Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Dec 1975, p. 1

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rrsnvr SEASON Nollmllll lCPl Alon thrlr borne rm deslmvd Ihnc wwrzlc llre one blob wllu ruaped cxuszd by anon Police charge one man Apdln lnthllgiu uld lhan 1m Ilrnlu um Id qvlek theek OI min nl Ibo Illuilerm llre Ihldl destroyed am Thursday less hislrrm Du Iller homo cl 30 lImlllu In north ln cod Mmlllvuerm In In ol dlrla one llrt aimed was ddrmnl locallau inurmdcrir Hamlin roamsr panoramamum vlmdnmdm ru 5mmuw imaaicbo run llrrmeu um Lerml In the The broil owl ME lame ml Iwrxmru axli buld dents lo lletvln lbclr kat in and hnnllly damaxrrl ur elnlbes Enlr lb trod when new he hhmd hero lem Irma Irom bsplul Ilia light lllnucs Inltr dam lrealrmzL more large llxlr manor lu luv hq animal bulldlnx uih walnu my man rnrrzr Polite Iald most o1 BI DEE lie la Ibo Mlldlnu wen no lnwrd all Lulr wmdora In Ibo llre Lam Cnrlhtrrw Day lam lllr me the mind an Ir alum bumml Irma Flu new lndun luv ol lolnl SI Charla with murder of Pallet and the slated DARTMOUHI N5 CF Illlnn MacDonald cl Ml Ha tmrivd llle Thur do tllb murder punlxhablo by dealh lor lb rlnrln earlier lhl nut ol Dulmoulb poll olllcrr Eric Spleen MacDonald belleml lo In hlr lala loo wu charged More llulire or lho Pearo Ind re Darlmoulh taxl drlrcr Four shot dead anoillloummwuuaSummonamnemamIl now vlztnm Ilozrilal Manchu nlwllulnlm prowl IlenllurIUanl made her debut at Jennll In th llrrl unduly mhlmaam lo or ohllller volt Eamon Pholo In GARDEN Fl lAPr Dunl Ive been my Pleuowmoand Ml me rl3dxdbilll$mp Ir lelmd Iumllure Ilom where uhen beder maven nun by aler beam IM ll ncldl HIer la mud allt mm mm lTli bad no Ila lo gel rhclr lcrulhrs tadll M2 Jul allu mud Monday but Mmm rounded ln cuslod unlll New Old Kellb lccallum du wbrn be ulll aopur ln Tho Charla lulnll and mulslrnles marl nnld corms Iour day Ilter the Polls Chit Razor Smllh laid Dnrlmcnlh polloo department allrr reborn viii chine lahpehed an lamuln mnbml lbal Invcsllzllora Illll Ira 151m lhI help bl RCMP 32d rumblal lcr Inolber mu bo llnhlu ghy polree new In luv been lnwlrad la lho slaylngs Solar and Jrlh MERRY CHRISTMAS 1ch were lultd lo Ibonl limi 70 I33 Ipnoz lMlanlln parklnx lol WK mm near lheIAngus hlmlonald brlfo mu lhe harbor Irum Ila ax lnvanlgnlon lound mew mmwm Mulden ight er In ughm ImIImenImIc for ulrlmer $0 lllcCi um all all MOWW Rwlull 534 Illhouxh lalllly ured wllh vlrl llell supermac alrllne Nth gunshot hounds lo ll head 11 lell hero lodry on Ila llnl 1le rhorlly um mg um lo menJul nun lhc Sovhl nmI mu lll horollll Agency frm rroorlod lhglzulhe no Inch hm my 1059 IVDOm nl lhr bmullly am boemrso cl lhe prsonal weds aahl hounded In runllabl lhal an robbery or allenotrd robbcry Earenlly occurred during robl1ul uorc olnx lo look lnn Ill or 3de OI lbl um old Oh The lrkndVTZolllgtrltul mo county Sherllllblrl Coll ndr other cults um rnmzlcd llpml lulu Fllrltn ym tn annihmhh muu ul5r1rlo nmou lbw gnarled rm ner In to Mnwvmllumnuu warmfr 11 not loumllnlha vaw MaoITselung has qurel bmhday Mo slid Zelsler tlmcl lEthG lllmlrrlmlrman Mao mm lh lrad mm no Islamaan mom oatgfrmmnf No MON NUNu bkgm Aidan oco nor ma when loluulry mama mm Inlay an urrnll nol loo rollclcnl sloru lncsdn ln cllrnd ulodn urn bl Cnnadlun Formulator mrLll WW 1W olvllomynodo Ind mgny ollha Wkdwm wliru lountl our rm dead