Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Dec 1975, p. 4

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lion we when one Limited Inuit PubliaharGeiveral Mam Walla Editor Emeritus DMHarahav moiy warrant mi in checking iqx Spending it has been emphaaizod hetorelhat il Canada la going to be able to wage an dloclive battle againat accelerating In tlatlonthejtodaal government has to notonlyut good example Itreit but there has to be general cooperation selves early In the year to ihe recent control guidelines war tar irom one in his opinion it was certainly round logic With the high present Interest rate on debenture debt due 13on Ination detictt nancing ahould avoided at all Thinivold Iadnde lcairozlrncilah county levelal prirrall senior circleg rte re or re on an mun minut rat rentaivc ag nrnu ooue ax ion payers receive lull value tor money Ipent tintich leader who have been aim and rst in the wastelul lax spending II Md planting the Ontario government avoi an ei lat er centincrcue in grants tor The substantial coal toCanadian tarx the their lineal year Iatnaultielent Iimply not cooperating There are many ho tcel the riluation calla tor holding he line on municipal grants well in the tirat other expenditures with cutbackavwherc practleaL It ination ii icing to be beaten it an roachis essential llh initial ate it een started but it anclcing it every gov obvioiu arealiat huto have gone ernnient Ia satisfied in look to other low aepect oil to or out Ihetaali it rirn ly isnt rIrlzat applies to lndlvi oats Ir enough rpayern oi the heavy borrowing charges in Itself ahnuld emphasize the riccd tort more economic handling to months at this car var Ioua Canadian government orrowed about 32 billion in the United stator IiOIIlr iblr money helps to tlnance many worth while protects including llydro expany on men thou really concern With the 32 billion In borrowing Itale olvthe economy 71 poglular radio announcer who rug Iiir broadcaat the other day that rcn nolbillty iy by an other public apendlng bodica to pro rolling back the aalary and taxtrcc aI Iect taxpayer already carrying the llth eated ml blla could rhovv real Iinccr it Iowanceincreares they voted lor lhcm lest burdens aovuasaoo barrio luminer bar 26 lien oilatv Itorparty at betore animal denozra $21m on Owen Si gathm otttee ot Boy do Boys Jack madeeoileo and Charles tearl Stow in the patient history oownMEMORy ANEI to yeans one This of courae is only art oitho picture But It does indicatet grewmg oi govemmcntl councila 1915 Just BIrrIeExlmInarDee26l9d5i Vlet art KC prepared botvchocelale lance tor Kenneth Ice cream William at Barrie uriing Cla erton SL jou Iii mentrttum ed war veteran one it Armoured DEW litrani or Sons Waiter Cruiga be linkiron mlomoigeuti building 17 was hanged Si of alloniiulcaetcr st in Barrie Iirrtexecu vasory lion In Barrie in Ill yearn lie was con Victorian murder in Orinla James nryoi Thornton elected to represent LIT Nam Christina truce broken by lighting but US aircraft ew over Hanoi dr ll Boys KC pin 5000 packager oontalmng Yu calendar and health hlnir Cameron prominent Barrie lawyer now Senior District Magistrate loo County ol Simcoe died suddenly uniio Iotrlct manager for vliltinz In Montreal Service hold at st Andrewe Ererbyicrian Church conducted not season by llcv lines Adams Canadiin Press ali aFGCorted murethen no led lnhoilday an innlnn ICcldonta acrora nation CplIJoeo moon County Barrie moniborol international Super Commlencn tor United Nations pictured ipcndlnY Christmas in Laot Barrie brat omit no In senior hockey with Corby Adams George Iloorman and Boutiisizuooe In Ontario Older Boys YIT llonic Forbes catii scoring twice Jon liament Following Sundayicvenn Weeks and Bob Girne gelling ilnglea Christmas service at Collier Si Unite Chttitil