Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Dec 1975, p. 15

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In Tb at It bid he ou It Ah the to In he In rm It or II It ll Inneunrrumt BIRTHS WWII STOI OH NA It kw llzltltali um Irv um II ill If All WM III Ir um am an lh In IN Um Al Iann chum new smnaurms Atlwrwovu wurun IIle mot tormequ nu Damn hm II Wu It not he ll CINPII II mi 12 TENDERS math mums TCLBDAY hzczmn mm THE MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF VESPRA AND THE NOTTAWASAGA CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Invite Will tor study or nah IEIMLIIIM and datum pmhtrme en the RIM met nterrbed on mutt In rimmed an Ir belt January Thuma referent tor Lhil Denied an Ivrttahie Ingm uher the TOWNSHIP OF V5 01m Strettt BARRIE at the NOTTAWASAGA VAUJZY CONSERVA TION AUTllOltl lilrhnay 90 ANGUS It II ruoucNonch our Imr mm at them qu Luna rim or it tumnito II Humor In my mum mum nw 71m vs III tent on out liens law TIM II bur on II an If yum IIIm John III Ann tom wt II we Jamil rumI II Llama II we mu Inmr mm unset murv Iww II II It IJII In wmr mm mm vmu ct Aw rerun IM In It VIWNM tv IIImII DI IIARRIEJ FLORISTS ARE fr hlUlilELS FLOWERS 71 Beytleid Simt IIIleer HARRIS FLOWERS 01 Hunter Strut Beet IIHIOI TT IENDLEYS FLOWERS 7t Ulrike strut TIM MERITle LIllivlilmrldi In lama mm hlnl AIIMIIMTI mblrlL tux the hull IIIII IeuII on tor II to lure am mm or In mm on sun nu Mr II inn onutIIIn tar IIMII Ieu IIIII MI out rev nuIIad hut In mu you tune IIIII tarltt IMAth 0M tiilltl It II ruIIIIIII memory miter IIelrmIIurovmtImIIr on COMING EVENTS Bingo chnosdav pm ARMY NAVY and AIR FORCE CLUB Georqe St thntlle llrturrl Retail un Aime Sltttt ADMISSION we IT II THIJRSDAY KNIGHTS BINGO Weekly 730 pan lillllAiSY llAIIII Iver Il0 ln prim than with intIInlrs IIrIotr rial munn nuIIIIIIl can ot meow Ind thtmdo tn ch tha Mtnll the ml at the nork mur nto tor NOTICE OF APPLICLIII Illl CORPORATION Oi THE CITY OI BARRIE Full APPROVAL OF llhILttV IIITOBING SEWER RATE OR HATER WORKS RATE TAKE NOTICE THAT no Cduncii ol th tier rolloh oi Iha my eI Barrie In truth to spoilto he Outarlq Imirlhll Bond lor awmvll at an romtruntinn ol tnnk will met main truth the rioting unl ruy MIMI hunhule an new Dritr tent mainly trout hm ILle Drive theme northerly Ippmtrnotciy 1300 It and Includn 900 lrrtel dtchlna tor In InItltrntlon roller iur the Sandy ll ew IM OI twenty nan upen toodt ltut unit III my drrlre be It thmv loom it plumt In retro the nhoio at the annual mama by tumour at 100 at lhI hlmonthly uaM hill 1m the rum rate at II mIv Min lerirtlor vim mutton to the plant and bunk mm hvt now he renttmad to be until me The are upon nhldt Iuth mn role II to be tutod all the thrills lym nod being within thI cityol Butte Tho mer rJte shall he cunputed by rate on the 1M prairion designed rhlnh are comth to the Innre uorita em on the utter rato or harm charged or rhuruh hula that he tat tor lmda nhnso when or wcupuiia pimlme tyntrr lrorn the Mile Ltiiitlea Oomlutnn ol the my at Bank INTI Iurchnrre oi the bimonthly hlit ler wrtcr urcd payable