lsl7MllvodM norm LI woman mmungnmwndssm hound mini tunes an Incme Imbalniu mm 8613am muvinunt PROPOSEDTBIIIN ransom run mm amide our BarrieTM mm tall mohaheenrrlmedmdrerhrlolnrthnlmtyymmr ogrkgrhttd to begin April LB an lotion sotmiwnrm Bnrrio NOETIMUND WamenpRecrllits isnughr By 0P1 commissioncrll IL Grnhnni will be In the hcixhl this lurid PMincial Phllcn demndcd Irn lreL tour lnch has manual the ow Hummusmmmni will embark lmuiltctyllmon mom Ith In WW Their salary on bcnnls will um mi ulllxyuto um m3 Ontario mmdn lltwo cm nhrn wIll periom the Irma type 99 Id at Irmntiul anthctrrnsle com In ll in and dovdopnrnt centre mm kt rum in this will Include emphasn 99 sent running nodnl dlnnto lms delrly Indicates that women Aer olnln prnetlcal Iletd hm ddlnlterolenrthln the experience that will llIld tho Onttriopmrindgl onus ontulnrolm qollozn norm vice Edge twodglllionsl since llml hi the tionsdc rnnuded lemalh recruit 1me nlntcrmntlhrfnr till be similar to the lumen or with tho OPP ls nsked to quit Camilla dllzcn or Brl meat or the Ontario Provincial lull subject age 21 IA 35 tood Iolloe Caner Ilannxornrnt henlthchnnctcr Grade II rd Brunch York Street tIh Floor nation The auto dilicroncn Toronto Iar OBITUIIRY humor Mormon mam Morph mm with IL P1 oln nnuh oar son when suddenly ht the Gen sir Anderson survlltd or ml Ind Marina Hospital Col we 1D louder Bornlcc hic mrgod Feb Nnhh of Glen Huron one dau WWHRD tom hlsrityn Mrs Rlnhnrd Instk 7cmng was mural Trenton and one the ion or Mr Mrs Anderson motor to Carinda It gnlnmmidrgnknm and mm to Barrie mpl Vlunerolservlre was sonducled mm 15 fw on no 231rom the ran cett FunerII llomo oolllngnv $33 enmm on by rev rennin BinIn In moma 03k will take plots at Isle llntn St NW and in Trinity United church can collecting antiques were his Mr two main pleasures lie was ni Friends nod relahlos were 300 memberoi the Royal Cnn present at the moral trorn Idinrl chlnn Brandi El hnv Barrie Toronto Colllngwood and In translng horn Iroin har lho surmlndin ma LB Wing World War II III AII derson ranm or live year with IIESULIS SOON the Royal Canadian Regiment The restitic tire Olltario rill tourol ditty Included Cnnn Fuehlnrshals inlrslignlion in da the Unlch Kingdom Ccn to landlord Street lire Ilon trnl llcditerrnnenn and dry arr expected to be re continental Europe Ile nos tho lcxod Lute BALIIIOOMIIIINCIIIG couhsr llrollrmr sslml to All the Barrie to 930 pm orator the In Whiz clnsseslognrasle struttlorl cI Graham Irlzhdtn no cc Tho rnt course on WW stoning Igor rummeozlnn rnnle re coutnct nennmstorr death F9 and or llgricullure Proposals Pleasellim Whic bezlound Inst weeks throng spent In thallunrot mm Ind nnmpolntman to most anhSrmcoc MIR Sinclair Ste ms was pleased IIIh proposed loznlntlnn on Igrirnlture con talncdlntho address Me yours olneglm and mu gomrnncnt Intelterm Ih tornrind community in ttingmstmttlvo Itlrntloo rays tho oucmtlvn III In newsletter to hh constituents Instesd otlilnltinazindtnr reduction the cabal in toencosmxe In orrased til he thmno speech stated It want then Is In adequate Md land lnnranJ plrtnol In rid Innomo Manlathe ailnationhns reo ch24 HIM proportions In Canada Ihrre nnriqnnt hem such norlous shortnm but lnA lncltaded In the Moral zov eromentn proka in Inlt manned It this session or ran Intent are tho lollowlng u2rntd loans Ind other ormr ol assistance to huh lar mers and Iishermrn to assist thenIn punchash or modrrn izine Iheir eohlpmenl nmondrnrnts to the Export and mm Permits Act to pro ylde tho zovcrnment with holler lo stnbllin the Canadian uriprovhlg the Availability or nunpowrjor Iood prnduc tion assistance in the construe lion oI new storage nodules Iregmh to mks possible mcreysedprodudion Improvtd quality nudrtduced costs Idvnnu DanLs on crow to sssure Dmnol timely cosh Motrin an unimlturnl stabilization plan to encourage rntionIl pro dzlctlon decisions fnssistnneotolyoung tumors to provide sulllclcnt fuisnclul Inconttvnelur them to estah Iish themselves