt coirnourvttt Iex IIILIls net It lino to melt tor or Ill IIIle III Number III III mo tor not at rm Merrily or III Norther arm is Intein curt Otttlll Relllet It LIle Dem brill or tltd mil to onI an test well rIlIerI mite my duvet out be mmmlorwltdn lrrormm Sarto advean II Inert II must or accent no their ted o1 IN or darnIt aim ty also Illtcf lIlttlI of belly noted 33 at mallow or otherwise IlIrtIt IIIoInIItIurL IIIIIIIaIL aurir lroTltlS InoIlealeW You war can Bl YNAttKIIl toga gun Idlle wee it or my Ill MIMIIAIA ironcls 1m lime out unit you per ml to be tor Inert Alto enIIIcyIdnt AI arm mutton mom Ire Impted cowrm to III Wm mum TM cIIIIiIIta It It mitten to ted It mlltlmlrtl hurried My IIM Otl 1911 MWH Ito run our norm min Iratrlmd IIth TIL tart TIb mm eitttity min or turret Iny mi re sterctr COLLI wearer to IIII we WM III IMII AM remit DI thll told until Chulmu honor CLALAIFIED ADVIRTIMNO ILR IllTINA DI lztrNEn OIIJMN INIVNIIII Wm Mull WI Bullion TM Min mend lImIII II not Mr Wllul WI Inuittu Mil tar tulltrnIt tlT TIIIM 71m utt $1 omutM lmnlant te liter NIL In to AIUAIIUM IUIPLIIL mull ricer Correlate line at noun um wa tItttrr TIllerlt MIL Itiwy Far llll IIOS or III NILEDMTBIIIILH Vt Am norm III In In It mom IomlrIlna Departmu Hum tannins or oommusitut ADVERTISING

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