ullh the blvmtothly vnter hill every tum menthr tht IR amount Ituil he chum tn the ownm or moonlit ol land who not oumtm outer lmmlhe luhtie Utiiltlu Communion th CIIy at Butte but who urn muncipalnum tor unyin an Age trnm the turd equal to 1007i ol the hmaunt uhtch uottld been eturrod had the 1th been putdud lrem Ihu Public tlltiltlu MINOR ot the City oI Burk tct ttIII Inter Imposed by Ihtr hytnw nuy he uthlhcl In on penalty tor late panned noon thI Iarno ttrms the penalty rhartcd by the luhiic Utilities Cenwntulon ot the City oi Be eon uInttv mounts Arty rnlr lyn nuy uilhln Inrntyhnr III otter the tint pnhlicatlen ot petim lend hy prepaid post to the clerk ol lhl Oty cl ButIt at the address xivrh below It MIIII In writlnl etatlnl hi ehloctlnntn tuch approval or to the tnrpetltlon oi the medal ll the Ontario Municipal Board mnyrooprove oi the IN lovl nun nto punurnt te Ihutatuta Ind mev horror ol the nil workl hut helm doing on it only appoint time and him In It public Irwin Irhcn nnv ohlcttinnt will he cetttvlmd but notice III lttclt ltthrlnn III he given III II thorn crwnla lme given notice It eblrctlon It provided lor rhove DATED AT TIIEVCIIY OI lIIIIlltliJ Ihio thth at December Ill SlltAlliIIliIIl Cty Clerk liox $00 IIARIIIII Outtrln NOTICE OI APPLICITION llt IIlkl CORPORATION III Till2 CITY OT BARR FOR APPROVAL OF DIILMV llllOSlIO SEWER RATE OR VAllllI WORKS RATE TAKE NOTICE THAT The Council at the mrmrollun at In City ol Ilarrle Intchda th ly to the Ontlrio tiunlnlhat Nerd ter Inrrnyri ol the wt Itnttt on at intuit unitary rower Innln Irvm tho cttrllnr min on Brock Street It Alma htrtet werleriy to llyment Road thrnca northerly on DIIIItIit itond Ior I00 INL thence hiltllg under IlwI 400 lor lecl thence Inutiwrly hr lI lrtt In iItlIn trcot at trnun Road them Ioutherly on Pattrtron Dill tor I030 tell ll rtt Itlllnlll coal at 0000000 hIIIl lntthdt to churn the whole ol the TI tort or the unrl as Iewrr rate tor II puiod 0i tunnty you upon llItdII thIt whiter my dertro hrnelit Ihcrehom it II moored te rnre It Iihoie ot the snnurt pmncnlo by Ittrciinrne or IWII on tho hl ht woterh This it the rule It II IIer Minx levied In III pirlirrlt hunk newero but uIlt new be tonlihurd to he leiltl out The III II on uhlch Iurh tenor rate II In be levied in all the Lvrda lylnr M1 ttelnn Iilhhi In City 01 Battle The newer rill Ihall be computed by rule on the intuit previously deli hailed which are connected to the rowIa Iverlto hunt the wat rule or diarrrl IIhImIl hr thrrrmha in mpch In IIILlt loud The bull ahaii be III III lend whole ownm or Muoantr pumiuuo sIrIIIIIIIIs AT Hi rnu Looms htt lti SnIIiI Iioul Cnrumunlty lllll till nIu timid 5th can CHECK YOUR ADS FOR ERRORS ON FIRST DAY th tIInII tzxtminn Will not IIIrrIIthliriv Iur errors alter he IhII dry at publication at IILI IIIIIIIIIIhoIIIcIIt NOTICE IIl LItllttltlih lllll llltl tt hIIOULD tuIrnrdiIltIy be riruiiled doll tInont llElOIIE II All NEXT MORNING Pub TTWW BOX REPLIES iI VSmudo to lnwerd rentiu to ho nIIrIIlIrrI tn IhI nrtIcrIiIrr In ulllhllil In mrwlt III ion lil either lailurn er dolly