lnlarnllnzr lrnprowments In Cinndlnn groin rail transport copahliitirs Incrrnsrd nVIllnhlIity at reasonath priced lcod grain inoontlcs to increm the production at livestock nee essary to provide or Canadlsn amdexportmurkcls Mondnyl starch ll and nevi course nlll bezln Monday Ipru lntrrestcd people In ReoordsnArId Show Lisles Success litre comes yandlather dnlmnrrn the coaxing like In noyoondd cd and or the horsrniay and slapstick Iill he Mn line palm hy mmWynminx alprm Wine werl trying on do naystvrInuumhobe or the group is do raw rim or the whale famil in landchem and Ill it gods mnnd so it out he rva Indus Man can curl on hear sud theyve never hand he rnmj hm gums nnnn Estimator aw norm WEDNESDAY MAXI ting Cvunlysr Wmnrtmr chquestnrom thcrducntlnn committeefu 11 inch language school in Or illla At tonights meeting or Ihe 51mm County Roman Catholic Separate School Board Irustcrsparr sIItcd nprosentm Alonrlrom dciegnllon or the cducnlion romnlittee In the 513 has Ami dc dumplnin have made rrprucntitions to the separate hoard Ior ml wphoco school In OriIlin The mcetinz will start It pm the Education Centre so Ferris Lane Truster will also hrnr pnrt Ironl Trusts La Plurne chairmn oi the Prin cipals Allowance Committec The committee met with separ at school principals to estahllsn is new mahod of determining the principals resriansibhlllty allownare01rrrhtly the snow anon size is determined on per pupil basis Ioreach school BUILDING unenl Trustee Innis Macon ch lr msn at tho Mule ol Incarna tion building committee will prucnr rcport on turthrr pro made on the new scorn ate school in Brndlord At the boards last meeting Feb tho schools plans were hpproved and forwarded to the ministry ol education Int linal npproval mou Separate Board Tonight new ugwlclisu Sept It will up Mary school vlIlIlaln Boiler assistant sup erintmdenl or the srpunln board will report on the min try of educations program do nlopnrcnt coolercncn held Feb 11 to in Mouth conler once rovioml curriculum dov eloplnent in Ontario schools lurorlu wartno chIlrman ol thosrpnrshn bond will re port on the mus on Faith mm held in Aurora Trus tees and Idmlnlstr ators Irnm lnur separate school boards York Simone chDullenn and Metro Toronto Jaded the meeting Discusnon centred on the trustees role in the stop Irato schools Day Care Centre Opens gt On Mrlndoy The day carn centre which has been rounded under the dir ecticnot throl Ellis former 2ers 1w swoon oncerts Barrie Library mmmnwu earmark evl uh into rumination th yr hue at three nrru oi down town prayer II current mamI value and mstntctinn row 11 Ed mun starting cumin from waldo lh mkdrd new oulnnu will wide 65m man not It lib rary mm sir llnmllton said MAM nl sh Ind Iill hl Iorpmisinn nl parkli was an 0m llama lluin Vicypresi unrml rim nu nr 02 chy Plans ms nl tho Itb mm mm It Iihnry hoard ends manna hoary space to as of the nililiaul But LI mm Ill be rem able Irons chat grant th Idual mount nought Irgn the at is 575m TV rst 112 the expat llrlllll the nrah In up In no The NH library budget is wow rho WEI is mgr to snow nominal rzn Barrie Realtorls ItoElena man no been eleclrd lhn Board MOI th madman when 5m loorn In hdcd In the some upso lty at lhe muence in Nil nra Fnlls The Barrio prsllnr nil again represut the Parry We grow up in the Barrier Soul Huston milk Coiling 0min um mm SI wind txsngevfle Ind Dam not to Dario Crntrnl Doll Real Estate bomb on the board hip Bdl Dunbar numb 31 directors the mintlnn Ninth colicint in Barrie Id Who Saved on the Barrie links IBM 11 In Dnlli and DWI Elli TAMI Board District Collegiate and VOCJ ndmnlc since 1m Ind Ierr Linnal Institute rd I5 Evident ol that Mst mi mm on Io rm mt Ibm lam menhnr sin Rrxhtercd tom grnhlntmt IromthnsLthn $3 mm General lrnnnlrn School of Mrs in in New Brunswick Ilcr zlec lfkw YE Limcame during the Innu Mm mntrrennn the Ismcintion gm LP dh5lhn which was held In Toronto at the Four Srzson Sheraton Ilolel mrt Int shellcy ml WV my no no member Danrid um nut