INNISHLIBOYSZHAYE run nutmeg rune putmr Rodderd osmium Brent Woo and rlmei or nose nun our Peel Dullertnllmeul The Maui Owernmentr new Mnlntmmm mud re cently by Finance sum Don Ild tieoDonnid mutt beetronz Iy euyported by III Cmdinne to ermrre the prom rill be euc cuelil In redurlnl Ination end rrnrioyment Ali mu do what they can to make the prszrIn wort ll individuals iooir lorlm hdu in the ohmem ctthcr tor documcrutd Were orid Belnry Ihrnueim or tor their overspen lee Ind hope the restsaim Ind Melina will reply to someone also lhenthe promo worm be nieces Ination ovoid nontinue until our comrAIIUvo lion drnetleallyvdetaimtcr the export market Tttte would secn decline In the number oi lobe IvellcbII uhllh to Why it 11 ea Important tbltlhl ms Debt be Iuccesslui Our punt situation exists be Bruce not In one in humour Cot Month Early pier mode Wnm rioricbalo lnISIaynertalr STAYNERtsAmlelor miller enlculturni and IrIde tIIr next September ltIve beeo Moles Ircnotrerehzt croq ooe miiymeree noun vinatbemge thsinor Photosl IMntve MWW mrtiseomy newsrooms connect zecunen 1i guidedtbwnslpsf HOOKSle Still II lie donle tovndlio II Imel eI II not torce morbltrkud Norm show or tiedonte we ortrlnuty aet cdbyebylewplnedbytbe slime Dlrtriot Bound on 0d II all Thirbylnw unlit lilt debit tth Thi North Dr llite Ind hlmnddl township tor munidwl moose with Solnlvcoursdl tuneup were unicorn to nude tor election purposes 0n the name dielhe distrth mull Imltrd the townships oi Ont Ind Soilh Orillin Ind presid rci or the dectlon ol townshio canclllore tor the united bonn mL These bytm were pureed uo don the Ithortly given to Us County oi Elmroo byrlhe Deid nin ltd which hcceme otteotlve In 1530 This was the lemon Il oi the OntIrio Municipal Act Ind the Iounddlm oI municipal WI III development Ioereeud the townships lemme IthIrIIod whit eech hevlog ltn own elected coun cll 0m eeoereled Irom South 0rtliietn seer IIIEDONTE COUNCIL IIIOONSNNErtSuIII no tint meednn Ior me will be held by Iledonte towrnhip council on Itondey Jen It It it IJIL have In em Anton heed the oouoctl usng lllbeiut the record nIrt ot twoyen vCounctllorI burn Wlikir Ken Potteoeend Due em with tlowlrd Robinson clerIrI CDLDWATEII concerts COLDWAIER sum It Chrittrnel conert will be held belike Houston htrsI hlrrrrsry Cultnx with Ilzrl Nitrite United uni Idsoci Interim on My GymIn Do InhibitM oeloek 0M vmrrx ono ore tetme Gilrbrlet Ilii bond the were can nonresidentan textile Ilen nle mmwyrpM21INI itednhis bum hi Gil striated be cerrespoodlnn Iee reIIry Ind Gere losler usin Mt tremor VIM orncme DRILL StemMn Jenna McGuire Ins been loaded Is rIntI omide the Wornen Missionary Society of MIDI on Presbyterian thumb Mythe new me term ruccecdlng lire Itnrker the Arthur Mb not him June Benton tr ind Mrs Post Illd Iltse till Thornm Ire III ytwvmldbnu with Mrs Sidney Pommy trees urer and Mrs Barktr secretary TECUMSFTII HALL BEENN Stall 1th township munieinIIi lull on the min meet to casted pert oi Breton rrErIred Its ttth errI It month Loco records show he building IgtIctully opened on Dec IJ CUIILLVG IIIINNIZILII EDIIIIIMII ISIulIII IIIIIIEDIIIII Iv ew pres lute Orsrtlng Assochtlou lllrs rlet llewltt skipped the rlnt drew whiners In the wonten eccllon or the OrttllI curling club at were Jun Uren Ruby Antonio and Coral the Mil im the club rhlm plonlhlp erulnet the Iccond drlw vim in 1min hr Inns bmekuTbe rink will ploy to ttiiliun unto wombu MURDER Oliver more received run of no rem otteodvidsr alertIII 1m Phones dchotchi mutiny percentI moths mqu Gibb Ikes lIl Addition lothemltls Ilr iirernieoelotished nw mnlv titler becrnee ot lbe trier Irritable mm dee eprinrr Wlm lcednd brute ot whisky were taken to Bertie when etioromts nae nude to various pix Round the tell well or Toronto The Itory we told that gm loud at Mushy onee upset It the bottom hi thI Intuition known es Dunoe hill Indapotw Id Into the bubblinl stream which led to It Moo celled Whin try their tor some yearn 25 ICES GALLON In the plooccr when costs one lemnnd there we no In on whisky It soil It rent ued Mn until reel 0M uri Hub lleed by $21ng ihrlr It IIrre sawmill also we erected on the book at what later become known willow