iii 3ng is grid numerous Ind tncreodoriy come their own neighborhood segmentation Thomu hsinswich oi Oriliis ditch both arr rouri Ind repetition intieie tut debt may ol the etsii trons eity lnr connielim oi the condo hell were Imoog those who coniuenco on hotel Govern mdvod certiiiuteeoiroerit meoteonreetnmunidpei It dents oi come in uniniei IilIlrI thIt the rorernment it mid listenin om more to Ihst its people not end is tilted tip stir peoples tntercetlri govern merit NEW lNTlRBhl Dmisld ilsriyn executive di my mmyIlmplyeore this sector oi the community eervie mum kt em es division oi the prorincisi see mm we mm mm mm to show new interest in govern hell oi the prortnttsi secretory mm mmm mm iffh nele oi rommuoicstieo thst mm mu they may more citectiveiy psr tIrio Coolerenco on hotel Gor mm dehwmm eromentpvrso Ittleorgisn New White oi IhIt govern GE is stint he its it 53 25 gen Err hi El ne is detention is yd rdenls an week the mist valid thiiir go the Iehdok to ethiclie in government theeiectionoithemsyoroithe usror Coole give the eioeior commute lie ind that too ntlen he to imiedwttroirsbiIsesthieoun tirei hIii you on bed retitled the bore Opinidi is rohletln to use modernism Imiriority per ticniIrlr polerhii minority slid Ald Perri lie seelied deputstioo which had eddiested the council st ths end at their resents tioo but simply stood up The oi the we Iriyiiists there hId iIirs Anson were hisyot Coo uuvtsrr tin Iowl laminar Photo oi slid lhlt some citis ilietiilr underused pori it lhil is Milliin not get thosIirbo live in ghhorhood where tenements Iro ooded reruisrly Ittcr ev ery in storm lie ind the roiemmeot is eroti ing grcsler citiiers input Ind wu try to develop structures to eneotirsgo it ne oi the wsys the mm mm is trying to do thn is to be over more conscious Ind ero of the mist Ind humIn lmpiicstione oi yovernment pro Him policies In virtustly No niie could deny thst meoi doze remIiris reroute to tIii itetds Ire living lodIy in In as in most citizens ssid lilr Msrtyo which the structures oi rovero one upect oi their lives to merit sppeIr lobogiowing more which they csn Itill reiste is MoTtlitCiClJn little white dIisies on eIch leg The Gsry Ebertt oi till Barrio uIthso ls esceped with minor ruis Ind pound hniisu when his motorcycle use in collision with csr operated lenxtb by Dougie Perrier Iisooi itse be wearinr In orsnge color rte th mishIp which occili short sleeved stretch top with rod It the intersection oi Dun biu icons end beige colored heel sungqhspie strait ital oligllil locket partner iiioii Chtriotld Dunsiord oliioo MINOR Misltlii Oriiils Township wns unto motor vehicle Incident st ltieedsy night when thcIrghe the intersection otiohnsoo sod wss driving tell the rosd on little Itrzets yesterdey irivnr nship enio lug resulted in tile dImIgo to esch oi the two rIrI involved Ind lanes hesso oi it DImsre wu esttmeted It not ecuooi roit shin mitts MISSING Former 55 No Port Ser Nott yeIr old girls In ero hubeerioiierod tor sets rritssinI mm the psychiatric report to tho Simeon County word ot Boysi Vletorts lloipl Baird oi Education tut night Deb eIid sdvertisemeote here he placed in the motor neuepspers the cotmty the sldered sum wmln threeo hot committee his Ind little ions with Ipptoivdthessie ToiSee ll Money livailahle Belore Sports Equipment OK rd iii to erect sports poiie the requirements viere isclii lptoiinlljn ior steel Irrivtd It in cooluiictioo with equipment or there ior wood It the Coilimwi MioItlon com hlotintsin View Public School in mittee iiinood vies tsbird tempor The Recruiters Committee will Irin last night It the regular nilovi theschooltoinethoewim meeting oi the Simon County min loans the when iioiird oi mucsilon no cost in exchsnte tor the use Pet more superinte oi the spoils eoiiipment oil the PiInltiIl Isted school stonedl to Ieeept thrown tViiired DonnerWsisra Bench blind on how moth trustee Isld he tilt sci would he islt irom debenture is be erectod think mu sihcdsiie it or re pe loiiini hsetetope eight soccer iir lisriyn cited hell exprvtlf ietion ins end the otetismihtl Ipprosch to urbsn rcoewsi Is examples oi yrester government 85 ilttend Foster Parent linuuai Meet It people Itiended the must meeting oi Simeoo Corin ty Foster Psreots lset night in the county Idniinistrslivn oi iires in hereto hire Psi Bond supervisor with the childrensAid society demihedtheturnotitsslood Dr ltobert Grehem director oi community wyehiItric