ltl Ion wnnttn Inch ttptlra hnwaver rallrd the nttcntlun at tho 72824l4 llhtte tveryi eIIdoIIrrIIIlII ha inrlvrn Ittelltln IVII nIIIIept Cr rum alleged In ltl Ihmttzlt IIIlIotuier II ureter lrcm the Public Ulllitlu Commlnlen ol the City at Barrie 100L nuruhmo oi the himonthiy hill or uhtoutmt payrhlo with the hlInottlhly water hilt new tun Inontlh ht All amount Ihait be charged in the owner or Occupant oi ilnd whn de NI purchm more Item the Imo Ia muncl ll mm or ClIIlIlI Irli RAW been nerrrd hIIt It equal to will or Iht Imounl uh ude Tr the min hem ourrhmd tom the Public UIIiIlIu Commotion III III City ol unrric tut the rotca Imrmcd hy ItIit hyarw nuiy he nutrient In all pcnnlly tor into payment tum the lame tmtut the pmlty charred hy the Public Utilities cenunlulm at tho City III TlMtl tin IIIth mottIIII Any many may within lnrnlynna IllyotrltIt the tint ouhiltntlon oi IIIII notice Irmt by INPIIII IMI to Its Clttk III lilo city oi llrnIe at tho titrlma girln hninw notice in writing oletlng hla oblcctlon to Inuit eppThVIt or In the thipoolllnn ol the Iperial rotr it The Ontario Municipal iioml may onmro pl the raid onolinl rate puruant tn the ItntutenhIl mlI lYltltrore or the rairt Wprlu hut brlore Ilehlg III It may BIIIIIIIRL time out rim ill public hvtn uhcu any ohirntoht IIIli he can IIltrrrl but notice OI tuth henr nlt Ilit be given why to time primer IIIhII IIth given notice 01 ohlrrtion er prelim tor nhnir mun lil rnr tth III ltllltltlt lllll nu tiny Itl IIINIIIDII Int nsrnIIIGIIIIN uty Clerk 1mm RARRIE Ontrill lIII 4WWWILMW TOWNSHIP or vrsrrn Public Nntlto TIE PAIIRINO VEHICLES 0N STREETS AND ROAD WAYS DURING SNOW REIIOIAL SEASON Retire in llhrtlry IVIII thrt tiny IIIIIIle Mt III IIIett nr rollinw tItlIIIl unnw Nmtrtl IcnIIIn Iiili he lnIIIIl It llIr IIIIreIIIn nl the nuntn III AIIIInIILInre utth r1mn llv Law II and the Hlxhuny mitie Mt All permit ere Irquesleil to with lhnnurlm Icceldthxiy Your cooperation requested IVAN CAIRNS liond Siloerlhtrnrirnt PALE In rum ol Inch land lba wrtrr lrcul the Public Cummle the lily cl Harrie hilt uhn GARDEN NOTES Christmns plants By JEAN TABLE nude llunlll sum NL In Sammy It In my vteuurc to attth open home at lrneyo tlewtn In Damn It cl mat Int ler reml mm Hm III been trying to tum time to ret the owner Bob Mum and Iry te held an ohm Im Seml our pie IIItie mil am the 9m nm In It lieu nra In Thou nmhotuu pri ute tutu and mum and nubile yunllnrt lien Iihr not here In our nun Iity My II are me that In at wonderful lew ol nhnt chrtIt mu plmta ntre milrbte Ind Iitili but not ltatl it Mud hnltk on many loulthmeriu ol olhrr open hour Ill Inot Iamo imtian It Tm uar mu In Barrie Donlcn Ias bulging nth oddim end entirin anthem niLI Mining and loedml thme ho had mm to he IINI thttr ul ditr hmhandr ll Ind ma herrdm didnt urn Minn to herllrulturri witty then but Iura loud tonne Ithrt ll mvr tendleys IInwu uu nnned by Itelrn Cox Ind hrr lltl hutbaltd LJtlr 1th held bouldertell Grunboilw Tho mermry lltl it war In tint on display mm at flowershop open house unnht aim at potential Ni id me even mullch tn uh