Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Dec 1975, p. 1

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dreued lnllrlleween Lamae elk heun to requ Interlor Lull thenrs MIlllh to lllm com er ten Thw Vlerlrnen verllen Inlnan IrtI cent Mayor Iutu rule the rib bon melded Icrnu the Itch Ileclnrelhxhns let be Iqu Illnn Inlends ollthe Catchment mending cuts tn eons Ilene are EM ll Ine nuneed by Prune hllnhtmei em IMun In his Ilrht InInt with have been levorubl xv eelverl It Ibo ml use manually IN mm unify It to Hula II tent nmlc MINI end to lnllntlnn to erhul to sun Greater Bah nI Chamber at Gumtree man Ire Beh HkoInod need berlnnhg more Mld be done tol nmment elllclenry Indelh mnlIte Indutrlnt lnwntmcnt blr Hollywood snld One be lo are rrrdrt to the memmcnl he HIII Idem ttmgh hope they blur the menu omuhm AIrnn chk kit Ind Roaerltley rlchl look on drgmbgins to come true ElliINN FOP hopelte nonth cntnt Amalthehlrnbolthe enrnu deal MallMu glen mum meter In Menu drttjtue nl Ire mudnznrmnew ltwlll house In Indllnrltlnt urinllatuled Irt urery Irt rmtel IlDCIO Why Nnotllod erIILI centre Ind nmldu to WI lnllII our tor Irtlrtl Ind ltltm ol the as lldl Inntylndllll er en Int dlnrepnlr ler thwart In venue the nu er the males II nrehlll dty pollen Ittuon Nev 1Inleu Interlvum III Illd an Inn MIN oust fa Intethenlrfthd dr It llatchrlnnn Inkllnmll IInIrtr hutlmt urnlap Inn gt Im Pe werubleteuecknnwn lonell tlteetolenvehleleend muted rm olteo Irntedthreenolhy whezwrrel WIWllltlth wrynw wo NIIII re mm Incl enters Itlbertxllreen Ilocrl lul drl rumble te Itlerd Intol Ingest hold Luv Imllx Itere 0611 ed tbern tozn he let nd ealledvpelleeend anly deterlornllnz Ianmlelty ennlmrlng deput rnent hendquu tere wanted In 1m llJ Vtctnr Innater unhltecture hu been pruned by mnny ltlslnrlIns lnl luunlntle lulu mrler to NM the mole llrelull whleh hm been saved Ind Iell Ivrthml awn Ind Ilna InolIl When Ilntndlor domolltlnn bentIyeIrInnIhIllIznle mu Inr munIelle rig hut Blend 01 the re clthens mun nllted to me II Item the when hum mer mud nthny at these In Itnnnentrl In perundue the clty In clause ItI plan or the lInrl Inert bulldlng cluttered Imld the xrucul hrlet Irvhe Ind lwlndem Iplth ln mlmlen ll nnel more tutored FOP dulrmhn Dallelulld 01 Ill en hunt belle vo II Mr OIIlIy an AM cant rnlnlmlze the Ind dr ht It Ill led to lllndl here norm mm butldln we don to both torn down hendded could In be Iochln It It lot now were ltnet lo Ioresllht It many members It mnellt lo Ieehle the mom dil nutl nl the nrvmm Govmmllnt enlbaeh wlll ellmlnnte some 01 the more eonlmenlnl prnrrnmr nuclr es Wunlllu lor Youth the Germany It awn Mirna Ind Ihlmmtlon Canada out wIIl Ietmly reduce the hudzot the anl Inlllallres Pfezrnm Ind lbe Phll om nIIlre stall Ihe pulley stntetnnLt Inllnws on the heels ehmbce ell enmmm Idler addressed to the Prune unstru nhlLh urges complete Irene on xovenrment exvemllture and the replace mnt oI sochl IrIlIre mmnte Wm nrnmms Ilmtd It the rtl mlmol lnwh Mmrwth CR hIr Hollywood and much at ran Itil be rmed1mm the loveran Indnrrxeeted Mr Outlay alder the new even though nearly tlvnTllllon Illll needed to mleletlte lob Elenemi lwnd to be reported rnlulng lwm llunIllon The money hnd been mm mm In Inelt male Wmnanle who Itlr Green Inter Inked In In In hII In Autn he made III In the when iletlon wlth ht omen rerlhe nun we found to whd be wnnted In Illa Unlled Stntu lnr Irmed mbbcry Inn deported let trutmm hey we returned to ht parents Alan Cnrtercounly court ledge all he lotlnd It dllnwlt ln benpllmlsllc IN the lnlnre wlththe IIIte oI Ioclety teem The only elnnol hwe he uld wuthn Iplendld ellorl nude by grows Ind Iervlee club In Ild the pol tee lorce cited were Bnnrbnnlleru ltll mvldlnx Inow maehlnrs Ind Nulptltnt tar My downstre Ilons In eebwlnt Chrysler CInndalor nollce