Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Oct 1971, p. 1

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um NWUNIST pIr thlrroen lino Trotting Ind vies ltlimlln lh Poo Ire pictured on ibI hover oi tonrnusiist mus Ibe lost received in lions limp No title tor the picture III given this msgssins wss billed II speeiIl issue It thins pictorii ditlir log its such Inntvussrs oi the Cot ptrty oi Chl nI topmoste oi the pls tun seemed to Indith thst Peking Remains Silent PENINQ tlieut In the sushi body there momentoutsbout when detention would be tent However Inedliorlnl lnlhe Commitsl Irtrnmospes Peoplss DI odd it wru It urIl Ind right II Republlo to bus in tuition sent to the UN otter the over throw at thing tiIlIbet to it The edit which this the United Stolen bed tailored big iiIcco In the UN vote wee pub lished ll rIdio ItItions through out asimrcoottnuod to brosd out the news oi Moodsys Geo orst Autnitiy decision JAPAN AIM CEITlClZID 11 lots mind to list the countries which voted Ipsiris the Iucceuiul AIbInlIn rssol ssying only thst the United StIlcs sod II In were Imoris those whose lots were isosst JIpIo wee cosponsor with the oi the unsuccesshil resohs lien to hsve both the PoooiII Neoubilo Ind IIlwsn In the th JI noose governments UNIIttitii the editorlsi Isld in retested we clearly tors loll uidoddiosthtt On my Seat intentions tsrgslIienchianguage Daily Closesflor Indenite Period MONTREAL CPI id Prune CInIdII lIrgest hootblsngusgs dIlly sus pended pubtchtIon Wednesdsy artilng In lndeiirilte period Pierre Dnnseresu president IMIItlDllAltIt ol LI Presto IIld In slIIorncot the nowspIpor Is Ith vav oi viol eil rid bu no choice but to does itI doors Some sso Itsreeiypere press men photoenngsers Ind melt room employees hsve been In volved In iocIout by to Presse since July On Wedneedsy the men do clerod themselves on strito Ind invited ooo otliev employees not to cross their pictet iloes lim llod by roost lolttnrtlon to eight men It liiuo Ool smell number entered the holidiog In the evening while police were ended in dis rss gItherlrig crowd outside liltinntrosls ilnIiiclIi dirlrlrt litr DIoscrrIu iislrd WW QC PSULE news University President Resigns UNIVERSITY Pmnsououoii lost Proloosor It Snloiu iodIy mounted bis sensation In Trent University ottivs It mldrili Ind vices suction oi end oi the 171m send tilt III will oiiltitlty Ilop down Juno so tilt Russia Sends Delegation Ton indie Iren WNIV lodldin mVWu ill Idrlrwcooironis don with PItisiIn is sending highererillog military detention My lo Itwht lndtss IsteIt doiooco requirements sutborlts live Indies secures sIId todsy Passengers thrive in Puennto the sets mos to hitsciiumonnst ohms lumho in Irered hi this trio lticIn elty Wednesday night Ind one oI theirs who wit Ioued thI hitseting sIld It no time did hs see my Iciion inom sky mIthIIs or the oiiduty our men who were illilious Chins Trip To Be In 1972 WASHINGTON AP lroeidcoi Nixon will rush his trip to lilinllod thins sometime Itter minted next month Setting 49W in Nixons schedule WI nstlooll security ldiieflds FSIioonsllrmounces Prisoner Release Jen with the extrinsic to he the trgio 1m does not mess lot or the presidentI WWNlAPI the South VlotnImou govominont In Wed is releItI oi the Vietnrm wsrgt unwittinitthiitim Vietnsmolo nu viot on it mlorocste Iito mm motile idiot lions will he lessons tor the shutdown in chsdlng dImIgI to delivery trusts Ind to the homes oi snsn meet poreonncL interierente wth delivery bomb omen It the nmpspers oitlccs Ind threlts Ind persons Imult on LI Prqu employees llo Vividence 0i Bonuses IDNDNN CPI Counsel tor tormer Jockey Avoilnn iionies sIld WednesdIy there Ls no evidence thIt tomes re ceived booiues lroro rIcshrors owner SlitlVtIImln or WI msris Willow Downs TIrm Peter Brodsy Isld tomes did not pin to suppress iocome Ind otiered to ps the Iulhorlties mounts to dispute WIunIri testied sullen odd bonus in money to Gomes 1ntlorncen tioizihirtanleilosn NI oy Ir with