will hit been trialled llapresenee tell in lIbor rir It doe um oi the ruler no ins have been loreed to no luauuu labor Also da in hi the Iasochtioa iv herded by l1ycuvold timid Verde Indr executive secretIri Ind tirelessl would ml Gorillas tovoremeo lorltttlrnt iIbor scene Recruit and critic mid Irrre thll crnc in no armoromit paper orgInilIilrn Nor to it merely another church color inlttcc The thrtsiian LIbor Able elation Ihieh wu omnived to till now ltu about ssoo nievnbrva in Ontario loin Alberto Ind tiriiirh Col urohia Deeptte in numerical slalom when compend to the ttlooootnemher Cana dim labor Conceal the OLAC hat iuilucneed ieglsiI ilhO Ind in the KOCHl bu located labor oiiiciIldom tut yur iar lnrtanee the Ontario government passed no amendment to theiabor Act which permitted wortrr to be exempt iron lllloinlnl Haul the oouivtieet oi mienditol to reconiud chilly Despite the av objection oi orlanivedtsbor the legislation pIrIed The rtt tell ol the armed moot com in July oi thiI veer and it Ill clear vie tory Ior cucumber titan Stet who opted out oi the radian Unioomoi Puhldi lino ployres on on roernbenhip to go union to which be dilce lor to yeIra viola hit reiilloul movirtlooe ill by was granted and three or Iiotltar decialonl were bIoded down in quiet vuecetxion But the CInIdtIn Oldi with In Input to quash the labor Boudl deci on an thtie pIrIidcnt oi the Carolina Unlon oi Public Em ployed blotted CLAC in public Itetemrot ile Iitachrd members oi the Ireociatloo II pawns oi uoup with tenta cioe utrodingrto the right winl John ch Society at America lie loose that the thriItiIo Labor MIociIlion oi CInIdI to rightviii reactionary Iuoclltion whi Ii pcrnilt ted will deotrey induetrial un Mlnlo we knew them in can ode VIndetIniI diorniuoo lJtl iieI char that chili to re tated lo lotto Birch Soci IlMl ha InapI hlr littlee ttbettouI MllllO re warmly months the kind totally unneeded Itaterneot tit Ind Snider Nancy Ittelaied nu driiien eonierence in im Ioe tire Pediiwtlm Iliad Id Paimicl pared Iwa not week GoemuiiIiionl to hits EvI Watson who celebrated her It My on We to more triad Iod oe hon elDeo iiil minute hti emit bride lathereti It the reh bIIctrieot to with no we and presented them with paid lamp Ind other glitv Den wrnw tr III levv ltrrrand tits White KI visited It gm fl tloedy ailvo tire ro es il Corby and were patienie in the Victoria iioapitai in tile rie too irw dIyl hilt Ind tin iIttoo In min their daughter in end tbahtrchIrI In Io iood oi kin In moire impatient iah he rays Were not Intiunlon we are iIbor union and wont to cooperate with other union had luv thcmwro tho coolrIcie we no godIte will hear mmpariren with my equivriicnt contract earth by IecuiIr union Crltlu hIte rhtrlod that the chic is promlnalemeot Ind in only loci oi employ eve Anyone who says tiiat he never bothered to enem lna our public Itaternentl ill eralurc or our record VIo deaaode Itolrr lie don rciccl the MIrIItl concept oi clue in ieilut be to quick to ort oi modern priteiitm with its ncirrr Ind deperionailrotien is In clprculon oi qus Iei tish propensity to tlrt ltI hllit time lot lenu ine showdown hr teeth and tar christian eonironlItien with both the corporate and the union powcrIthIlbc lot rIdieIi vrnpptnlrIl ol the whole prltIlIIt Irrtom iital Priesthood its New Known Threatened With Extinction Vi Tito Fouled Catholic priesthood Ir it new to been is threatened with entinctioli iii the United States by illeculrrrit rate oi depIr iurel irons it new study con eiudeep loa littlest In drooriean pttnteoelIloliot nevltulenr Behsllert In presented to tho VItIcan iut vprtnl were reported by the National mitotic Rm Service tlto depict thoprluihoed lit the toting the bettioto Iurvl er inabia torch in our Ioelety or the tlodinlr oi the lil iullcalanolvrtei irern root to 1m rota Imool dlocelIn prints in creaudrtMinieo whiia lotlte amongI prieoto Iretgtots av rI aru mu Itt the new time recruit montto the pnqu do creased by more then so free rentthl death Ind retre meoltzrolraoito percent were rot drilled inlhe troweltat he lm oi tit pridetteollett1 the corn Ir on nutterdear him enatvho lull ieroleir prirat method in ital live intelligent talented creI live and IdeoitIlir