Qxamitllr thwmunn Conlplny Limited aroma colorful mall 16 layiteldhtmt 15 Ontario Ruleb Mlleiweelerel Mmer mellow WV Managing Editor TUEWA ionization es en racer chairmenu gt TOFlND WiFlTHATST WNWWMNL at who eeieor fhvduld reduce highwayrioii will make itVeo again Ill pointed out More the esaociation take realistic approach in urging prle who are so in on holiday part cl where there il to plan ahead and rnake ar ranzemenll tor taxi trip tor the home ward trip Sate drivingll earround respone eibilliytor all molorl but at Christmas time they hlve to be particuieri alert in looking out for pcdeetrlene du the bury chopping emote Neat to exceseive epced taiiowing too Egg 350 much hubeen said about excessive loud the main cause oi highway decider mild leern unnecessary to melt further elem it it were not tor the meeting tolL limit in many arm this coming mun season that is it they at obeyed Host motoriell wlileornply tVIlmltlpereentaee eiepeedrtmcan createhrlvoc There maybe eorpe driven lirho rnipht loam rm in ii my ioecly is robabi major accident mm mu game Horsemaer inattentiorr criiapa mm be mvlml the adjusting radio or aeat elt ei mum eoll sometimes blamed and ehouid be hand ttmu driving to or tram work on um mm may Wmlmd fiherehal been aharp controversy ov change in Hm 0m or re red iegleiltion which would mum mu mere melding oi lcat beite mandatory Wmmlmaw nlh the driver leaving himuil open to lug to Rum charges tar not complying There are men who might agree with the ltand mm whom up um at Allieion council thet euche law ie elmart im reibie to eniorce and la an gmggm iniringemenlwon beaic righia to make mm mm my Ll om choice Tholewbo ieel that buckling up brim would mm ahould only be mandatory for highway my hm mama my driving and not tor 80 miter per hour roede may have clot which he iegil memmma drinking age to 18 yearl that ea it may nrgenieellone luch mm mm TOD the Barrie Seieig Auociation in open ilul there ll no ueetion but that care min annual eico oi eaiety ection pro courtesy and corral oration iarothere are AlnbassadorvsV replace for being out of tum Joell durlnp the Chlietrllu eeaeon merit to important ior drivere and pedeetrilne general rapport ee tor eaciety generally it everyone doee ithe campaign proved tine euoceee in hie part Chriltmla ta leee likely to be Barrie lest year and all cooperation marred by ehoclllnd tregediee at state ior Alrlcla Aliairl Nathaniel Davie baa been reomeoe rim lantce hoisted out oi hie lob tor epeali ind out alainat anydmertcari Aenerioen eleedore are llr Devil wiio Bennett came NH Brlrnmlett lard worked lot tltileVu Lizard ware clerk in saint John Ullfllll Smith Hui 10 NF iornieand become Mud ed lta name be Dora Smilindeltded that it nl lime ior him to become more laid oroua So he chaneed hie name to Armor de Current in lain floler oi lbet world Russia tries By BRUCE LEVIN WAlllINGTONlCill Americana with involvement in the dilealrolie Vietnam eoniiici eilli clear In theirminds irh dieala eiuddcr oi concern as the Annie eiiuaiion elealatcl Some likentlie inedreinn byV the Soviet Union and Cuba on the African continent to prelimi nary nwvre bythl Mil ortor to the outbreak oi the dpeaiah civil waneirtaioraierr in the beeond World War UI lnteiiieew rlporll which have traced thou Soviet mam ctalm the Madam maimed nearly 1000 mlllt adv re where liomw eeeka inuence or lJIWI or both ilrm repentslain Kremlin hea witor Vhae read to eerienearly loco mil lion worth oi airorltt taiiireaod other military equipment to eorne black Airlcan couniriu within the loot tno Yeare Daniel bio nlhaii US ain buaador to Untied our wanie that ii Uh owooillon to Soviet aciivilice iatha iormrr lorluduoeo colony ends the