servi ces It PInItIogiiishene spoke to the penal on the elsodnrd probienis oi children in the prowl iio ssid winded in come irom iiisr enrhonmeot liis openlnr remerh to the is contained the Nmmen psreo thsthewsemtthenusnex since rreooi eithe new there were more expert than he by Dr GthIme intention nu to Itirniiiste more intersetten in the rrotgtsnd Iteordiog to Mrs Boo this Iim vvss schisvod epotighto he the city isthers ooessy he IIId Monmhtitlli AGMN lteiereoduirii their pros not suit in the It municipal roirernnicot is second most imporllot government touching your lives Ind the most tiiiportsnt is not the iederei prominent or the provincial tomoran the tint is the home the six lectures in the series desit with the history oi iocIi gorernrnent its iomi Ind sinner lures wroent municile tin Ineinr psrilsmepisry pro cedure sod connniinity plenning aniio Perla Eutilew ondsry student sits tor the mIieiip Inlet prior to tiling hlspsrstnuoeoitsodrsniss held in tin school suditorlurn tor the United hoped the sc eordionlsts Ire Cathy Jsmw ell iieiii Ind Helen Smith trtghtl who plsycd in In Ic eonlion concert presented by the Notions Chemistry oi Music In Iddition to the two plsys The makeup srtist tr lmIln iiIrdy repent iormIiia is scheduled toth It post si Epstein thir Imioer Photo Building Permit Case ThrownO ashouiunsinons com llednesiisy Judge it itics uttirieot ed sod the reminder oi the ex tension irss slid completely on to the root oi the hoothouse re iliii In much higher stroc in liilmPcymdiily 1gt Wrtor srrie eons oi the horthouse heron May it Site esid thIi on June it the received notice irom the building inspectors oi iieo thnt permit inr In or tenslon had not been issued soil hurt to days in which to tedtiii that while this did not it eootrIrene the ori giosl sketch oi the hostboins with mud to lenrth or width it did site the heigh Itldi ut By Judge seminry in the building impec tore nillce iudre litre listed his decision WilliVS THURS 0mm 11 intll On School line The Simeon County Board oi board Ind the city tor purchnl Educetlonmriii esishiish toinl tog mlntmlnu sod is rommittee ol the Pub Ind lie rchool tIndIdloiriingpIr Ines creation Commission members Nd Board Parks And Recreation snaiumnemmmwiw not iIstnlghteoiteould Is aelndmu pm medo into policy lteliied it the board to rstshirsh other hf gm idiot conuntiteei iii the usy sry oner or or oi the Pests Ind limestioo mm mm Commission At the second meet ing Spruce Barrio optim bi hlinor Soccer Assucisiinn to It diesitd ooo yetinl inopie portlei motion rather then policy he oo the tort thsttte onus III on pnted in soccer ilurioy the put csiiio it Iss lett thet it one the city to prove its building by Itid tili Kids pdithiiiddtgnglhimrii season Ind pointed out the in rommite were turned merits tor sdsii then tiedid re tionsi Ind improved tieids bosrd The board timinl Building Code Add thst it There has been some on no decide whether to hId iIiied to do so in tion In evrrhIng dereiloped be esose oi the position the ex tension on tho baathouse root Exact regulstions prrtIining tn the degree oi orerhsog sitoeed were not svsiishle ilr Pcrryrnoii on his record sppeernco on the stand iIiled to sotisiy the court that be In tn entitled to min the NIlionIl ed thenpper port house It the rest completed litrs Vsngeiien said thIt since she had leased the property iNIll the city be their the hid in cortiva with the order the floor oi the extension wss remov iiiiiiding Code Store the NBC rootsincd the meridian whith were Iiiegcdiy brenched its vet idtty had to he proveri The copy oi the NBC thst Mr Perryan hsd in his possession hod contained revisions inserted by both Mr Perryniso Ind the Fire Drills lit Midland School The lsel oi lisp drills It the po liiidisod high school has closed some concern in the Ontario liro rd hiIrrhIie oiite in letter rend issl night to the Sinicoe booty liosrd Education the Fire himhols oiiieo esid it he received let ter irom citizen near the eehooi ho compleined there hsd been no lire drills this isii Tile Ichooi is cumnily under consirnetioo We leei it is eveonioro in mint lire drills be held under these conditions the letter stit hccordinr to section moi oi the Education Act iirs drills must he held three times during the hit trim Ind once between isniinry sod iiorch Ind once between April end June Action as been token sod tho principsi oi the hildinnd school her been in touch lith