Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Oct 1971, p. 16

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For meow srnornoo oars noroonnpn tilen Inner MM II IIInaynmm II MelIndIlr5IIneld min lm I0 IUD Torvnla WedoeIdIy night liLu lawn Io IddrnI mutiny ol AnneIIIIrnanhIInI the mom Club ICI Ime oheeyieolmphlerhlnl Iriek Ior chlldren In Iome In evnInnIelIleI IlrII llII eon will be deciding IhiriI Ihey will so out Ior hello Ind rnIrnlcivIl oillclIlI been belitdied bolIIerId berrlidrrod by Ientelhln Irenn only once over II yrIrIIilileteen II on Emily Jr in IhII III In lIhl rlileI Iilll deelIred II IIIme III In IAIII ounlmidenirio Inn lrrI then hm IeI SIIndIy or metal dowIodoornhil mm in eillee thI decided Ilome II IInlnIborIInl Ind lldren Ihon Iltlrer IIlIr thelr 41 am or my Iwme IIy MRI IIOLI one Io report IIIII ClIIrlle Wye Ibie II when OII II Ieellny bel Iiler Orin In StevenIen IrIIl III III Ier couple week On October no Hm Ilolnl bowrio WIII lrInI llrod from ReyII VteirriI lien III to Bimybrm lioryIIIl Ind hrr IriendI me or her continued im meet COUTTI erd VIII meirorl IhII VeIrl drum Iorrnerly ouome ud MonAlli poem Irrey My in AlUIion IionItII Del II number oi yean III hlllved In the Thornien Irre IO um oi IIII Thornton Irtendr rIlIedIi the bewiI Iuneut II In IlrIdlord In my IIteir In lire loudly WI would like to rend eequIrnru IIIIIIlInnIedlItI IIrnily now IIIly Itle ItIIer Jun IMIII IIIIIJIII IIId poor IreIIIlI her III III III IM her hmbond hm retlled In IIIemIIn lore DUNK IIIAIINII Illee bu been resolved IIuI Ilenre IIIIIIII Ior boyo Ind our yeIrI Ind up will he In Ihernten Community III Nov Home cooIIet Iry Ior retiItrItIon noon II oeIIIbII III II III Johnrterl Port Credll were dinner II III IIIO MII Joe OH or IlIrr Ihleir he to Ibeol II VremenI in membrrr IM yIIItorI IOCIETI Ibe ml mentwdllrorn tiortleu II seeier DI III IIIrt II In To nlted IJIIIIIII IIth room II II In ItIeoIIIIiIe DII elerv Ilon oi IIIIrerI IIII rondurlrd AIIIIIJr cIIIIIII 0m III on who II Ibo DIIrIIor ol DII Intel it III II mulled II iol 1m Prom NrI lton Iliumer no VteI Im II Men Norton mood VI Ito CM Elma lill Wt III Pmoeh Tr IIrI DenlII IIIrIneII iIII IIII Wliiiem IlerII evoke Io ii Ire membrre rn Inrlny nibn Mon lwa rIrIII donated by MI methIniI ml IlerlIlI oi other renlm Irre IWIIIIICILITY tleIeIt IIIIiIIy three mm on enrolled It Inlrmred elem eenIIrt Iny II lire one euIIve Lurch wu mud to ink III IvInln Ine netl merilny III in II lite ibIII VIII IIIr lurein II no Moon IIIIIII IturrIy iI Iymrlrii II the pdite IpoIeIIIIIrI In Lire lionlrrIl Ioimrir oI 8L hmbrri Iald We IIIII hope tlyme Irr yeII IbouI it We Ire Inlet eonrntoolly WHY NM lTAV IIOMIT In Vleiqul IIlleI Chlri IIeI OM IIIA he would like chil dren Ie my home on beih nlIhlI II II II roadway to IIIy IIII oi trouble mm by The CInIdlIII Prou ohm llIII IlIllmen will be oImrIod Emmy In IIII lol irrrrtnn orovineeI Prlneo MWIIII IIIInIl New lrIInrllInIi Nev ScotlI New IInuIIIrlrlI III SIIIII dirwln Ind In III other Ilrree provinm III III rillrI III in Immeni IIIImI IieyIl NentreIl IllI urb IIII choIen SIIItdIy IIIIIs or rnonnrorr