19 uanwneuurm lt On October let nrore than four million Ontario citizens will select from among thernmlyos 111 people to represent them And at the same time theymllmlnetone monastheir Premier Bl Dans has to the poo to of Ontario You have no need to Judgcus on ourpronuses We are as gyou to supportus for our perform ESE1 two has nradc for the polrcics we have introduced Comidmpmmrd galatronwc ltlave implemented Theortablrshnrcnt ofoDepartrnent of tho Environment and assistance to rm investing n1 pollution control equipment The banning of logging rnQuctrco and KrllftmcyPrqwncralParlrsxSummer employmentfor students cleanup operations 1ij tougherlinovnthcorporate 11mm of TheDavis govemmmtsdodsiontohaltrhespdimm ThEndungered Spocles Act likethis0ntariocanbrea comm fmmwdvgml it withapledgeto rovido greatly expanded assistahooto mass nub transit hubroughtusooscrtoarationalsolutionotourtr nation roblcms ThoProvrneialoontcrenoeoneoononrioddmuonalislinrceotd tl QRIfwrrrsnrrtcor runs kind of outwit lithtn en intoOiitarioDey mm rpmdllom ort preservoomt cowhatisdlstincvo eona Veatnronyotherbavirgouornnrentdeelrlonfru gaaddecisionrNorfaultcar urnucoJThotaslrforoofolttrn Expandedngtodoyfhrocentrcipettixioationoentreslrpnncdedctigldg mg onaregtggargdtornooniobasisiFree medicarotor the needy and for people65andoverAndlowcringthougoofmhjdrity Which brings no back toyourjdeornon attho ballot box Fordemooraoytosucceedit$notenoughtotalkaboutchangoJChongo he made to happonThatswhy Bill Dayig is doing things And doing eissurclywhirtloadershi isrllobout In months Premier ilanvtsirasdemonsoateone ytillershiandoyemmlitohtariolneds Qctoborsttewillcontinue Hoeinzdoinuchrfrorowxih 20mm 011