about 60 young people went about town elngmf ghriirkimaaearois lcd nox ome on by Lieutenant 20 trains AGO lienago laek hiilehinson reported cm leavn Sleizhwcre provided by Charles payment at high levelBarrlc cop Ten Newton and Andrew Cumming On one was mounted piano played by Norman DClarke with aocom animcnt by Ilayor ocal men have completed 20 years at pianoGlHdoyd Ed Baker Art Smith lctorsinclairontrom oneandltcnllrcila 53ml Liiv lild 0in on trum et Ed or choppinv mill In Ovo Toivlhship deitrogcd by tire Trfttfa URBUSINESS Biewirig ccxrvmnvn distilling hit bykrecession VINCE ennui Ilnaihrar and Common Allaliv IinavaI Titlime Nerve nervth it Iiiir ream appearances can be deceptive looking around Inyone would tenciitdetbat the brew err and dlatlllerr iltilng on top at the bullleer world But closer look rhowa that despite tiie uaaonai calea boom they are enjoying new the brewing lntuairy ta lust holding Ito own while the dictllllna Inv duitry may or luring ground bothbeer and liquor are heavily taxedto the produc uoublorhava direct lmv part on government revenuro brewing has been alow lrrutlt Industry Ior many yearr and the major Canadian produce have learned to dgt really thin other buarneiaca In order to remain healthy Some amaliar brewerlca lieu either becniautoriml by the gi Inla or forced to clone becauia at labor diiputca Reduction in the minimum le al drinking Hominid with high Immirratlon end the comingolau ol hiblca born tuet alter worldlVar llgm Iunie modcal growth to beer inlet during the put aaveral ycarr NOW however population limit are running that the lnduriryuand met to rain the leiai drinkingare iecmr in be gathering rtrength in Ontario II leart The average adult Canadlin drank 237 gallon at beer in Clark lil Baker Bolt lIcDonrrirI Bill Fitz almons Sid Baird Bio ion road conaiructionl and other aervicce but it in well to keep In mind the cost An exemple juat what higher Inter cat can mean may be shown by an item ir well lndeedtbe veriationr alread allow which arid an extra percentage mint edeant help but cause ap re enalon would amount to 52oihililon annual on THEwQRLDiOoAY iii fisides dig in in labormanagemen It mount nadlannyle Theo titer Ily IliN MBIRON Foreign All1r Analyil Thornton Nana lervlcl iwil he rpeakind in MI Igth In the comingvmontha out the new kind at lecIeIY we lilii mod to male In re Me to the new economic Ir chmummin which we are livi mg hora in Canada throuahout the world iicmember there no They ncre epoiien on nailnnal television and radio Iiit Dec II by our prime miniurr livid tor thou lcnr Pierre lillloil Tnidrau as an evil geniua out to destroy the Iron rnterntira chtrm In place rometilng rtrongly aoclallvt In Canada vlhese words mut have riruc lrrror In their heart again Hill In truklnl brwd philo aoplalcai ohronntlene about the name ollCnnadinn aocicly the hind he hit made ainu tailing up the leadcrrhlp oi the Liberal party In loot Pierre Trudeau again ienvea hlrnacll upon to dwblecntendre From the myJier oi the abor Ilve Just Society wnai rlaer he now mean by the new kind at iocloiy we will needl LongIife prospects better Economic Council report says primecancer and related dll eaten tlIIAWA lCll Iiiora people are dying in the prime ol tmi down illgnliy lriim ircord ill In lam The export market or Cinav dlan beer to almost negligible but Canedian divillierr depend heavily on nice to the United State and eiarwhorr lleceulon and lnllaiion warn the main Actor In keep growth oi Ute oohrumption ol Inirlta down to only til per cent in the year ended June to Not oni hm Ull tonwmrra been buy lower bottle ol li quor but they have been chock lna cheipcrbraiida That ahilt ital been had new in the tun manr Canadian compenIea tIeIIrIma Lid nip tillera Corp and ham Walker Gooderhim and Waite bid uho