patrol baIt mrrII Klnmen Ivr IInenelnnthe tethe heave on medal whalelllmr llifl Wynn Ed Illlllll en hrmnm VI hu been In the Iran with pollce tom Wu th hlel Illnpmwmdm IL nu Inuit Item the lldllltll mm to null rhel dothaeonhhle Tubman Intelrnutl Fe marl tenure routlnenplel ldmnld plpnlllu IILeanyn ours Antlllery Pol Irlychertitrrrtrem Cradle lheudlnner In Innuelntlrlr mum School made thelr Ital orlInlxednr the Burle Pollen ever nublu perlnrmlnee un mmmhelenuw the lmxmn dentherhreetlon at Bob llrll tlnn II In honnr Iot cIlelnnI who when untrth to the Io on lure FunJunk nullce other llnlillldao mtlll art IIISEW IE4 Iumse relented IntlrlrIlItel eItthy rh traclnx Ed erhnrt ear The no In entertrlnrhrnl mvldrd hy Ildlceelneers CnnItIhleI on Drover Inn tn tellpenn 84ml PItroI Iyetem hleldex Employees Asmlrtlon Ier pw vldln InndIlnr the purchase It WIhew great treat enthnsllsn Ind nnmher otoeonlelnvollcd Onlley IeldN Ill veneer let ol nwn WINES SUPPORT well Iovunmutt run the F01 hm recclved the IL rt eI reveral ell buslnereee er the that phase II the rule vntlnn end restnretlen With the LIP mnt most It the emch Ind prrtltlen Well on both lloorI ol the bultdlnl wIIl be removed to create new erel lnrre open arm llInlelnnwr Dorlen Pnker wII Ilse on hand Ingwleh the F0 luck Ind success In brlns In thzlr plane tor the reball to remplctlon she pmmlsed the Irlendr Ml Iuwerl Ind hide led to In den Mntlnz to Ice the bulldlnz become the Inn wlture and III centre hope thl Ith m3 Il lnys the lean at llnl Thomzm In the cIty who Ire Ituueo INN Ihe eel there to rellrve name eI those doubII bytc tlnns Ind nnnclll help SheInk Ihe wlll slve her he honetheOpUmIstCluhLIerIvlderl rupport to let Ier Increnlnx mmnIunlty tu lmllllvn WWW tor the poll through the Policeman olthe err Iwud Ind to the Helm Club or pr vldlm horn IrIIler emblems law Llnfenld spell Ihe enldut EWIth Ilnter Ionthlned wllh heavy mnw aqu mr mm the mlng III In mene County Llner not mm In In Iterllnz my male rnnhlcms Allhouzlt momlng tempere luu In Dante oI lc earn an mblrmnlnr rend Ilearln enmgpellee report lew are kl lh on llre In any ere wmylw cl mineratrnt nu Incldeuls durlng the nlzhl but nann Intolth Injury or ex tuxtlve mall dame Sgt Impe my all the nuhllc Ll he commded en the care liken tn keep lhn Ireldcnt II ureu Itedln gtItlllon ICKBI rumm Ibluo lrInsrnlt durlng thlI er Gltterdx lllllzlrdutk MW nnnnr erllnerol rune erruornn IN nurkthomlnr mldty canned nun hues to met allan oemrrod It blow on twe constant ulrl DILn Ihn rhino note Im vnIreIlmIleremnIor Ill Iumnolt lIlrnmJ roll MllxtentrantlorrnelI Iteuon Twenty me employeeI wer MW dropnlnl we Ilru ed untll Itzse pm to erect III Sane Tenant Ml ll rnllee tenth el BI In Ilteent elatrle war lwr bornl Mtdly Melon stand Sandy have and Ieontlnulnr to re alch lelnt leenrndl lleleh Pl Bench and um were Kt In In henr tlllll git mum any Immun t=llvo elmmt Inner the the IlnllIttl hm er the tellum nema mow LII ten on normal rtlnht Prerlnchl holler Ier llerrle lnvrstlgnled were at rnlnnr nI ture had no reports at onhllr Inhecrlntlen umpalxn un ner why to restore the bulldlna to thrlvln community centre When Iund tor lhe melor res ontlon ere rnlml the round lloornl the bulldln wlllheune lhn Iunlterlnm theItrIel BIGIB In Art gallery Ind mlt ehop lhI mend rlnnr wIll ev enluhlly house mnele recltIl went rrelt IrrI meetlnz Tnem Ind managerl olllre Ihe Imement there ee tall cells exlst now tell beeen vertgdllnte drmlnx rooms lherI Ill the he WIIII Ilene rep storm Inn on this leve fllTI btlltwu tthnLr the heck eI thehulldln rIIt be re Lalned wlll the arches over the Iormer gulf deer onto celller St the brclrvmrk on the north end mt Ildu ol llll bulldlnr wlllhe renner raml clerned sens lulled tlhltlu causing trallle beldrllp Arehlrle MIMI towel ln ln nlxlll MIMI hnd $3030 