at re rig ens For Working Womunvv tint yay won women it SEEEEE iii Sign ii it hi 293 J2 295 He to or in E1 El if iii gee it ii Nonpanned by St John moutumn hard Vilay Cotholic Winnenl Ir bu which now cost layoutlin boryl 71 souion heran Ire lethmchenconveoermenri vMiI Angel Lemur hold Ithouducheeh the inrhcrrhuzhomllnydnrv Iroon Iuolin ooriI IlImthIIhoVItatou my RioItIyVIhlnthomt SugarllNoLqrigeri Chdeornrriodiipi AsPoodCoStstontinUe TbSpircg11 iii llketoherr Ind lromthou Eeiiii iii or in 25 it lion mm no our hedIM atni tin Flwmmmrtf doyou muL trim Why lithium our doom if Revidol II he hem mooted with vIluetIinnlqu 18 r213 esog EggsFFr Eli glee lt it it been numb ey considered In aierzy mmJownodJinmIr lenenlly morn thnn or live pounds mini The price oi owned bu otrounlnmemooum tour in ngh MK mimmmmwwdmr menu mow well notations ol morn locum mixnent week Dmp on AIM cookie ii iii at is on cmls in Inn Wiili tor It nnnunon oi lento Lid Dull IllIII ii 55 E5 MR AND liiJIS irkeustiii Noiiii Airwoman ot Ittunin flow erlyhowr nod undies deconb ed lrinity Antiiun Churrii tor the nodding oi SendrI Lynn North Ind Hoyd Allunder Pr ier Form on Oct Rev Speerl ollleinied The hridl ii the dItlyhier oi Dir Ind Mn Almndtt Willinm North Till lillnuint ihI hriderroom is the Ion oi iir Ind hire Lloyd Aleunder Duo enn Fertitton oi Ron BL liIrrlI Given in morrim by her tether the bride um trIdi tlonIl own white hIzodI ll thinned with IquIrI neckline Ind tony toil alum pout headdres oi Ieed Dentin held till We OW length veil oi tulle iliuIion hor dlzedvlthAienMcoodlue bouquet white cannibal well try Ind hzbrr breath Illu lintu In luhdden In mid oi ham iirende mum you man Alricen hm rItun oil colored heed that convey amnion For new yellow meIne lm 31M mm menus with new Me CORRECTION PINECRESI DANCEHALL Thltwuk tutoring JIM PHILLIPS IAND IIIS DJI for re mtlom cell Aiziliiu ul SlillenIRd 12 eioenmtmthmnnuudu necessary dry dim IIpeciIlly tor child Mn BkIBuy bellow it mention at tin heoi purple BAN SUGAR Dont lint on ten nil Iyr lirl Hm Wood bat it oom dtetoiyi She min using Iuh mm Mv Pm it you Irystntuuiod in rm mom homneonoom no no Port Severn ordinl to en entitle rcieII ed hyCInIdinn Prose on week lhe IngaMilt in not only ooei hm tnihnil thy While it in not inthe umo inogueuhuoln hmutultCIn ImInI the tivirrionn dol lar habit that dIrnuoI hoolihitincotlni mini coll ovay do NorthInd LlndI Ind EIIherhI m3 bowl Sermon were hrIdeImIidr 4m we The Itiendnnu lonnuownl oi claw who hurrtiody were trimmed with um um rm white embroidered law They mm cIrrled bouquet oi deep pink NEALan inchth rm connnnerI AiinltIJItinitter An But mm was Doug Keown oi wan i116 the when were Brian $2 zm North Wayne fang mimxhyt Followin the weddlnl recep tion in royal Cnludilll WWI $1 In tiiirii ett or rt Quehyc The bride won men waif veeiorium lilo and white enterohle with brown mum mamm up Willi emits utilising In tumor too Mr and lireJerniIon wulw 5C 53mm to hem Ind may mourns mono llill him no need to eat ruin OHMtown mt trIveiied hecruu our MI can It Ill mm Toronto 10340 Grill the by Wiltlb Ind Nobietnn Iirint out at my carhow trIvero mm mm The mom moo hnvo liliii LANDERS Toltes TvvolnPeople ii To Play lh on more iii eornoone on there in you remind urdleooe is too llie tor my own mother Ste died lIrt meekhorn