minnu ll Etch aluminum menhoim not up mid Almost DIV wind ind mi turn It hem It looted ae rm and ad compltto Ind the am or to ardent Iudmrr prmr when one thintr et the tar mmttnn then milt tilt the mat ll null rmtm II III lrnm turn me People nun at All thoutd maid than Aloe peepie ultlt Ienre nu tome Iobr mint luut Lml theranl min thlhu tn lie man tub Thank rou Bot and tier lin nh tor IAla mt It you missed it mohe Il Ibait In another SOCIETY NEWS Inhruoo Travel Ltd at Barrie hu IIIWlled with brochure on lprlnlllml In Ltxvnetntlrlnrthmurcbltum Match to April 10 duknml lol people No like our at tnura Arty hortlwtturlIts in the lll could tontnct the company and It cmuzh lltlcitel Itlttl no tlltI ill L70 amun l0 better Iltt pm on time IIutUcullutal Society will wnmor tour to Ice tei em house ll nhIt uu ullel has tutnsdey Jan II There Ire unint cttlntru tirkrtt It tut Ind 51 mum tickclI II trr or Iprtn displry The manJLme lull Bua tutu Well at lootn on those omIlon re hydrangea pink Ind nhta crlccourtnx all kind oI busy ilrry hegenlas lMtll In Ct try roller and Iota ol potted el yrntha tour In lelll II MI II hum the pIIntI up more ltlltIIl nilnlI the most on mun notIsettlu They um in red Ind nhile really Irrlmy cllmv and TIMI pink Them plant tire new hbrltt erl ety unluIeIIn hetk In Mr this The old aridy didnt turn wry Ion but ofzn Ice lilo new lrty tllll it bimm ht Enter here not Ihryonnlhrniunu in bury mint ond those III tern sn tcll thrro here no busy Iiuy txoutlu The new Iorlcty tntso ybridt II the Illezet bunnih Their bloom Iertrr the NOW IIIIIlor turn the hilt tnIorx Ito huenir Ihuo um hcrutlI Iul luxlnial in their IIlIl rotors diIh gardens at all aim that are Ideal lltt Ior em om IIIIoi linsr There were men rInIItr el every kind tent at muse tins mine In pIIItrd lull oi tnt noum There VIII my trim Itly Busy otntt art run retrain Inrnts Pcuvl Married to be hot III Tfl Dltll TR my lngton tottt pm nltt to Shmray hull and are other are to ha announced It Fol iu It run To mam phone Imam norm or Betty meren 1260M hltt Men 10 am and pm daily The Jammy muting at llIrrla liomruilural Setiey will be In the lIlllrtl 5th auditor tum Jrnunry and mourn will he the mull ot the torn Dhlv rantut manner by the Torion thin mr In other did You ncnt bet thin but Its true my lail rel Mickey in home lnt rlimes learnt him by eccidtnt lot butter and happy lurk tn utth the ambulrnce mm at ltth twat to trite him lrom them uhm he ha been time Sept ll mt when he tell home They all inr rd him out he was Vitll urrd Int However he ttrrtu happy to be home except tor that other Int he her line bmnil our pet and trim montI him beam he wont play with her Denr rtndm tiny Il Inur ItraII human or othrruirr rnme tor Christmu amt nuy Ulrl run nhd themone Int Frd critical olCuban move WASHINGTON IAI It ha hetn nerrly ll Ian Ilnre the iinitrd Slllll broke all reintlonr with With Th anniversary Iru ItIIII two uteiu IIIny ep hlrtnlly IIont he mnrkrd by reIterntton nt oilirloi rontnr with the Rind country In rrctnt months the Inn wunlrlu Ircnrcd to he moving tIioIIr tn rcoterlntt