lIIIIoII Ior In Dullerin solo con Iidini 01 It OIII II III III all their role Ill TO COUPLE Thornton cemrmInlty honored newly IroIlI DIle Ind 11nd renown roeonily by memo In them wllh In eeIIlorIIl rhIlr Tho KnriIen VIII WIIer iIIrrio hm Wiltle ihe OIIIr llnl II troll III IIIII Ind Olene Webb IioberI SI Trlnlly Drilled Gourde Innt emery IIIlIorI mluedmln tori or am In lirI ltrn Ian Indium Ken ioIInIton Ind dlliu III of Hamilton II the WWI Un ltrd time Mr Ind Nu WIII lam NeArthur IriIh lIrI lit wood WI WE Phyilll GeIlv one Burk IIUI IlIe Den rth ens Ind Ilr Ind Mu Jim Boo ter sum telllI Mr Mn Earl Cwnleern Ind iImIIy AUCTION EAIJI Ibere lure erred II lIrI WIIIIIrn IWWMIIIIIII 0d mtztlh III held in norm OIIIIMIIIIII ItenIlly m6 PIT Irrr rAIormuydrlnIeilIoeIrv leteI which we motioned Allen Iirrrtrr Till lIrIIIIe pIrler reel III tundnz Imp complete wlIh kkIu went Ier no my telmt bid MMAII we went Ior Ilrr JOIIIIIIOII II new reIliIIny niIh IIII Ind IIIItIII MeAllIIIer In IIIII YerlI Tor Onlo site hId lived to lhorn Ion VIIIIII Ilm rm end Im rure IlIII her IrlrnIII will be mIllIItl her mHIlIIIlIIII how IIIIII IM Iolel lrlIlI IIylnII God him you Lilyl IhI November United church WernenI mIeIinn will III ronrv In eIrly In the month lire Ind II om Iod will III held In Irtnliy Church will IIrI II lilIelI II IIII IlIII II II be IIlenI ml the roll III will be All you to mod IbeIrI IhlI month VIIlI or will be wrlcome War III IrlenIlI eollorl II Coo Iown Unlird church we pen home which Ilrr PIul IIrIIn Ier III IlundIy Illernoon Ind even III III It Time wero ever to hour the iilomlon oeinl while olhem IIme Irern church Ill lily Ilelly In the lmrnol ioie CoeiIIIown Iommnnlly AItIIIllIfA oi Iho IIIO UnlIed eroh Wemenn troupe liIliIE edIndurvodreireIhmenlI conducted Ioor II III In remind mInII on leyed IiIlI eI iIIe limo polnl clam in Onlerio SIIILII Olienn Thunder Day Ind Torenio wlll IbIrrre IlIlleercn Saturday but Windsor Ind oIIIllniry IIIII IelreIed Sondey Two Lions Kill Trainer VIENNA Iiteuieri Iwo llonI were IIIII dead by police in the IiilIzo II Im drrl Thursday Ilter the IIIIiiy moulod their lrnlner ellonI wblell rezolIrly moored In all Ienloemeotr on AIIIirLIn televlv Ilon Iltoeired IIyooreld lronz Ielrl while he on tran II iced Ilieno ORDEII TlIllITAIll MNWN IIIeIArrI Urli iIh Ilr router eporIIer lhInr IIy ordered III IoeLnMIl Trl our IIrrrIIlIIII min or lhe wireI lot by IiOIIeICImI ulod IirIlIe Court Unr AIiulIon IlIe Ilgned ilrm option In three more TriSIIrI whlch III award by Ilrlllrh iIellIiinrI IIMII enzlnn WRIIIIJ IIIII It brim we IIIII number It IrLSLIr IIRI up In Iill IIIU llio number It option to II GILIIIIANY NEXT DTOI IIOSOOW IiIeulerl Soel teIIIer Lenlil IlreIhnev will IIIlI ILut Denney II III end II III Inonlh IIu newI ngrncy Ield IeIIrIdIy Ilmhuev II rurrrnlly on ledIy IIIII lo Irnriw IhJIII end solurrloy QUALITIUS DEVINIJII NOWJW Iliwlrri II IIUIIIIRO IInIrIanI relloetI smulne mole enrolllloI while Iwe III III bitter rxlrrnnI oi IIIhlon Ire unnnlorol InIl mIIIrIIIlIy IICIIILUIII lo the III III rdlIlen Ii Ihebev moor IlnI lieIlIlI The Irlne Iddcd IIIII menI llnelion to lemIII