my lItherI Birdie llama om mly toDad in no lie mined in ttnte Ax yam whioh hi hi ielt Ila outfwdmn with cm the TV vehennei wont to whutl on the other Itnllonr Drtio me With my Iister today He mot ASKED her to do mythic it we aim In ordtr litommldnt leave DId with acticnl nurse or paid tih lielnwidnt hour oi it Sho wontiod door to thIt houre ni Mid day She on her i180 duh dropped out oi her hookrwiew circle love in her Midee lmiwihdni ovon have Maori In because Dad domoixiod Mt untidde Ittentlori we Itiitk In othnrdt with molt children Iiid Mp her MI Ilr tor me too bury to give my mothu hand GINOS HAIR instant FORMERLY ROBERIS HAIR FASHION Speeltiixinp In lll Unitex Slyln OPENING SPECIAL ram cm or HAIRSPRAY wmt EVERY cut sm Oli BIUNG FRIEN ANDGEIZI noov WAVES Foil THE FREE or 75 humor 31 BARRIE om PHoNEi misoi Ihoot8nklinhitwmmde Game roetirxt ymrliiom no poundI and vmit drwnhlil irom thoru Whtnehe died Inst week of heart inch Iho Mil last than 100 bad now in rut homo 1W hi this Ni him he ist if ii warn AM won SUGAium motile alive Iodey Slnn meuuri Wm gt dd on well beaten heIr Friend sinq dmr but ymr Lather Mid not lian ex ploited that poor women with out but cooperation She should thuk 11d MI two llkntwnlcplt wee on motion in tde with he Maid and go ponndiiod him to tyrnnolra She Ibo Iliouid lnve insisted that HI one give her come ro itd and the ootiid tho roitod oooigh hell to la hot point it take two to plounny tame and anothcr uniottunnttiy out how been willing par tldoentiiiuibooelteeivery mlwmmmm Iorryior hoihoiihrm Idown od hither ehotn than chopped filll lit Iiiiod IiiF1170 toil it both won it hit doom WW $02m cu haminll menial into booting uoll Sit inaodlm in in honey mixture minor wait Drop in tenrpoonmi onto neiimued cookie sheet Boire in modulate ENTERPRISE HOLIDAYS to Motion thI hiedltlrrlneln IndCmryhiIndI troupe the Canadian winter with mat hollow idea Mucus iloldnyl including lweekinlmdooplueehoieo oi or mil in item Sonlnl Costa dot Sol The Con Iryiisirndr or iiinirlI Prom 16 tricluiiny return IiriI Enterprise livlideye iir In exciting iierlhlo vocation inn Union linioron The Cost hnry or ltmlrin Spend crroiroe donhyau please or wvtiu Ill inclurive lrom longer Winter EspreI Spend twowoelueivlyiromltnCI nednn uioter in spntnt 0qu dd Sol Stay in hoaiitilui lamenthotel from toiliil hronkiert Ind ilrincr duin ior weeks iaveiwogrid in Collinr 17 Prlel Mown hpnlllon Indbmdon 2mm Mum mommmuan mummy mmmnmumm mmmodruon Atk your Trlvei Agent now to it Ecliupiiis Holldayt on on elm pirnnlnn your vmtlcntotiry 11 to to trim ovoo it do ref Open Thong Fri up mhwmw new woouri CONTINENTALWills NEW YEARS tvt strut To any terviee eiuh deompeny Ioclel club or group The ContinentIlnnyill eoniplemeniyourigreup rite oi lie iunetion voom iltlllildl or yourNw YIIrI Eve Bell Providing We Do CIterIng ruucnou moms LEFT They will neeommo rim item 50 in MO people per group For Rn rveilonl Co the SIIII Office to rmrvI your room Iiiiollowinn hurlneuei Ire FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE DRUG MART PRESCRIPTIONS DAM In to it mm SUNDAY ll AM to PM it leitluton vv moo FREDS FLOWERS inn ll It ltrwd ltrn not to not yn MW Foil Au minim SALMON STEAK 3125 BARRIE seIFooo HAW Air Doolionon out it to ruddy itol nth it me Lima ilIIonI ice omitrt It more SUNDAY2