normal tch lint the use at mitten Toldirrs lit the Alrlcan country of Angola irIt President toIIt l0 IlthoJdCI wbnnI policy It utrktnd now conlercnnr The action by litr tnhrn fotEIRIMRL in ocnIliIIr cornlul orrrl in inani Iitiuoys any opportunity lut trnprnrorurnt In relation with lhe UnitrII htotu toru arid It on Jan I000 Illil the late lrnoinrnt UitlElK litr rnhnnrt lrruho diplwnntl llrt with Lulu OIbII lemma tho Ith mun It UILIII unit which tho Initcil Stetrt hIII no etliriel contact mn through third nation Morin hltir hllur hiIIIII he CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 ttaIIiIiol Iovovuumnu Inc IIIIIII tar nu mu Not be mIImI rw lm Iyommtu rublltellm wIIrI IM uuoI at uni Ire nlrrtrvhu wrnqnunn whim mvll am In rm arter to IWIIMH IIRTNI INUAGIMIN MARRIAIIII nut IIII ID WEI AMiqunI IDIIII II her MIII II 13 cup or tutuxl mmmr wneI In oer we Itt MlMoltAM nnrrtu III III 57 with Yul tevnr line II III III III oMIttn IVINII ttlt err rotInIn Int It wean MINIMUM rutllltlo Anvllttltun IIhI hurwnt tutu IIIon II In wlihin Im One II In MIFIIOIII were Intrum lhln vimwluo In mmnr we Ur more women will alter Illilit tIrItonI ml ha orerte Ivliw thliIliiIn mu Illttlat Ion rmlrI chime their IT mun lawn Illt II wuoo hem tun IniIIII IIIIA ttt ol whom IIenIII III IIIIIII AND COIIIWIONI It nIuIttrI your Ill eII Illultu Io Ihl AI err In or II IIIIIIIIIII to II IIOINRI lmenl III II III mu any am or IItmluim IIII NI oIlm in er II rm rIIIIIIo irr Iewrn III IIIIII Illlil Imulm II InIIIIuIII III MI nunII lhltllevi In IIIIIIIIIIIII IN III thtn NW IIIIII II IIII ll ttIt lrIvoIvII tM IIIIsoIIII In nu whnh do nm II II the nine In III llument not illihl count Inn by wet in In IIIMIMI rm the Men le rm nr IIIIII um Idt PMnN IIIIIII new tomY It III rImIIIuI tnIIItienI ch twecn the Unltnt stlta anti Cuba Inert the Cuban III to lhr Sarto Union Hill Cubnu InIht rnce that the US ttllll has It tinnntrnntm tiny he Ihnnthnrd lontr north on Srlurdoy here Iherp written In II rrdilnl tnnrovcntcnt In its Cuhnn mm In ItItnl ltIOR Mill KNI SIGNED Ihr rIIIh III oiruinnc think that to Cuba bmutht hritt no Find IT control hrluncn III Ino wunlrlrr In IBII when thrue lroildcnt ltirhItIi Nixon Ind CIIbIIn Irriulrr Fillet LIIIIro signal an nntlokyluItinr Intmrtrnl to IR Ititontpt tn liep lhr rllmrt lInI it Iinrnt until tIIII yer llIJl thrIII Intro Itroru hr dirrtionr the lite rounlrir IIIre Irttlnr rInIIrIII on ltltli they IIeIIIII ronimnnirrte There IIrIe rilerte tn lnenlole Imrtt trtntr hrtueen the trio oountrler State sureter thin SIrrlney gdrrlblinglcclpitul of Southern Hemisphere emm mum sitar he become Its mural upt III II eSouthmI lirmirnbm its Inhabitzit In ham to shun their mercy on at thin Ihrt meter that II the picture dnvrn by LmnxntIIt Ntrr Writ tlctan cam lrctnlle uh barn stale Opwutm ufktmn to men And Im II ltmntlt triaqu ligum Ihoaed Ihlt Emmy mum on LndIIrmI hr irritation The an be knotty on any lnrrn hnrnr and xmtnued nun to IIth rrr poellud lint machinesor iitrlriLv in deterJ el pclh us right and huncrrdo el bold laurel IRWM thet out eminent mrnua Irvin