tolling to deolIrI isssbls income oi mot tor the rose million yen Ind 111117 tor the lit tuItloo yeer III It Is slurred with suppressing tn sornc oi titular or the two Ind 1901 tIxIllon yeIrI thereby vadiog plyment oi Minot in issue Crown counsel WIlter Psrr rIm IIid hrre wIs Ill uses mgtc plslned dliioreiico betweentthe cIsh tomes deposited in his best Icrount Ind the Imouots Inoreased Exemption Approved By House OTTAWA CPI Alter to lists oi dsbste the discordant mods little hesdwsy with its Nipsgo tIs bill Iiirdoesdsy II the Commons Ipplovsd prost Iionr lricressing tss exemptions Ind dcdiictloos Posture oi subclsuss rsls log to 815 irom 11000 the sritotrnt single tsspsywr could ssns without psying in Int to torso irom nooo the osempc Irnoot toe rnsrrled couples loin lowed bitter opposition com Rights Illl tbs Imotrotr were ll Soclhl Oedlt members slid sinus CInIdiIris should he Ibll to esro min without psylng tn rosrrled couple New DemocrItI sold the Imourils should be not Ind sense The government bss IIid th ottld be too costly But despite Andre Fortln SC inotbinierII ssylng his psrty would never lane to the gov ernmentproposed mounts ths Roman Catholic Joins Cabinet BELFAST AP Rollins Cotboiic Northern trr lIndIrIb riiorthsitrettimo Nednosdsy n1 twith In Ippesi tor pestoA ow hours later liccuses us crude window droning moses Ol sellou riinis tAPt switchers muutst only chicl mold iii Twin time er the ttnitsd htIteI Ind Chins oi lMW to sell out the Viet nIrous people the sortie to the southern port In the Russlsri lenders only trip outside Psrls during his week in Those Abouter twlrlgersdemoh strIitd Vi nudIy night timetlle Igolrlst Brethnsvs Visit sod Iet tire to some oi the Soviet ilee thIt bed been put is pIho ohleet oi their protest wins in Full It iornisl dinner in honor oi his host President ileorges Pomoldou BreIhIIv used the dinner on Iortlrn to on WIshln on Ind Potion ems thst ISoyIIt press sounded trenuentty Without mentioning ChinIby nImo he cIilod AmerIcIo sg granted the moist rhetoric to pure til VleInIm tilt to Hold Wilts oiiicer Ind tirlttsh sol dier were tilled Ind the Irmy eislnwd It lust sis guerrillII were shorts run bottle Prime hllnklorltrlsh FIulh ner Ippolntod Dr timid News stysuoii speclIiiIt in soclsl work Is minister oi this II III mptloreschotrttotho minority the lot snows dents in the cornmunel wsricre rose to it in the lost two yesss includ Ing ti lirltlnh soldiers this yesr After so lighthour homolo botu gun it in West heliut during the ht nillliIry hesd ousrlerrreported troops bit It leIst III guerriliI Itilpers But the desd or wounded were dug ed Iwa Into the dutness by tr comics the Irmy Isidi Esrly iodIy nlders Irn hushed police cIr drlytng site the northern shore oi Lou News low miles irorn heiiIst burst oi sutomstln weIpon tirI ddlel the us police ssld tilting tdycsrotd sergeInt constle with bliss wm crlil cIIIy wounded Shortly siterwerd mine ex ploded turd In Iron scout tIr steer the border with the Irish Republic uyesreid corporsl died oi his wounds Crucial Vote On Common Market Entry LONDON CPI Teri yeIrI oi monumentII eiiort to gsln British membership in the thi soplon Common hiartel such torle rllmIir tonight with cnIeIIl Dommom vote on the botlyeontsctrd Issue There Ippesred little doubt contiortshe meiorlty will sup port the principle oi entry on terms negotlsted bytho Con servstlve government oi Prime Minister Edward IIeIth This wohid morn thst tor the tint time in deeIdo nolhtol lllbldlhllt the wry oi British membership to Europe oxrept rllImentIry IpprovII oi ens llng legislItlon to he Intro dured inter comes It the end oi Iixdiiy debItI which IIw succession oi Intonlght Iiouso sittings some IpIrttlng rhetoric Ind bit trs politics Isllighting biost oewspspers today gIvs lirIthwbo hrs this his poiit lot More lergnly on the tier tet issueI molorlty oi so to lo rum in the soonest Commons exemption provisions eIIily pissed on voice vote The Commons is sitting Is committee