Estate Association Dit thI now and that they record is urmmrm PM Rmll at no number at the ml estate WNW ml cuh hoards and other Iho have mm mm com Interest and Inmlvelmnt pm 1er the group huy ol the mum to male an dictation moni compnny min up of mu Im on round will hc about and halt hours in length Bogg pm Emdfgjmbgm bff Nations presidcnt or the lay mm 33 am will visit Barrio Thursday Smut mu He will Inur ManseldDenan art will pm gt $1 $5 mwmvgm Property Sale ma ces It in years arc om ls Recommended want In outsrde thG province unlrss they can be sure it Is Sale at an arm of citywood on mom mmu land on Murrow Road In In Some cf tlu 5132 they do worth GUS Umilcd at Out In Ihcir mm but much at their Rhinos was recommended by Ike material belongs to other com finance commiltcv this week ponersmurritcrs Purchase at the property at When they speak of Ihcir re $13915 will he road by Joyce md liZITPIV they they nlihrl Holdings 1116 the ump dontiust want lo record butto anys holding common get behind the scenes In music Elivoth Glass Ld will hulld too rowsqu Not building lor or their writ Danny ms the supply and lnsbllin oI gloss It heals the hull out of worlv Indlmmmerdnt nanminlum In in factory htlildhzgs The company Youget the results ol your rent tho Citys requirement to work mt sway lts Ihe only begin construction within your job unm sou not optludtd alter the mouse agreement or what youre doing says has been concluded Constrnclt nmn tinn on have to he mmplrtrd Bill pnt says ll within too real or the pinch Ise day care educator Action In formation Centre will open Mon day In the hnl It the hurrah or the Nazarenoon SL VinA cent Street at Gmrn Street The div rare centre is brill untied by moon local In ltintivcs Program LIP grunt and right people have been tired to start the centre which will be open Irpm Into Pm These employecs will work Iworhilu urn day lllrs Ellis will he the man nger or the cm an centre Gay Slater who has dzild cure mentr will he the dir odor Ind nurse Grim anus will be assistant director Ann Locke is the secretory The child care workers will includo Betty Tollos Cathy lilac Fadrn Joan Gridden Brenda Mortoni Ind Bartan any 40Teanls noon In first Vllicl Meet r2 Nutt director or cm I15 or first aid or St limbo on sport clcs to rcmmlr or the Onion Championsz First Aid Five illlcnucdinte team have alrondy entered the SI Jam Amhumo Irolincial op en rst aid dumplotstzp corn and talk to Guru Damooult Immlnor Photor ovn pout to ho held Moss Parkmnnwry Toronto May firm nuan pmple net as lodges and lo casualty simule bshinltuwt makeup to the no my or ics tho loom must tront corrcctiy Tczrm will be given tlrm rroblclm In sat with it min utes allotted to roth pmhsm MILDRED MOOIE In real utzlo from throughout the province rdrd 17H maiden III Walker SIR cl Path Irines two ricepresidents elected store Ilagot or KltchencrWatcau Ind II In hlonn Woe LOCAL AND GENERAL Formosa Spring and speak to lhe Earrin Jayme It lunchlt can to he held It the Brook dale Part inn Ila willrisil with slayer Dnriarl Puker Ina tour the dty hill and meet with Dnmbtf oi tormech olllclnln POLITICAL RALLY An event billed as christian politiud rally will beA hed Thursday at Lin In the Bid FLrlno Rom Oomnncrs Ga huildln 165 Frrri Lane Do alrislinns have pohticnl pm ounce is the thcme Illa Ill ly The Committee or Justicd and Liberty Foundation is sporii sorinz Ihe rally Thorn is no Id mLsnon Ice and everyone Is not come CAR RECOVERED Sty poster mud stolen at night Tl mr and by Clill Putin RR roams was tun be side the Barrie Inna lllr Feb his hzi reports that the Ixnl has stolen sometime b5 mm 745 am and 439 pm endav INN the Kaims pitch In kt limb Shea NITROGEN snoxr demonstration oI chemo Iho Ontario Scirnm ContrI Istry Ind crmrnlcstook place pertomnl runny Intorcstin tn the Georgian collage Thr cxperimrnts with emphasis on AtrI Tuesday Errol IIIsor ol nitrogen llr Wises dmmstntu what hippest to howlnitrogen ohm ll out It In his mouth tannini Ina Photo