rnern nurture CHURCH It the Christian aId MilIlooIvy Iiih Ill holiday School time In Monies Worship ltbit min Evening Fellowship llottt Forevetl ilervlrn with Parlor one hits htart under Ippeiet treat to Ethiopia liIri Airiro The WitnII Church lee the WhIiI World at mm WESTMINSTE worhthelr tbeirlether lhIirtmlhtIikiorI milled in mulch haI also on the gen eral council oi the Elongeii cIl Felloovlhip at Canada so anonrws enrsmrriaii CHURCH WWII ll the MIT ei llltdi liAltili CHURCH Oerlcreilaroleylod MW one Ills KAILY DAY IBM Ianem oi Bastian Naroery Facilitira IL ll Waveley It and Ichoel will lela la tantrum tumuu on lea item OruIlIir Cara VII tietnrrt Oonu werohip with FREE METHODIST CHURCH so solemn Ir Irv Cori out rum ll 14 litl Inn lindIy school ltrti Ini MorIIIl service the Peer tilt ltteh tituth WED till one hihia etndy III Prayer Fellowship IervtIl Christ old your annlty ST JOHN VlANNEY ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH control vaiser summit LAN Conieelionli Sat iris to 515 pm 830 am Ill Im ilitiO it it DOWNS Photo ESSA ROAD PreohytertII Church Oppoolte lorrea Avenue litinivterr Rev ill lIitlInI Me omnioii hl hiertol tncr not are hierolnlWethip now iJItli ivtrtltiowt AlicndInra mm will he wanted to girls Ind boys It tltI itunin Iehooi Oclehrrit Communion denier Nunerien Ind Iritiilry Cllllrl In open at liitiil wt to thIt potentl trill AIitendIchurglr worlhlpw tolotlier Junior and hen Ior term Iitcnd Church with parrnta no so out to rianrr Iiler the rhiidreeo urinal Visitors Welcoma lrrahllertaI cireri tie Iteela IIII lvlei tier Paul idiiil iOiOO AM MOlNiNG walnut JNURSIRY FACILITIIS PROVIOIO TlOOOMh reoronnremm reunion aamuort Itwonrrnl an witIto irsr CHRISTIAN trrolnre cwurcw III l1 IIIIII perinatal MM nurture Rationitolliolie emmouunarunn it III also snwoeveiassrs rimworsens one speller leehIOIiriIeI traitorInvent Iulvnllllervioe mm Hm Saturday MIeo700pm snaro ooououn wNmAV Wm iterated me turn renown lveryne eioieom gt novawt needsions tit notion or on tool or vltmutu um FIRST FRIDAYS nasslrr me an in CHURCH or me NAZARENE eat It vrmn It norm on trumlnndayhehoei ilrtt Lin Divine lime rill TRUE THEN IPIItIt ll JOY woo pna liveIlnl Ivami PAMth ROME IrIurrr All In welcome at larrleo community churrit MiIiIierr Kenneth Walker our never GRACE Roman Catholic It Arne OIL utitn lIIIIy Marisol latIdol IveIinl not more ie an MM ivestapatphn More iallowed by the ill Ii Perpetullieip Devotion trident idaaatttlt Inn Ceoinlieoe hetero Iii MIIIeI 5T GEORGES Anglican Church some OrIIrlilo mic lactort My DIM ll hyo PM this liorvm OeuIIioa Rev Whiter MO lootitnoa by Ippolntnrelt PM the anode TRINITY critich II Oahiardtreei Nari lo PIG Oioa IaciertVoxALReu not Ivnhliarveet dervlcee lvcryelo ItInrely lieieehto VVVVVVVVVVVVVV onovr Iii coon Stewardrhip Sunday ii iii opu an rn era 00 mm Coniom vary Worthip 9r dam ililO Lunch Sunday School Grade and under iirOO Inn Over Quote MO lent THE FRIENDLY FELLOWSHIP rehnivun iivrisr CHURCH 128 St Vincent St Dorrie ROUNDUP SUNDAY lilO AM IMPACT CK dial 950 was not FAMILY silil ocnoot Rev Carl Doheor Mieole not an FAMILY wentnieiteun ltev Carl Deiteor MIselenIrylleel to Japan 7t00 PM EVENING SIRVICI Oeloor SPICIAL MUIIC ALI WILCOMI hiiololcrr ltev Itorey no no BURTONAVE unison eiruneit it detail Minsternumerator tlteeato idlIietoe lav Ivvlllt Orleliei their plrrrtov it tiernwoy Iin vilairy Collier It not no rr then review so rlneotueuntrv the ooanitttittitwlliitt materialism stir rotaI ornate win rote us Hioiiwav eltirocosrae allure sutrrci4SUiiotvrvntvn brown relative Juno HeulioIed at World Politico vents wountntrrsu lN worm roqu riotous trim oven tree listen or romrclu nloirrions TELLS US ohm min were vll nrrhnnrvrn tlll one or vorssnr reunion svrrrns now roskunano lino worn trier mu Inor tut rirncnuerar vein theorem or our error It ornmvcutnonro rurssoo ltll Ahl luuotv out alone touts orniri curler not its ranrov AND rmorios etitwwslirv annvrch IN CHANGING WORLD iehlldearotelyearat rare iwrrtlurui vvnon illliM run our other rwnutnrovoics lioiiicitrotiiv lRS tom ooutiriara in tvurrv unitut oszeno rind no wraith Irv WilliAl no til navel Davie moonlit liter teetiol triat otvuuiuu overruns ie uoitieail Ivor