Icr rlIusobyclsusv sttsiy oi the bill the subtisuso Would the Imourlt tsspsyrr cIrs clsirn tor rhIritIhIe donations to to per cent oi his Income irom cent Ind other deductible tents pared with only two minor Inscndtotois One would ssnlt psrtncrs in iirm the st to deduct ohsri thlo dooItions msd by the psrioershlp The other would cisrlly meuure permitting Imto Into expenses In Irtrdi at cost tor tssdeductlon wr poses As debate moved to other ports or th bill blls turned to comments on speciiio IliowatI In deductions New Demth John Burton Itcglois EIstI Irvd StInio lirsowlrs Winnipeg Centre Isld thorn wIs little reuon thst wortrrs should be Itrspped to the InmI Iilowsncs 4150 or three per rent oi totsl its tools or sports souls It those in hldtor Isl brIshts nonporous St immense Being Ruin MONTREAL CPI The Irv vlsonmcnt oi tSnnllI stretch oi the SL strence River out oi hiontrrnl ls rIpIdLv being do stroyrd results at summer long survey show dcteiicd too site report by or university It cuts honored by looms IederII Opportuni lies ior Youth grant on re tensed It news conterence ichocsdIy hy the Quebec wtto lilo Ftdernllorl which vIIots Ito islands in the Iron turned Into public psrtlrnd ThnyJISoutritr itdrrstion director Inid In two pcan it will be too lute to will anything II the sys tematic desiniction now gold on Is Illowed to continue we will lose the inst rsmstning nntursl grcrn Ircn incur the cit Too mush has been lost sires The study In only two pl 19 bcuchrs tested wore this lot swimming Coiliorm bIciertI counts were iound to rinse Is high so 230000 while the Iccepted ino limit tor swimmtn ts mm The study to some oi the Islands It the eastern ti oi liontrosl wero us In public dumns to Issrids were mined as 1rd sanctuaries be cuuso oi dump Ind ilil lluiis Ind several other linidI were buried under clI dumped or construction mslnice rissice oi ibo St Inwrencn ses wa chInriol Heavy Voting in Early Hours deported In Newloundland ST JOHNS Ntld CPI he received Irom III sources The vote set iornpm EDT Votios was reported heavy to UN Delegations Studtt Poseibie US Grout Cuts UNITED NATlONS CPI Deloltionst lrorn Irouod the worl Ire studyiol with outer concern the posIlhitlt oiI re ductich the Volt Skies In Its cootrhutlors to this need hsnhrupt world orgIolsItlon There vaI been some stores clone or Inner Ind shoes but the rn orlty detention oppor snt Ire outing to us whether the Americsn outrsse over the ulpuisloooi isleri irom the wiittoolwltli tints Despite dIIcIItrncrIirom tit oiiietIIs there mm to some to he Wlbtltlhltihwt will Moes lirtest ononvinbutor is at to the linoleu Delsgstlons Ire well were list csrnpslgn tor the 1m prssi enlist sections is not in oil It the Nixon administrstloo comes to the conclusion thst It would be goodpoiitlcs to stong with rlshtwtsgors wo Ire criticising the UN it out cit undo they mm In tenorII Assemblys bud ry committee which is code SecretsryGeoerll ThIols rtouest tor his mil lien or sin Uh dclegste declined to Ilvs scheduled speech ltissdny to view oi the bloodsyo1ltnsvote The delegIII itepressntIlltts wasrd Derwlristt In illinott hepuhlicso IIId the til solid in when the dust hIs set thIrit hII re Itedly slid the UN is In to oi our end ho less insolvsocy Tho UNI ty to oootlouc current Ictlv ltleI me seriously in out The UN we living trom to mouth EdVIrd lilirtbro oi Norwa 1Ict yosr Generst Assemth president hu worked Ill yesr itiidi it to pc up lion either in costs contrlbstiorls or the wiping out oi UN ohilgo tlons by creditor toiletries Iio hIs been meeting with the his Four but there Ire no so thIt he is msting my dva nuclei tset ins by the lemme Spelling in the Garret AI sennblys msin politics commits tre Fsui St Pierre pulhnien isry secretsry to Blend Ai isirs Minister hiltshell Shsrp III reierrlng spectiietlly to United Sistes intentions oi eslt plodtng rittclesr device in Allah But in ninth loot in the Tsvsvvmnm TodIy we my wonder Ind mnprolllorstioss rItsy an his