IIle II drm IIIII AIIIII been len II IIIIIIlIIi IrtI IerlortIy UIILII ILANI TAIIIIOVIIII CALAIIA CIIIII IIIeulrr CIIllI will nItlenIllu II exvlo ylvrI iIdrry won by the Dolled We Du IvnI Co In tIIlI Mrthern Chile townV Prrlldenl Inlvulor Allende IIlIl Illean DIAiIltlIll NUDI AIIAIII llIIllNALILII New IIeIiIo nudiIlI will hm IIIlloween IIIIIIInI forty IIIIIII dIy mm In Home IIo NIL IooIeImIn IIiII Ill memberl slmooe norm IrrrIrI IrIIee IIIIInerrlIy LII 0nIIrII EllDu Ion IIIIIII IIIIII Imke IIIIII IoIrII lIrIIiI Item IrIII Itirlor lowly Ltd ill iIIIIthelI III CImIIIy ItrevrI Jewellm Ltd Ire med le It leIII weer nIIIlII WINTERIZE YOUR CAR PHILSTEXACO 5NOW TIRES INSTALLED TIJNEUP5 ANTFREEZE PHIIS TEXACO Hill Rd lnnlolil El 126069 oIiIrIII IlIIertmI IMI IIrIrlyerIIleI lIIeI Ind Serrler ImII Inorrler IlII IIIIIII IIItlrI UKIIli CyelI Beirt IhIII TIIIre IIrrrlre llrllrreII III IIIeIIIrIIeI lprinl Ierrlee WIIIIII LIrIIrrI III IIIyerl lellel IlII View Irirly More Auto Iran llorlprooliu eI ITIrrIe IIIIIIIIIII Ind CemeIny CHILDREN Iron II CAN nor or rnrr TICKETS Irom ony oI ilIe Iollowing Business Firms ImitII IIrrn my bid Elmer ud IrrlIrII IIIIIrIIeI Annoy Ibmrrfl IlrII hiul BlrerII lInIIorlIl BuppUrI lIrIeIII Conrqu llrnlirII lJIIreyIl CHILI IIIrrIe lIyrrIII only My AIIIe lilreeIIrrI Simon DlllrloI Cow Beryl our wno CloIlIlIl IIIyI AIIle Body IIIIIIlII IIoor Imlre ThornII UphIIIIrrIny IIllo llIrIIe Burlr lreI WerII ilIrrle IIIIIrr lolllren WItrr Ceedlllonlnl AUII Ioolr enIIrIIIllon DII DIlIen hlelerl CIIIeII Iherrnley on TIIIIII wonoonnrs Arena Corrie on down and eelho oovsroo Worn DOOR rnzrs PPIES II IIIdnoe IIieI III Service lIoIII IirII Illulnl Ind ImIII Conerele In Win IlrIIlI employ II lobrmn IrIIrl Alenry rIerI nheei bIrIIII GIIIIIIIIII Inrd lIleI Illrreil DIIIIII lIeII Irrnil IliIIrlbIIor II WyonI IIIIIIIII IC IlIrt IlIIl IiIIiInlny Croirn IlIrriI Aule 1rlnI IelIe Melon le DIrriI CIbII Ill Overhurl Door III II IlIrrlI DelrllolII cInIIII IIII IIIrrle Driirrry Irrrire KIIreIr IICIIIIII lilI lil Benlu llIileI IrIII FIIIII CIIIIlI In IIIIreI noon BICYCIES AUIOGIIAPHED HOCKEY STICKS lienIyI IiIb III Chive IIIIIIqu Cembuy IiIrrIe IIleeIrIe iiiotorI IlmII IlrtnnlI Melel IlIrrII IIrolIIrI LII WWI CyeIrI III Home IInIiII LII Hulk IIiIiIlreII llIrrII IIIII EIIItI IleIrd AUIIIIII IlrIIII IIIrrle mIII nnrrIII IIIuIIlr iIlIrI OlIIIIIl III Prrrl IiIIr EIIIIIII IIIyterI IIoItIIIrIII GlrnbrIr Plunblnl III lIeIIIII Nee Im IIIIIIlrlII Cllrml IlIrIII lIIIelI Ilrnl Ail Clm loner 0IlIrio Lenn lomyor Iierr leouien Melon III IlIrvryI Tninl McDonIIdI lIrIIIIIrIIII lleIIrleIl IIIIIIIIIII hlnrieII IIorrrrI Iirrlee Drmll tInIrIrIIII DrLilxe lenitorIII Ienleel Berlin IITIIRIIII School IlerIrr Dem IIIIIrIneI IlobI QIIIlIIy Produce Ioohlevrn CoeiIIIewn IIIIIIeI CWIIIOII AIIII IVreeIrrI IleIIlI IIIrII LII Ileo loner Douleoeilee III DrIIeln IIII IIIrnhIIrrer new nunTue Ilnmhlll III IIIINII Ill hlnrninrry Mir lily Lurk DeIiIr alorI TbI IIIIIIIII loop 1110 Tim Will IIAeRnowledeI their opprIeleIIon re the lobe buIInemI Ier MIRIIII IIIlI Klrldinf Night pImIDIIIH

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