Will will eke over and thereby conatderably control the oilellipplne lance item the icr Gilli to Nov York VIAM AOOIN TOWN Ohio cigadroh lender Edward Barrie Examiner Dec 21 1945 Con Graceland it padre returned tram adieu General Electric eeeculivee were overleae on Quccn Elizabeth and is mu toeivieoillclele etluncheon ettlte ndtn Chrietmal with hil ronuguutg ltm if mar Ctl ardreltaurard lioliowod or en tire William Croeeian Wore an it Wm 09 lgzhm icy St Squadron loader Iliircd tone in public mum we by tour oi new Barrie Worke Genenl or honestr Jack illitchinson nld rodue gtoeiand hae been released CAP 11 imlnellleiy competent in the at Allende in ti wouldbe Widliiplim inieeetlmwrbweer Adrunwmma4 on oioni Anzoie II iordSt endtoi next month llayoc riaolellorpltel takingiho Gaiiie aur cry both IV lg Idlinan til Iiitr Mireille Peter Sine extended theatre at Town Nllnd For part elx morilhe he hae en fwlltmlulgollm Coundl Alaietlng the oil inlmlrworo iiichar ct looped hospital at Dart Kitgdlgllbfdrvummgwlg heed oiiioe OGEroenirom Toronto lilo mouth ova ricotta iredv Men um mud At ityore Jack Richardson Clint iriomp ren lnataiied ee Wolehipiul hillside Oor TheV lrtlcuieie yrl outline Whom hum mum ton and Roll itichondlon irom Barrie lnthian liewnle ind item on Mini diuer will mm oi redlnto which took out while Donald lileciAren appointed Ktnpe tell Bey irate over lie 20 eight ayr gmllmluflugfmg Devil Wu to times at thous Counsel in annual honorl list lire earlier than last year iostmaste gmt 7m WWW Mimi Alberta belle Slmcoe County librarian Nicol iii Thornton eai Christmas out min WM mm or Jill MW mill lime resigned to lake position in Springfield doing mall wasrocord tol loanlop the horrid lor current innrlior WM wmm lortor ie loavih Ottawa where WWI he hal been dulled the iaet iour Or what be nil in at rtaiiil Cenedien nation como Mllt mull and the period oi the rc White litiiile Idllllf on one duriiorl oi Cenodleu oil and la meilere in ma the uent Atrial to ill Umle 5m tr urhlly hrielrdthl American dewtun aouhde qu commrreieil on Canadian cable ioreienrpretl in outlooktn tell on ayelenll lanzlieee like the earlier Nl Durlli auchh Vllvrglhiion go oiVllic1lere mm lldnd IVI Olllolll Ill hierl ioreian policy iu Forlorn cornmeal were pulr Ibotl euccinct way or it lished in the preea end enerred can or done To Kill laleal anion othcra Prime liliniattr he told ur Zioniam iile no to or saline Iliadrily Trudeau tlr oi Commutiilm eo Comma Mil lie llilliu reply that lhoam rllrmie iii alettrol Zloniam ottordliie to the poem Ill haeeedore commeltie had We were then warned him Will Iv elreyed beyond tha to watch out tor lie lIiril Im by Gill cepteble hound within which blah iidura without the leueh Mimi MW an embaaeador timid wilheut end Aurel Epherlen and ll Unite the lecd oi iellh in yo minded and preeumehiy ptd ay American Kine Fallal iiiii lha dtiiertrice Well he liel done tolled liy iorler end the other iwoi lit artery nephewe bullet but with the atlhllhty power at lod he item with the villa depart the daudlracem tohe ecilne iii you above and or and menle bierrihe presumably about theme with the new you have the connection aridth one which war elven to rev combination that omtcr Ilellltent decrelury Uaaill ominoul women oil to illyad capitaloi daldi millet to raptua the talkative nr nlo other day Porter let down with tile on prere co th at boot the lllw ll iluorittai ltd IAlropean newepe it and talked lily about he iailina way the 0m el canedtaorhenotlceo relotlonehlp Arid he had quite eelelo oi them to rotor to OJier an the now mmhpublicilod Calle dierl cutback in all end porta to the US with oi to be completely cut oil by woo lier ie the current