met by AmoeOImmlnglt was recorded IIIoIMu rolll erg cold to Dnvld GIrvln In FluW Md Mu hlldtutm IIlIIonon Inotrhmerwnutiaploneer in lxlwiI ed the Garvin mill twins The true we ehsnreote guilty mm um giton opemied by Megmdmthn and ceIn lied lbotttlllb Ionp Inctory Ill operntcd emu distillery coutln recelvtng utteotiun from the dir by WIka Grtddie with the 1th run Senirextiibeheidhlbn arm kiloan supper will be held at cm torth newill uttering Iur Eun lei IIIIL This will elollowed by Irol mice with rm urged to bring the dtiiiirw It Christine dinnrr Ind party Is to be hcltl on Vrdntssthy ntnnglthlhe mendolbl ML couurr thMPSbS courm MEETINGS lIIUIIURSI sum to when Ibo proneot coon Idrnirl lstrntile cornptex nu IllsderIeoo Itrudlon hm strmoe Count tounctl deported Irons tradition Ind bold qucnul veriotn In hddvlno Arm Brnritord nod Port Stanton In Oelilln Iouruhlp Mtcr Ihe Initial meet loz Io Thronto In in bed been held In Berni Int time IIEETON ROTARY BEENN ISNII BrIdiori Rotor club eponeored 1M tnn ub when It rrcercd on Feb Nnrmnh IIrDonIId we the boner ldant Ind hunk Lee Iec IIAnINn uoepmb COLLINGWOOD Ml the Collin oed General Ind Itnrlne heal me duston to lnIo IccquItiuoIIclpItedIqurn nm mdqtrlmmuhe lrsftetlon Ind lnoot con mi nl mtrlctedtpdue men yean Ito IIIr bound and were dermde he hlnh In order to cdver Intlli poled Iuture Inated rtre In creases This vicious ep It must be stopped IN lNPLT C05 Ilnder the guidelines touch in the restraint pronem priceIn mexn will only be allowed to coverony loueoecdtoput emu Knoblowed eostI must be detmndslwttl he llinlted loseI1 cert undo on timepfilevmvlogfrnq on red monolos Ielllng duote lo the export market or be Iilow ed IM prince provtuna In other countries tor leexpoltodeM note only Exporttnr com ole wtli he directed to mow the domcntlcmerktt In accordance MIR linlguldtlihcs lovesmeet II committed thIn Vlbblei site the lvii vlcelwlll it limited The Civil Service llt roe expulsion ol maintenance at trots no the the tavern mmt Ih uIdceorenIMroo the bexcI oi our society eryt cullurnl Wmum development at new enorry resources mesh Ifgwer retriininl mint hone nond stronger tum tocnsur Into moiety Conxldmhlo enter will be reoturcd to pdoI IILuIIelyngrry out programs to ie ere Title could result In other prokrrms rullutnu In or onth we are able to carry omlthore Iet protrromr holding topIpIIosIllesn CRUCIAL PROBLEM or my III rrucIIl problem bot tom The Inilntionery process In Ce reuse we have become cnughtup to Ivrlhcr reducing Its ownrexn mp entmmd In In rptrel where eompnnler nrev mirror their mum to tote Senior citizens urged to wrestle with DITAWA ICI Bruin wnshed to tho rword Welter lurnbuil uscs to describe people who believe that ego to mark the end at competence Ind the beginnan ol Incompetence tor humnn brings Ilr tIInIbuil president at the Guru Senior Cltlren Council told ecolore It Iconterence recently to let up Irom their IeIgey otsIlre end wrestle with In spite ot the tact that we know we luve the ebillty Io coolrlbutcrmch to our world we listen to ounger people tell tho do thlI Indvnot tint until we art pushed out oI our lifes work It on Ige when no Ire Just brglnnlnn to Ilrx our wisdom mueclesho told Met II worse ollrre while we elnrt believing the humor that we really arent competent and oil around Iwnltlng tor Iomoone to roadie on home senior citizens do need roddllog Ihowevrr but not In the Ileng eenrn ol the term Goldloin told the that the elderly do not let Mr there olhesith rere repoclelly tor the most common peyohoromntte lltv nures at their Ire grouplone tlncrn end de rersion While phymt IIIIIrn well cared tor notional litllil which Iometlmu cabin thoie Wtieal the to tho tlrrt plIce Ir neglected the own Iprodtcemept murmur to III II mobrlb MI myrhlnlrlo we pmdlturco over IbotIuhh we nnno ed Inytho June I21 bud no problems the elderly In lite Dttnwn region which he nbout 60030 pcoplo our age to We hove to chm our ster ootypod picture at old people he eIld reterrlng to the myths st Inevltoble Ienlllty and mem ory Ion connected with old these people In not crlxy They have right to ply chintrtlle service nI well anyone elu he sold fur Goldstein sold the Ivero of stay