Idplr mnzml our Ind ul iu lilo en It the thrill Air lirie Rider Pam lioed thieturry Ieliee or In icty oiiictnll at live lite tint the Inimail or birth nerd mud can oihain like It my here in DCle renter yuI tin mie tnus lamina liumiu 504 Jusr LIKE HUMANS Ililirmll ino lilo berazr Id illotltli Io domandiliz II IrmIll child mad he xiven II much love Ind Worm in Mm FLU money Dorrie Auimll Mil oi IIld oilinmiIItimemom said Wu at little lrwre Om limit their men Bropor core or Will ensure til6geilifo Unoan tram the am at which have aweared In npperred tram Dorrie deiiAWI WI late in Ii Iume pointuttirs were pow gill ilheusll the pin often loll Illenz time in the home there Ire low ninesttonl to ensure it longinstill rennin Ian liuzllee ribllulizt itoinsettlae do but uilh ood um expmuro IM perniure at about our temperatures tern to do tormch to limitco dintlr and the root tort cen drowln at the Villa no tIIgrwshly nlirn loll dry the plants ehouid he to nil in Ill Ix It water that cvltrctsin the memoir undrr the wt nor the noinretttu have rm ed they my be carried over the next year in two ways trio mothod in la ptIht the polnirttisr into the garden in twin when the mnzrr oi IrnIt lsiover rho mend method is to mt tilt plant in too locIiloil Ind lei the toil dry out Dude till IIELIII itamlno It my Ill helpful to eiter problem litiiihbtll well rounded dict avoidance oi oily tried load and ureiul again are Iiuoiuteiy necemry tar clean complexion IM new iii Tahiti rendvdontkiww which warm noun corio am With E72644 4140616 Eton youonm lied them tIllrI IIIylromtls mother or Tllli llAlilllE EXAMINER FilmW DBCEiilllill 20 m5 brothers Ind Ibiza Ina need comnlonshlo II it alto in WWII be cause it in loody Indueiarnilo inr will the new mm and hustlo end bimle said lire Fig Idvisrs Ramon rnonIimpIy cu llle lilo non Ininlel in unityI trout Ind oomt know uhic ooortountehlttolriowto went to be let or where the litter trey lei llor been eat tnr Iiimu cod and Ill Lhl leads nervousnas Iiiith will naturally rod up in mom on tho Iioor lirI Feii said No HINT IN DtlLE tnerel no trl lc in lnl the InirnIlwli he dot Owl durinri tile tint lewdzye III hie new home will only mil In the animal bomminl oven more nervous and uncertain II the unrest bar name train yreviour owner orthe liurnnno Society the new nuncr Ihotll line out what dirt the pet it Ir to ulitil Ind melanin It It kaIt will the pet ital Idlusied to new IIlOlllAdlliKL here the wt in bin our on Ire uivirqi to check at the not tor IWIOOrIMO iced liae idI Ihauid not hurt near ht tin Adm the rodde oi livint brulltinl ill illl WI balk or Iinu ill on whether it in her hair or toothm iilI should he Ireztr at like In 53m to the with Sill like In intent ll lrii Prot IMHILI vndrmtnol young meoblhly Iustbocn poinsettios mt period the plenll lien be cut hodl pIrt my Foilwlnr the rut period the giants lIn be grown on to earn neain It Chrtrlnlu soars ion tied up in I3 intent parlirIiIity over hcctlenolllereessoo tb Imlaer Phebe need lone the ntntrv ll Iru near it told not blrdl orpeciay vermin we prone to cIllll oneumnim llmtmr the new pet to lire Fell Idviur the other to in milioteiy ed in told eith uterinartan tor In appoinlmmt regarding immunization or litr iitzotien DONT FORGET ILTl People who have lied pets tor some time Ihetild remember to intake amn menu tor the cure ot their mind theyre gout Iwa tor vacation or it me the lied to that been book yard The Ind the water IIid trod lodeons wee iroun What could we do Iho we mildnt like the the Ihritoe tbocrluso no had no leral rinlite So no out out irelir loot Ind water lliii owner would ml tmt their InimIlI lilin that Pwnio going awoy lilouhl glvo wine Mum Mte who in train to take we II the pd lire Poll laid They should leave the InimII lindrr tile Illpcnllloti at re liable netdrbor or lrtond or registrant local liennol me said Alter Christmas rm SIIO StIrtI SIturdIv Dee 27th 930 Im POIlOII Shopping Onlv Flour Dusters Choose from assorted styles and colors in brushed nylon or quilted Sizes Ind XL In the moon 99 utt may will 5kg sou Ind grin nmrmrlunv Mannie Om II whim ml rilnreIrimllmnIIVw Wm imoe oi BIrrio lmrih edit innate WM 72 edher Elmer oringoistrot THAIEl molt HAMILTON irenk Ind Pm Stone oi ti mliton urinal limit will lie Ind lirL be in the city mums DIy to Millie the teethtut with Moms to ll Dllt rrzcur Vim Christine 1m world even In the Cody mill oi Coll Went this my iin MIbel Foreman iron Amnln Soot tInd II loondial three woelu viIittnr niih her daughter on lendr unbrin lilil IIHI mu dIughtm Chery Ind C41 theriII Pollyfs Ootnters Dur rally here wonder nil recipe or urunhlod el tlut are cooktd in don hello and then served with ummy in mm lento Icrntiy we won lining quite crowd tor bnlncit Ind lay Ike It nllht nendutnl what could coal fire or six dolen In In FtnIiiy came up with ma double boiler idrIl used my large turtley ruler out the ureter in the pan and hen inverted the lid to In till lw MtlltM 00 was mat and could have hold another six dorm og thiI helps some he needinr enormoul ambit boilers when rocking tor crowdline LudieS Sleepwlarj Dorm sets pvlomas lonq and 15hori qowns In ilenneloit nvlon Assorted colors and sizes and cosy brushed 99 The perfect covetup for those cold winter niqhts oront assortment of stvies including fleece brushed nvlon cotton and nylon quilt in prints Ind nIIins GROUPI GROUP E999 Ilud Tomsllutroililuollmmd TCHRISTMAS Kiddo up their beets It the AllIndIiI Lumber thriltniu iIrtythiI week It theilonl city componi tinontIi in nor Ind iuoy Hook FESTIVITIES IGNISrilkY nuoihoilduliu Many other end held their In in not IFtItItty Eeturday Doc 26 ONLY II the YWltmledyoueid Simpsons8ears Ltdlgi SIIiI Benin Storo Houri Georgian Mlli Mon Tues Set MO Im Silo 509 BIyllIld St Wed Thu Fri 930 Im pm Personal shunning Only Please