legislation mind ltrno me ellrial Cana dinn edition to em down by next den the takeover at mainly Uhnwned potuh oom panica by the snkalchowan provincial lend aoctallatl lov er nt and or by JOHN Willa leraln Altair Alalret Tamilitem Fleck picked again for the top Vspot oliEAllli lll llama IVheenlen Nrwl emlu Nitahll Jim rieclt has been picked min the man larllhe loot Since Premier Devil took power to rm Jarm Heck her mi Ibo provincea number one civil meet 111 Were dcoldrd he wanted convective directn lorlhil olce and Neck who had been the executive director pmieuor of amines edmtrlii oi ithe eommiltee meal ggiorlplnctudllw mil in the FMV ea llo the but he lies rat political bach Atter two yeal he was made wit and wellout lhil reper the ulHilllll milderlo mm mm JMV There are tliooe who it whirling glovemrriitnlqmthalt or at rouii at am Exallllm mime and cartel oi the tint 51m mm verlltiel and lridultry ere eul Herre0riterio litient lac it Telephone 76031 ihln there are those who be monomer Number one iievr thlllluitllbmcm zovernmen liliusrerpngltlgulrlhgmm end ihet it cenllube adminier Dell durldeye m1 lend well or properly without diellitory iioiideye lull notation at ill and tile out ed obll on and responaihiltliel Subrcrlotian retee daily by invo vod 5mm mm mm The criticleml that have horn yearly Gllld copier til eenle mode at dim iielk have been hieii Barrie elm yuri nicoe Counly elm nll dnl or from aey eli lleiahre at Canada 3600 year Wm iy All other countrioe cat eoul yeartyl hlotor throw all Illa And yearly llllhlJlQ lo elleoilvely Judie the National Mmlillrll Olilorei lxh iauee which have come Moon St Well Toronto SM mill ole Cethclrt do lionb it Wu ill an emetioliel controvmy to Member oi the Cahndlaii Prue mbw and Audit iluralu oi Clreule om illtlll liar one Canadian era to Hch in any em in hie new web rival entitled to on tor lion ruck takin on tail to pub catienot all newe dirpatch which mi when in till credited ii Mtstry and tear em in or iii Ilociett Pelee or new high involvement with manner mmm oceihewevflll mentazidtte economy The nerfiV Eilemlner cielrrle Co trial all orleliial advcr iV CANADLANI lntveu uled Inltwwlmamerldraptor the la lint qutetcr at arm ea ltlluCe lan accounted tol duced in thia nlwapeper Co it it lien they in thirde more then three million international vialtora to her more re leer di re the Unitedch early bord all about burning U3 Ily VlNLENI EGAN burlneae and Uonlleinar Ailalrv Analle Thornton Nelle Vlervlea Starling Doc e1 anyone who am Molan ior commercial purpoul ie entitled to collect retired at the excite tax The levy lo cenll eeilon war introduced lelt Iurnmer to help eiablitte price won the country in the late olithe rir iaecolt oi crude oil imported train the atom cartelthe 0rlt ahiteiiori oliciroloum Exportr lie Countritl Until now lla ehiylroilliid eiailne both rccepted were there at hi ultra Wllllliiblldil tiei limtinl involved New eteiml underline may he lutlmiiled lie at Dec ll end It airmonth iatorvell irom theriVon lUivlllMly lmlll number otttaooue olelme have been aubtnllted Commrrrlcl drillre may be temotodio illnero the lurid procrle thinllnit ihet the amount involved lent worth the paperwork lhele temptation ihet lheuld bo evallolalayina urt necetlery tlxla arent make arrive at any llllidilltiltllld documentation In ihlecauhel been kept to lrnlilirrlurrl up Iinyana la etllilile who buy laloilno or clmrncroiai litir bulincll ourpom ml tii cliidte barium and voieililnal people the eoivcrrlpoyatl larm operation commercial llali ermrn huhtere erld trepperl arid the three level oi covertl ihe trade and inrluatry eecv lieu line the key lob one he evmlnl aiwayl more important at etinlulotlne