llclro and Flakes Irlcntl Our lnlllnl lmprwlun unr Chrislmas Dny fire levels studios omfs thawManon Daa nu Anna on rsunulrd $1 mllloq delmgu ntth LEVEMN qxpsllon chrlrr loltyhihlglr nrua umlcr oat the lwplol II Pull Md Mum WI blnblay pwrd wllboul pump or mom Icoasl ollon renlrcun Trenlou 0m KM brouh lr uh lh mwanbralo lck hudonarlm rald tho reml ll IWMenlly bu reward no algn ol the yrsy grand Eunloc and her pnrenls Perry and Vlzglnla Edwards eh mm ml so nld Idloalgnal cauth ln heavy Tho tonal zurll aald lhu all the nrrlrnl nl hlny Hoel freclalms more es Immlho hleh ham Although lho mad lrIln Cat Moot roan mud launch registrallan mom to grungy nutlmlh cm1w an rllrd In hooplul may Moultrle 6a In lho Illach ol Ira aillx were or dlo overulonhnd been monllori nndlan walrrl the rescue Ilorl lrom hlarblrhcnd al lho no at coml lrorn lho garbled lrana Imusn the dull loll lronu holol Ier mulmu my lo IL Larllcr ropom pol lhr loll II II Zolxlnr has In horplnll Ill lalr mndlllon lhc erh poun slaln was hrnrlu May uzlomcr ulto llclto mm shakln hrs la bola mordlanlod by lho handily llnylnglhlo wu also mlrsloru was lncomplole and hood Ina cured II mo Im Apolosnwn dlybrellk In then hcllcoplrr ex ll Irvm Dtlrnll nl lmboalln dlslrcu ldcnll ed only In zHoorcruker nllh Ohloyrrglalrallon rndlocrl USIINITERIOR1 lnllrlllrol lhonow bolus hold aoalod 835mm and which were dellveredlollarrle Iboul ll mld Inabum hoopla will motiled urv MINNIE VNWci hum nd mmth ea Us Cowl Guud he add Conodlan aimnIIImay ha lull lalor today ll lhr weather Improm Undrr rurrrnl condlt llonx In Ilrernlr la VllllllllyI uaelrsa lefd Thou ml Guard could ollor no xplnnollon whll Ibo vessel vu Idoth on the lake rel nul log lhe nrrn hul turned bull when ll rnn lnlo loo rov ml lnchoIa lhlok Ind poor rlal blllly Tha coasl guardspokcsmnn Iald the molar rrrublom 1n mu muhlullous um lhnt lho opch Ilor ol llta ml apparently had an rndlolelenhone and was undln ln llusu tolo through ham operqlorv In Chicano llnm operator In Clevclnad lhnl cllorla lo ldcnllly lho boa hm been unxurusslul also t400pouml lion nulled all 725yonrold woman by employee mill lix on lho vessel were uni rurccxlulr 005 atulll hellcovlor llom Delroll mth lhts am Thursday nlohl and rcporled alzhllnn wmellnn lhat mlxhl lure been lhe vessel bul was lorccd lo head back because ol poor Iuoalhrr Four wall out to alert RCMP HOPEPALE NH 10 Elghl nerannr um returned here by lnnu Chrlslmnr Day uhm lndlanr worn alran load andan mono operallon begun euller lhlrInuk when our mumbd or the roun wrlked mllaa lo Ilerl pollce on cod uhoul lhrce ncrllt no and lhla wcer lhree rrrn trd one loanaarr walled lcr day and lhrco nlghln lor ralhrrronrllllohrrnon modernlo ulnrlsprrvonlat an lmmcdlalc rum ha sold Th rema carrlodIoul tllIlANK lHl by lho lump on nlrllna rom paay Irnll govemmrnl lrupply lervlce Fond all vllr have loll wllh the remaln or or no roun nl lh comp known Eaklmo hi oboul Iner lrom here he momma mch inland nomth Lnbradorcnnll on Iool about lrrcolmonlhr are lnAesubllrh hununzand llah hump orl ol Lvvhlnu menlllaonsnr proaram or nnt llmr All llCMI Illrcr aald Thllra daylhr group began lo run low Tlloy Hm on nolhln hnl ralor lbal lhny lbllfd dorm lrom lho lell lhn polqu speltrsmnn nalzl Tho group all llrrd lrnm hunllrn and rm and harenl by llll nuna nil and hour or Ianylhlnz Ilka 1hall haronl mn rnoh lourh bunch or Inn