it IIIIIDYVZIIEILl In alldey uerv IlIn reaonroerirehnntoxystm etGeorpII Connects Irhr autumnal nun ate and 4ch lien III Iurded the Ior limiter the aorta the year India Meyer nhmunnnmontavn erelwrre it table in play It this eehI meetlnz oi the ndze 1121 Matter oi the open you Yiitiillle has lasted years All over Lands in the lewweetuncbooltenchenlnthe JehooiI have been lorinr holdup their ItotdenLe tor chrirtman concern We hire all been to than first udalldrnn Indrthen II lond Inondtntrlng parents Ind there he bipedal moxie Miun thallI remind pert oi the mil Gristmill the at the stable ZCburch Ichooltencticrs Itory toe thI bcen busy with the Inno Ii prmnutlon end it Ilwayr one evenirtl when the church willlheplclld and the ieeilnl at 01an inimriliod Imld stain cidomeslic prepara What is no special about these events How diitereot are they homthe usual roncutt think the diiiermcc is in the innocent hdiei ot the children thnt Christmas really iI Ipe hiIi Limo Ind not lust tor the pre Icon thoywill receive AI we watch the ioccs ol the ltnynxerI there Is In sunro neaI mood to the audience that they eve Iheoiutelyztlut Jest as was born in taxable all so years no no doubt about the donkey the Vile man and Joseph and Mary woven knows they were there smir that Hpart from the pieesure or utdiint little ones perform the other teeliu tint adult roo oive horn there chriItmu con run is rememberonce or lhctryorn innocent hello when they were young when they still went to sunny School and be ioro they crew up to mate their own decisions on religion Wholever we believe now therein no other Iiory tint has passeddown through Ii Iwn IhonIand yarn from limits to children to tie colored Ind no on There must hero been Iiorlel with more lb tion end with more novel but It there were they did not rur we tlhybotr Could it be that mouth Ill thore years people would to he lleva in the bnby Jesus rent to the midi Withlhouiholelocburch Royal things than we rise declared to tammlriu the Marta Ilihaltpedl oi tom plowinr II II no hliiilGE CLUB NEWS mcmhIndmNand Hurray illll JeIti Berth and rammrmmnom We inure nah at one and Birth Wane Ind Ruth Dania Ind GrueCetlns the mmlmermlhlhe Maude tetcllle lime hie Qulj Ind 11 ill Dr Pootnihoti Ind 5Io lather Prim were won Win Goo Di Donnell Ind Helen ME The club willmcet twice at 5L GeorgeI Parish run helore theendoilheyear6nmcutill bevllndlccnand 51113 mm EXAMINER SATURDAY Dianna me WWW Mr tTestimony and The Christin Businessmen hidisirigih highlight monthly meeting multimeter mimitteudmioheld ltIIclaA monthly dinner matter It the Catian true recently with no people Itleootnr lndodm jimmy woman himu Felts wel Nmmeereegmtumu rzpoopie were Inertia om who prmuhot toheilevn Wt inGod rarely tell their exile ren that the stable story is non sensedo they in the same old rnakle tint cotton to Imod Ill oi us each year the IIme mellowinl to wards end other the love Iud charity that comes to Indthatlmahes us do better done or while Not doc Isl Guilt nm in ct Di oonru Christmas Ilsa mak es people erouer thrn theyVI lzeros balmyhilt The Itraln of ye evrrrhlnl ready by tmIe Eva letter its toll ot many wile Indrnother and cross word otten comes out beiore it can be Itepped it In cnn only remember the rut reason wiry we are Io bury We might be able tobe more undone about all the extra lobe to be done And When we Iee the unrest isch oi the children storing tA way in lien er it really earnethlnx Hal Plan new siis The Midhnnt Grail Group will begin the new ych with vcrlee oi lessons in meritrte 1M first item Icheduied lor Jen will aim limitation in basic meme Participenla lull requun 50 centrior cord 0n Jar 22 Ihore will be in struction oratorme jewellery and 75 cent will he needed Mini Kim It 1130 ll Pauls Anziican 018mb WEAVER TEACH WATEILWO Ont CF Weavert bit niomhers have been Itinedlnl uorhhop con ducted by Sallie oSuiliven Vdcglgin giggle designer rorn Ire learning but mm and