arid euidlnr the economy The directlorl oi eudi pro alum ll ii in the hitch nichel ling liknullyVln pdihtria in no promcr ri diceire he how to make lhiil ministryclear lilo receellyrhelwal pin In charge oi the provincee antllriitntioli program And now he has been mode deputy ministerVei the ministry at lnduatry Ind tourhm MANY IIDEB Flack he been can bovrrelel llxure trim the HR combith entre iellnlt and acedemlc be it ac tlnIda iiilonelre lreduete oi the Irvard moot oi dullqu and what he did about Canada iii conquere public merit in eddiiinn rotunda ere eveil able to broad retire at noupr ea nonproilt arranireiionebut rant to their individual mom ere MILEAGE All The eaoiine lax la recov orlhle ill the tailir pronilii ihet the ecllvity il deduclihin el bueinua we to Income tax urparel aeyl ilevenua can iii the typical cell where an employer peye the cinema id YOURBUSiNESS Taxman offering gasoline rebates emciee end Iniiititllone lulh tilted on ii employee who all their torrru 01 Irldlilinkmnd raiiwny betan Leyla and St Mn Que itllQuebec ierlsleture re vieed nuniclpai law and clieb llaoed code lNTERhRElelG THE NEW V1 Vlorloorhlll qdn rAfrchachliniiiieiii However concern over the extent at US reaction la avi dent in oohiielrcd reaction nu liberal iuhirlelon ioel etalce Ilba Soviet Unione intern routine in Angola ll reprehenu albia and alarmine am bound to erode further the crilmeiInl rmhoe oi deleIill hot la the proper Amlrlnliliclpdil to eporiaor aVcolielerintencililoii the answer it no The iorer notable mil in dollare and we liticaitredlt ehraed are al ly too lam tor the beaaiile aiyi to be rained ihe Wuhineton Star comf mtnta more bluntly that it is to Airlren nationltime to blow the whistle on the rowing American invoiveme the civil war in Meat lba la rid conceivable Ammo can in rest that would iueii commith to one or live otmthow contendtna nationlire incliool William duchlny le eervIltve eoliimairi laya State Secrele lioruy ltleeil lli ahollid try alkine the American people whether ihcyl would violent eanltionll mean real eaiictloneualhrt the Soviet Union and Cuba to be conliriuod ior he lol lock to within An care on compley buliiiesr iteI the employer who claime the relund The company may claim ei liter the rental in Veerlla ration or it may claim rciund oi liveeighth at ccrlt ier each mile lrevriiod by the employee Conlmiaeionn aoicameh end oihore who are not rompehleiod by their omnioora are coneldw ered to be leiemployed they may cteim the mind directlyo tor themeciver thll incometailtinio corms lho recipicnt iii rciviid rnluti either claim the net amount automobile exporure tihlt the aciual anvaunt paid ior eeaoiine ten the aubacqueill land or claim the mato amount but edd the rolled taxable income ilemcrnbor that your entitleH limit to retired rune out two yeerl liter you bought aulolino HOW TO COLLECT itotund application locate the nuniloer iaV Kilt and Elied drtucd enveloped may tallied at loll oliilcl ieletlohl oiilcte culloina olllcee and clll oillcu liio ciatine are handled what rnlxht be coiled the lcml honor ayaivm You arent quired to attach inveicri rootlple or vouchers nor pleat at burincel alebut you are pected to hero that kind documentation on hand in care the tall collector docich chacli llciund claims are prepared by compulcr to We rinuby porieni tli amwer ail ouoallolll oil theiormeuch aa the player number or Social lilllli lhee number Clelme ehould he not loheil enue Ctrlede Excite lan ini Dlvlliorl Oiteive tint all inr thither inierrnatieli llllllllltllllliilrdl diiierenl Division ilox all Ollewe KIN IV Queaiteril cen alto be ewereli el enyViocIi tilllee iira Teleghoile nurnbtre reilllld application as they