are atronjly rtprercnlcd In the llliilvbllud aegment oi the iniommuiuirna anus market To IomI extent they have hurt compeneated by aboveIv erau bulk expuria ol rye and acotch to be bottled In the Hit Baciun their market In In untitle to price the dillillera have been unable to keep their product prim abreaet oi the in tlatien ratt Their reatrainl however ll unlikely to be noticed by con wnuraeincl woceaalon tax Inncaauwwltlt itill more undoubtedly oomlnfhave led to repealed bike it the Ilnal ieliing price lltiiil IIIEBSUIIILS Production coats have moved up Intel or nieuulrand div tiller than lor rnoct oihortn duiiriea led by ruivp Incrouar to rain prlcaa and compounded hi therein In the coat ol bar ml barrel and other mnlninein lite but people in general on living longer than Iver hay in Economic Council oi Cin It does not rle exact llgurea but eatimatea in iii lnh annual report that prospect lor Iona lilo have Improved Ilnce ion iihen men could expect to live 714 yeara and women 773 years The report Myt the main con tributing luclorli decline at nine per centln deithramong Inlnntr during 1m and 1m Ihcr decline vaa unuiually large II Inya The rcreate law tween 1th and 1072 war lour per tent There Ia no clcar explanation tor the decline but it could bl partly related immoral Imv provcmenla in the accessibility and deliveryol health care it the nine time prime Ira mortality denim among prrv yon belneenilvand roie 11 per ml among men and For rent nineitg women between lVlland 1m Amalor tutor war lourpvrent Intieaee In the rail oi moilulily lrnni nrn 53 WM ert BIBLE vTHOUGHT not the spirit and int brlda ray Come And IeI him that limth uy romr tnd lrl him that ii nllilril iemr And who annter will Iriblm iavr th watrr III Ireely Revelation Zlill Right now all lilavm to WIN toamrrcvitomid be depart Irom me yo workera oI lnlirurty never knew you ly5uirii will not hint min with man Conflictingviheories uround aboutnow US ambassfudor Con Arable holar Porter held the ol ubdor tor political WASIUNGNN lCii theoriea Ire circulating Importeni bm eopceralnc the career TlvomaLOrtrom Lodrra lo auc coed Williamiorler or mbauador to Canada In It that Charlie rot Imi wanderence to Ported lrictlm Ind hla omen IIebinaon llicliag recrrtary el Ila himaeii about to toil leer el lerrph Sim Jillo had announced hlr Intention to turn to the academic world The Ottawa lab vvaycorrtlnx open and Porter was moved Into It whili Elton war elevated lltlcai allalra dip omit tiieleava cbiel Charles to brad the po undemmtary bartmeat Itall loi economic attain The other Ir that the Ottawa porllnl Ir pluma raivard tor lob well done within lbe atat department but too no longer Important II it once int on whic diam matio carpi In it nd one bluntroom member exchanged Ior another equally ll outlpohen Endera II aided Itm Ix brilliant lover ie at st re ry llrnry ltiesi reported departing Then loitu In Washing Ian It the time that Porter going north to atraiglitcn thou blueeyed Arabo vim locreaalnl oil prleea Porter now It headed bulr greatest knowl poll not erirrarlieiyIaen deputmant leaidera plat that Endra nope not only diplomrt Into but maybal move Int out hlchonorr that boara ittia Iiat the dI awn illl uollsla lnlment admire it my aniatant aecrotary at rate atood up lolilrn hut hia lirntmlndedncaa may not have endeared him to hob ronironiatlen ii the harmony lid French tormia caller dicnlivo planning In which tha unto taker the leader role In go planning between in nd lnhor and with II motor part In loresnlling Ina ripienlt labormanegemeni till Icrorcca Already Ipecule Ing that the anlI dalton board Ia planned in be more than topical my acalnrt innatlon rilclc Ioraome motor ahlll In the eruclure at many eaenicntdaber rclullnnr in Hill country And it Wliiivn on hard come more