llnvr lhal we did Vcdnwlny wva orranlre throuah Labrador llr woyr an allewrpt lo llv In load and we lrlld earlv Thurrday lo lly And we motlo ll no mo CthlElsjbrlolly hold hOslages ilo back Ill demands for meals llnrmenl ha nllow onal itanclln lhry muole llro incl loom lhan tho nornul 33 wllTlwf5 lemmlnluru llul conconn Nll Arr ulcl It New llaruphlre Illle prlaanrclml hMlIer nnd acl llm allcr urlwn Iolllclnlr re lured demand Ihhl lhaxo bclna held In rlllol llnnry our out or Chrlllmu mud The hoslauoa cxnpadvullhoul Irrlouy Injury and lhe prlwn returned Io lhclr colll Iller Inrndlna hour In an lpcn courtyard In In lhbelanoro lha dlalurb Into Thurme lull hall lha ulllunuubla ml the hllchen Ind dlnln hlll huvlly darn Illro Idlalurbme hem Iller Iomefwl prison In tho dlnlnl ll hnll tlcrnnntlrd In tho lewcr lhnn so prhoacrl coollnod or drulpllnnry an be ollowrd lo Joln lhcm 5mm Olllelalr rald The dcmnn no relrclrd lnrln rm nrhoa snowman cald lhe prlwnr rolualtl to leave hn dlnlnnhal look rhm or our mm cm ployccx hallaa and lnlrr alormcd lho maln unblock some prlronerl heron ullln lhe llm uhlla other our luruod tablu Ind ransacked tho kllchcnaml dlnln hall ElalIu nollro vara callrd In Ind llred lrIr nu Into the crll block torcln lhaprlsunerw aoma Armed with win uten Illsvlnlthl open Marilard WEST PALM llFJlCll lla All The only lhlng could Illlnk OI was urllmx lhc llon all hm my Ilennls Prom 90 an employee In onlmnl llan uho rearqu woman bcln malllrtl by wwund lion ll miracln am alle Imma llnles nah lmm hospllnl bed ml CIlrlst nm mlmclc sho hatl norm Llon Counly Salnrl on Wednesday wllh l0 plumb or men or llonm Mmcd Ill only amlrlng llon ol lll ha ha rnlsrd drulna Ibo ll lnrl olliclulr Illa Bales dIML uh In rageIlka onch ruromonlolnlna lsa and nlo other lluux The smell or lho Clnlzlmu preamla Ind llt wraopmu Ibo phyrlcal wool lul 5am Gnu nylon Wait to mull nllonllr otcllorl tho Inli mol and lilo or slx surged Iroul lhe cage either bothum look broke or no Jarrod loom lroln lhu ongo door lhc alllclalx MM All at om lhcro um all lhosoIomor llenx lhror lcur llvq hon all around mr nid hllso Baler lhrow lan lhe meal and ml or myoltr lrlnptd Ind loll dorm In lha rand Ilrrdho was on me In mlnulc Oliltlnls uld lho allarltln llon was mound male rolled hcbn ll hoard all mv boned trach ln and say Oh Im aolnu ro rllcl Im lentil NI God In llmrrnlhelp me Government arrests total 300 CAIRO AWThe Syer carrrrumd lLu mm 300 mm hora or the hyrlan 0m utmlst pony 1n Damascus but Socrclam Grncrnl Khalul baht ompol lho romldllolll Cldro ocu plpor Al Ahraru up US labor unions seek increase WASHINGNN IANUm unlom ln Iho Unlltd Stall In looking or wugor nonmt Ir nulllon workers In low mlnd lul ol lho lad that blulncsl has not been good and more are many lobe Mandate Is expeclecl lo be sought NEW DELHI APllrlme hllnlxler lndlrn Ghndlll la exuded to sock and to rccclrc marble lronr her Omzrcr only held hook or lhc oonllnunllon or her mummy honor Iand or alltutlomr muoch ruludn lha authorlly or larllarmrl Milliona If workers unemployed Moscow mum1m Nos lmd humble Chrlxlrnos wlth milllom writer ml lnldlrcluab unemrllorcd numnl hem ulrlg mad whh tltszr he sorlcl Communlll wrly venom Pravda lulu ll rendora lodaor WWW vSANTACLAlJSPAIDJAVISIT lsrnhslnimhl lhla lllllo lad MM aru olrgwn Around Ibo Door ulwm

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