69m ue when It Illd Into dLlrh on the ltth Comralon near tho Flllh Sldrrond om nruruhy No lnlurlra were re wemmnn lor the mlnlrtrv It Irenroortnllon Ind enmmtml Ine meme with nwlgm IIItIonI Im In Inwth the urea but lerlnrnte near Colltngnood where unnumthlmmr lo that because yet though rim rhe Whhe Hour no cm or using the Ck ellenawall IlIrrle Cenlrul Cnllcslllnl lunler ml Ienlur bnnds were textured It Chrlstrnar Con eertmrIdty Mule lrom CITIZENS DANCE AMSTERDAM lAlt SI South Ilolucun gunmen In In lIldeCIAltl tlnn llama land rrlcunl MIME un lrmnerl llOlIt um Itnlenexlhn rentalIn today MANIHIIY end ln today time that began In blaze ll slhllr and yrttln Mthln In Itlti the Irrtd Inttarm Inll leylul the elmII lth Ilm Ihe ILnrcndrr rnmr hcuu Iltrr tho wntnrn threw birth dly petty Irr ehr ol lhelr Im Inzel ml Iwn dgyI alter Ilr nlher South hloltwcnne trend Itnltrr hmluer mm hUaekrd traln out on thelr mllerawny rudlnn lldey order In Ihhh Ihrcepcmn all new runnuumnt annuluee be es tahhnlted tnseek nu II In rnesln Leglent Ml DIM me Ind LII1 rem11W elnl mat udbutnesm In Nah Innate hrneheu Ind hlPr evenIllIoendlnz Int In ambulanme year hlr Trude Illr Hollyuvod new at Ier peevle to rented the govern rncnI tougher Intllmllatlon Io tine nun be the next dry lln OTTAWA WI Hill llon elmp nn ledenl spendln If Innounccd Ihtnnley II the normed mntrlbutlon to In mllnnltghtlnr Ind Ptlrne Mil lster mrdenu all every CI nndlen wlll led the unmet The measures latest In the uttlnllntlnn prorun launched Oct Iul spendmx rum lnmtly IL new to youth pm graml Ind the CBC But rules were motlcrl tlon Under Ilebert Staneld lled them won Lame became mznll spend nlllwlllrtselnlhenewlln eII year whlch stert Aprtl The ruts apply rnnlnlytn new wendlnz nlannrd erirlnally lnr Inn rectum because nI are concern over lnllatlen Nelther Prlmer ulnhler Irrdlllunel Chllstlnu eenn In eluslnl overtures hy 5m rm ml Leland Yorrhnld IIIth tted the program IN STREETS ijlih Molucqan were Ullrrl Those runmrnlao yet he tOhtclonIv one pcrwn In Inrleneslan Ilelal dlltl In the Iv Ilrgo rem lnlerlr lustturd lumplnz Iran nlndow tryln Le escrpe Trudeau who went on nettenrl telerlslon In Inmuncn the tr nor Treasury Pmnent lcnn Chretlen Ihe oullinedthl quetIenI In In Connnone all how mndt the government IILI spend In men turn Illl Innonnced In February But In the government has tsltmIled Ipendlnl lhll Itv Cuts to direct menl mm he honed mmmwmhum pram Mellie Lnrhtdeiulnr cmwomutmcmm km You me the Opportlnnllee laxIm tnl hllllon wth more to come Ind wendlnx In the next year ITIII Itlll by netml hllllon dnllm se thnl lille tItIl drmre than $18 hIIllon lndlented Onntlnued with In Iltrib uted to IIan mm It elrtue mule mulled cue lnnlb and other sedIl Meme TheMilka reductlnn In nlndnd About St bllllnn In mount that nrlnu remn auertrnent at other Int In all at $210 per chllrl under Inland at he by Ibeut mg to Meet hulk llrInL At the um um ovanu Inrnt Method OK llnn prlnt rerulntlen make th nntlldlntlnn mum tenth Outllncd In pr last It the gluten extant much It the eonntrtutlan tn MU pmrdnp to In OUBIE SNOWMOBILE my xewlr an new higher new tlnu tlm Year Ihlt My Innounml ler Chrtxtntcul the In you on SJTI nm crn mas IILLIM llnb dolly Muse llrne rm two lots nlpcnt utlldllkc slew Ir null Iltze ULo halls pltuecJ IIIMn Jordan Ilenre rim It lure II In ILERS FROM $22990 COLLEGIATE BANDS ENTERTAIN errt Md Inlllorlum IV by Iudlt rev Vt US rh The unmen It the ronsulrte lymheltcelly lowernl lhelt out 1114 Item the hulhllnn Ihnrlly helm nm Incel tlme Ill Intervle ml were Llrlten cll In lhrre when paddy wrsomr cerl drlven ell In hue ne Imlllng threuuh Iha LIrdcw balconch Ind llnsthzt In Wired bath IltI ml Irren ll People llrln tn the em came vlsln In no lent 5an rain Inches Detentbor

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