thn hiidisnd lire department the board wss told iiiint sensor not 23 The township oi Tiny Fioo Stiririldsie Tosoioniio Ind Enos nili In open doer season the tint three days at sod no dogs Depsrtment oi Lends Ind Forests rded to indisns in the more remote oi the Province oi Ontnrto to he made into momsins inclets Ind mitts emuil hood wermer is being nilcrrd Is rewsrd to hmiers who turn in hides iipproves his reeonimendotlon by tho lire morphils niiico that windows long one well secondary school odditipn blocked in means thst sircon dltionlng will hsve to be instsii More Shops For in ed portsble elus rooms It iiidisnd up being mov ed to tho lirsdiord high sehoo eiuses The Slow county Bonrd oi Dduestion vise told isst nipht It tovrsnce ehouid be mite the noon to toqu tirsitiot Iiito mechsiilte Ind electricity shops Itth meeting oi the Idinihhtre tion Itid school otiiclsir inst with round ores live needs more than sccoinmodslion ior students At st where they will Iceommodsto presentthooriiy Ivsitsbis stop smmniodstion is in Milton the report oi the committee Isld meny etudeoll presently Inr to Brodiord school would it im midget tor Ipproiiirnstely hIVIeiociedtd like stop work he Iceomniodslloo been lVlii sble in iirsdiord More shop rruanItion in Aiiitton lisr scco riot or Newmsiiet it this we Conditioning ed In the csictorinm It cost not IX Too Simcoe County Board oi be Biiicniion iesl night rov lte Ip provsl to the air condition rec ommeniintlon Bradford poodbiol would discournro Iiils denu heesuio oi the long hns rides the report stnted ity using the two portshies the existing hiduslrtsi Iris shop Ind tho contented oi clsperoom to drslting room tourshop pro rrsm could be set up It the school that oi drllling niIter iei would ho 000 the cost oi euto mechsnics mot Ind elec trieily BARBIE Lilliiili oi Perito tion held its toll reunion din oer lost night It Trinity Perv ish bolt Armor those present Sov Grand Comrnunder At Lodge Oi Perfection illustrious Brother Densld Witter Sovereign trend thin minder oi Conndo wss guest sputter oi the Barrio VIiiey oi the lepng oi Pericciion Itscmh iy yosterdsy iii Bro Witter who series in both wsrs told the iodro Ibout his lormcr Isitl to the lodge while he worked with hook in Board Wants Clarication ersiipn in the pin between the ides were irom ieit iolter iiprt Sovereirn rnnd hissier the loci deputyior Ontario ll Coodo guest spoiler tm it MIrceiitis Thrice Poissant Imlnnr Photo Grand Mister Donald Witter ssesreeerr the Iron lie said he tell the Arisss ot 31 cniididoles Iitco exnmplo oi the work he had Il dod the dinner mectint It trim reody sern proicd the hreihcm ity Parish hail iii Bro ii were nssuming their role well Kirkpatrick mode the least The and the intro estis proved they spcslirr woe introduced by lily were continuing to keep their Bro MIrteiiits membership rising Following the bouquet indie iii are iitter we oncomlt members took port in In exem Inicd by deputy iii am yiiichtloit oi the ttth degree it ltiortiock The commander wits escorted tire to the lodge by gusrd oi hoir or provided by members irom Stroud iil Bro hloicclins presented the Commander with eheque 0i Piashing Lights Policy intentiyipgnytth The Board oi Education has Ished the Dcpsrtinent oi irsns port sod Cominiiriicsiioo ior cler itirniion oi its hos iisshinr lights policy soil will try to daily eootIct drivers to clear up my misunderstsiidings John himiiniriiir nun oi the hos old he lied been eontsctzd by tho iiidisnd police who said they would rhIrge bus drivers who iioehcd their iilhtr iiiegsiiy Aconrtlinl to reluihtions Mr Methiioch said bus stoppinr in In em with speed limit at weremnhsorttorm rinse the road unattended heed ri is miles per hour or less must ha Md not iissh its lights However some driven Ire doinr to since they ieei it is Idler tor the child Took Cigarettes ii ii it ii Woman Fined hill ssngrs ertonvII on the tips hes ielt end then try to Ars Schlpoii oi Barrie wee thi inpthcrbusbuiinrsstliobonrd ed iii upon conviction on one told therewasnopoiicy cov charge oi shopliiiinl under ertnl iield trip supervision The lit Iiier she Ippedied lei Pro principal is responsible ior stir virieloi Court ihiesdsy dents on school property Indore hire Schi ii ii iield tit it is hit responsibil It the pAllied Tourism ity to ecide whether supervis on Meld st with item north ion is necessary Ind it so by oi eigsretiu admire Ihehed whom neglected to plytor