Noorobe vet on radiation Bilingualism HITAA rm TI ma til it no al lb Sir Us lirit mug radi the mulch raih lil mi the hold thl and in OTTAWA Gs tieaiah if Isrr Marv blood aald 1m day he has not yet lederll Investigation Into grub lemsvrbkh mlth aria from radioactivity la the Port liar region on miles east oi Toronto Iiorever he and in Corn mom mly in Allah laureiaca PC ortbmmbu land Duri nmr that the Atomic Energy CAntrol Board is proposing an lainiizatiora pill the help oi hallih department olildalr murmur vrboae ndlo Includes Port Hope had asked Ihetber Ottawa had collected any medar al Iniormallon on present and ormer employees ol doravlo Nuclear Lid the Crown corporation med or dumping radioactive matsrisk yaer ago its aha wind to know whether an scipol chil dren are being examined Mrshaon do sad the situation in being investigated bytha On tario health miniatryuud Eldo ado ripeiur tibera Is no lederal authorin curring out the medical checks yt the present time he said on grant hiNGSToN OntCPl Col Kingston senior clilxens eluh tau meltea mu toderal on grant to play shilliehoard do we the governments program reduce expaodliure it bas been Weed Mars blank mlnLder oi health and victim announced Vednuday that New ltorlnona grant to St Margarets senior ahulllaboard dob will be used to train chumboard and tool pads and darts in the pro am or activiilu err Hortmna nhichtas iributcd more than us million in grant ior Sim Imlor cilia sensprolects since 1772 will not be airedad by raindnla on or an it an nounced Thursday by Prim minister irudeau rays spokesman loi die prognm lieien Fullertrar director at the aluaitieboarduproxrlm said uro no soul the grant slast ocemhaa and rho sees no reason or it to be allotted by torment restraints Appointed nonoxro cm Toronto lawyer Bertha iiron 51 has been named to the Ohlurio Court ol Appeal it was an ncuneod Friday ills wum Is the iirst woman if blihumod lo lhl Court or howlinc higher ltourl In Onwlo ribs kiiron succeeds lr Jiutica Walter bchroctlcr who tr retiring Ian Dies at 58 lhrtritlge 53 nrlional rico presldcnt and honorary coun sellor oi the Canadian lied Cross Society died Thursday oi Niagara Paola police ehlei neu mama miner lag ha barrier in sir Partridge laid men al hmlntheOntariadivisionol thaw RESCINJW bdorebesmedunnuoaai presides oi aocictyirm my drum in lir Partridge mutant vb lnedll Inf Mmalsovraaaaaember mu oI the board or governors alv Xiaxaton General Hospital For bravery iELUND oat cor Nine belitvpt pilots receith anode or may Friday or messing as perv Roan the Mann River gorge Aug alter rat overturned on ta Ml policemen and slxeiviianseecatvediho awards txom Niagara Regional Police at an ennui awards barwet The pilots new helicopters tan the lgotta that thunder rm resale passengers irom the one nitr Policeman who receiiwd award are Iliml Derby an Robert Abra mdooostable hedges botb pl prvvlodll lice Civilian pilots horrored are kduardloro and Aegis lilo Dougald both of month Prank Edwards oi Niagara Nuimti llaaold lide ol stoney Cr Ont Greg Verde oi tendon Oral and Paul Gil at Coderlch Ont 24 charges LONDON Dnt CPI Karen Patriclaickson 15 at London vras sentenced in provincial court Friday to in months in dailoiio alter being convicted on charges She pleaded guilty beiora Judge il Canon to Is charges oi uttering lorgcd cheques live counts lorgtry two counts ol possession at sto ien erty 1131 one count oi enter and their and breath at probation Dickson was arrested in Lon don on Oct at alter police re coveed silverware and paint Inga in KIngsDn Ont Police said the items had been stolen ircm londcn horna Sept ApproVaI sought BELLEV at Vicl The Kliavtiogmliice Edw Roman Catholic separate school board Is sending three execu tive salary increases to the led erul antiination board lor air proval trustee said Friday Paul Fleming one or tour trustees who opposed lbs in creascs said that three oi the live executive anisry Increases are shove the tperccnt ieds err guideline The three Include that ol Del presems CURLING TROPHY searis event winter clnirru ol the winning rink lmldt at the inner may Members on its Alum all June Farr Dumber Photo halmera pmident ol nlol der hill Caldwell second LIn lustkv healtb uaospnrtatlon and ads catioia are areas leei mew rut use IIEX salt In an Ingerin Octane AttorneyGeneral itoy 2mg tint ll murmur luma will mu fwcreCopungurin OSulllvan board aupnrlnten dent or ethicatiou who received some to bring his salary to 1000 Irvin lessoran in crease oi 11 per cent Ed Paouet superintendent at business received 55000 in crease to raise his salnry to 935 from SlrdOOau lia crease oi to per cent The third salary that or lid Neville director oi education II raised 000 to will lrom $9030 increase oi per cent in other two Increases in the auperttrtcndent oi plant and the transportation oliicer aer rlrghtly under 13 per ceot The board approved the sala rles Tuesday night At the some time lt approve upercent salary increases lcr aamtaries and eusodinns ha Georgian Foundation the Parierming Aria proudly presents TERRIFIC GIFT IDEA IVAN rotor straight Inna Massey llalil one NIGHT oNLv FRIDAY rev ms AT PM GEORGIAN COLLEGE THEATRE BARRIE All that reserved 50 00 50 Available helm Dec It at foundation cities to Deploy It MIS Mtbr Jan at tha silica Sana momma and sad the stunt Centre IBSDunlopE Mononv ro THURSOAY SALISBURY STEAK WITIrI NATURAL GRAVY MKWitwicititdtuPmrEC $535 Childroh under i2 $225 viii rr oiling NOW PLAYING 7I0 il Thobmlrilint iliiiilibllltt mixes martial Wm Irw PelorSellers ar Alorrl TNopngli NoapiiaiAdmlolsiraion in tribulations It uid whmuil laugh in Aslilnlmoh rmruua outrun mobs dolrriiia IMPERIAL CINEMA rneMagniiicenb Oriel STARTS suuonv 910 Pm MJt latertalmneal JACK ROILWS AND CHARLIE do Production vuov uiudwlitil rugylnriurtrigzuruuboiusn simulatortootuttvrunuonuimhtaiwm osinaur Ireunmutuasxatonrmrm Tonight Admittance Restricted the Four Deuces intuition gmtitjd FEATURING Boasi or Bee or 1na My with moaty mi in and Gihlet Gravy yWllda Sal4 Saiad ma we aim Man on tau Platters Mg Festive Desaertl CHRISTMAS DAY 15 NOON lzn PAL Armin Children under 10 Iv prim it BARBIE MJOOOII ruwm Rd EluRdeltoIIMM KING of DRAG ans LIFE and Tums Alive on Dead WIERE Hoytwa is Quorum pennant womanat PLUS He rock on rhrrquhesr white aniq lN Aurruca with Bane uids by undone niroiiir drtnio iirate Pistol Italic suinuounriosg LEE Ill lil WE