In hllnx hei tnarrd teyentl the li bllllm mark rim the IrrIi emtted In arms1 ta intau at tint medw 11ml Potlnllc use Anrlllut ha pony eald tut hy the and of he now Iur 1737 me we lmrrl whats Ivuld ho Main ILL billion It nit the NIH budnt lnhud by Ihr stair outletMn nvrakd Lhe mm hm umbiitr Il Imnir Nt mid tumu tmn tut yearl rennrd In It Ills mime to In txlmllM Lt ILILloc TAXES LLCRATHE the rruu mm at nm Mir memo to thuortrn mrrI II Ilotrnathirr tmtnn which nit yield on uttrmted word can rrJlttm thin rut hrth ult The nkretl trom rating nu lien and mm the mulr roduzed mar ML mile on An arm at Ihr rill gourd First Christmas in this country TORONTO iCIl 1M It Ihcmhrro ot IIII Len lhonr tornIIy nill spend Ihtir lIrIt DrIIIIImu tn Conrdr living thrntu that tth are late Int tut hlr ml hire TRIR their liid rent And IIL Phant parrntr trothrrx and Ilitm um tiIiIu wmlortahty in the true expensive homtt tn them The Than amon list return III mm to Canada durtnr the Illhtlu in Vietnam and Camhodin Mr Than It ltborrlary technician IanI rtllurry in 03h am hr hopes that earned will hm hoqu Ind err Illltt Thtrt are IMR drllmnt Chrlotmno lrrdltienr in Cattldn nyr Illa Im the ml the olIrtiId hy the tnvirh CRIIIIRIH toy llltDlI III Toronto otnru out the tact loll parent buy in many premu tor their thit mt TRADITIONS lllt kill it my diitmnt In VlTl Itnuty IrIlrht hut our or Inn III or thn rhlltlreh am the helInw mm but there is nothh oiahoratt thrre no Srnu Clam lhe Tltlltl chIIImI IhiI tur tl Incluln thr hllltl oi Itrnrhnnrd llntrrnr lining the altctts on elaborate hubrch rhlrtrn dinnrr at mldhihl on Market baekot TORONTO ICII The 0th lrrlo teml CoIIIIII ntnrkot hal Ltl Implied Te EM to no mm tile tint writ oi Notrm htr to the um um el Imm hrr ltlnlnly herIII ol tom Writ prices it III announce lotitty lltt litlal Ittn OI III lltttu rinIIIIirIt tt nonperishable Iltotmrl allglltiv llit tn the Intellcn pilw IltCll on gro tttltl exthtlin meats tnI nro tltttt uhirh rame tnln etlrot last month The print oi tho halktt it tho ntrrrle nut III III lIcniI PIlLClI ItI lilo ninlor Innormrrkria in ltrtropoliteu Totnnto II If r55 tlrnry KIIIIRIII ntkmwlcdrrtt IIII month IhII thrra had been Inch plan In the worn and that their who talk at rolling up hurhall ranre hIIImri UN and Cuban ertliI The United Stairs Initrnnl trade mtrirtienr IIAIMI Cube trniri thitlcllbh nn hIhIn Iiolrrntrt to tho UN wtre eased the Unilnl Stein oupporlrd more to tilt the Organization OI Anterlran Strict rmbnrgn unlnrt Cuba and uric Ill menrurn turd in nonniire rur Ilehr drnlln Iiiih the 0mm It In mrindetl hill the rentitcl urrr Armin retrntly lrml by lortunll Ind now winked rhunrril III the Ilannlr wa appointed IttltONltl CF Clttlttll Iirniiett Ontario mlnloler III in tliiV tint leurlrnl Innounrrtt Ilandey the rpnnlnlmtnt til JIIIIIrr low ItIirl extrullII nIIiIer at tho nrntlnrtr lhrro Ilrirldpnirnt olpnrttienr which IIIIi mite lam In muninlprl hit to rhmiuate lnrliulmi Ile Ieiopmrht Iir IIrnnrlt him run nutllltltl thr Ippninunrnl ot DI ltl Rodgm II nlanrninn dittc II vt tIs IIIIIaIIu lIltltItlitIIiL