ol nrrnior citizen In occugotlonnllhcropy pro rm at lioan Ottawa liol pItIl II month but oIten Iiter one visit to orythiotrlst the pnllrnle Iymptmne decrease Ollcn the there est In ilIe ond no to get In volved In tho husln oI llvlnn north NOW rouommente pr Ietlon can only be bmltht under control by brood Indieomzre henoive IcIIon national scale end with broadpubllo tupport Im cnoodrnzori by your Init III reeponu erupting the posedcount nt Itos tinny We he written lot on or leleoIho rive their Import to the prod mm which they lumbar hope will be tlrtly Idrrurdrtered III the time sou have rend this reporI the provinros will here met Heist with the Iltlntnrrot Finnnee At this meeting ynnny at the refuletloonend eooclllo till iii onc one rupee Itntcmcnt that was It Ied In the House of Commons dust week The policy eiutemrntrovcre the Illlllc ouldcllntI end the or proech to he trim or title voylcty ol IiIuItIons would be more thunpteascd In send you copy Either rend me note to Itoom tit cooledcrrstlon quId In aimed at tngpllouse oICommone Ottawo Itmml people who have out their men or stop by my ridln alike In Whit cetcd otiIIl lirnmelen City Cen tre whom there tro plenty oI urtru rortu EMU cnueerinunr lhbIoiyosIprlondbertinetlrlg IltuelreilontlrromshnrrylnOnlnilo IrtulyourIoImlllquurflnm humum awsmi ier Colllnzw have edeniol the Stuntor comm Loo whileth prieislowl DON 75 59 via naywrap from Toront A=lwodoytlrlrvlr ritually held on Tuesday IodWednesdIy durlng the letter port at Sep embed muttthow crimi Iurel dlrpleyl In trommercinl boothn ere tcolur III whit rpeclol extertetnment Irlrcs Ire usually presented It the closing honouct Plvnn bonspiele alcollihgwood COLLINGWOOD lStIIlinFlnt at rtnlu to register wIII be re copied Ior Ihe nnntul midwln mene upon both sIpIeIleInIed SntIurdey Jen thrre eightend Kllllcl Ire planned or each rlnlr with nriIA tor the most wins with him est pun rcores Ed iiyelop II In churue entries The lsdlon section willepon bohepld on Wedneutet Jr Ii when two ions nines Ire Inhnrrtvtor each rink hlrl Sen ro Shunnon Ix registering the entries mixed corrmiltlon known nsItto uvchheurI Iolri lI rle cdvIorVulcntlIeI bay on Sets urdeyt Icu II Three eimbend TORONTO 10 LONDON nnrunu Moll III Illlltlll nu nun Ivrlll out rnrrr met Fly now and enjoy militia tuoslnntinl nevlnos oveteehedulod titlinnletes Im drinks wiihlupltb meals end no clubn tololn uncrowded Brliun Inning hotel rooms is tlmpleendr eeuonutylouneeos tenements Inool uncrowdeddheeietn nretntoll Mn utdlltotEqu II It comes are planned for each rink 3min my imh msr Xntrirk1 bo tpi will $3 Ito rtt tolo Mayls SOLD mg touristy beheld on Saturday It tie to sotn soul In Jail Wm mm min mu HEMMINTERVAC Advance tttisztlrlrrtnitohizl tumhmpositronoutlinloestemtlenew oi Booklngctinrtertll htthot rnnlohoeyourholl oyplane II and book ammo Nlhgnu In between YoronlolniemrhenIIAIr utd army Amnimi Innovnnoo our new Immune Iiipnnblepnbookno aiweotywmuuous dnysbolmoeoettutl llothatelmploo crncziwlonnt onheretoewelyouvltohibookrtunltooooemw RendylGo youloncnybutm IIpiLWbIlmottmwttbuI ded Inume tell tlnmloe Iesottorucnnnoodtote rooms Itlnnuweracmteotnn oleher unnnmu tlltl mu to you uuzt Must tom ton to Aotle tilt IOLD 50L sou thu nun on line Dr 25 the Jen my Jill Ihlt Jen I5 Ihu Jill ll lhu to Inutebs mum lint Mutt tuno titrtt tIuII sou Mutt auto 23 eoLo IOU roLo Aotil to snIn Msye solo Mus non urzey AIEAINSI PUBLICITY EDMONTONv CPI Grant his murder couple who rhoore civtl ceremony lnstnld of conventional church weds lino4n ront at an utter In hlt basement An nppolnled Iner Ilezo rommlnrtoner since his retirement Ron erI bclleves mnrrluue it private eIIIlr end returee to conduct perks end other MAdvnuneeomocmunguuoommsinppm the Cmmhmmrtcommeslon Not alluded el Clnedlenltlnepomtml peylblnutnbelem oII ARTICLES toilette About To eIIII the tint hint Into Ill Irtlrler tied drostertleld blect Ind white houndtooth llorcuioo with alarm rection WI Slnpio ocd box eorlnr Ind moltreis new we Cotter Ieblem pontcakmtelo adulthood Johnson Il QUICK ACTION Dunlap St Betrle I4 MIpie Ave BItrie mt nit EXAMINER WT eutlnim nchIrtuiIrIPrnuetlonlntwmlt iiii Wrl SEEATRAVELAGENT WANT AD phone 71M