cencIiItor would have becoml Increaslli lonrran my The top oh man in the department proponent oi hardline an preach advocating itI lomeormethmuddlnlwm might have been Invoeiixatcd by the Ottawa hurcaucrnla olved In writing the anti lIeIIon icglal it It cary to ray that come ratiim would appeal ih callrtlc lrcnclicanadcan mind it has been meinl clellel areldn iven Lislnuniher cl lawn vonnr Ihilarimi cranium record1lll onil itall and here are mali hlrh rotdd be In the minds ol auch planncra And they range all iii Irom the righlrwing corporation alplldil hlnoric taaciit iyrtcmr ot F1 rope to the conacnlua oI Iabc and managemerit rath conlrontatlon which ha become working procedure in the Scan dinavian dcmocraclei in between there vnitern lluropoan modela which have been In urn tor thin liinir Exzunin la lleldliret llarrl Onilrloa Telephone noun llrgiiiraiipnhumbrr Second Cilll Ilall llciiirn portage IlaIIyi Sunda blalutory iidiva except Subivrlpilon ntea carrier it come weekly yearly Sinai rhpiea iiy ilaii Barrie tit etmwe County aim illllnco ol Cllllllil tit Iy Ail olhrr counirIeI yearly Motor throw oil National Advcrllalnrtlllloear iii Queen St Wen Toronto lilo bib Calhcart bl ml Member ol the Caeailtln and Audit liurcau ol eoi rr approach one at the title the International Energy Agency liEhI loan cation which grouped the and Ila European Illira with Canada and Japan as tountrr to the Urcnnlratinn oi Petroleum Exporting Counlrier tOIECI llowevtr there have been in croaring reporla oi Intermittent lrlctlon between Ilobinion and Endera Their dillerrncea were In the manncrvol approich hliiin er tilt the policy make no niItIIte about that one wurce ciore lo the atria depart meet it outiide oi bottle models it tnrept ol ed by the In Latin Inawcra on the right llaiv ortulil and Spain where labor and manlgemmt were organlxcd Into vertical ayndicatea the at to both it Ihe top It Iiiiiltfrbi calories and working condui llul then It war the rollMme youthlul Pierre Trudeau bittedy rolcctcd Ia rightwing regime in line cc whore idoolorlsta were he clnaicd with lluaeollnir and Francos modela ltut no realizing lty ni Canadian pol bureaucrats alike to not borrow it eliep sooner him along with their own II Ia unliker any evil plan tor ehilttng Cane rllan eoclcty LI In the tiling In Olinlve Ihat lacioar In the govern menta now greater role In re the historic adveraary iunclion between monarcmrnt and labor In Canada it Ihat boili alder have lulled to make It work dlgclnx In their heels In is though the with were alIIl upon III re reial yrnra The eyl German one kwardly called in German beeimmungtrccht means he inn end manltement oliiciala IIIIIM together on content boirdr Iotnily mnhlng declilonr nnd hire the ScandnulIn iil Iem Intentionally Ivolding tu try Dupl aimply won the In bierver More played the tough ruy time when that iecmed to be the beat line ile doing eprcirlo Job Now he mom on Ilgnincntvam lie propenar II ltchInI and cirruia Canadian Preie II ely entitled to tha uie publication oI all newr duplicit ea In lhil paper crediied or The Auoclaled In leo the loci nIWI lroni Inicna Idea but in to beta or to Cln here diipulo the II oi the Ottawa poet but biervcra note tint in acme do me the aitlaninont arisen to have bean used In the plot tort ol holding pattern Ior diplov mall dertlned ler other Ulllill iortcra porting to Canada In me In One oi lllddil Eatt expcrli and In ier an iiahcd ih Ihe Ilarrir Examiner yrlghi all original and editorial malarial tla employeei and duced Inlhli ncwapapcr lleglatrallon to rcglatrr bl llut tha overriilpicture in cluding death rater In all age rroupa indicator that lilo cr pecluncy hIa Iurreirnd nonle what tor both arxra Int 00 yrI Iit We elite deiartmenla eelsoar

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