color eory trni or tourheroes loom Miss OSttlllvan we awarded the GaillornlI cold nwdel ior atom can work by the tin Society in two minty the story is an nItur She works tor the insir ml in the tooth Payer but dairy or wesrruotrousn So gov arm It PowP rth Prim BARRIE rv Aprilnu De Co or St IrriI 7284297 Save 5n Two Level their tint meeting MI PH nre Jim lime oi the Caraabeli Recse team Cemhridue Ic com micdbyhlandeon Ilia led tethering in two Clit can be fun It pile oi colorfully wrnpptd rifts under the tree is decora tiw Ind tentnllrinl Ilth Pack Ixes in bright rel and green wrappinu myrterlour looklor packages oddrhaped and inter uilnlt Mlle that nttle when Ibaken these are Ill Christina Wra pint tilts imIgirtItlvety in ix part or iun Grimm Hera Iorne were you can find usual and linemen rive gilt wrap idnu around the house repeeially in your will com Fsbrlc eeraye Inyihiol lrorn velveteen to cIlieo make excellent wrrpplnx motorist do cotton terry eioth townie or sheets ot decorntive Chrlrlmar tree cottoan tie up wines therer colored yarn hlII lope iIce oricottoo ritkrIoie variety original prek uge irlxrui wreaths candy corn trees can he crested with rtclcrnck Form In Ittractle Christmaatreerrilh rowI oi green ricirrack in would lengths Giue no colored quu lnI iortree ornaments and use item In em Ilmier introduced the must cr minor too to tanner Mr Hnrriruton iI actively in volred in mutt tori HI is gablemanna Mario Bible 498 main in at 71311011 Gld con BlhlsSoclety Ind Presbyg lcdln Gourd Board 1116 Milli hold itlnt meeting inn it Lilli rapring ode hlaa tape rat to mm and hue 1o pieaee led of any age Ishlon very special pretend with trootinos oi rultlca and lace Trim velveteenrs peck Ixe with white cation her eye let rulties bends ol cotton em broidery or lrilly errandy IP pliques For devotee oI eIriy Ameri cans use lengths oi rcd calico or ray provincial print as gilt mopping Tie up the packs with heavy twine Ind decerrte thh In Irrmxernent ol pine norm and pine cooes LITTLE THING RUIN VIHiNA AustriI CPD FrInr Ind Johann Neumnnnr maa ended mm or eat 1m Ielesmnn lied tilled their home in thil dly with his collection ot the tiny reptile Ind even took me to bed Fineny Mrs Neu mann lied ior divorce and had her httsorrtd and the women thrown out rumr Aboui it lnvite us to your PIriy Well hIip you to be where you In needed most with your irilndl not In the kitchen Well bring our dolleioul hot Chinese ioodlo your door at your mum time ring to plriieaiot all types and Ilth 10 Ill eri yleionp Irdere em to Free delivery on olden ever 00 Chinese Food iolplaytteld St mun APPMPIIAIB career ior comers WI include technolo gy Ind each run more at them Ionpt the Hod Gillen oi Barrie Li secondyeermeohanlut death in technician Itudenl and la operltlnrv will machine the colleel POLLY POINTERS DrIrPeilylhore who have Iupenlsioe they will out it it children who Iieptcky ea is hit messy loime gt1 younl tersrnluirtllrIlocrymycurI Ittetztbelirerbutwnrthlt tor this have iound that tl you Stood next to bent and even let la them cook anythlnl they do them help you hold the skillet netilk too much with OPEN MONDAY FRIDAY AM toemneumuiucm he Itrhrnenmeynlsedhe Er brine relItlm Ind Mend Er 2353 In micnnucn who ran Lechsnicel DHth Tectonic The mIehlne works iron inn Pronun thorxien Colin er man to prod our Photo tree any MW limo one till oust 3333 in with 55 LOOKING FOR REALLY uutoue were woman to mix the Coeper now neour runs Ill AI ElCAR Nrietire hi eneruhwa Inn Innovate Air Puriers In aimed to overcome the Medinabin dentition which exit in rmnceheeenuetrteiemodoroueiru gallztsmollm microarm wmwmn more Now non motsnuenmvznr JOHN LINDSEY on no IAN mm MnhwthM 233 Mouse eertienl toicoorae handle when it la putiln to mutant and close cookMn our ALLMERCHANDISE AlBARRIE srrouo HAND srortr ANDANIIQUEDEPARTMENT uurtt one 1311975 Ollit WAREHOUSE Isvrituuo IAND wrrvr cor ro on our hm SATURDAYBAM 5PM monarchninth