Induced sum oi security in the oi the world Ind Imoogpise here be ad NtscleIr weir on testing nontlnuu Ii use It whet seems to bush IccsIerItId put it he been drivers under but too otters not rosnploht um llI IIid ii the Aleutlsns stool send rIdloIctise snI into CsriIds it would be Only recently the Soviet Union hul conduch motor toot sod IowlheUSplInsooobssIld Then the humans decided to continue with nuclear testing Soviet Union TrIncI Ind China In more nodenmstlon oi nuslrIr tests We rInilot Itrld security In this sum world o1 ours with out In end to minor tests He said CuiIds wII oIiitrIlly summed Ibotd AmrhlttI be equ the Iiiocts oi it mid reIcI Into knediso colt But Ined sism hdihldmolddptommn gets Ind would continue to do in Annchllks test Mid com shout without Ill eIIIctIbe Previously hum Ind mills hId exploded devices In the It mnspbers Ind rsdiosctlve sons trom the his test sprtId otter Cslisds There III In Indielion thst aside wss going to stop Its hosts iii in no rpt ing ronstdssnlionei II deIliiil with tntsms rtly this wII proposed the Soviet Union Impsud ie tor soviet Ind Arsb points oi told llowovrr nobody could To Sell For VANCOUVER CPI crew oi up to so protesters Ire to sIIi tor Anitbitks tonight count iormer mlnesweoper dubbed Greenpeecs Theo ior Its lest minutn ms to best the Nov dole Ior United Stolen ritsclesr test on the Aleullsri lslsnd The Dont lists WIve Gone titliiee chsrtered the ibiioet Edsewster Fortune Wednesdsy sites 03 President ttlchsrd Kosygin Tours Building Sites IIAVANA illeutcrt Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygisi es nhnngod lighthearted banter with urban lrersilcr Fidel Cu iro lri trout oi nonstructlon workers durln tour oi neIrby building sites cdncstlsy The visiting Kremlin lesdrr wetting Io opennected shirt seemed in high spirits Is he was dilidn Irouod ioIn Iirny loss by Centre lie oiler bust oi Denln II prise to the best grog oi wort men In esohsnge too white construction helmet while he in spotted the homebuilding pro loci lust outside IIIvInI the onrly srs oipoiiin into tisys Newiosndisn eleclon hesvy turnout hsd been pro dictcd by both motor psrtles contesting Newioundluids sor eth provlnelll election since the province Joined Chrde 21 your ego sorcrIl returning silks hers reported estrome heavy vote to ill the itrst hour otter polls opened It Im but the new oi votes clockened slightly st mid morning IcIther over the entire Island lies ideal Temperstures were lotho midhits Ind sides were clear here with mlsrwl cloudy Itid sunny intervsis elsewhere It wu wet Ind ioggy Wednes day the hit dsy oi thres weet cIrnpsIgn IeIdins to to days election with sumo voi er registeredon Illtime high For the Ilrni time it end yceroids here the vote PottsooeoIttIm Iiidctou It put There Ire eIodidItos seeking the Is islIturII ll tests with both Incumbent lib ersls Ind op itlon Progreo fly Conserve olisrins hill es llmchitlra Nixon gets the Atomic Bier Dom Ipprovsl tor limitation blsst new pro est group on to meet the orlglssl Gseenpeseo mission sboerd the mm tall but boIt Phyllis Dormsct Id Alert tiny to tote IboIrd some oi Its crew the tint mission which IIlied irom Vancouver Sept 15 In short oi rust Ind provisions sod turned back when It ho urns Ippsrent thst the blue would not be set oil in Otiobfr The Phyllis Cormsct wIs shit Inl south irom Prince Rupert Wednesdsy when It received word thst the Iirwlergrotiodlleot bod been Ipprored The Edgowster Fortune ior mesly the IIhICS Fortune hu been mod ohsrler Vespel by TopiIln Ilrnry Johsosorsioi gives Westminster 30 Itocs SLEEPS it II III cruising rouge oi Iboul 1000 miles ortde equipped with wIIhlil rclrig erItor Irid rootsnlcnres tor to lunch It sleep so ll to storm to tools going up sold CI tsto Johnst soo so we run ms it to Ann rhiitI by Nov mIrtLoI bstw twotletlow dusts oiltoere Isdv In Ion rl to tntsuonsy priest lie It tboto ta 14 rm mm sI mm 41 As now oohoan yr

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