Chm rrrlncint AIIIrI Etrhrh uhn rerlrhrd lrIt Mk Prognosis good SASHIOON ICI John MII tivu Dietrrtntrr Iiiti he ruttlnr rhnrt thrlr rirhlinn In MUSth Iolln lltl lIIrIrniIIIrtt HI ntllci Inrr prime thirtieth Ollnun nlitnn uid In lrirphnne Inllr Iiew llohdny rpokoltnnn uld the doctor pro nexlo Ia Rood ond hirr litttn iter ll rminina IlIo ure at her leltI In hand Illtl lr by lll wen Important to let they reollv mean to lot Irlnnda and thin Chrlrtmu or mnnov order chrtrtrmo EII nd untic Ilaw er in motto gardenEmitt tnu tradition in Vittruur The limit aim will tare Canadian aintu dllticuil to II lull te alter the tropicot unthtr el teuam think we hill IIII stay manly lnIldII ulr hire Ihan She the utility iI mu 1th with limited budxrl nut no will ttIt In thonqu thII no will be hit terether thI moon To ha nther In Can Ida likl thin to thr my but no could hm hosed tor PUBLIC menta manhunt muh rum Ii the minor Ann mutt ehch mm WI mar LI If meal yer TAD 3331 turrets eon Irma r0 tILnzd whine III 32 Itll lien Puhtib raid the rowermil Ia illiial the no that kid the rotdrn an lkrrdte the lad that haw tenth Wu ulna in Itrnhir the mantra Item Inm ltkal DI LII the rim Autumn Inter nomhtnn it return lm Io elem and sport that uhrr IIIA etemrmk nld ll23 BUFFER Thu mmmeme rrtn tun named the timed duh mammal Lalo tint tuoandnl mncr dubs Itch paid out liien L1 riotnucth LIX thin yur Ire Rating tor hit trialbut the government Igmml their IM or led Incrzlin nEI Ihr utuallon no Mm in the min IMltrt uhnh us tuned to pay out In additional Qt mlli Mlmlkr my the heriirst In In tulrmin putth tut poe militia and when Inst trelnm mite Door return tar thrtr lll ancrt Smsstnl IIAIE buds shew It huIlrr rtlimrc un gambitIn to boost treasury lundr ho id This linnneiel year 11 per tent at total mrrure Iu thn steie emu roams tt tht Iain three the grim rmnt tumth blind eye to the within 0T tIIrlsl enrrrtort Ind minor which he one rim llbullshlnl on on unpmdentrd WORKS GARBAGE COLLECTION There will be no garbage collectlon on the allow in dries Thursday Dcccmlm 25th 1915 CIIIISIIRM Day Friday Dmmhcr 20th D75 Boxing Day Saturday December 27th 1075 Thtltltlly Jammy Ill IUIII er tar my the Sanitary landfill Silo lcrudnle Drive will be closed on the chewing dates CHRISTMAS DAY BOXING DAV an YEARS DAT Residents whose normal collection days Illl on the IhoIe dates will hevcltletr garbage rcmovrtl on their next rcgulnr collection day The cnopcrotion oi all In Nnt Fox CIT SltlTllll la IIIIIIrItinted Publlt Work Superintcndent sheathmunINttnhnitnitnhutw In The Examiner At thin time of voer It to eapeclailv rionda know how much to oath other The Barrio Examiner for only $400 qlvon you unique way know youre thinking about them rolntlvnr For your nationalized chrlatmn Grootlnn phone The Barrie Examiner 7282414 or llil In eupon below with cheque Moll to Christmer Greotlnnl The Berlin Exemlnar 16 Bovfield Sh Benin Ont Prim your ntcsngo here not morn than 24 words To 25 552 TWNWRWN KI lIs ER Tags wk IIIIII IIIIIII nlninnmIR herA twm nth

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